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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права»

Английский язык Грамматика

Учебное пособие

Хабаровск 2011


ББК Ш 143.21 Х 12

Английский язык. Грамматика : учеб. пособие по грамматике для студентов третьего курса специальности 080102.65 «Мировая экономика» и бакалаврантов третьего курса направления 080100.62 «Экономика», профиля «Мировая экономика», изучающих английский язык как второй иностранный / сост. М. А. Никитина, И. Е. Соловьева. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2011. – 88 с.

Рецензенты : И. Г. Гирина, завкафедрой переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации института лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации ДВГГУ, канд. филолог. наук; Н. В. Барсукова, доцент кафедры

иностранных языков ТОГУ, канд. пед. наук.

Утверждено издательско-библиотечным советом в качестве учебного пособия

Учебное издание

Мария Александровна Никитина Ирина Евгеньевна Соловьева

Учебное пособие

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать цифровая. Усл. п. л. 5,1.

Уч.-изд. л. 3,7.

Тираж 50 экз.

Заказ №






680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ © Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2011



Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов третьего курса специальности 080102.65 «Мировая экономика» и бакалаврантов третьего курса направления 080100.62 «Экономика», профиля «Мировая экономика», изучающих английский язык как второй иностранный.

Данное учебное пособие представляет собой первую часть сборника грамматических упражнений по основным разделам английской грамматики.

В данное пособие включены следующие темы:

глагол (времена в активном залоге);

существительное (исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные, множественное число, артикли).

Сборник включает как теоретический материал, так и упражнения, направленные на активизацию грамматического материала. Упражнения содержат достаточно материала для запоминания грамматических структур и выработки навыков их применения.

Теоретический материал, включённый в пособие, представлен компактно, дополнен таблицами и примерами. Грамматические упражнения разнообразны по характеру, что помогает преподавателю выбрать те, которые соответствуют задачам урока и языковому уровню группы. Ряд упражнений служит целям развития коммуникативных навыков.

Данное пособие является дополнительным материалом к курсу “First Insights into Business”. Лексический материал, представленный в упражнениях, согласован с этим курсом. Упражнения содержат деловую бизнес-лексику. Использование пособия в учебном процессе поможет преподавателю ликвидировать пробелы в знаниях грамматического материала у студентов, улучшить их коммуникативные навыки, а также закрепить пройденный лексический материал.

Надеемся, что работа по пособию будет полезной и доставит вам удовольствие.


Unit 1. Present Tenses

Present Simple

We use the Present Simple:

a)to talk about repeated actions, habits and daily routines.

I buy a newspaper every day.

She usually sleeps eight hours every night. What time does John finish work?

b)to talk about permanent situations, facts or general truths.

Nike manufactures sportswear.

Vegetarians don’t eat meat.

Does he work as a Sales Manager? It rains a lot in Britain in March.

c)for sport commentaries, reviews, and narration (of a personal story or a film).

Williams overtakes Dalton and wins the race!

Davina Peterson plays the part of Macbeth really well.

She doesn’t know his real name, they have a lot in common, so they fell in love.

d)to give informal spoken instructions or directions with ‘you’ (to avoid imperative).

You chop the vegetables and mix them.

You go past the bus station and there’s a metro station on the right.















in a bank

don’t (do not) work







in a bank


















in a bank

doesn’t (does not)

Does she work in a




work in a bank











Don’t Forget!

The present simple form of the verb ‘be’ is an exception:

I – am (not)

He/She/It – is (not)

You/They/We – are (not)

Am I at home?

Is he/she/it very old?

Where are you/ we/ they from?


Frequency adverbs and phrases.

We can use frequency expressions with present simple to talk about how often something happens.

We usually put single words (always, never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, generally) before the main verb: We rarely have complaints.

If the verb is to be, we put these words after the verb: He is often late for work. We can put phrases (once a week, twice a month, in the evening, every year) at the beginning or the end of the sentence: We deliver our products to supermarkets twice a week. ( or Twice a week, we deliver our product to supermarkets.)

See page 52 for more information about future meaning of present simple.


Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. BMW ……… (not| provide) financial services. 2. The sea …….. (cover) two thirds of the world. 3. The government …….. (not| agree) with the new EU laws. 4. How much money ……..she (earn) a month? 5. The Prime Minister …….. (travel) abroad in his own private aeroplane. 6. Those new mp3 players …….. (not| be) very expensive. 7. What time …….. they (finish) work every day? 8. It …….. (cost) $20 million to be a space tourist for one week in the International Space Station. 9. My school teacher

…….. (not| own) a mobile phone because some people think they …….. (be) bad for your health. 10. …….. your company (export) products to other countries?

Exercise 2

Choose the correct form.

1.Violet doesn’t works / doesn’t work at our Head Office any more.

2.Our company is produce / produces parts for the automobile industry.

3.Increased competition often causes / cause often a fall in prices.

4.Wal-Mart is / are the biggest retailer in the world, it employs / to employ three times more people than General Motors.

5.Inspite of the success, the company not pay / does not pay very good salaries.

6.Do you develop / develop you new technology?


Exercise 3

There are mistakes in some of the sentences. Correct the mistakes where necessary.

1. What Sue usually have for lunch? 2. My car don’t work when it cold. 3. How much do these apples cost? 4. You do work in the recruitment industry? 5. Mike doesn’t provides training. 6. Go you to the sales office every week? 7. He haves contact with factories in France. 8. Do the train stop at every station?

Exercise 4

Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs into the present simple.

Helmut: It’s a good conference, isn’t it?

Tatiana: Yes, it is. .……. (you/come) here every year?

Helmut: Not every year. It .….. (depend) on whether I have the time. I .…..(work)

in technical support in the IT area and we often have to deal with a crisis at short notice. We .….. (not/know) our job schedule from one week to the next. But I …….. (come) to the conference whenever I can. What about you? What ……..(you/do)?

Tatiana: I’m an information systems manager. I …….. (direct) the work of systems analysts, computer programmers and support specialists like you. Listen, can I ask you something? …….. (you/plan) to stay in your company for ever?

Helmut: Well, I like my work, but of course if someone …….. (make) me a more attractive offer, I’ll consider it. Why? What …….. (you/have) in mind?

Tatiana: Our company often …….. (need) IT technicians, and we pay well. Here’s my card. Give me a call next week. We …….. (not/have) any vacancies at the moment, but we’re a big organization and we may be recruiting more people soon.

Exercise 5

Ask questions using question words in brackets.

Note that with What and Who it is possible to ask questions about the subject of a sentence. In this case, we do not use a question form.

Who knows the answer to this question? What makes it work?

1.The company employs 800 people in Europe. (How many?)

2.People do stupid things. (Why?)


3.Something strange happens to me when I come to this place. (What?)

4.We export most of our products to France. ( Where?)

5.My personal assistant usually confirms it by email. (Who?)

6.Toyota is a car manufacturer. (What company?)

Exercise 6

Put frequency adverbs and phrases in the correct position.

1.We prepare a sales report. (four times a year)

2.She goes on business tips.(rarely)

3.Joan doesn’t get up early at weekends. (usually)

4.Our CEO is late for meetings. (never)

5.I visit our distribution centers. (once a month)

6.Increased competition is bad for profits. (always)

Exercise 7

Answer the questions about yourself. Use frequency adverbs and phrases (always, never, usually, rarely, sometimes, every week, once a year, etc.) in your answer.

1. Do you ever have nightmares? 2. How often do you travel? 3. Do you often ride a bicycle in summer? 3. Do you ever tell lies? 4. You always do your English homework, don’t you? 5. How often do you log on to the Internet? 6. Do you often fall in love? 7. Do you ever loose your things? 8. How often do you tidy your room?

Exercise 8

Write five sentences about your routines and habits, then five more sentences about your friend’s daily life.

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