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Английский язык. методические указания для студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Техносферная безопасность». Нестерова О.Ф.docx
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4.Выучите следующие слова, необходимые для понимания текста:

harm – вред, телесное повреждение

likelihood – вероятность

to be exposed – быть подверженным

level – уровень

to remove – удалять, устранять

to eliminate – ликвидировать

to substitute – заменять

to restrict – ограничивать

to include – включать

defence- защита

severity – серьезность, тяжесть

5.Прочитайте и переведите текст, внимательно изучив диаграмму схему.


What is Hazard?

Hazard is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons.

What is Risk?

Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse health effects if exposed to a hazard.

Categorizing Risk

The level of risk is often categorized upon the potential harm or adverse health effect that the hazard may cause, the number of times persons are exposed and the number of persons exposed

What are Control Measures?

Control measures include actions that can be taken to reduce the potential of the hazard, to remove the hazard or to reduce the likelihood of the risk that hazard being realized.

1. Eliminate the hazard

Elimination of the hazard is not always achievable though it does totally remove the hazard and thereby eliminates the risk.

2. Substitute the hazard with a lesser risk

Substituting the hazard may not remove all of the hazards associated with the process or activity and may introduce different hazards but the overall harm or health effects will be lessened.

3Isolate the hazard

Isolating the hazard is achieved by restricting access to plant and equipment or in the case of substances locking them away under strict controls.

4. Use engineering controls

Engineering Controls involve redesigning a process to place a barrier between the person and the hazard or remove the hazard from the person.

5. Use administrative controls

Administrative controls include adopting standard operating procedures or safe work practices or providing appropriate training, instruction or information to reduce the potential for harm and/or adverse health effects to person(s).

6Use personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes gloves, glasses, earmuffs, aprons, safety footwear, dust masks which are designed to reduce exposure to the hazard. PPE is usually seen as the last line of defence and is usually used in conjunction with one or more of the other control measures.

What is Risk Assessment?

Risk Assessment is necessary where the severity of the hazard is considered in conjunction with other factors including the level of exposure and the number of persons exposed. There are a number of different formulae used to calculate the overall risk from basic calculations using high, medium and low categories to complicated algorithms to calculate risks at Nuclear power stations and other high risk work locations.

6.Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения, начиная свое высказывание соответствующей фразой: I agree, you are right или I dont agree, you are not right, you are wrong. Исправьте неверное утверждение.

1. Hazard is the likelihood that a person may be harmed. 2. Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed. 3. The level of risk is often categorized upon the number of persons exposed. 4. Elimination totally removes the hazard and eliminates the risk. 5. Isolating the hazard is restricting access to plant and equipment. 6. Engineering Controls involves providing appropriate training. 7. Personal protective equipment is the control measure which is used separately.

7. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным частям предложений. Обратите внимание на предложения в Passive Voice (to be + V³).

1. The level of risk is often categorized upon the potential harm. 2. Isolating the hazard is achieved by restricting access to plant and equipment. 3. PPE is usually seen as the last line of defence. 4. Personal protective equipment is usually used in conjunction with one or more of the other control measures. 5. The severity of the hazard is considered in conjunction with other factors.

8.Сделайте небольшое выступление о контрольных мерах по уменьшению и предотвращению опасности на строительных объектах с опорой на ключевые фразы.

Hazard, risk, the level of risk, actions to reduce (to remove) the hazard, by restricting access, to place a barrier, adopting standard operating procedures, to reduce exposure to the hazard.


Грамматика: Participle 1.

Словообразование: international words.

Текст: Health and Safety in Construction.


1.Какие русские эквиваленты соответствуют следующим интернациональным словам?

Construction, industry, material, management, design, process, type, collapse, contact, electricity, line, excavation, protection, risk, system, fatal, platform, contractor.

2.Выучите основные понятия:

cause – причина

illness – заболевание

an accident – несчастный случай, авария

height – высота

a trench – траншея

a ramp – пандус

hoist – подъемник

edge – край

to require – требовать

temporary – временный

to deal with – иметь дело с …

3.а) Обратимте внимание на перевод следующих причастий. От каких частей речи они образованы?

Moving – to move, reading – to read, acting – to act, doing – to do, making – to make.

б) Переведите самостоятельно на русский язык следующие причастия:

causing, falling, leading, reducing, including, removing.

4.Прочитав текст, найдите в нем английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний и переведите его на русский язык:

Охватывает широкий спектр деятельности; плохое управление; первопричина большинства смертей и травм; несчастные случаи, приводящие к гибели; разрушение материала; воздушные линии электропередач; подъемные области; жилищное строительство; не смертельные травмы.


The construction industry covers a wide range of activities, hazards, materials and technique. Poor management of the design or construction process is a prime cause of most of the deaths, injuries and illness in the construction industry.

The main types of accidents causing death during construction activities are:

  • falls from height;

  • site vehicles;

  • falling or collapsing material (including trench accidents);

  • contact with overhead electricity lines.

Fall from height is the leading cause of injury in the construction industry. Fall protection is needed in areas and activities that include ramps, runways, and other walkways; excavations; hoist areas; holes; unprotected sides and edges; roofing; wall openings; residential construction; and other walking/working surfaces.

Protection is also required when the employee is at risk of falling onto dangerous equipment.

The employee or employer will be responsible for providing fall protection systems and to ensure the use of these systems.

The most common items associated with non-fatal injuries are temporary working platforms, scaffolds and ladders.

Motor Vehicle Crashes are another major safety hazard on construction sites

During excavation, the contractor is responsible for providing a safe work environment for employees and pedestrians.

Working with electricity can be dangerous. Engineers, electricians, and other workers deal with electricity directly, including working on overhead lines and electrical installations. Others, such as office workers, farmers, and construction workers work with electricity indirectly and may also be exposed to electrical hazards.

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