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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

music as on “love” and “hatred”, “warm-heartedness” and “lie”, “despair”, “pain” and many other things.


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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

darstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. Ser. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2015. – № 4 (28). – S. 52–72.

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Analysed sources

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093


UDC 378.2


A.G. Kovaleva, T.A. Perevalova, D.P. Zarifullina

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia Alexandra Georgievna Kovaleva

PhD of Pedagogy,

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation e-mail: kovalka73@mail.ru

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia Darya Pavlovna Zarifullina

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation e-mail: dashyta_gr@mail.ru

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia Takhmina Alimzhanovna Perevalova

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation e-mail: ladybird-20@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. To identify problem-based learning as a means of cognitive activity development of students. To characterize problem-based learning, its new forms and modern means of education in the conditions of informatization of education. Results. On the bases of scientific publications on cognitive activity of students and problem-based learning of foreign and Russian researchers the authors of the paper define problem-based learning with information-communication technologies. The analyses of the main aspects, requirements, functions of problem-based learning and cognitive activity of students gives an opportunity to form main stages of problembased learning with information-communication technologies. The paper emphasizes advantages and disadvantages of education of this type.Conclusion. The results of questioning of students and lecturers demonstrate that problem-based learning with information-communication technologies increases motivation of student and productivity of education.

Key words: cognitive activity, problem-based learning, information-communication technologies, stages of prob- lem-based learning.

For citation: Kovaleva A.G., Perevalova T.A., Zarifullina D.P. Problem-based learning and informationcommunication technologies for cognitive activity development of students / A.G. Kovaleva, T.A. Perevalova, D.P. Zarifullina // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2017. – № 4 (19). – P. 76 - 85.


The main objective of high education nowadays is modeling a personality of a student who is cable of self-development, self-education and innovation activity. The solution of this problem is hardly possible when the teacher just passes the knowledge on to the student. In the educational process the principle of search activity has to be dominant. Most of the knowledge is not passed on in a ready-made form, but it is gained by students in the process of independent cognitive activity when they solve problem situations.


© Kovaleva A.G., Perevalova T.A., Zarifullina D.P., 2017


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

At the present stage of computerization of different fields of activity in Russia the state and the society make demands on new requirements to the system of higher education. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation realizes the state programme “The development of education” for 2013-2020 [1]. The main purpose of the programme is to provide high quality of Russian education due to the changing inquiries of the society and perspective problems in the development of the Russian society and economy.

Within the programme “The development of education” for 2013-2020 there is the subprogramme - "The development of professional education". This subprogramme contains the following key events concerning the necessity of using the information-communication technologies: the modernization of educational programs of professional education which provides the flexibility and individualization of training process with the use of new technologies; modernization of the system infrastructure of professional education.

Thus, the solution of the main learning objectives has to be based on intensification of students’ cognitive activity with the use of information-communication technologies.

The purpose of the research is to define the meaning of the problem-based learning with the use of information-communication technologies for step-by-step organization of cognitive activity of students with the use of different types of tasks in order to increase the student’s interest in the learning a foreign language.

Research methodology. The objective of this paper is cognitive activity of students. The subject of the research is problem-based learning of students with the use of informationcommunication technologies.

The analysis of scientific publications of Russian and Foreign scientists is carried out to define problem-based learning with the use of information-communication technologies. The scientific publications provide the insight into the problem of intensification of cognitive activity, problem-based education, creation of problem situations and methods of educational implementation with the use of information-communication technologies.

Theoretical and empiric methods of academic research were used to achieve the purpose of the research. Theoretical methods, the analysis of psychology-pedagogical and methodological literature, objective-logical and information-goal analysis of text based content allow to give the definition of problem-based learning with the use of information-communication technologies for increasing cognitive activity of students, to estimate its functions, main stages of creating problem situations and methods of its implementation in educational process. Empiric methods include the questionnaire of students and teachers, the implementation of the research results in teaching practice, the analysis of progress in the course of education, statistical analysis of the results and its graphical representation.

Research results.

1. Cognitive activity

The problem of intensification of cognitive activity has always been posed to teachers. Socrates taught his students to think logically and find the truth in reflecting. The importance of independent work in cognitive activity was emphasized by Adolph Diesterweg, Y.A. Kamenskii and they agreed on the fact that

“Teacher has to not only give the information according to his subject but also to plan, organize, activate and monitor learning activity of the students in a way that the student could not only gain the knowledge and skills but also become an active participant in the process of cognitive activity. In this case the development of cognitive activity is carried out not in the form of teaching of methods for problem solving, but as the education of creative thinking in the condition of deductive organized dialogue and in the context of group thinking” [2].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

The cognitive activity has searching nature. Under its influence a person has questions, and he constantly tries to find answers to them. Along with it the searching activity of the student goes with great relish, he feels emotional uplift, joy of luck [3]. Consequently, the concept of “cognitive activity” correlates to the concept of “cognitive interest”. I.V. Metelskii describes cognitive interest as follows:

“interest is an active cognitive orientation which is connected with positive emotional attitude towards learning the subject with cognitive pleasure, negotiation of difficulties, and creation of success with self-actualization of personality” [4].

In modern condition of informatization of education different means of informationcommunication technologies become an instrument of increasing cognitive interest. It happens because they implement sources of education, take off all difficulties of obtaining knowledge, provide success situation through student’s self-actualization by means of ICT. Students use different search systems (Yandex, Google, Mail, etc.) for getting new information, use different multimedia tools for demonstrating the results of cognitive activity: reports which are prepared with the help of a computer, images, photos, video and audio fragments which show the results of cognitive activity. Students use habitual instrument for getting new skills and it helps to increase their interest in studying.

2. Problem-based learning.

The creation of a problem situation in an educational process also increases an interest in a cognitive process. Problem-based learning involves a new structure of training sessions, where a big part is an independent work of students. However, the role of a teacher doesn’t decrease, but increases as it is necessary to monitor the academic activity, give students specific tasks, control the progress, analyse the canon of mental activity, control the eventual result and realize individual and differentiated approaches to every student [5].

The background of problem-based learning was formed on the ideas of the American psychologist, the philosopher and the teacher John Dewey (1859-1952). He founded experimental school in Chicago in 1894, where games and working practice were the basis of the educational process [6].

In national pedagogical literature the ideas of problem-based learning have been updated since the second half of the 50s of the 20th century. The particular contribution to the development of problem-based theory was made by M.I. Mahmutov, A.M. Matyushkin, A.V. Brushlinskii, I. Ya. Lerner, E.V. Kovalevskaya and others.

A famous psychologist S.L.Rubinshteyn concerns problem-based learning as one of effective means of solving such difficult tasks as the development of cognitive activity, selfdependence and creative thinking [7].

Kudryavtsev V.T. defines problem-based learning as:

“Problem-based learning is a type of developmental teaching, the content of which is shown by the system of problem tasks with different level of complexity. In the course of solving the task students get new skills with the help of teachers who control this process of getting new knowledge. By means of this activity students form creativity: effective thinking, imagination, cognitive motivation and emotions” [8].

A famous Polish scientist V. Okon’ in his book “The basis of problem-based learning” wrote that the more students try to take the path of a researcher during their work, the better results they have. According to Okon’,


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

“Problem-based learning is “a complex of such activities as creating problem situations, problem formulation, provision of necessary assistance in solving problems, monitoring the results and guidance of systemization and consolidation of acquired knowledge” [9].

Problem-based learning corresponds to the purposes of education of an active and creative personality. It is necessary to highlight the main tasks of problem-based learning which a teacher faces:

the development of different types of thinking and mental abilities of students;

the education of initiative, creative personality who can find, define and solve the substandard problems;

the development of reflective skills and critical thinking.

The main task of the students is the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, gained during active scientific research and independent problem solving.

Problem-based learning, as a creative activity, is a search of nonstandard solutions using nonstandard methods. Whereas training tasks are given to students for consolidation of knowledge and practicing skills, the problem tasks are always given in order to search for a new solution [10].

Based on the above, the problem-based learning with the use of ICT is a developmental teaching, the content of which is introduced by different problem situations and means of ICT. The solution of the problem situation gives new skills and procedure. It helps to mould a modern creative person, because the results of solving problem situations are also shown by means of new technologies. The teacher in this process is not only the coordinator of searching for the solution of a problem situation, but a moderator of choosing multimedia techniques for showing all possible solutions which were found by students.

In academic literature the functions of problem-based learning are divided into general and special [11]. It is necessary to emphasis the functions of a teacher and a student for classroom management with the help of problem-based learning. The basic functions of the teacher are as follows:

the development of student’s mentality, i.e. their self-dependence and creativity;

the cultivation of creative skills of knowledge acquisition (the application of the system of logical methods or independent methods of creative activity);

the cultivation of creative skills in practice (the use of acquired knowledge in new situation and abilities to solve educational problems);

the formation of creativity experience;

the formation of the background of learning, social, moral and informative re-


the formation of all-round and balanced person;

The main functions of the students are:

the assimilation of knowledge system and ways of mental and practical activities;

the accumulation of the experience of creative activity (acquisition of the methods of scientific research, solving practical problems and aesthetic attitude towards reality);

the ability to solve educational problems using their knowledge-based system and the experience of creative activity).

A problem situation can encourage the effectiveness of these processes. The problem task may be a tool for creating problem situation. It can be demonstrated by means of text, audio and video fragments. According to A.M. Matushkin, the problem situation is

“the special type of cognitive interaction of a subject and an object. This interaction is characterized by mental state, which appears when a subject (student) does the task, where it is necessary to find new and unknown knowledge and modes of action” [12].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

In the book “Problem situation in mentality and learning” A.M. Matushkin gives six rules of their creation, which demand additional comments in reguard to the ICT use.

1. To create a problem situation for students it is necessary to give them a practical or theoretical task, the accomplishment of which will involve the creating of new knowledge and acquisition of new skills; here the question is about common pattern, work method or conditions of activity realization. The task or problem can be demonstrated by means of multimedia presentation. The solution of this problem situation involves studying other multimedia presentations. And the demonstration of the results has the same form as the structure of the studied presentations.

2.The task corresponds to the mental ability of the student. The difficulty level of the problem task depends on the level of novelty of the material and the degree of its generalization. The teacher has to be guided by the students’ level of competences in ICT. The formulation of the problem, ways of solution and the solution demonstration is given for students only by understandable means like texts, audio and video fragments, images and multimedia presentations. If students can’t use the application for preparing presentations, it is an independent problem situation that has to be solved. Students receive the requirements to the presentations, create the presentations in teams, where experienced and inexperienced students work together. This rule allows making an individual approach to every student according to their own skills in ICT.

3.The problem task is given before the explanation of the material. Illustrative materials correspond to the subject of the problem rather than distract from understanding the main point.

4.The problem tasks may be: a) acquisition b) formulation of the question c) practical activities. However, the problem tasks shouldn’t be confused with the problem situations. The problem task can lead to a problem situation only in case of accounting of above-mentioned rules. ICTs in this case are the means of demonstrating problem situation, the tools of searching the solution and the way of presenting the results.

5.The same problem situation is activated by different types of tasks. And different types of tasks are presented by different multimedia materials or presented by different means of communication between students and the teacher.

6.A difficult problem situation is assisted by the teacher by means of commenting to the students the reasons for non-fulfillment of practical activity by them or impossibility of explanation these or those facts to them. The communication between the teacher and the student is realized by different means of communication (chats, blogs, videoconferences, emails). It helps to find the fastest and productive solution of the problem situation.

Several stages of problem based learning are usually distinguished in methodological literature [13]:

1)the understanding of the general problem situation;

2)the analysis and formulation of a specific problem;

3)the problem solving (formation, justification of hypotheses, their consistent revi-


4)the assessment of the problem solution.

3. Information-communication technologies in problem-based learning.

Information - communication technologies expand the possibilities of problem-based learning because they give different tools of realization to each stage of problem-based learning.

At the first stage of understanding common problem situation, the problematic is presented by different types of multimedia: texts, pictures, video and audio fragments. Chats, forums, technologies of videoconferences for discussing the final variant of the problem, purposes and


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

its solutions are used at the second stage of the analysis and formulation of the specific situation. Foreign language is used for the discussion. It helps students to develop their oral and writing skills. Different on-line sources help in formation and justification of hypotheses by their consistent revision at the stage of solving the problem. One of the requirements at this stage is the use of authentic sources. At the final stage of the solution assessment different multimedia materials are presented. Articles from online media, videos, and interviews in a foreign language are used as visual materials of the solution of the specific problem situation.

After the defining of the problem situation and stages for the solving of problem situations it is necessary to give the description of different types of problem tasks. Methodology of foreign language teaching emphasizes five types of problem tasks: searching-game problem; communicative-searching; communicative-oriented; cognitive searching culturological; linguistic searching problem tasks.

The first group of problem tasks consists of searching-game problem tasks. They focus on the development of acuity in supervision, speed of response, different types of thinking and creative imagination. Assignments for comparing different images are formulated with the help of ICTs. The aim is to define general problem situation, analysis of videos for visualization of the problem. For example, students are offered a set of pictures of computers of different years of production. Students have to formulate the topic of the problem situation and then suggest a solution. For example: Look at the pictures. What topic unites the pictures? Put pictures in chronological order. Find a picture or make it yourself to continue the order.

The second group of tasks is on communicative-searching problem. They focus on the development of skills in processing the information of the specific content, also with texts of different genres. The aim is to develop students’ analytic skills. The result implies a monologue or polylogue. In this task group such assignments as the selection of texts for analyses and formulation of the problem situation, different interviews, even audio of monologues or dialogues, which give the concept of a problem to be solved are suggested. The solution of the problem situation can be presented by multimedia. For example, students watch video fragments which give the idea of the problem and the solution of which has to be found by the students. For example: Watch videos. Define a problem. Suggest ways to solve the problem.

The third group consists of communicative-oriented problem tasks, which are set to formulate communication tasks in different situations of studying, social and cultural communication, for the development of dialogue conversation. For this type of tasks the assignments with gaps in text or audio dialogues will be suitable. Students can be divided into groups; each group has to suggest the end of the dialogue. For example: Listen to the dialogues of different people in the airport. Define a problem. Finish the dialogues. After presenting all versions, all groups explain why they came to this solution.

The forth group of problem tasks includes cognitive searching culturological tasks. They are necessary for formulating skills of interpretation of specific information which has culturological content. For example, images of similar or diverse customs in different countries can be the basis of these tasks. Videos about people’s view to the same social situation can lead to active discussion and searching additional information on the problem. In the end of the tasks everybody discusses the results, similarities of opinions to the same things in different countries. For example, students get texts about the rules of negotiation process in different countries, where they have to highlight the national peculiarities. For example: Read texts about business negotiations in different countries. Define specific features in each country. Find information about business negotiations in three more countries. Prepare a presentation about specific features of business negotiations in the countries you have read about.

The fifth group is linguistically-searching tasks, they are used to form linguistic and philological skills, for example, to guess about the meaning of unknown words according to the content, define the genre of the text, ordering the text etc. For example, students get a text, where the paragraphs are mixed, students’ task is to put the text in the right order and suggest


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

the end of the text. For example: Order the parts of the text. Give your variant to finish it. In this group different audio and video fragments show the way in which mimic and intonation features of speech can affect perception. It helps students improve their common style of speech, public speaking or skills in business negotiations.

Problem-based learning with the use of information-communication technologies has a range of advantages in comparison with traditional learning. It teaches to think logically, scientifically, dialectically, creatively and in a modern way; makes learning material more argumentative, promoting the transformation of knowledge into beliefs; as a rule the more emotional task is the deeper mental feelings we have which include feelings of joyful satisfaction, firmness in one’s ability and force. Therefore it appeal to students, creates strong interest in scientific knowledge, where ICTs show close connection between new knowledge and the modern world.

The disadvantages of problem-based learning with the use of ICT are difficulties in educational process. It takes much more time for thinking and searching ways of solution, than in traditional process. Also as in programmed learning the development of problem based learning technology requires the teacher to have pedagogical skills, competence in ICT and detailed development of the problem and tools for its solutions. All of these require much preparation time.

Problem-based foreign language teaching with the use of information-communication technologies of students in radiotechnical fields of education

As a part of innovative education program [14] in Ural Federal University named after the first president B.N. Elstin the department of foreign languages and translation starts teaching students of radiotechnical fields of education in the institute of Radio electronics and information technologies using the experimental programme. According to this programme the amount of English class hours has been doubled, the duration of training is not limited by 2 years, it continues for 4 years. The programme provides the discipline of “Foreign language” for the first two years of studying and the discipline of “Foreign language of specialty” for the third and forth years of studying. For the development of the program it has been necessary to consider students’ specifics of the radio engineering fields of education. At the first stage of the program development the teachers, who are confident computer users, have been involved. That’s why at this stage 7 teachers with their students of the 1st and 2nd years of study take part in the development and testing of the program.

At the first stage the main problem was the students’ attitude to foreign language and its importance for an academic activity and future specialty. The students thought that English class is a secondary, inconspicuous, unnecessary discipline. They formed such attitude at school (because foreign language isn’t included into a set of obligatory disciplines for entering the university) and they absolutely didn’t understand the implementation of foreign language in their life and career.

We had the aim to increase the students’ motivation for studying foreign language, to get students interested in it by showing the correlation of foreign language with information technologies and their future careers. That’s why we decided to use ICT actively in educational process. The majority of modern educational and methodological complexes in foreign languages follow the principles of problem-based learning. Thus, the creation of visual multimedia materials on the content of coursebooks became our main objectives at the initial stage. In order to understand what means of ICT should become tools for solving problems and what means could be the problem situation solution tool, we decided to conduct the survey of the students of the first year of study.

Table The proficiency level of students in the first year of study in information technologies.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (19), 2017

ISSN 2587-8093




The category of reference level of information-communication technologies


Amount of stu-




Have experience of communication in social networks



Have experience of testing via the Internet



Have their own computer (personal computer, laptop, tablet)



Can make presentations (PowerPoint, Prezi and other applications)



Use the Internet for research projects



Have experience of the international communication via the Internet



Participated in online conferences, seminars, webinars



Have experience with electronic educational products (portable, online)



Have the experience of collaboration using the Internet



Have experience with the training environments



The questionnaire of the first year students of the Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Technologies–RTF in UrFU (Table) has shown that there is technical provision of students (87%), students are active in social nets (98%), they can present the results of the research using presentations (76%), but not many of the students can use the Internet for educational purposes (2%) or for preparing projects (2%). As a result we understand that for solving problem-based learning tasks with the use of information technologies in educational process permanent, systematic and methodological work in the university is obligatory.

The results of questioning of the first year students of the Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Technologies–RTF in UrFU show that students have technical means for solving problem situation with the help of ICT. Also students have the idea about presentations’ functionality and they can prepare it independently. But our students have an issue with getting different knowledge in electronic learning resources, training skills in electronic learning platforms, team working via the Internet and taking part in online events. So, we made a decision of using multimedia means of teaching: texts, audio-video fragments, images (pictures and photos), and also multimedia presentations. The students have a great experience in chatting online that’s why it becomes the means of organizing online team work. The use of electronic learning platform “MyGrammarLab” [15] for teaching English grammar was the first problem situation.

For this very reason, for studying the interface of the platform, firstly, we taught familiar grammar topics.

For setting problem tasks the teachers used multimedia materials in the classrooms. For solving problem situations students used different online sources of information, means of online communication. They discussed the sources of information and the results of solving problem situation with the aim of finding unified solution. The results of solutions were demonstrated with different types of multimedia. The choice of visual means depended on the problem task. In the group of searching-game problem tasks the students continued to select pictures through the Internet and then they created them with different applications individually. In the group of communicative-searching problem tasks students demonstrated the solution with the video fragments or dialogues from the Internet, also they demonstrated their own dialogues and monologues. For solving communicative-oriented problem tasks the students suggested their own version of dialogue or monologue endings. Some interesting pictures, videos were demonstrated by the students for solving cognitive searching culturological tasks. All materials that were shown by the students allowed them to understand the variety of problemsolving approaches of the same situation in different countries and cultures. Linguisticallysearching tasks give the opportunity to demonstrate the solution with different means of multimedia. It helps to use acting and creative abilities. The students record audio and video fragments individually for demonstration. Also they wrote texts, sections of which students have to organize and suggest the ending.