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Прикладная психология методические указания на английском языке

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Unit 5

Psychoanalysis as a Theory and a Therapy

I. Read and translate the following words:

psychoanalysis, psychoanalyst, psychoanalytic (al); psychic; object (v), object (n), objective; technique, technical;mystery, mysterious; act (n), act (v), action, activity, active; demand (n), demand (v); external; inner; limit, limitation; satisfy, satisfaction, satisfactory; associate, association; conclude, conclusion; effect, effective, effectiveness; treat, treatment; cure (v), cure (n)

II.Complete the table
















































III.Read and translate the text.


Sigmund Freud was a pioneer in the study of unconscious mental activity.

In 1896, Freud created the term “psychoanalysis” and later he developed its main principles, objectives, techniques, and methodology of psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis focuses on the unconscious aspects of personality. According to Freud the human mind is like an iceberg. He believed that the conscious level of the mind was similar to the top of the iceberg which could be seen, but the unconscious was mysterious and was hidden.

In An Outline of Psychoanalysis Freud explains the principles of the psychoanalytic theory. He begins with an explanation of the three parts of the psychic apparatus – the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the unconscious part that contains the instincts. The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id. It serves as a link between the


id and the external world. Finally, the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial, societal, and cultural traditions.

As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on the concept that individuals are unaware of the many factors that cause their behavior and emotions. The basic objective of psychoanalysis is to remove neuroses and thereby cure patients by returning the damaged ego to its normal state.

The value of psychoanalysis as a theory and as a therapy has been questioned since early 1900s. Critics dispute the value of the data upon which Freud based his theories; and the method and effectiveness of psychoanalytic treatment.

IV.Answer the questions. 1. What are Freud’s achievements in the field of psychology? 2. When did the term “psychoanalysis” first appear? 3. What is the object of psychoanalysis? 4. What did Freud describe in his famous work “An Outline of Psychoanalysis”? 5. What are the three parts of the psychic apparatus?

V.Say, why these words, names and dates are used in the text.

1)a pioneer; 2)1896; 3)Sigmund Freud; 4)Unconscious; 5)an iceberg; 6)psychic apparatus; 7)external.

VI.Say if the information is true or false, repeat it if it is true, correct it if it is false.

1.Sigmund Freud is a creator of psychoanalysis.

2.The term psychoanalysis was created in 1896.

3.Psychoanalysis focuses on the conscious aspects of personality.

4.Freud explains the principles of the psychoanalysis theory in his famous work “The Principia”.

5.As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on three factors – the id, the ego, and the superego.

6.Modern critics agree with the method and effectiveness of psychoanalytic treatment.

VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

External, mysterious, instincts, unconscious, demands, psychic apparatus, impact, influence

1. Psychoanalysis focuses on the ……… aspects of personality. 2. Freud believed that the unconscious level of the human mind was ……… .3. In his work “An Outline of Psychoanalysis” Freud explains the three parts of the

……… . 4. The id is the unconscious part that contains the ……… . 5. The ego is responsible for controlling the ……… of the id. 6. The ego serves as a link


between the id and the ……… world. 7. The superego represents the ……… of others as well as the ……… of racial, societal, and cultural traditions.


1. Психоанализ, как теория и как терапия, был создан и разработан Зигмундом Фрейдом. 2. Психоанализ концентрирует свое внимание на подсознательных аспектах личности. 3. Психоаналитическая теория основывается на трех частях психического аппарата: ид, эго и суперэго. 4. Ид – подсознательная часть, которая содержит инстинкты.5. Эго – сознательная часть и контролирует запросы ид.6. Суперэго отвечает за ограничение удовлетворений, влияние образцов для подражания, а также расовых, общественных и культурных традиций.7. С начала XXвека критики оспаривают значение (ценность) психоанализа как теорию и терапию.

IX.Speak on the problems.

1. Psychoanalysis: the principles of the theory. 2. Psychoanalysis as a therapy.

Unit 6

History of Behaviourism

I.Read and translate the following words:

behave,behaviourism, behaviourist; subject (n), subject (v), subjective; environment, environmental, environmentalism; stimulate, stimulation, stimulative; complex, complexity; escape; sequence; reflect, reflection, reflective; specialize, special, specialist, speciality.

II.Complete the table.








































III.Read and translate the text.


Behaviourism is the teaching that says that psychology must focus its attention on what is observable. Perceptions, thoughts, images, feelings are subjective and can never lead to an objective science. Behaviourists argue that the majority of behaviour is learned from the environment after birth, and psychology should investigate the laws and products of learning.

Behaviourism is primarily associated with Pavlov in Russia and Thorndike, Watson and particularly Skinner in the United States.

The first behaviourists were Russians. The very first was Ivan Setchenov who thought that all behaviour is caused by stimulation. Vladimir Bekhterev is another early Russian behaviourist. He established the first psychology lab in Russia at the University of Kazan in 1885, and he discovered what he called the association reflex – what Pavlov would call the conditioned reflex.

The Russian psychologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1845–1936) trained dogs to respond in a certain manner, for example, by first ringing a bell before feeding them and then simply ringing the bell upon which stimulus they would begin to salivate as if they were about to eat.

Watson, Thorndike and Skinner used Pavlov’s work and developed theories of learning that they used to explain all human behaviour.

Edward Lee Thorndike developed American version of Russian behaviourism. From his research, he concluded that there were two laws of learning: The law of exercise and the law of effect.

John Watson wrote about the principles of behaviourism in the article called “Psychology as a Behaviourist Views It”. He denied the existence of any human instincts, inherited capacities or talents, and temperaments.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What is the main point of behaviourism? 2. What famous psychologists are associated with behaviourism? 3. What country did the first behaviourists come from? 4. What are their achievements? 5. What psychologists developed behaviourism abroad? In what country?

V.Say, if the information is true or false. If it is true, repeat the sentence, if not – correct it.

1. Behaviourism focuses its attention on the unconscious mind. 2. Perceptions, thoughts, images and feelings can never lead to an objective science. 3. The first behaviourists were Americans. 4. The very first Russian behaviourist was Ivan Setchenov. 5. It was Ivan Pavlov who discovered the


reflex. 6. American psychologists never used Pavlov’s work.

7. Thorndike

concluded that there were two laws of learning: The law of


exercise and the law of effect. 8. John Watson denied the existence of any human instincts, inherited capacities and temperaments.

VI.Say, why these words, names and dates are used in the text.

1)observable;2)subjective;3)Kazan;4) conditioned reflex;5)1848– 1936;6)Thorndike;7)John Watson.

VII.Complete the sentences with the words and word collocations from the box.

inherited capacities, perceptions, stimulation, the environment, conditioned reflex, the majority of, puzzle boxes

1. ………, thoughts, images, feelings are subjective and can never lead to an objective science. 2. Behaviourists argue that ……… behaviour is learned from ……… after birth. 3. Setchenov thought that all behaviour is caused by

………4. Bekhterev discovered the association reflex – what Pavlov would call

………. 5. John Watson denied the existence of any human instincts, ……… or talents, and temperaments.

VIII.Translate the sentences into English.

1. Бихевиористы считают, что все восприятия, чувства, образы и мысли субъективны и никогда не приведут к объективной науке. 2. В России бихевиоризм связывают прежде всего с именами Сеченова, Бехтерева и Павлова, а в Америке – с именами Торндайка, Ватсона и особенно Скиннера. 3. Именно Бехтерев открыл «ассоциативный» рефлекс, который Павлов назвал «условным» рефлексом. 4. Русский физиолог Иван Павлов научил собак определенным образом реагировать на звонок. 5. Американские психологи использовали работы Павлова и разработали теории обучения, которые они пытались использовать для объяснения поведения человека.

IX.Speak on behaviourism.

1. In Russia2. In the United States

Unit 7

Cognitive Movement in Psychological Thought

of the 20th Century

I.Read and translate the following words:

cognition, cognitive, cognitivist; linguistics; neuroscience; engineering; art, artificial; intelligence, intelligent; refer, reference; abnormality, abnormal; separate (v), separate (adj), separation; organize, organization; manipulate, manipulation; research, researcher; process (v), processor; move, movement.

II.Complete the table






































III.Read and translate the text.





In the second half of the twentieth century, the invention of computer and the way of thinking associated with it led to a new approach called the cognitive movement. The roots of the cognitive movement are extremely varied: they include behaviorism, humanism, etc. They include thinkers from linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and engineering; and it especially involves specialists in computer technology and the field of artificial intelligence.

Cognition means “knowing” and cognitive processes refer to the ways in which knowledge is gained, used and retained. Cognitivists believe that the study of internal processes is important in understanding behaviour because humans do not passively respond to the environment. Cognitive processes actively organize and manipulate the information we receive. Therefore, cognitive psychologists study perception, attention, memory, thinking, language and problem solving. Тheу also attempted to explain artificial intelligence and abnormality.

Cognitive psychology developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The term came into use with the publication of the book “Cognitive psychology” by Ulrich Neisser in 1967. However, the cognitive approach was brought to prominence by Donald Broadbent's book “Perception and Communication” in 1958. Broadbent put forward the idea about the information processing model of cognition. Cognitive psychology compares the human mind to a computer and suggests that we are information processors.

IV. Answer the questions.


1. When and how did the cognitive movement appear? 2. What are the roots of cognitivism? 3. What specialists does the cognitive movement involve? 4. What does the term “cognition” mean and what does it refer to? 5. What do cognitive psychologists study? 6. When and how did the term“cognitive psychology” come into use? 7. What are Donald Broadbent’s merits in psychology? 8. What does the cognitive psychology compare the human mind to?

V. Match the Russian words from the left to their English equivalents on the right.



a. Humanmind



b. Put forward



c. Internal



d. Artificial intelligence


Выдвигать, предлагать

e. Cognitive psychology


Когнитивная психология

f. External

VI.Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from exercise 5.

1. The roots of the cognitive movement involve specialists in computer technology and the field of ……… . 2. Cognitivists believe that the study of

……. and not ……… processes is important.3. In 1958 Donald Broadbent

………the information processing model of cognition. 4. ……… compares the

………to a computer.

VII.Translate the sentences into English.

1. «Cognition» означает «знание», а когнитивный процесс опирается на то, как знания получают, используют и сохраняют. 2. Когнитивная психология появилась в конце 1950-х и начале 1960-х годов. 3. Этот термин появился с публикации книги Ульриха Нейссера «Когнитивная психология» в 1967 г. 4. Когнитивный подход, однако, стал известным с выходом книги Дональда Бродбента «Восприятие и Коммуникация» в 1958 г. 5. Когнитивная психология связывает человеческий ум с компьютером и считает, что человек является обработчиком информации.

VIII.Speak on the movements in psychological thought of the 20th century.


Unit 8

What Type of Psychologist Would you like to be?

I.Read the words and word combinations:

clinical psychologists; behavioural disorders; phobias; youngsters; ethnic minority; gender; spiritual; human resources; strategic; rehabilitation; retardation; cerebral palsy; frequently

II.Read and translate the text.


Psychologists specialize in different areas within the field of psychology.







and behavioural

disorders.These vary

from short-termcrises

to chronic

problems, such asschizophrenia.Some clinical psychologists treat specific

problems such as phobiasor clinical depressions. Others focus

on specific

groups:youngsters, ethnic minoritygroups, and theelderly,for example.






to fight with

their problems.


psychologists docounseling and psychotherapy, teaching, and scientific research with individuals of all ages, families, and organizations. Counseling psychologists help people understand and take action on career and work problems. They believe that behavior is affected by many things, including qualities of the individual (e.g., psychological, physical, orspiritualfactors) and factors in the person's environment(e. g., family, society, and cultural groups).

Educational psychologistsconcentrate on how effective teaching and learning take place. They consider a variety of factors, such as human abilities, student motivation, and the effect on the classroom of the diversityof race, ethnicity, and culture.

Industrial/organizational psychologists apply psychological principles and research methods to the work place in the interest of improving productivityand the quality of work life.

Rehabilitation psychologists work with stroke and accident victims, people with mental retardation, and those with developmental disabilities caused by such conditions as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism. They help clients adapt to their situation.

School psychologists workdirectly with public and private schools. They assess and counsel students, consult with parents and school staff.


III. Match the words from the left to the words on the right to make word collocations.



a. Stages



b. Palsy



c. Minorities



d. Retardation



e. Disorders



f. Well-being

IV. Finish the sentences according to the text.

1.Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional and ………

2.Counseling psychologists believe that behaviour is …….. by many things.

3.Educational psychologists consider a variety of factors, such as ……… .

4.Industrial psychologists apply psychological principles as ……… and ………

5.Rehabilitation psychologists work with ……… . 6. School psychologists work directly ……… .

V. Translate the sentences into English.


Некоторыеклиническиепсихологизанимаютсялечениемособыхпроблем, такихкакфобиииклиническиедепрессии. 2. Психологи в сфере образования учитывают разные факторы, влияющие на учебный процесс: способности, мотивацию, а также воздействие расовых, этнических и культурных различий на атмосферу в аудитории.3. Работа промышленных психологов направлена на повышение производительности труда предприятия. 4. Психологи в сфере реабилитации работают с жертвами ДТП и людьми, страдающими умственной отсталостью и другими затруднениями в развитии. 5. Школьные психологи работают непосредственно как в общеобразовательных, так и в частных школах.

VI.Speak about the field of psychology you would like to work, its objectives, and your concern in it.



Методические указания (на английском языке)

Составители: Е.А.Афанасьева, М.М.Фигурина

Редактор и корректор Г. Н. Кириллова Компьютерная верстка М. С. Савастеевой

План 2014 г., № 157

Подписано в печать с оригинал-макета 25.03.15 Формат 60×841/16. Бумага для множ. апп. Печать ризография.

Усл. печ. л. 1,25. Тираж 80 экз. Заказ 372.

ФГБОУ ВПО ПГУПС. 190031, СПб., Московский пр., 9. Типография ФГБОУ ВПО ПГУПС. 190031, СПб., Московский пр., 9.


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