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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию

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«Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права» Кафедра иностранных языков и межкультурной деловой коммуникации

Английский язык

«American President»

Методические указания для работы с видеофильмом для студентов 4 – 5 курсов специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММА, ММ, ЭУП, УАВД

Хабаровск 2006


ББК Ш 143.21

X 12

Английский язык : методические указания для работы с видеофильмом «American President» для студентов 4 – 5 курсов специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММА, ММ, ЭУП, УАВД/сост. Л. Н. Бобкова, Г. В. Клишина. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2006. – 40 с.

Рецензент О. В. Егорова, доцент кафедры английской филологии ИЛМК ДВГГУ, канд. фил. наук

Английский язык

American President

Методические указания для работы с видеофильмом для студентов 4 – 5 курсов специальностей МЭ, МКД, ММА, ММ, ЭУП, УАВД

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать офсетная. Усл. п.л.2,3

Уч. изд. л. 1,7

Тираж 100 экз.

Заказ №



680042, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ

© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2006



Методические указания к просмотру фильма “The American President” предназначены для студентов, владеющих высоким уровнем английского языка.

Целью методических указаний является обеспечить видеофильм “The American President” коммуникативными заданиями и упражнениями, способствующими пониманию сюжета фильма, а также совершенствование языковых знаний и умений студентов в аудировании, говорении и письме.

Задачей методических указаний является закрепление следующих умений и навыков:

понимание и использование американской разговорной лексики и идиоматических выражений;

перевод лексических единиц;

ситуативное общение.

Методические указания состоят из 4 частей, включающих в себя допросмотровые, просмотровые и постпросмотровые коммуникативные упражнения, такие как «вставить предлоги», «закончить предложения», «определение достоверности информации», «множественный выбор» и другие.

Данные упражнения нацелены на активизацию изучаемого материала и вовлекают студентов в следующие виды деятельности: аудирование аутентичной речи, обсуждение и анализ представленных проблем в монологической и диалогической речи, прогнозирование ситуаций, публичные выступления, написание сочинений.

Методические указания способствуют развитию у студентов навыков общения, которые им понадобятся в реальных ситуациях.


The characters of the movie

Andrew Benjamin Shepherd – the president of the U.S.A. Lucy – Shepherd’s 12-year-old daughter

Sydney Ellen Wade – a lobbyist and the President’s future date. Beth – Sydney’s sister

Janie – Shepherd’s personal assistant

Lewis Rothschild – the President’s Chief Domestic Policy advisor A.J.MacInerney – the President’s Chief of Staff and closest advisor in addition he is the President’s closest and oldest friend

Robin McCall – the President’s press secretary

Leon Kodak – the White House pollster. He along with A.J., Lewis and Robin is regarded as the President’s starting team

Mrs. Chapil – the President’s secretary

Marsha Bridgeport – the White House social director Robert Rumson – the Senate Minority Leader

Susan Sloan – a lawyer Leo Solomon – a lawyer David – Sydney’s assistant

D’Astier – the French President

and others


Part 1

Pre-viewing exercises


airlift (v) – to transport by air

approval (n) – the action of showing that one is satisfied, that one has a good opinion of something or somebody

attorney (n) – a person who has power to act for another, a lawyer bat (n) – a heavy wooden stick used in cricket and baseball

bill (n) – 1.a plan for a new law, 2. a statement of money that is owing for things bought or services given

breakdown (n) – an accident which causes work or activity to stop briefing (n) – a meeting where the press is given the information calamity (n) – a great misfortune, a terrible event

cartwheel (n) – a wheel of a vehicle, used for carrying loads concern (v) – to worry, to be anxious

consumer (n) – a person who buys goods that he will use himself

court (v) – to treat with respect in order to get something, to try to win the favor of a woman

curfew (n) – a signal for everyone to leave the streets and go indoors (e.g. when a city is under martial law )

dump(v) – to empty out, to throw down (especially of things that have little or no value )

emission (n) – the sending out or giving off

endorsement (n) – a written name of the back of the document, especially a cheque or bill in order to get payment

entire ( adj. ) – whole, complete

focus (v) (on) – to come together to a point, to concentrate on

fossil (n) – the hardened remains of an animal or plant from prehistoric times found in the earth

frustrate (v) – to prevent a person from doing something

fuel (n) – any substance that can be burned for supplying heat GDCGlobal Defense Counsel

grime (v) – to make something dirty hilarious ( adj.) – merry in a rather noisy way humble ( adj.) – low in rank or position

intimidate (v) – to influence by using threats or violence

issue (n) – a problem, something about which there is debating

lobby (n) – a group of people who try to influence the members of a law-making body such as Senate

margin (n) – an extra amount of time above the estimated minimum oath (n) – a solemn statement with God or some holly thing

peril – (n) – a danger


perk (v) – to become lively and cheerful after depression or illness poll (n) – a list of those who have a right to vote

poll (v) – to count the votes at an election, to give one’s vote predecessor (n) – one who has held a position or office before another

prudence (n) – caution, carefulness, a warning against danger or foolishness rally (v) – to make a stand and fight again, to recover, to show signs of returning strength

reduce (v) – to make smaller in size, number, power schedule (v) – to put into the form of a list of arrangements

skip (v) – to pass over, to leave out, to go away quickly or suddenly slip (v) – to lose one’s balance

stilted (adj.) – formal, not friendly or natural in manner stuff (n) – the material of which a thing is done

swell (swelled, swollen ) (v) – to grow or cause to grow bigger or louder, etc. subsidize (v) – to give a grant of money made by government to an industry that needs financial help

target (n) – an aim, an objective, a goal

thrill(with) (v) – to shiver or tingle with excitement thud (n) – a dull, stupid sound

torture (n) – a feeling of great pain

touchdown (n) – the act of a Rugby player in putting the ball on the ground behind the goal-line; the score made in this way

voter (n) – one who has the right to vote ( express one’s will or opinion) wheelchair (n) – a chair which is used by people with physical disabilities (invalids)

1. Translate the following word-combinations from English into Russian. Give synonyms or definitions.

1)to turn cartwheels

2)to hit somebody over the head

3)to resent the implication

4)to shift into gear

5)to be soft on crime

6)to campaign on an issue

7)to take out for a spin

8)legislative liaison

9)to savor a quality

10)to scratch the surface

11)to pop somebody’s head in

12)to be burned in effigy

13)to diminish the weight


14)a third-rate jerk

15)to be learning-impaired

2.Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English. Use these word-combinations in the sentences of your own.

1)глобальное потепление

2)парниковый эффект

3)сводить с ума

4)читать от корки до корки

5)насвистывать веселую мелодию

6)быть тем, кому назначают свидание

7)штурмовое оружие

8)довести дeло до конца

9)резюмировать (составлять краткое изложение) для прессы

10)вычислить телефонный номер

3. Translate the following sentences from the movie from English into Russian.

1)This is time for prudence.

2)If the President passed the most important piece of environmental legislation in history and does it despite our negative endorsement, our political weight in the future will rank somewhere below the Save the Spotted Owl Society.

3)That woman does not know the first thing about the environmental lobby.

4)Do you see it as a part of your job to torture me?

5)It is just one of the perks.

6)If he honestly thinks that the environmental community is going to whistle a happy tune while rallying support around this pitifully lame mockery of the environmental leadership just because he is a nice guy and he has done better than his predecessor, then your boss is the Chief Executive of Fantasyland.

7)The day the government starts subsidizing private schools is the day we give up on public education.

8)The GDC has been at every President for the last decade and a half that global warming is a calamity, the effect of which will be second only to nuclear war.

9)I do not want to check a polling sample to see if this is okay, like I am asking permission to stay out an hour past curfew.

10)You are hilarious, Richard. You are a regular riot.


4. Read the comprehension questions and predict the answers.

1)What is the typical morning of the President of the U.S.A?

2)What are the duties of :

a)the President’s Chief domestic policy advisor?

b)the President’s Chief of staff ?

c)the White House pollster ?

d)the President’s press secretary ?

e)the President’s secretary ?

3)What is the President’s agenda in the election year?

Viewing exercises

1. Complete the dialogues. a)

SHEPHERD: “Well, it wouldn’t be a ________ ______ unless Lewis ___

________ about something I did Sunday night.”

LEWIS: “You _______the whole________.” SHEPHERD: "And Monday morning it is.”

LEWIS: “ “ _______ can no longer ______to_______ that they live in a _____

_______”… and then nothing. You dumped the whole handguns paragraph.” SHEPHERD: “ This is a _____ for _________, Lewis.”

LEWIS: “That was a kick-ass ________.”

SHEPHERD: “ I thought what with being the_________ and all…” LEWIS: “Sir, of course I didn't mean to_______”

SHEPHERD: “I thought you'd be________ __________this morning, Lewis

__________ ____ __________. b)

SHEPHERD: “Did they tell you I'm going to need…”

STAFFER (MARIA): “_________ __________ spending and not just______

_________. Yes, sir. We'll have it for you in 15 minutes.” SHEPHERD: “ Thanks.”

LEWIS: “Mr. President, I really feel we need to ________ ___…” SHEPHERD: “Lewis, however much coffee you drink in the morning, I want you to _________it by_______.”

LEWIS: “I don't drink coffee.”

SHEPHERD: “Then _____ yourself _____ the _______ with a ________ ____ , would you please?”


SHEPHERD: “It would appear to be a letter from the________ _______

________. These people are out of control.

A.J.: “I think they're just _________, Mr. President.”


ROBIN: “____ they __________ the President for________ ___________?” A.J.: “Well, they don't think he caused it, if that's what you mean. (continuing; to SHEPHERD) Sir, I'm ___ ____ _______with these people _______ a week. I honestly don't know what they want at this _______.”

LEWIS: “What they want is a 20 percent _________ in_________ ______


A.J.: “It won't pass at 20 percent.” LEWIS: “We haven't really tried.”

A.J.: “Lewis, McSorley, McCluskey and Shane _______ too many markers. If we try to______ this ________and ______, there will be a very loud

______when we hit the ground, and that's not what you want in an ___________


SHEPHERD: “Talk to the GDC again, A.J. Tell them the President _________

the _________that he's _______his _______ on the ____________. Tell them I'll send 455 to the floor. But we're going to ask for a 10 percent __________. If they want to pull their ________, fine. At 63 percent job approval ________. I don't need their help getting a ______ _________ . We gotta get going--where's



SYDNEY: “ I don’t believe this.”

BETH: “You want me to _______ with _____?”

SYDNEY: “ No way. I may choke in _________ ___ Shepherd, but Richard

Reynolds I can _________.

SYDNEY: “__________?”

SHEPHERD: “ Sydney?”

SYDNEY: “ _____you___________-____________?”

SHEPHERD: “_________, do me __ ________. Hang ____the phone.” SYDNEY: “What?”

SHEPHERD: “ _________ ____ ____ _________. Then ______ 45

_________. When you ______the ________ ________ ___________, give her your name and ________ her you _______ to _______ to the ____________.”

2.Turn around the TV and listen to the video clip “ Lucy’s room day”. Write down key words and pay attention to the tone of voices, intonation and pauses. The video clip must be played for two or three times. Describe the events taking place in the clip. Watch the video once more to be sure in the context.

3.Understanding the main points.

1)What kind of speech was it spoken about?

2)Why was Lewis concerned about the President’s speech?


3)Why was it very important to come to an agreement with Global Defense Council?

4)Why was the crime bill priority one on the President’s domestic agenda?

5)Did people relate guns to gun-related crime? Why not?

6)Where and when did the President want to announce the crime bill?

7)Why did Leo Solomon worry about the political weight of GDC in the future?

8)Why was GDC playing hardball with Andrew Shepherd?

9)What thoughtless remark did Robin say to the President?

10)What book did Lucy have to read from cover to cover?

11)Who was going to have C-STAD operational in 20 days?

12)Why did Shepherd want A.J. to call him Andy?

13)What was the first Sydney Wade’s visit to the White House?

14)What does Capra-esque quality mean?

15)Why did Sydney Wade say that the President of the U.S.A. was the Chief Executive of the Fantasyland?

16)What was Shepherd’s reaction to her words?

17)What was the first conversation between Shepherd and Sydney about?

18)What kind of deal did they make with each other?

19)Why did A.J. feel a nightmare coming on?

20)What presidents did Shepherd compare himself with? Why?

21)What kind of telephone talk was between Sydney and Shepherd?

4. Explain whether the sentences are true or false.

1)Shepherd sent flowers to Laura for her birthday.

2)Robin returned from Russia.

3)GDC blamed the President for global warming.

4)Robin could brief the press about the crime bill in the evening.

5)GDC needed a professional political strategist.

6)Robin insulted the memory of the President’s wife.

7)Sydney Wade was known to have a lot of success getting congressmen


8)The White House had the single greatest home court advantage in the modern world.

9)A.J. said that the deal he had made wasn’t a waste of time.

10)Sydney realized at once that the President had phoned her.

5. Insert prepositions where necessary.

1)Mr. Rothschild asked to have a moment _____ you ____ this morning.

2)Lewis was concerned _____ something I did ____ Sunday night.

3)This is the time ____ prudence.

4)I want it to reduce ____ half.

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