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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию

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"Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права"

Кафедра иностранных языков


"Российский Дальний Восток"

Рекомендовано Дальневосточным региональным учебно-методическим центром

(ДВРУМЦ) в качестве учебного пособия для студентов экономических специальностей вузов региона

Хабаровск 2006


ББК Ш 143.21 Х 21

Английский язык. Российский Дальний Восток : учебное пособие / сост. М. Ю. Бакулина, О. В. Зимовина. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2006. – 60 с.

Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ХВИ ФВС РФ, канд.фил.наук, доцент О.Б. Алексеева

зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ТОГУ, канд.соц.наук, доцент И.Ф. Уманец


Учебное пособие для студентов 2 курса дневного отделения

всех специальностей

Редактор Г.С. Одинцова

Подписано к печати ____________ Формат 60*84/16.

Бумага писчая.

Печать офсетная. Усл. п. л. 3, 5. Уч.-изд. л. 2,5.

Тираж 700 экз.

Заказ № _____________.


680042, г. Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 134, ХГАЭП, РИЦ

© Хабаровская государственная академия экономики и права, 2006



Учебное пособие «Российский Дальний Восток» предназначено для студентов 2 курса дневного отделения всех специальностей (кроме специальностей, углубленно изучающих курс английского языка).

Цель учебного пособия – развить навыки устной речи, помочь студентам овладеть разговорной речью (как монологической, так и диалогической) по темам, связанным с географией, историей и экономикой Российского Дальнего Востока (Хабаровского края). Учебное пособие также может быть использовано для самостоятельной работы (4 раздел). Учебное пособие служит не только источником языкового и грамматического материала, но и учит студентов в работе с текстом различным видам чтения (ознакомительному, аналитическому, поиску в тексте определенной информации), прогнозированию содержания текста и общению по заданной теме. Лексика определяется тематикой.

Учебное пособие состоит из 5 разделов: География российского Дальнего Востока, Хабаровский край, Экономика российского Дальнего Востока, тексты для дополнительного чтения, контроль знаний.

Структура первых двух разделов стереотипна:

-предтекстовые фонетические упражнения;

-текст по заданной теме;

-лексико-грамматические упражнения;

-упражнения по развитию диалогической и монологической речи;

-тематический словарь, предназначенный для активного усвоения.

3-й раздел, в дополнении к обобщающему тексту по экономике российского Дальнего Востока и лексико-грамматическим упражнениям к нему, содержит подробную информацию об отраслях экономики российского Дальнего Востока, включает диаграммы по экономике всех дальневосточных регионов России. Также в структуру 3-го раздела включена тема "Экономика Хабаровского края".

4-й раздел содержит дополнительный материал по географии и истории Дальнего Востока и может быть использован по усмотрению преподавателя.

5-й раздел состоит из нестандартных упражнений по контролю знаний по теме "Российский Дальний Восток (Хабаровский край)".

Знание предложенных текстов поможет студентам вести беседу по заданным темам, расширит кругозор, поможет сделать сообщение по определенной теме.



Ex. 1. Read the following words:

expanse, shrub, variety, to include, illiteracy, resources, coal, oil, consciousness, strait, deposit, to divide, to mingle, to be wiped, tapped, endangered species, coniferous, broadleaf, peculiar, rare, valuable, fur-bearing, indigenous, fowl, relict, inhabit, fauna.

Ex. 2. Learn the pronunciation:

















































invertebrate [







































































Ex. 3. Read and translate the texts:

The geography of the Russian Far East

The Russian Far East lies wholly within the Russian Federation and is its eastern most part. The huge expanse of land generally known as Siberia lies east of the Urals. Most people are not exactly sure what territory it includes. Geographers divide Asian Russia into Western Siberia, (from the Ural mountains to the Yenisey river), Eastern Siberia (from the Yenisey river to the coastal foothills), and the Russian Far East (the Pacific coastal region from the Bering Strait to the Primorye). Politicians divide Russia into Federal Okrugs.


The largest Federal Okrug is the Far-Eastern Federal Okrug with the capital city of Khabarovsk.

Economists divide Russia into several economic regions. One of them is the Far-Eastern economic region. It includes the Khabarovsky Krai, Primorsky Krai, Republic of Sakha (Yakutya), Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Kamchatsky Krai, including Koryaksky Autonomous Territory (Okrug), Chukotsky Autonomous Territory (Okrug), Magadanskaya, Sakhalinskaya and Amurskaya Oblasts. The Far-Eastern region covers almost 40 per cent of the land mass of the Russian Federation and stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the sea of Japan and from the border with China and Mongolia to the Aleutian Islands and the border with the United States.

Mountains cover more than three quarters of the Far East territory, however, their height doesn’t usually exceed more than 1,000 meters above sea level. This is the only place in Russia with active volcanoes. Kluchevskaya Hill, which is located in Kamchatka, is one of the highest active volcanoes in the world.

The Russian Far East has a great variety of climatic conditions. The northern part lies beyond the Arctic Circle. A natural phenomenon of exceptionally rare beauty, the Northern lights, can be observed on the shore of the Arctic Ocean during the polar night. Further south, the tundra gradually becomes the forest tundra and then the taiga, at first coniferous and then mixed and broadleaf forests. The sharply continental climate is changed by a softer monsoon climate. In winter seasonal winds are blowing from the mainland and in summer – from the Pacific.

Flora and fauna of the Russian Far East

Flora and fauna of the Far East are known for the peculiar combination of the northern and southern nature. Different trees and shrubs in this area mingle and form a wonderful mosaic. Many kinds of plants and animal species are endemic for far-eastern mixed forests.

Inimitable in its beauty the Far Eastern taiga is the real wonder of this area. The Far East is the only place in the world where one can meet this fabulous natural phenomenon – south-north wild life interfacing. Only here one can find plants belonging to tundra and light coniferous forests growing side by side: the southern magnolia vines (shizandra chinensis), aralia, ginseng, eleutherococus, wild grape, Manchurian walnut, grow next to huge cedars, a birch grows beside a bamboo, cork-tree woods grow on the hill slopes side by side with a spruce and fir-tree, maples and oaks grow next to yew-trees.

Forest covers over half of the total area of this territory. The stock of wood is about 200 different varieties, the most valuable are – ash, oak, larch, spruce, pine, cedar, cork-tree. Forest is called a “Green Gold” and all possible measures should be taken to preserve and to make the most efficient use of it.


The vegetation is also rich in herbs, flowers, medicinal shrubs and fruitbearing plants. The most beautiful relict plant – Komorov’s lotus – can be found in the lakes of the Primorye and Priamurye. There are many berries in taiga, such as honeysuckle, cranberry, bilberry and cowberry among others.

The Far Eastern fauna also displays a great variety, ranging from peculiar butterflies to the Himalayan black bear, Far-Eastern snow leopard, Amur tiger. Tiger is the biggest of all wild cats and the Amur tiger is the biggest of tiger species. The Amur tiger and Far-Eastern leopard belong to the group of endangered species. The Far-Eastern leopard is nearly extinct. Very few leopards are still living in the south of the Primorye. There are valuable furbearing animals, such as ermines, sables and arctic foxes in the north. It is impossible even to imagine all species of animals and birds living in the Far Eastern taiga forests. There are Amur tigers, Manchurian deer, or red deer, musk deer, Siberian roe deer, elks, wild boars, common and red wolves, racoon dogs, weasels, wolverines, badges, wild cats, martens, lynxes, beavers, Manchurian hares, goral (wild goat) and bighorn sheep in the mountains among them. Northern (reindeer or cariboe) deer are numerous in the north. The humid southern forests are paradise for different species of frogs and snakes. The basin of the Amur river is also the home for the Far-Eastern leatherback turtle (Chinese soft shell turtle).

The bird colonies are impressive too like Far-Eastern white storks and black storks, Japanese cranes, mandarian ducks, black grouses, hazel grouse, pheasants, herons, great cormorants, etc. In the Far East there are large amounts of waterfowl. Of birds of prey, erne and black kite feeding by fish are staying near water. Above meadows and fields one can see hawk and golden eagle. The largest eagle in the world inhabits Kamchatka. Such night birds of prey as fish eagle owl and polar owl are listed into Red Data Book.

On the seashores of the Pacific one can find breeding-grounds of sea lions as well as those of common and ribbon seals. There are also whales, walruses and sea (river) otters.

There are over 125 000 rivers and over 60 000 lakes in the Far East of Russia. They are teeming with over 140 species of fish, including sturgeons, black and mirror carps, bream, taimen (trout), lenok, snakehead, black and white Amur, Amur pike, Aucha fish, kaluga, the biggest fresh water fish in the world. Pacific salmons are running for spawning to the taiga rivers.

The seas are rich in invertebrates, such as trepangs (sea cucumbers), scallops, mussels, shrimps, prawns, oysters, as well as algae of which there are about 550 different varieties. The waters of Kamchatka are famous for their crabs.


Mineral resources. Population

The Far East is rich in mineral resources, the cost of which is estimated at astronomic figures. Gold still remains to be the most promising of the natural resources tapped. Besides gold, much attention has been paid to prospecting and extraction of coal, oil and natural gas. Among the important and well-developed industries of the Far East are extraction and mining. Oil and natural gas are extracted in Sakhalin. Coal mining is developed in the southern part of Yakutiya, the Khabarovsky Krai (Verkhnebureinsky District), the south of Primorye. Copper is extracted in the Komsomolsky District, lead and zink – in the Primorsky Krai. 90% of tin in the Russian Federation is mined in the Far East: the Komsomolsky District, Kavalerovo (Primorye) and the northern part of Yakutiya. 60% of gold in the RF is mined in the Far East. The most important and largest gold extractions in Russia are in the Magadanskaya Oblast (RussianAmerican joint venture). Other deposits of gold are located in Yakutiya, Amurskaya Oblast, the Khabarovsky Krai. Platinium is extracted in the Khabarovsky Krai and Koryaksky Autonomous Territory. Almost 100% of diamond extractions in Russia are in Yakutiya.

The Russian Far East is a multiethnic community. The smallest peoples’ group of this country – the Negidals (about 500 people), live in the valleys of the Amgun and Amur rivers. Among other indigenous people there are the Yakuts, the Evenks, Evens, Chukchi, Yukaghirs, Aleuts, Ulchi, Udeges, Koryaks, Eskimos, Nanai, Orochi, Nivkhs. Their life improved dramatically in just one generation. There are problems and needs in the social, economic and cultural life of the indigenous people. That is true, written languages had been created, illiteracy was wiped out but at the same time they began to lose their national consciousness, their native language, their folklore, their traditions and tribal system.

The national problems differ in different parts of this country and eventually we’ll find a way to create a favourable social climate for all the ethnic groups of this area.

Ex. 4. Translate the following words and word combinations:

generally known, to be not exactly sure, coastal foothills, the Bering strait, climatic conditions, beyond the arctic Circle, the Northern lights, the forest tundra, sharply continental, softer monsoon, to be rich in, inimitable in its beauty, the real wonder, south-north wild life interfacing, side by side, “Green Gold”, ranging from … to, breeding-grounds, multiethnic community, written languages, find a way to create a favourable climate.


Ex. 5. Find English equivalents in the text:

азиатская часть России, тихоокеанское побережье, 40 процентов, граница с Китаем, Алеутские острова, чудо, единственное место в мире, здесь можно найти, склоны гор, запасы леса, гималайский (белогрудый) медведь, снежный барс (дальневосточный леопард), смешанные леса, широколиственные леса, лесотундра, хвойные леса, материк, достигать, беспозвоночные, креветки, водоросли, около 550 различных видов, зеркальный карп, долины, немногим больше, родной язык, тетерев, утка-мандаринка, северный олень, тюлень, Красная книга, песец, коршун, рыбный филин, беркут, большой баклан, щука, пихта, сосна.

Ex. 6. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1.Geographers divide Asian Russia …Eastern Siberia, Western Siberia and the

Russian Far East.

2.The Russian Far East stretches … the Arctic Ocean … the sea … Japan.

3.It stretches … the border … China and Mongolia … the Aleutian Islands and the border … the USA.

4.Flora and fauna are known … the peculiar combination of the northern and southern nature.

5.The largest Federal Okrug is the Far-Eastern Federal Okrug … the capital city … Khabarovsk.

6.Inimitable … its beauty the Far Eastern taiga is the real wonder of this area.

7.One can find plants belonging … tundra and light coniferous forests growing side … side.

8.Magnolia vine, aralia and gin-seng grow next … huge cedars, a birch grows… a bamboo.

9.The northern part lies … the Arctic Circle.

10.The Northern lights can be observed … the shore of the Arctic Ocean, … the polar night.

11.The sharply continental climate is changed … a softer monsoon climate.

12.In winter, winds are blowing … the mainland and in summer … the Pacific.

13.The Far Eastern fauna also displays … a great variety.

14.The humid southern forests are paradise … different species of frogs and snakes.

15.… meadows and fields one can see hawk and golden eagle.

16.Much attention has been paid … prospecting and extraction of coal, oil and natural gas.

17.The rivers are teeming … over 140 species of fish, including … sturgeon, black and mirror carps, salmon.

18.The seas are rich … invertebrates.


19.The largest eagle in the world inhabits … Kamchatka.

20.…birds of prey erne and black kite feeding … fish are staying near water.

Ex. 7. Complete the sentences:

1.The huge expanse of land known as Siberia lies … .

2.Geographers divide Asian Russia into … .

3.The FarEastern economic region includes … .

4.The FarEastern region covers … .

5.The FarEastern region stretches from … .

6.The tundra gradually becomes … .

7.The sharply continental climate is changed by … .

8.Flora and fauna of the Far East are known for … .

9.The Far East is the only place where … .

10.The stock of wood is … .

11.The Far Eastern flora also displays … .

12.Only here one can find plants belonging … .

13.Gold still remains to be … .

14.Much attention has been paid to … .

15.The seas are rich in … .

Ex. 8. Expand the statements:

1.Most people are not exactly sure what territory the Far East includes.

2.The Russian Far East occupies a large territory.

3.The Far East has a great variety of climatic conditions.

4.Plants belonging to tundra and light coniferous forests grow side by side.

5.The Far Eastern fauna displays a great variety.

6.The bird colonies are impressive too.

7.The Far East is rich in mineral resources.

8.The rivers are teeming with over 140 species of fish.

9.The seas are rich in invertebrates.

10.The Russian Far East is a multiethnic community.

Ex. 9. Answer the questions:

1.Can you define the geographical position of the Russian Far East?

2.How many territories does the FarEastern economic region include?

3.What types of forest are there in the Russian Far East?

4.How is the climate changed?

5.What does the term “Green Gold” mean?

6.What representatives of the northern and southern fauna can be seen in the Russian Far East?


7.What does the term “endangered animals” mean? Can you give any examples of them?

8.What species of animals can be met on the seashores?

9.What rare birds can be met in the Russian Far East?

10.What are the most promising natural resources?

11.How many species of fish are there in the Far Eastern rivers?

12.Are the seas rich in invertebrates?

13.What ethnic groups live in the Russian Far East?

14.How did the Russians influence the life of the indigenous people?

Ex. 10. a) combine the following sentences into one or change the construction, using “participle I”:

1.One can find plants which belong to tundra and light coniferous forests. They grow side by side.

2.The Far Eastern fauna displays a great variety. It ranges from peculiar butterflies to the Himalayan black bear and the Amur tiger.

3.It is impossible to imagine all species of animals and birds which live in the Far Eastern taiga.

4.The rivers are teeming with over 140 species of fish. They include sturgeons, black and mirror carps, breams, taimens, lenoks, salmons, kaluga.

b) find in the text other examples of using “participle I”.

Ex. 11. a) open the brackets. Use Passive Voice:

1.Forests (to call) a “Green Gold” and all measures (to take) to make the most efficient use of it.

2.The Northern lights (can observe) on the store of the Arctic Ocean.

3.The sharply continental climate (to change) by a softer monsoon climate.

4.Much attention (to have paid) to prospecting and extraction of hydrocarbons.

5.Written languages (to have created).

6.Illiteracy (to wipe out) among the indigenous people.

7.The highest volcanoes in the world (to locate) in Kamchatka.

8.Fish eagle owl (to list) into Red Data Book.

b) find in the text other examples of using “participle II”.

Ex. 12. Retell the text according to the plan:

1.Geographical position of the Russian Far East, its climate.

2.Peculiar combination of the northern and southern nature:

a)plants belonging to different types of forests; valuable plants;

b)the Far Eastern fauna:


-endangered and unique animals;

-fur-bearing animals;

-sea animals;




3.Mineral resources.

4.Indigenous people.

Ex. 13. a) read and translate the dialogue:

-Hi, Boris. Let me introduce my cousin Victor. He comes from the Far East, the town of Amursk.

-Nice to meet you. Were you born in Amursk?

-Yes. But my parents are from Vitebsk. They came to the Far East after the graduating from the institute. You see, a lot of young specialists and working people from different parts of the former Soviet Union came to settle in the Far East. So, I can say, we have a mixture of different nationalities in the Far East, including the indigenous people.

-It’s very interesting. How can you explain the origin of the term “Far East”?

I heard the Russian Far East is a part of Siberia, isn’t it?

-From the historical point of view, it is. But I don’t advise you to say it to the

real Far-Easterners. They prefer to distinguish the region they live in into the independent geographic area. You see, up to the late 19th century the entire Asian part of Russia, from the Urals to the Pacific, had been called Siberia. But economic development of the eastern regions demanded that those regions become independent economic and geographic entities, so that Siberia was divided into Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In addition to geographic and economic divisions the Russian Federation was divided into the Federal Okrugs.

-I know there is the Far-Eastern Federal Okrug. I guess it is a large territory.

-It’s huge. It includes 9 territories with area of 6 215 900 sq.km.

-I see. There must be a large population in the Russian Far East.

-I wouldn’t say so. In comparison with the huge territory the size of the population is small. It’s about 7 million. It is very hard to live in the severe natural conditions.

-I think the distribution of the population is very uneven.

-Right you are. The population density is the highest along the valley of the river Amur and in the southern part of the Far East.

-We are having such an interesting talk. Oh, it’s 1.45 p.m. Don’t you think it’s time to have a snack? I can recommend you a really good “bistro” where we can continue our talk, if you don’t mind, of course.

-I’d love to …

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