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determined to do smth.

9) promotion

i) success in doing or having what you planned or intended,


usually after a lot of effort.

10) inspiration

j) a system in which workers choose the hours each day that


they work.

11) pay (n)

k) smth. good that happens or that you receive because of smth.


that you have done.

IV. Fill in a preposition where necessary:

1.The company’s sales have raised quickly … a very high level.

2.Nationwide studies have shown that up to 80% of employees are not engaged … their work.

3.People get job satisfaction … different factors, such as social interaction … colleagues.

4.Only some employees will be motivated by money.

5.Increasing motivation … financial rewards is a method that is most common in many companies.

6.His approach … business is competitive and confrontational.

7.Another financial incentive is the offer … a share … the company profits, say, 5%, which is split … the employees.

8.The employees can feel that their contribution is more valuable … the business and that their role is … higher importance.

9.… motivation in the workplace, the business will suffer … the lack … efficiency.

10.Motivation can be increased … giving employees more responsibility.

11.Personal status and a focus … the individual are important.

12.I don’t like working … my own, I need other people to collaborate … .

V. Explain the following extracts from the text in your own words.

1.Depending on how motivated we are, it may further determine the effort we put into our work and therefore increase the standard of the output.

2.For those employees involved in production, a piece rate system can be issued where they are paid for each individual product they produce.


3.Another financial incentive is the offer of a share of the company profits, say, 5%, which is split between the employees.

4.Increasing motivation through financial rewards is a method that is most common when businesses rely on the quantity of the output of employees.

VI. Agree or disagree with a statement and give your reasons for it; give examples, if possible.

1.When you are dissatisfied with your job, this tends to have an influence on your overall outlook on life.

2.Unhappy people tend to change jobs or change their attitudes.

3.The heart of job satisfaction is in your attitude and expectations; it's more about how you approach your job than the actual duties you perform.

4.People looking for jobs that bring satisfaction and happiness should concentrate on professions that focus primarily on serving other people. The happiest workers are people in helping professions (clergy, firefighters, physical therapists, education administrators, teachers, authors, psychologists, office supervisors).

5.Job dissatisfaction has been remarkably stable over several decades.

6.Employees must receive fair and thorough evaluations of their work along with specific guidelines for improvement if needed.

7.The opportunity to do "important work gives a feeling of accomplishment" ranks No. 1.

VII. Translate from Russian into English.

1.Деньги – это лишь одна из причин, почему люди работают.

2.Мужской и женский подход к бизнесу существенно различаются.

3.Цель оправдывает средства.

4.Когда человек получает удовлетворение от работы, его производительность возрастает.

5.Существует пять основных способов, которые могут способствовать получению удовлетворения от выполняемой работы – зарплата, возможности продвижения по службе, коллеги по работе, руководство и, наконец, сама работа.

6.Многие компании считают, что единственное, что нужно работникам – это большая зарплата.


7.Работники должны получать справедливую оценку своей работы.

8.Усилия, которые человек вкладывает в свою работу, зависят от того, насколько он мотивирован.

9.Лишь для некоторых работников определяющим фактором мотивации является высокая зарплата.

10.Многие работники ставят высокую заработную плату лишь на третье место, в то время как возможность роста, продвижения и личных достижений – на первое.

11.Во многих компаниях существуют финансовые и нефинансовые стимулирующие выплаты.

12.Если работник будет мотивирован высокими выплатами за единицу продукции, он будет стремиться производить больше.

13.Многие компании предлагают своим работникам дополнительные льготы, такие как использование транспорта компании, беспроцентные займы, медицинские услуги, подготовка и обучение.

14.Если предоставлять работникам больше ответственности, они будут чувствовать, что их вклад в работу компании очень весомый, и это тоже будет являться мотивирующим фактором.

15.Без мотивации работники предприятия не будут прикладывать усилия. Их работа будет неэффективной.

16.Для многих людей гораздо больше, чем деньги, важнее личное признание


VIII. Read the titles of the people’s stories and give your comments if a person is really satisfied with what he (she) does or not.

1.Being a cashier isn’t bad… Dealing with people is.

2.I’m a nursing student. I’m so sick of it already.

3.McDonalds Assistant Manager ….never a dull moment!

4.Slaving in McDonalds…

Now read four extracts from the newspaper and match them with the titles from the above.


1.I worked for McDonald from 6/08 to 7/09 and it was the worst experience of my life. The store I worked in had NO AC so we would sweat in the summer especially if I was in the grill area. They would make me work 7 in the morning when I put on my application I wanted to work at 9. I was tired every single day of the week. Some days I never got break and I did an 8 hr shift. I got only 1 raise and it was 10 freaking CENTS! I finally quit I couldn’t take the stress. I’m jobless but honestly no job is better then slaving in McDonalds…

2.I basically only went into this program because my parents wanted me to and it was all about “you’ll find a job afterwards.” Essay upon essay, research upon research. It’s like… crazy and I hate it. I’m doing very well and I’m top of my class in all science courses, however there’s not enough! I am not a caring, holistic, psychosocial person; I’m a math/science and analytical person. I do clinical shifts at long term care faculties and I hate it! I have to feed people and clean their butts. I shouldn’t say that, nurses are important, if you like helping people then go for it, but anyone who is into science and math like me, STAY AWAY! …

3.I work in a small, family owned grocery store. It’s not hard once you learn how to do WIC checks and remember a few produce codes. All you really have to do is press a few buttons, and tell the customer to have a good day. But sometimes I regret working here. There are people who don’t seem to read prices at all and just throw whatever they want into their cart. The customers are only half the reason it’s also the scheduling. When I applied, it was for a half-time job. I figured they’d have me working three or four days out of the week. Instead I’m working five, sometimes six days a week, 4 to 6 hours a day, and eight if it’s a one-day sale. I don’t know my schedule for next week until they put it up on Saturday. This leaves me no time to plan anything with friends or family, and not knowing when I’ll have time to do anything…

4.I’d like start off by saying that I work at McDonald’s. I began my job there in 2008 as a crew member. Sacrificed a lot (weekends, holiday, low pay) but I continue to grow. The speed, the planning, the problem solving skills, the hospitality, the

teamwork, and most of all– a great attitude! My employees are hard workers, they take pride in what they do and strive to give 100% each and everyday. No day is ever the same!... I’ve been to several management courses and I feel confident in what I do…


Are the employees satisfied with their workplaces? Why not? Are they motivated? What could their employers do to remedy the following situations?

IX. In choosing a profession it is important to analyze your personal strengths and weaknesses to avoid disappointment when start working. Learning about yourself is essential for career planning. The following questions are designed to help you learn about yourself.

Career questions

1.Is geographic location important to you?

2.Do you prefer to lead or follow?

3.Do you work better alone, in a small or a large group?

4.Do you work more effectively under pressure or with a minimum of stress?

5.Do you like to try new ways of doing things or do you prefer established routines?

6.Do you communicate well orally?

7.Do you communicate well in writing?

8.Are you a good listener?

9.What characteristics do you like best in people you work with?

10.What kind of job do you want to have in five years?

11.What could be a good motivation for you at your workplace?



Think of other career questions, add them in the questionnaire and give your answers. How do the answers to these questions help someone in choosing a career that would satisfy him (her)?

X. Presentation

Do a ten-year projection of your future career path. Include projected positions, years in each position, salary, your professional skills, your personal qualities, possible benefits that could motivate and inspire you.



Pre-reading activities

1.Could you give the definition of business environment?

2.What factors can affect business environment of each country?

Use the following words and word-expressions in your answer: to affect, to influence, to change the trend, labor costs, employment, unemployment, state of the economy, availability of labour, to make cuts, taxes, political stability (instability), foreign investments, rapid growth, slow growth, workforce.


Read the text and say what business environment is in Russia nowadays. What factors influence the developing of business environment in our country? Give reasons for your answer.


Russian market represents potentially one of the greatest business opportunities in Europe today. The country has a huge supply of raw materials and products for markets outside of Russia. Additionally, there is a high demand in the domestic consumer market for imported and domestic goods and Russia’s industrial infrastructure needs significant improvements, for which additional funds should be found.

Russia is a market that should be entered into with long-term business horizons. Russia continues to undergo political economic and social change. Those unfamiliar with Russia should not rely on their business experiences in other countries. It is necessary to consider that some of the legislation and economy is still in the developing process.

Certain universal truths do, however, typify the Russian approach to business and life in general. Firstly, it is always worth bearing in mind that for centuries (long before the advent of the Soviet system), the state has always been seen as an organ of oppression and repression. Laws and statutes are therefore seen as the 'enemy' and to


be avoided and evaded at all costs. Contracts are valid only if supported by a close personal friendship and taxes are left unpaid on both a corporate and personal level. Secondly, the only things that can be relied upon are close personal relationships within the business environment. Networking and extended interpersonal allegiances are essential to successful business and the importance of resource allocation to ensure the development of good quality relationships should not be underestimated. Thirdly, the legal status of many Russian companies is very dubious, being incorporated under the old laws of the Soviet Union which no longer have validity. Who actually owns the assets of an organisation? The laws are being rewritten constantly and are, in any case, virtually unenforceable. Thus, most agreements have to be made on a trust basis - a strong element of which has to be clearly identifiable self-interest.

It is probably fair to say that the Russian market still shows great inefficiencies in many areas, and that certain sections of the market (sectoral and geographical) are greatly undersupplied or underexploited. Some of the best opportunities lie in these areas.

Stabilization of the ruble made imports far more expensive relative to locallyproduced products. Local manufacturing of, especially, consumer goods is now a relatively healthy sector of the Russian economy. The market for manufacturing equipment develops very rapidly and offers many opportunities.

There are con artists in Russia just like everywhere else. Russian businessmen are no more or less honest than businessmen elsewhere. It is also true that Russian businessmen have had numerous bad experiences at the hands of foreign businessmen as well, partly due to inexperience, and partly due to the fact that the first foreign businessmen in Russia during the process of market liberalization were not always the best representatives of 'western capitalism'.

Most major corporations have concluded that the country’s potential demands a presence in Russia, with its vast natural resources, impressive human capital, and 140 million consumers. A significant number are finding that presence very profitable, and the majority express optimism for continuing profitable business opportunities now and in the future.

Vocabulary notes:

to undergo smth. – to experience smth., especially smth. that is unpleasant but necessary.


legislation – a law or a set of laws.

networking – 1) the activity of meeting and talking to people to exchange information and advice about work or interests; 2) the activity of connecting computers in a network.

con artist – someone who lies in order to make people give him money.

demand – an amount of a product or service that people want, or the fact that they want it.

infrastructure – a set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates, for example, the telephone and transport systems in the country.

long-term1) continuing to exist, be relevant, or have an effect for a long time in the future; 2) having existed for a long time and unlikely to change.

allegiance – strong loyalty to a person, group, idea or country. dubious – not completely good, safe or honest

healthy sector – the sector of economy that works very well and likely to continue to be successful.


1.What factors influence the Russian business market?

2.Describe the Russian approach to business.

3.Why is the legal status of many Russian companies dubious?

4.What sectors of the Russian market are still undersupplied or underexploited? What sectors are highly-developed?

5.Are Russian businessmen honest? Give reasons for your answer.

6.Is Russian business environment safe for doing business? Why?


I. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations.

Влиять на что-то (кого-то), сырьё, налог, экономический спад, состояние экономики, прибыль, сокращать, безработица, корзина потребительских товаров, политическая нестабильность, иностранные вложения, инфраструктура, сконцентрироваться на чём-то, высокий спрос, потребительский рынок, импортные товары, отечественные товары, подвергнуться чему-то, законодательство, недооценивать, активы (баланса), мошенник, прибыльный,


доступность сырья, обменный курс, вкладывать во что-то, снижать прибыль, опыт в ведении бизнеса, находиться в стадии развития, подход к ведению бизнеса, быть действительным.

II. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations.

Business environment, availability of labor, labor costs, availability of raw materials, tax, state of the economy, economic recession, to make cuts, unemployment, shopping basket of everyday goods, exchange rate, shipping costs, to invest in, infrastructure, to be demotivated, to reduce profits, multinationals, business opportunities, a high demand, domestic consumer market, to undergo political economic and social change, business experience, to be in the developing process, approach to business, to be valid, networking, resource allocation, to ensure the development, to be underestimated, to be underexploited, locally-produced products, con artists, to demand, to be profitable.

III. Match the words and their definitions. Use them in the sentences below in the correct form.

1) to influence

a) an amount of a product or service that people want, or the


fact that they want it.

2) tax

b) a period when trade and industry are not successful and


there is a lot of unemployment.

3) recession

c) a situation in which some people do not have work and do


not have an income.

4) profit

d) to think that someone has less power or ability than they


really have.

5) unemployment

e) an amount of money that you have to pay to the


government that it uses to provide public services.

6) demand

f) relating to the country being talked about, and not other



7) imported

g) to experience smth., especially smth. that is unpleasant but



8) domestic

h) to affect the way that someone thinks or behaves.

9) to undergo

i) smth. such as money or property that a person or company





10) to underestimate

j) money that you make by selling smth., especially the


money that remains after you have paid all your business



11) asset

k) a product from another country.

1.… for organic food is increasing.

2.The business has … totaling $ 1 million.

3.She … surgery for suspected appendicitis last week.

4.What factors … your decision to take the job?

5.The importance of good diet should not be … .

6.The government has promised to lower … after the election.

7.What goods do you prefer: … or …?

8.The economy of this country was in … after the war.

9.The community here devastated by poverty and … .

10.All the … from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

IV. Fill in a preposition where necessary.

1.Many important factors influence … the business environment of the country.

2.There is a high demand … the domestic consumer market … imported and domestic goods.

3.Russia continues to undergo … political economic and social change.

4.The only things that can be relied … are close personal relationships … the business environment.

5.The market … manufacturing equipment develops very rapidly and offers many opportunities.

6.Stabilization … the ruble made imports far more expensive relative … locallyproduced products.

7.A significant number of consumers in Russia are finding that presence … most major corporations is very profitable, and the majority express optimism … continuing profitable business opportunities now and in the future.

8.The country has a huge supply … raw materials and products … markets outside of Russia.

9.Many everyday brands which are used … people in almost every country can have varying prices … the world.

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