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АНГ 2 Relay protection / lesson1_task2

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

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«Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический Университет»

Центр цифровых

образовательных технологий

13.03.02 «Электроэнергетика и электротехника»

Individual Task 2. LESSON 1

по дисциплине:

Professional English for Electrical Power Engineering. Part 2. RelayProtection


студент группы


Кутонов В.С.



доцент ОЭЭ ИШЭ

Рубан Н.Ю.

Томск - 2022

What is the operation principle of electromechanical relay?

An electromagnetic relay is a relay that responds to the magnitude of an electric current by attracting a ferromagnetic armature or core when current passes through its winding.

The main parts of an electromagnetic relay: an electromagnet, an armature and a switch. An electromagnet is an electrical wire wound on a coil with a yoke made of a soft magnetic material. Armature - usually a plate of magnetic material, through the pushers acting on the contacts.

In the initial position, the anchor is held by a spring. When a control signal is applied, the electromagnet attracts the armature, overcoming its force, and closes and / or opens the contacts, depending on the design of the relay. After turning off the control voltage, the spring returns the armature to its original position. Some models may have built-in electronic components. This is a resistor connected to the coil winding for a more precise operation of the relay, or (and) a capacitor parallel to the contacts to reduce sparking and noise, or a semiconductor diode that serves to block overvoltages on the relay winding when it is de-energized due to electromagnetic induction.

Соседние файлы в папке АНГ 2 Relay protection