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Вуз: Предмет: Файл:

Учебный год 22-23 / Слыщенков. Договор к-п-2

6.2 Mб

<3> Ibid. P. 681.

, ,


nemo dat;

" (ostensible authority) <1>




nemo dat, . . 24, 25 (1) 1979 .



, . ,




<1> . . 174 ,

nemo dat .



, .


; ,




. , "

" (possession is nine tenth of the law), ,




. ,






. caveat emptor

, , ,

, ,


, . caveat emptor ,


1893 . <1>.

(implied warranty of title)

<2>. ,

, ,

(property) <3> ( . 2 1979 .) <4> , ,

( . 12) <5>.


<1> .: Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 155 sq.; Powell R. Eviction in Roman Law and English law // Studies in the Roman Law of Sale. Dedicated to the Memory of Francis de Zulueta / Ed. by D. Daube. Oxford, 1959. P. 87 - 89; Rowland v Divall [1923] 2 K.B. 500, 505.

<2> .: Lawson F.H. Op. cit. P. 365.

<3> Lawson F.H., Rudden B. (Op. cit. P. 57): "

" (ownership) the property in the goods ( )

title to goods "; ,


, " "

, , the owner of a legal mortgage (Ibid. P. 9092). property (Ibid. P. 20):

(bailee) " " (special property),

, , "

" (general property) (Ibid. P. 81).

<4> 2 (1): " - ,

, ".

<5> 12: "(1) ...

(implied term) ,

(sale) ,

(agreement to sell) ,

(when the property is to pass). (2)

... (implied term),

(a) ,

, (charge or encumbrance),

, (b) ,





12 (1) 1979 . ,

" " (right to sell) . ,

. ,

, ,

, " ",



. " "

(power) .

nemo dat quod non habet,

. 12 (1) 1979 .



<1> Niblett v Confectioners' Materials Co [1921] 3 K.B. 387; .: Miles R. Op. cit. P. 207; Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 104.

<2> .: Miles R. Op. cit. P. 206 - 207; Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 104 - 105; . Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 169.

1979 .

. , . 12 (1)


), " " (condition), " " <1>;

, . 12 (1)


. , .

12 (2) , ,

" " " " (warranty) <2>.





<1> . 11 (3) 1979 .: "


, (warranty),




(condition), (warranty)". <2> 12 (5A) 1979 .

<3> 11 1979 .; .: Rowland v Divall [1923] 2 K.B. 500, 505; Miles R. Op. cit. P. 208, 210; Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 105, 110.

, (

) <1>.

, Rowland v Divall <2>,

. 12 (1)

, (action for money had and received). ,


, ( ,

). .

; ,


(total failure of consideration) <4>.

, ,

( ) <5>.


<1> 62 (2) 1979 . <2> [1923] 2 K.B. 500.

<3> .: Treitel G. The Law of Contract. P. 941 - 943, 1056 - 1057;

( ) .: Goff R., Jones G. Op. cit. P. 530 - 534; Birks P. Failure of consideration // Consensus Ad Idem. Essays in the Law of Contract / Ed. by F.D. Rose. London, 1996. P. 188, n. 30.

<4> Chandler v Webster [1904] Q.K.B. 943,


(void ab initio),

Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjna v Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd [1943] A.C. 32 ( .: Goff R., Jones G. Op. cit. P. 510 - 511).

<5> .: Treitel G. The Law of Contract. P. 1049; Goff R., Jones G. Op. cit.

P.500, 515 - 517.

Rowland v Divall

, .

, ,

(total failure of consideration)


. (Atkin) :

, ,

, .


, , .

, de facto ,

, , " <1>. <2>.


<1> [1923] 2 K.B. 500, 506.

<2> Karflex, Limited v Poole [1933] 2 K.B. 251; Butterworth v Kingsway Motors; Hayton, Third Party; Kennedy, Forth Party; Rudolph, Fifth Party [1954] 1 W.L.R 1286; Warman v Southern Counties Car Finance Corporation Ld. W.J. Ameris Car Sales (Third Party) [1949] 2 K.B. 576 .

Rowland v Divall




. ;

Butterworth v Kingsway Motors <1>,

( ) ,

<2>. .


, ;


, ( ,

, )

<3>, <4>.


<1> [1954] 1 W.L.R 1286.

<2> (P. 1291), "

" (lacking in merits).

<3> .: Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 107.

<4> , , ,

(Op. cit. P. 107): Rowland v Divall (P. 505)


, ,

. ; ,


( . : Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 159). , ,


(accessio) ( .: Goff R., Jones G. Op. cit. P. 529).


( ,

), ,

. , ,

<1>. ,

, (

, ,

) <2>. ,

(Law Reform Committee),


, ? ,

. 12 (1) 1979 .

(law of conversion), ,


. 12 1979 .,



<1> .: Goff R., Jones G. Op. cit. P. 529; Treitel G. The Law of Contract. P. 1055.

<2> .: Goff R., Jones G. Op. cit. P. 529; Treitel G. The Law of Contract. P. 1056.

<3> .: Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 108 - 109.

Rowland v Divall (

: " , ... (sale) ,

(right to sell).

- (property) " <1>) :




Rowland v Divall , ,



<1> Rowland v Divall [1923] 2 K.B. 500, 506 - 507.

National Employers' Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd. v Jones <1> (Denys Buckley) :

, ,


(law), , .



" <2>.

<3>. (sale),

, <4>,



<1> [1990] 1 AC 24. <2> Ibid. P. 50.

<3> .: Goode R. Commercial Law. London, 2004. P. 200: " ,

, , ,

"; Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 167, 169 - 170.

<4> Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 167: " (agreement for the sale) res aliena, (actual sale), (not null and void)".


1979 . .: Battersby G., Preston A.D. Op. cit. P. 270 - 275; Goode R. Op. cit. P. 199 - 202.




5.4., ,


. 28

1979 . ,

" <1>.

, ,


. ,

. 39 (1) 1979 .



, . Bloxam v Sanders ,

, : "

], ,

, . ?

[ ],

, ,

, " <2>.



<1> "

, .

". " " (concurrent conditions) , "

" ( .: Treitel G. Remedies for Breach of Contract. P. 277).

<2> (1825) 4 B. & C. 941, 948, . : Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 723.

, ,


, , ( . 41

1979 .). ,



. 43 1979 .). ,

, . , ,

( . 44). . 48 (1)

. , ,


. 1979 .,

" " (warranty), " " (condition). ,






<1> .: Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 752.

<2> .: Miles R. Op. cit. P. 289; Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 465.

, ,

, ),

( ,

). , ,

, <1>.


, .





<1> .: Benjamin's Sale of Goods. P. 748 - 749, 757 - 758. <2> Ibid. P. 755 - 757.

, (lien),



. , ,


, ,




. ,


. ,



; ,

. ,



(own) ,

" <2>.


<1> .: Gray K., Gray S.F. Op. cit. P. 751; Halsbury's Laws. Vol. 42. Para 178; . : Lysaght v Edwards (1875 - 1876) 2 Ch. D. 499, 507.

<2> Gray K., Gray S.F. Op. cit. P. 750, K.L.D.E. Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Stamp Duties (Queensland) (1984) 155 CLR 288.

* * *

(retention reservation of title clause)



. . 17 19 1979 .



" " (right of disposal)

". ,


, 1970- . Aluminium Industrie v Romalpa Aluminium Ltd. <1>


25 <2>.


<1> [1976] 1 W. L. R. 676.

<2> .: Davies I. United Kingdom // Retention of Title Clauses in Sale of Goods Contracts in Europe / Ed. by I. Davies. Aldershot, 1999. P. 101.




, (charge), <1>.




( ) <2>. (charges),


1985 .). "

" <3>. ,



Clough Mill Ltd v Martin <4>. ,

, ,

, , ,




<1> .: Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 476. <2> .: Davies I. Op. cit. P. 102.

<3> Ibid. P. 104.

<4> [1984] 3 All ER 982.

<5> .: Atiyah P.S., Adams J.N., Macqueen G. Op. cit. P. 478.

. ,

