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Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

As seen in Fig. 4, the system is stable in a self-maintaining mode at the frequency of the closing of the shock valve of 4.58 Hz. The conditions when the dependences were obtained are as follows: a static pressure in the contour of impulse circulation of liquid is 315 KPа; a static pressure in the contour of pulsing circulation of liquid is 332 kPа; the consumption of the working medium through the shock valve 4.14 l/min; pumping consumption generated by the impulse pump is 0.28 l/min.

As seen from Fig. 4, as the shock valve closes in the pipeline area, there is a positive wave of a hydraulic shock of the working medium (the pressure goes up to 600 кPа) and behind the shock valve it is a negative wave (the pressure goes down to 100 kPa). A positive wave of distribution of a hydraulic shock provides displacement of an elastic diaphragm of the impulse pump for pushing out the pressure medium at a maximum pressure in an impulse of 400 kPа. This decrease in the pressure is due to damping of an impulse by compressed air in a hydraulic accumulator (see Fig. 2). At a negative wave of a hydraulic shock liquid from a hydraulic accumulator goes into the contour of pulsing input circulation of an impulse pump as its pressure goes down to 290 kPa.

Graphs in pressure pulsations presented in Fig. 4 allow one to establish the differences of the characteristics of impulse and pulsing flowing of liquid in pipelines. Impulse circulation is characterized with an instant increase in the pressure of the working medium before a closed shock node and conditions for its cavitation behind it. Pulsing circulation of the pressure liquid is smoother in terms of pressure pulsations and more identical tosinusoid given some assumptions. Considering practical assessment of the performance of the above scheme, it can be assumed that the use of this technical solution allows pulsing circulation of liquid to employ the kinetic energy of liquid of the second type moving impulsively. This can be used for intensifying heat exchange between these two contours by means of a water-to-water heat exchanger [6].

3. System of heat supply for independent users with impulse and pulsing circulation of a heat-carrier. A principal scheme of a heat supply system for independent users with impulse and pulsing circulation of a heat-carrier in its individual areas is presented in Fig. 5.

The system operates in the following way [17]. First it is filled with corresponding types of heat-carriers. Then using a network pump 5 circulation of a high-temperature heat-carrier is performed from the heat source 1 along the supply 2 and reverse 3 pipelines of a heat network through the heat-exchanger 3 of a heat network. As a specified speed of circulation of the high-temperature heat-carrier is achieved through the shock node 9, its passage section closes automatically and a hydraulic shock occurs. A positive wave of its distribution interacting


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

with the elastic diaphragm 11 of the impulse blower 10 causes pulsing circulation of a lowtemperature heat-carrier through the reverse input and output 13 valves 12 from one side in relation to the second side of the elastic diaphragm 11 along the distributing 7 and reverse 8 pipelines of the heat use system 6.

Fig. 5. System of heat supply for independent users with impulse circulation of a heat-carrier in the contour of a heat source and pulsing circulation in the contour of a heat use system:

1 is a heat source; 2, 3 is a supply and reverse pipelines of a heat network; 4 is a heat exchanger; 5 is a pump; 6 is a heat use system;

7, 8 is a supply and reverse pipelines of a heat use system;

9 is a shock node; 10 is an impulse blower; 11 is an elastic diaphragm; 12 is a reverse input valve; 13 is a reverse output valve

At the moment when a positive wave of distribution of a hydraulic shock spends all of its energy, the passage section of the shock node 9 opens automatically. Impulse circulation of the high-temperature heat-carrier in the supply 2 and reverse 3 pipelines of the heat network through the heat source 1 and heat-exchanger 4 by means of the network pump 5 restores and continues till the speed of the high-temperature heat-carrier reaches the value sufficient for automatic closing of the passage section of the shock node 9 again. Then the process repeats in the above sequence till the network pump 5 supplies the high-temperature heatcarrier from the heat soruce 1 to the supply 2 and reverse 3 pipelines of the heat network through the heat exchanger 4 and shock node 9.


Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526


1.While investigating the operation of a self-maintaining water-lifting device based on twoliquid hydraulic ram, it can be concluded that its operation is accompanied by the generation of impulse and pulsing oscillation movement of liquid in its individual construction elements. This water-lifting device that was originally used only to supply water in open systems can be employed in an isolated water supply system as well for organizing a self-maintaining impulse and oscillation movement of liquid in individual contours.

2.Integration of the scheme solution of two-liquid hydraulic ram into a heat supply system for independent users allows one to [14]:

–– possibly organize impulse circulation of a heat-carrier in a hydraulic contour of a heat source and heat networks;

–– possibly transform the pressure from a heat network into that of a certain heat-use system, which allows financial costs for transporting a low-temperature heat-carrier to be reduced or, in some cases, avoided altogether;

–– possibly organize pulsing circulation of a heat-carrier in a heat use system.

3.Impulseand pulsing circulationofheat-carrierin different elements of a heatsupplysystemcan beusedforintensifyingheatexchange[7, 23] and performself-purification fromlimescale [18].

4.In order to optimize construction elements and parts of a heat supply system, it is possible to locally organize impulse and pulsing circulation of heat-carriers only within heating areas [10]. In order to reduce its metal consumption and mass, technical solutions for heat-exchange devices with an oscillation heat-exchange surface should be employed [11, 32].


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Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

UDC (519.9 + 518.5) : 532.54

G. N. Martynenko1, D. N. Kitaev2, А. А. Sedaev3


Voronezh State Technical University

Russia, Voronezh

1PhD in Engineering, Assoc. Prof. of the Dept. of Heat and Oil and Gas Business, tel.: +7-900-304-62-51, e-mail: glen2009@mail.ru

2PhD in Engineering, Assoc. Prof. of the Dept. of Heat and Oil and Gas Business

3D. Sc. in Mathematics and Physics, Assoc. Prof. of the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, tel.: (473) 271-53-62, e-mail: sed@vmail.ru

Statement of the problem. The prospects for long-term development of the gas industry in Voronezh in accordance with «Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Voronezh Region for the period till 2035» of the Department of Economic Development of the Voronezh region are considered.

Results. The current state of the gas supply system in Voronezh from 2011 to 2017 is investigated. A system of program activities necessary for the implementation of the Strategy is developed. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of statistical data on the gas economy of Voronezh from 2011 to 2017, events justified due to new buildings, the requirements for higher reliability of gas pipelines, trouble-free and continuous operation of gas stations are proposed. All the events are approved and taken into consideration by Ltd. “Gazprom Gas Distribution Voronezh“.

Keywords: gas supply, development prospects, gas supply system, Voronezh.

Introduction. According to “The Strategy for Social and Economic Development of Voronezh region till 2035”, the Department for Economic Development of Voronezh region sets ambitious goals for high rates of residential construction in Voronezh and Voronezh region as well as makes long-term plans for highand low-rise construction. Therefore Voronezh region can be described as a region that is currently leading the way in residential construction and this trend is set to continue. According to the analysis of a current state of the infrastructure of Voronezh region, the main task facing the industry is designing, operation and reconstruction of objects of a communal system including water, heat, gas and energy supply [2, 8, 9, 12].

© Martynenko G. N., Kitaev D. N., Sedaev А. А., 2018


Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

Shortand long-term analyses of gas supply systems are necessary. These systems need to be looked at in more detail as they are rather challenging to operate and keep safe [1, 3—6].

1. Current state of the gas supply system of Voronezh. Gas is supplied from the main pipeline Middle Asia –– Center using five gas distribution stations (GDS) that are part of the branch “Voronezh Department of Main Pipelines” of Ltd. “Gazprom Transgaz Moscow”. The established capacity of the GDS supplies gas to current buildings (Table 1). GDS 1, 3, 4 are located on the right bank, GDS 2, 5 are on the left bank of the River Voronezh.



Current loads on the GDS of the city of Voronezh

Таble 1


















Start of the

Length, km

thousand m3/h





capacity, %





Actual current





gas consumption










GDS № 1







Р = 12 atm







Р = 12 atm














GDS № 2







Р = 6 atm (SBK1-30)







BK GDS 2-30







Р = 12 atm














GDS Teplichniy






Р = 12 atm









GDS Yamnoe







Р = 12 atm














GDS № 3, Somovo







Р = 6 atm







Р = 12 atm













Heat stations, boiler-rooms, industrial enterprises, communal household institutions and in households these are gas stoves, circulating and capacitive water heaters, heating facilities are supplied with natural gas in Voronezh. The technical data on the gas facilities as of January 1, 2017 is presented in Table 2.

There are currently 197 gas-regulating stations and cabinet-type gas-regulating stations in use which are over 20 years old. As for telemetry, the numbers are the following: in Kominternovskiy district there are 9 out of 130 regulating stations, in Leninskiy district ––


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

12 out of 65, in Levoberezhniy district 9 out of 82, in Zheleznodorozhniy 5 out of 53, in Sovetskiy district 15 out of 91.


Technical Data on Gas Household as of January 1, 2017

Таble 2






Gas User






Gasification of the housing stock






Apartments (housing stock)






Number of apartments supplied with gas:





–– including natural gas






–– liquefied gas






Level of natural gas supply, %






Characteristics of a natural gas supply system






Length of external gas pipelines served by Ltd. “Gazprom Gas Distribution Voro-


nezh” in Voronezh, km






According to the material:





–– steel, km






–– polyethylene, km






According to the pressure:






–– high Class I (0.6—1.2 МPа), km





–– high Class II (0.3—0.6 МPа), km






–– medium, km






–– low, km






According to the laying method:






–– overground, km



–– underground, km






–– underwater, km






Number of gas-regulating stations in use (GRS):




–– including those of over 20 years old







Number of cabinet-type gas-regulating stations (CRS):






–– including those with the regulator capacity of over 50 m3/h


–– with the regulator capacity of up to 50 m3/h




–– of over 20 years old






Number of gas-regulating facilities in use






Communal household institutions supplied with gas






Industrial enterprises supplied with gas






Boilers supplied with gas:




–– including those with roofs







Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526



End of Table 2




Gas User






Number of household gas stoves






Number of circulating water heaters






Number of capacitive water heaters






Number of household heating facilities






Number of gas-fuel heating furnaces












–– including cathode ones




–– drainage






–– tyre-tread






Protection of gas pipelines





As for underground gas pipelines, of up to 15 years old — 631.123 km, from 16 to 30 years old — 358.891 km, from 31 to 35 years old — 50.481 km, from 36 to 38 years old — 155.580 km, of 39 years old — 55.822 km, of 40 years old — 43.788 km, from 41 to 50 years old — 402.002 km, from 51 to 60 years old — 5.697 km. The gas pipelines of over 40 years old were tested. Two underground medium-pressure passages cross the Voronezh water reservoir for cross-feeding of a gas supply system of the right and left banks, d325 and d377 mm. The results of a recent study in 2012 showed that at some spots the gas pipelines is torn — the depth of 0.2 m up to the top of the pipe instead of the one at 1.0 m, the insulation is satisfactory.

65 out of 432 facilities for electrical and chemical protection are in need of replacement. As there are not enough facilities for telemechanization and automatization of technological processes associated with gas supply, it is challenging to get a clear idea of the consumption of a target product. Therefore saving such an energy resource as natural gas is daunting as well.

There are enough enterprises in the city that are in need of natural gas for technology, heating, ventilation and hot water supply. There are users residing outside the city where gas is supplied from the city’s gas distribution gas pipelines (Table 3).

Despite the fact that from December 15, 2008 Somovo and areas such as Borovoe, Maslovka, Nikolskoe, Tavrovo, Semilukskie Vyselki are in the authority of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Novaya Usman Private Structural Department”, gas is also supplied from the city’s gas supply system.


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

Таble 3

Data on the annual and maximum hourly fuel consumption according to the users residing outside the city where gas is supplied with the city’s gas distribution pipelines over a reported period

Name and address of the user


Fuel consumption



thousand m3/year




State Farm “Zarechenskiy”

GRS № 2








GRS Yamnoe







Pervoe Maya

GRS № 1







State Farm Nikolskiy

GRS № 2








GRS № 1







Gas distribution station in Podgornoe

GRS Yamnoe







Cattle factory “Maslovskiy”

GRS № 2








GRS № 2








GRS Yamnoe








GRS № 2








GRS № 3







Novaya Usman

GRS № 2








GRS № 3








GRS № 3







2. Long-term measures for improving the reliability of a gas distribution system. For a reliable gas supply [7, 13, 14, 16] it is necessary to design or restructure for bigger diameters high-, medium-, low-pressure gas pipelines in new areas as well as to build a gas regulating station (GRS).

It is necessary and obligatory to maintain the gas pipelines which are over 39 years old. As the gas supply system of Voronezh is further developed, it will be essential to allow for a likely construction of gas distribution stations as there is a mass construction of objects outside the city where gas is supplied and no sufficient capacities to keep up with the demand.

It is also important to reconstruct the existing steel gas pipelines, which are in poor condition, by means of polymer technologies. Pipe-canal underground passages should be restored with a polymer hose going through a pipeline and stuck with a two-component sealing glue using the technology by Saratov Head Scientific Research and Project Institute in Gas Distribution and Use GIPRONIIGAZ. Up to 2020 it is also essential to restore underground passages to the existing thermal electric stations and large boiler-rooms using polymer materials based on the “pipe-to-pipe” technology [17].

For more optimal gas supply in the future [18, 21—23] it is necessary to provide a stable gas pressure at the user’s end by sequentially supplying gas from a low-pressure to a medium-