- •Предисловие.
- •Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов экономического вуза немеждународной специализации, изучающих деловой английский язык.
- •Основной целью обучения иностранному языку на данном этапе является дальнейшее развитие языковой компетенции путём реализации всех компонентов и активизации навыков и умений, необходимых для общения в сфере деловой коммуникации.
- •Основным принципом процесса обучения является активизация деятельности обучающихся посредством использования упражнений коммуникативного характера, требующих работы в парах и мини-группах.
- •Помимо практических обучающих разработок учебное пособие включает приложение с методическими рекомендациями для оптимального использования представленного материала.
- •Использованные в пособии комплексные знания в области международной бизнес-коммуникации, наработанные западными и отечественными авторами, дают возможность наиболее эффективно обучить студентов навыкам устной и письменной речи в данной сфере.
- •Ex. 1. Say if these statements are true or false to find out who you are.
- •Note:
- •I think that my main skills are …
- •Ex. 4. Describe the nature of your future work.
- •What do you do?
- •Types of job and types of work
- •Ways of working
- •Recruitment
- •Next step, Fiona Scott has undertaken, is the letter of application.
- •Fit for Hiring? It’s Mind over Matter
- •1. Tell me about yourself.
- •2. Why do you want to work for us?
- •3. What would you do for us?
- •4. What are your strong points?
- •5. What is your biggest weakness? (A look-for-the-reaction type question.)
- •6. Tell me about one of your working achievements.
- •It’s time to take a pride in your major accomplishment at previous work. But be careful. Don’t boast!
- •7. What did you like least about your previous job?
- •8. Why did you leave your last job?
- •9. How long will it take you to make a contribution to our firm?
- •Don’t promise exactly as you do not know the future environment.
- •10. What salary would you desire?
- •11. Do you have any objections to a psychological evaluation?
- •12. Do you have any questions?
- •Ex. 18. Here are some tips to prepare for the interview in the best way.
- •Before the interview:
- •Just before:
- •At the interview:
- •Ex. 19. Work in pairs (Student A and Student B).
- •Student A:
- •Student B:
- •Vocabulary
- •Wages, salary and benefits
- •Compensation 1
- •Note: compensation 2
- •What satisfying and dissatisfying factors have you written down? Are the employees working for these companies happy?
- •Ex. 8. Translate these phrases into English:
- •Ex. 9. Discuss these questions with a group.
- •1. How much should companies be involved in the lives of their employees?
- •2. How can businesses help to improve the balance between employees’ working and leisure hours?
- •Ex.10. Listen to the interview (use the audio course to “Market Leader” Upper Intermediate, Rec. 5.1) and answer the questions bellow.
- •A. To understand recording in a better way you have to work with vocabulary: match the words to their Russian equivalents.
- •B. Listen to the interview and answer these questions:
- •2. Which groups of workers are most satisfied and which are least satisfied?
- •3. Which factors are the most motivating at work?
- •Project task.
- •Ex. 11. Make a project “The Company I would like to work for”. Invent a number of fringe benefits to ease the employees’ lives and motivate them to work harder. Convince all the rest of your group that Your Company is the best.
- •1. Do job titles give a good idea about what someone actually does?
- •2. To what extent do you judge someone by their job?
- •3. Which would motivate you more: a pay rise or a better job title? Why?
- •4. Why might job titles cause problems among staff?
- •5. What do you think people with the following titles do at work?
- •Ex. 13. Read the article. Compare your answers to Exercise 12 with what the writer says. Does anything from the article surprise you?
- •Job Satisfaction is All in a Name.
- •Bosses who are cash-strapped but want a decent typist without having to give them a pay rise would do well to call them “Digital Data Executives”.
- •According to the study by Office Angels, the secretarial recruitment consultancy, job-title snobbery creates such envy that 90 per cent of employers and 70 per cent of employees said that it caused staff division.
- •Filling clerks long to be known as “Data Storage Specialists”, photocopying clerks as “Reprographics Engineers”, secretaries as “Executaries” and post-room workers as “Office Logistics Coordinators”.
- •Ex. 14. Match the jobs on the left with their more professional-sounding job titles on the right. Then try to make up some job titles of your own.
- •Final discussion.
- •Ex. 15. Discuss in groups the importance of a job title in providing job satisfaction and answer the question if a better job title is more motivating factor than a pay rise.
- •Vocabulary
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
"Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права"
Остапенко А.Б.
Учебное пособие
Хабаровск 2009
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
"Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права"
Рекомендовано Дальневосточным региональным центром (ДВРУМЦ) в качестве учебного
пособия для студентов экономических специальностей вузов региона
Хабаровск 2009
ББК Ш 123.21 Х 12
English for business communication : учеб. пособие / составитель А. Б. Остапенко.
– Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2009. – 116 с.
Рецензенты: канд. пед. наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой английского языка как второго иностранного ДВГГУ И.Н. Гущина доктор филолог. наук, проф. каф.
переводоведения и межкульт. коммуникации ИЯМК ДВГГУ С.М. Пак канд.филолог. наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой
иностранных языков ХГАЭП Н.В. Аблецова
Учебное издание Анна Борисовна Остапенко
Учебное пособие
Редактор Г. С. Одинцова
Подписано к печати __________ Формат 60*84/16. Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл.печ.л. 6,7 Уч.-изд.л. 4,8 Тираж 400 экз. Заказ №_____________
680042, г. Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ © Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2009
Unit I
Job hunting…………………………………...…………………………………5
Unit II
Job satisfaction………………………………………………………...………20 Unit III
Setting up a business…………………………………………………………..27 Unit IV
Management……………………………………………...……………………35 Unit V
Company Structure…………………………………………………………….43 Unit VI
Retailing and e-commerce……………………………………………………..49 Unit VII
Franchising………………………………………………...……..…………...56 Unit VIII
Marketing ……………………………………………………………………..59 Unit IX
Advertising .………………………………….………………………………..65 Unit X
Banking……………………………………….……………………………….70 Unit XI
Unit XII
Commercial correspondence…………………………………………………..80 Supplementary file to video films…………………………………………………….97 Video 1. Globalisation…………………………………………………………97 Video 2. Managing people……………………………………...……………101 Video 3. Building brands…………………………………………………….105 Key vocabulary exercises……………………………………………………………109 Unit I. Job hunting. Recruitment…………………………...………………...109 Unit II Job satisfaction……………………………………………………….109 Unit III. Setting up a business………………………………………………..110 Unit IV. Management………………………………………………………..110 Unit V. Company structure…………………………………………………...111 Unit VI. Retailing ……………………………………………………………111
Unit VII. Franchising …………………………………………….……...…...112 Unit VIII. Marketing …………………………………………………….......112 Unit IX. Advertising ………………..……...………………………………..113 Unit X. Banking……….…………………………………….……………….113
Методические рекомендации……………………………………………………...114
Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов экономического вуза немеждународной специализации, изучающих деловой английский язык.
Основной целью обучения иностранному языку на данном этапе является дальнейшее развитие языковой компетенции путём реализации всех компонентов и активизации навыков и умений, необходимых для общения в сфере деловой коммуникации.
Основным принципом процесса обучения является активизация деятельности обучающихся посредством использования упражнений коммуникативного характера, требующих работы в парах и мини-группах.
Пособие структурировано на 12 тематических разделов –I Job hunting, II Job satisfaction, III Setting up a business, IV Management, V Company structure,
VI Retailing |
and |
e-commerce, VII Franchising, VIII Marketing, |
IX Advertising, |
X Banking, |
XI |
Globalization, XII Commercial Correspondence. |
Кроме того, в |
данном курсе представлен раздел под названием Supplementary File to Video Films, содержащий адаптированные упражнения для детального понимания видео-фрагментов, рекомендуемых для просмотра в рамках изучения вышеуказанных тем. Пособие завершают контрольные упражнения на знание лексического материала.
Каждый раздел содержит аутентичный текст, после которого следуют упражнения, направленные на углублённую работу над устойчивыми разговорными моделями и расширение лексического запаса обучающихся в сфере деловой коммуникации. В подборе упражнений ведущим является принцип нарастания языковой сложности и постепенного перехода от упражнений репродуктивного типа к упражнениям продуктивного типа. Завершается каждый раздел ролевой игрой, побуждающей студента активизировать полученную лексику в монологической или диалогической речи, или заданием по созданию проекта с использованием информационных технологий, способствующим развитию творческого потенциала студентов и активной жизненной позиции.
Помимо практических обучающих разработок учебное пособие включает приложение с методическими рекомендациями для оптимального использования представленного материала.
Использованные в пособии комплексные знания в области международной бизнес-коммуникации, наработанные западными и отечественными авторами, дают возможность наиболее эффективно обучить студентов навыкам устной и письменной речи в данной сфере.
Таким образом, содержащийся в пособии аутентичный материал позволяет укрепить и расширить знания в области экономики, а использованная информация из статей англоязычных газетно-журнальных изданий даёт возможность проанализировать и сопоставить экономические события и процессы, происходящие в разных странах.
Topics for discussion:
1.Do you know who you are?
2.What sort of job would you like to do?
3.How to apply for the job?
4.How to succeed at the job interview?
Ex. 1. Say if these statements are true or false to find out who you are.
1. |
I reckon I can do things as well as most people |
( T/F?) |
2. |
It’s not easy being me |
( |
) |
3. |
When I have to make a presentation, I’m terrified of making a fool of |
myself |
( |
) |
4. |
It’s not often that I think of myself as a failure |
( |
) |
5. |
There are a lot of things about myself I’d change if I could |
( |
) |
6. |
I’m rarely bothered by other people’s criticism |
( |
) |
7. |
Other people tend to be more well-liked than I am |
( |
) |
8. |
If I have something to say, I usually go ahead and say it |
( |
) |
9. |
I don’t often feel ashamed of anything I have done |
( |
) |
10. When people say complimentary things about me I find it hard to |
believe they really mean it |
( |
) |
Score two points for each “True” answer to statements 1,4,6,8 and 9; score zero for every “False” answer. For statements 2,3,5,7 and 10 score two points for each ‘False” answer. Score zero for each “True” answer.
The higher is the score, the better opinion you have of yourself. A score of 14 or more suggests that you are quite confident, not necessarily conceited, but you certainly like yourself well enough, and there’s no danger of other people made to feel uncomfortable by any signs of self-loathing in you.
A score of 8 or less suggests that you have serious doubts about yourself and value to the world. It may of course be a temporary state of affairs – perhaps the result of some recent misfortune. But if this is your normal condition, other people are bound to pick it up, and the risk is that they will accept your estimate of yourself and hence find it difficult to respect you.
Ex. 2. Match the words. Make up a list of personal qualities you have.
1. |
confident |
a) |
обладающий чувством юмора |
2. |
enterprising |
b) |
точный |
3. |
humorous |
c) |
терпеливый |
4. |
ambitious |
d) |
уверенный |
5. |
helpful |
e) |
предприимчивый |
6 |
6. |
tolerant |
f) |
благоразумный |
7. |
accurate |
g) |
бескорыстный |
8. |
prudent |
h) |
честолюбивый |
9. |
generous |
i) |
полезный |
10. competitive |
j) |
конкурентоспособный |
11. fair-minded |
k) |
покладистый, гибкий |
12. flexible |
l) |
справедливый |
13. good-natured |
m) |
добродушный |
14. wise |
n) |
нерешительный |
15. reliable |
o) |
аналитический |
16. responsible |
p) |
организованный |
17. indecisive |
q) |
высокомерный |
18. irresponsible |
r) |
решительный |
19. arrogant |
s) |
безответственный |
20. analytical |
t) |
энергичный |
21. considerate |
u) |
общительный |
22. decisive |
v) |
целеустремлённый |
23. energetic |
w) |
добросовестный |
24. organized |
x) |
надёжный |
25. sociable |
y) |
мудрый |
26. purposeful |
z) |
ответственный |
Ex. 3. Write your self-assessment. Use characteristics given above for selfanalysis. Put down the general idea of what you are:
I think that my main skills are …
My skills refer rather to the work with … (people, objects, information, machines etc) I’d rather develop the following qualities and strong points …
My interests lie in the sphere of …
I’d rather develop my interests in the sphere of… I realized that to feel happy and satisfied I need…
I realized that the strongest motive of my activity is …
Ex. 4. Describe the nature of your future work.
+noun |
human contacts, team work, |
long hours, good salary, good |
I’d like my work to involve |
colleagues, business trips… |
+ -ing |
solving problems, |
traveling a |
lot, dealing with |
customers, |
communicating with people, |
making decisions… |
Ex.5. Five people talk about their jobs. Match the jobs (1-5) to the people (a-e) and put the words in brackets into the correct grammatical forms.
3.flight attendant
4.software developer
a)Obviously, my work involves ………(travel) a lot. It can be quite physically
………..(tire), but I enjoy ………..(deal) with customers, except when they become violent. Luckily this doesn’t happen often.
b)I like ………(work) with figures, but my job is much less ……….(bore) and routine than people think. The work ………(involve) a lot of human contact and teamwork, working with other managers.
c)Of course it involves getting up quite early in the morning. But I like …...(be) out in the open air. And I get a lot of exercise.
d)You’ve got to think in a logical way. The work can be mentally………(tire), but it’s very satisfying to write a program that works.
e)I love my job. It’s very ………..(stimulate) and not at all ………(repeat): no two days are the same. It’s good to see the children learn and develop.
Ex.6. Using an English dictionary to find the meaning of a word that you do not understand is a simple way to improve your vocabulary. But it is also a good idea to see if you can work out the meaning from the context. Read the information and guess the meaning of the words in thick print. Explain them in English.
What do you do?
To find out what someone’s job is you say “What do you do?”. Here Kerstin talks about her job:
“I work for a large European car market. I work on car design. In fact, I run the design department and I manage a team of designers: 20 people work under me. One of my responsibilities is to make sure that new model designs are finished on time. I’m also in charge of design budgets. I deal with a lot of different people in the company. I’m responsible for coordination between design and production: I work with managers at our manufacturing plants.”
Types of job and types of work
A full-time job is for the whole of the normal working week; a part-time job is for less time than that.
You say that someone works full-time or part-time.
A permanent job does not finish after a fixed period; a temporary job finishes after a fixed period. You talk about temporary work and permanent work.