The Young Republic (1789-1816)
(The second half of lesson 4)
The establishment of the machinery of government.
In 1988 the Constitution was ratified and later went into effect.
In 1789, March, Washington was elected unanimously as president. The Congress was elected as well, which was ineffective. It discussed irrelevant at that time questions. There was national debt, paper money was worthless, there was no army or system of courts.
The country had serious problems. The first senators worked ineffectively. In 1789 there were no army, taxation etc. Representatives imposed a Tariff on imports, a tax on alcohol, duties on foreign vehicles (ships), tried to create departments – the Treasury (financial problems), the department of State (foreign policy), the department of War.
The Judiciary act of 1789 was passed, according to which the federal court system consisted of the Supreme court (6 federal justices), district courts in every state, 3 appeals courts.
No one believed that the USA would last long
In 1789 The House of Representatives amended the Constitution. 10 amendments – the Bill of Rights (initially there were 12 proposed by the Congress).
The 1 gave people the freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to demand changes, the right to assemble peacefully.
The 2 allowed bearing arms.
The 3 protected the privacy of private property, prohibited to quarter troops in private houses.
The 4 prohibited unreasonable arrests, searches, confiscation (seizure) of property.
The 5 established due process of law in all criminal cases.
The 6 – a right to a fair and speedy trial by jury.
The 7 – a trial by jury in civil cases in which citizens sue for damages.
The 8 gives protection from cruel and unusual punishment and high bail.
The 9 – people retain other rights, that aren’t listed in the US Constitution.
The 10 – powers that are not delegated to federal government by the Constitution are given to state governments and to the people of the US.
In 1789 Washington didn’t know what to do. What power could the president exercise? How to act? As a constitutional monarch, or as an active politician? He preferred to make decisions himself, but he consulted his administration (his officers).
He addressed the Congress personally. Jefferson believed, that it was OK to send messages (until 1917).
The question whether president could appoint his administration (officers) without the consent of the Congress. It was agreed that he could do that. According to the Constitution, the president could conduct foreign policy with the consent of the Congress. Washington wanted the decisions to be made quickly. He asked the Congress only to ratify the treaties, while he himself negotiated them.
The Country had a huge national debt (54 million dollars). Some states had their own debts as well. No country wanted to give America money. Alexander Hamilton, 32, the secretary of Treasury, thought that debts should be accumulated into a single debt and had to be paid by raising taxes. For that purpose The Bank of the USA was created for a term of 20 years. It collected taxes, held government funds, made loans to the government and other borrowers etc. The program was successful.
It was important to support industry through high tariffs on import to protect American industry from foreign competition. There were governmental subsidies for businessmen. Hamilton’s policy was controversial. He managed to create a modern economic system, which was not based on slavery. It was based on investment. This made America powerful country. Foreign investments started to flow.
The first political parties.
In 1787 no one discussed this problem. By the middle of 1790s there were two parties – the federalists (Washington, Hamilton, Adams), the republicans (Jefferson) – democratic republican party. The federalists favored a strong centralized federal government. Only this way it was possible to support the development of trade, commerce. The federalists wanted to impose higher taxes. The republicans believed, that America was the country of farmers. They did not need stable currency and banks. Centralized government led to tyranny. Southern people supported the republicans, Northerners – the federalists. It was necessary to support states. There was no need to have a stable currency.
Jeffersonian republicans became in the 20th century the democratic party.
1793 – The conflict with France broke out. America had to ask France to recall its minister from the USA. The French minister came to the US to ask America to help change the situation in Europe and overthrow kings. The French wanted Americans to be involved in the revolutionary war in Europe. Washington disagreed. He did not want to support France and decided that the US should stay neutral.
A tax on whiskey was imposed. Farmers in Western Pennsylvania rebelled against a high tax on whiskey, because they produced corn, which they distilled into whiskey. The tax on whiskey brought a negative effect. People demanded to repeal the tax. The rebellion was put down by governmental soldiers (15000).
The conflict with Britain
Washington wanted to keep a good, close contact with Britain.
1794 – Britain confiscated (seized) 300 American ships headed to France. Britain claimed that they belonged to the British Empire. The ships were to bring the supplies to France. John Jay, chief justice of the Supreme court, went to London to negotiate. Britain agreed to compensate for the ships and allow America to trade with India, promised not to attack American ships again provided that America did not bring supplies to the British enemies. America was not allowed to trade with France.But Britain did not compensate for the slaves that were carried to Britain after the revolution.
Southerners wanted compensation for slaves, but they did not get it. They criticize John Jay.
1796 Washington retired, refusing to become the president for the 3d time.
1796 – the first election, when parties competed, voters could choose between the competing parties. John Adams won (71 votes). Jefferson was not far from him (68). The latter became the vice president. This tradition existed until 1804.
John Adams faced a serious problem with France (undeclared war 1796-1799). The reason for it was the negotiation of John Jay. France accused America of dealing with Britain. France did not get any compensation. France started to attack American ships. Adams sent three delegates to France, but they were not received. Negotiations were continuously postponed. The delegates were advised to pay a bribe and agree to pay a loan of 10 million dollars to France. The delegates refused to do this.
1799 the administration of Adams managed to avoid an open confrontation and to negotiate, but he didn’t manage to get compensation and he became unpopular. The countries agreed to stop confiscating each other’s ships. Adams wasn’t reelected in 1800.
Two acts triggered problems. Alien act (not 5 but 14 years to get citizenship) and Sedition act (1798). According to the latter, no one could say anything bad about the government. These decisions violated the freedom of speech.
Thomas Jefferson.
He was elected in 1800. The first republican president. In 1801 he said, that the federalist country was ineffective. Proposed some principles: limited government, the respect of states’ rights, the reduction of public debt, the promotion of agriculture, the limited role of the government in people’s lives.
Jefferson cut the budget, reduced expenses, reduced the army (3000 soldiers and 6 ships) and prohibited taxes on alcohol. He eliminated all sorts of tools of governmental control.
The case of Marbury v. Madison.
1789 – The system of courts was established. The judiciary act of 1801. Adams changed it (50 new positions for federalist judges and there were a lot of appointments). They (the judges) needed a formal letter of appointment (патенты) (for judges). Supreme courts had no right to order the administration. It possessed the power in judicial review (конституционный контроль).
William Marbury did not get a letter of appointment. He asked the Supreme court that James Madison gave it to him. In 1803 it was ruled that Supreme court could not order the administration to act. The system of checks and balances started to really work.
1803 – Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson bought it from Napoleon for 50 million dollars. The territory of the US doubled.
Jefferson in 1807 imposed an embargo on trade with Britain and France. They were rivals. They wanted to join them. Embargo was costly, unpopular. During those 15 months America lost a lot of money. Then it was lifted. America started to have closer relationships with France. America alienated from Britain, which led to a war.
The war of 1812 (the 2nd war of Independence). The Americans fought with the British (Canadians). The causes for this war: the embargo made America closer to France that wanted America to fight against the British, also America feared that Britain would capture its former colonies (British supported Native Americans Indians, who didn’t want to leave their land and used British guns to fight Americans), America wanted to eliminate the British danger in Canada.
America declared war in summer, but it was weak at that time.
Americans attacked Canada. James Madison was the president at that time.
1813 – America realized its weakness. The US lost a part of its territory. In 1814 the British outnumbered Americans, captured and burnt Washington DC. In summer Americans knew that they could resist, but could not win.
In December France was defeated, the war was thus over, ending in a «draw». However, it was a relative success for the USA.
The feeling of national pride overcame America. American industry started to flourish. The US government induced Spain to give up the southern lands. Britain started to respect the American boarders.
The federalist party became unpopular and disappeared as a result of this war.
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