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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Synonymous relations arise between co-hyponyms. For example, the following cohyponyms form a synonymous line:

Passagierflugzeug – пассажирский самолет - passazhirskij samolet (passenger aircraft) // Verkehrsflugzeug – пассажирский самолет - passazhirskij samolet (passenger airplane) // Reiseflugzeug – рейсовый самолет - rejsovyj samolet (scheduled flight) // Airliner – воздушный лайнер - vozdushnyj lajner (liner, airliner);

Notbehälter – аварийный бак - avarijnyj bak (emergency tank) // Reservebehälter

запасной бак - zapasnoj bak (spare tank);

Kippflügelflugzeug // Kippflügler // Schwenkflügelflugzeug – самолет с поворотным крыломsamolet s povorotnym krylom (rotary wing aircraft)

Besatzungskabine – кабина экипажа - kabina jekipazha (crew cockpit) // Pilotencockpit // Cockpit – кабина летчика, кабина пилота - kabina letchika, kabina pilota (pilot cockpit).

Not only autochthonous, i.e. national (Russian or German) terms, but also English borrowings (e.g. liner, airliner, cockpit) do belong to synonymous line due to both linguistic and extralinguistic factors [14, p. 131; 15; 16]. Synonymous lines in the terminological systems of different languages may not be the same. So, in the terminological system of one of the languages the term is included in the synonymous line, but its equivalent in other languages has no synonyms. Cf.: dünner Flügel // schlanker Flügel // dünner Tragflügel // Tragflügel schlanker // Flügel kleiner Streckung – тонкое крыло - tonkoe krylo (thin wing).

In this case the Russian synonyms of the term do not exist. The aviation terminological system of the German language differs from that of the Russian language in rather long synonymic rows:

1)caused by the formation of a short version of the term with the active suffix -er

(Kippflügler, Bomber);

2)by the creation of synonymous terms, both by word composition and by syntactic means: Strahlturbinenflugzeug // Flugzeug mit Turbinenluftstrahltriebwerk (jetengined airplane);

3)by the existence of synonyms of many hyperonym terms, for example: Flügel // Tragflügel крыло - krylo (wing); Flugwesen // Luftfahrt // Fliegerei авиацияaviacija (aviation). The existence of a different number of German and Russian terms calling one and the same artifact causes difficulty in mapping hyper-hyponymic relations in the terminological system of German and Russian languages.

Antonymous relations are possible between co-hyponyms. For example:

feste Ausrüstung, несъемное оборудование - nesemnoe oborudovanie (fixed equipment) – lose Ausrüstung, съемное оборудование - semnoe oborudovanie (removable equipment);

Vorderkante, передняя кромка крыла - perednjaja kromka kryla (wing leading edge, front edge) – Hinterkannte, задняя кромка крыла - zadnjaja kromka kryla (profile trailing edge, aft edge);

sanfte Landung, мягкая посадка - mjagkaja posadka (soft landing) – harte Landung, жесткая посадка - zhestkaja posadka (hard landing);

schlanker Rumpf, тонкий фюзеляж - tonkij fjuzeljazh (thin fuselage) – Großraumrumpf, широкий фюзеляж - shirokij fjuzeljazh (large fuselage, wide body);

einfaches Leitwerk, однокилевое оперение - odnokilevoe operenie (single-fin tail)

– doppeltes Leitwerk, двухкилевое оперение - dvuhkilevoe operenie (double tail) – dreifaches Leitwerk, трехкилевое оперение - trehkilevoe operenie (triple-fin tail).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 2 (13), 2016

Terms with opposite meaning are created, as a rule, using adjectives, adverbs and numerals. Attention should paid to the fact that the components expressing the contrary to terminological concepts are not necessarily true antonyms in common-literary language. For example, the adjectives schlank (thin) and groß (large), тонкий (thin) and широкий (wide) separately from the term do not form antonymous line (cf. antonyms in common language thin – thick , large – small, slim fat, wide narrow). These adjectives acquire the opposite meaning only as a part of a complex term or terminological phrase.

Hyper-hyponymic relations should be distinguished from semantic relations “part (meronym) – whole (holonym)”, where there is connection between the name of terminological notion and the names of its individual parts. So, in aviation terminological system holonym Flugzeug – самолет - samolet (airplane) has corresponding meronym Flügel – крыло

- krylo (wing), Leitwerk – оперение - operenie (empennage, tail), Rumpf – фюзеляж - fjuzeljazh (fuselage), Triebwerksanlage – силовая установка - silovaja ustanovka (power plant, propulsion system), Steurungssystem – система управления - sistema upravlenija (control system), Fahrwerk – шассиshassi (undercarriage).

Lexical unit Leitwerk – оперение - operenie (empennage) is a hyperonym term for phrases Höhenleitwerk – горизонтальное оперение - gorizontal'noe operenie (horizontal empennage) and Seitenleitwerk – вертикальное оперение - vertikal'noe operenie (vertical empennage). At the same time, the term Höhenleitwerk – горизонтальное оперение - gorizontal'noe operenie (horizontal empennage) is holonym for meronyms Höhenflosse – стабилизатор - stabilizator (stabilizer) and Höhenruder – руль высоты - rul' vysoty (elevator), and the term Seitenleitwerk – вертикальное оперение - vertikal'noe operenie (vertical empennage) is holonym for meronyms Seitenflosse – киль - kil' (vertical fin) and Seitenruder– руль направления (rudder).

The following definition of aircraft presented on the information portal “Aviation”, confirms our interpretation:

“The aircraft includes the following main parts: wing, empennage, fuselage, propulsion system, control system and undercarriage. <... > The empennage (horizontal and vertical) ensures the stability and controllability of the aircraft. Horizontal empennage usually consists of controlled stabilizer or stabilizer and elevator and is used to ensure the longitudinal stability and controllability, and in some cases the list controllability. The vertical empennage consists of the fin and rudder and provides stability and control as far as track is concerned” [1*].

Thus, the semantic relation “part-whole”, as well as hyper-hyponymic relations, assumes a hierarchical relationship between the terms and permeates the entire local terminological system. The relation “part-whole” can be represented in the form of a phrase A consists of B, C ... and hyper-hyponymic relations – A is subdivided into B, C ... or B, C are types (varieties)of A .... The relation “part-whole” is usually transitive (lat. transire – to cross over). The relation is transitive if the parts of parts are the parts of a whole. So, A is a part of B, B is a part of C, C is a part of D, etc. For example:

Der Querruder ist ein Teil des Außenflügels. Aileron is a part of the console. Der Außenflügel ist ein Teil des Tragflügels. Console is a part of the wing.

Der Tragflügel ist ein Teil der Zelle eines Flugzeugs. Wing is a part of the airframe.

Considering the relation “part-whole“ M. Schwartz and E. Chur note in the book “Semantik“ (“Semantics“): „Neben der Beziehung Art-Gattung gibt es auch die partitive Beziehung, die Teil-Ganzes-Beziehung, z.B.: Stamm, Ast, Zweig, Blatt – Baum; Tastatur,


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Bildschirm, Festplatte – Computer usw. Im Unterschied zu dem Genus-Species-Verhältnis kann man nicht sagen, dass z.B. das Blatt eines Baumes eine Art Baum ist, oder die Tastatur eine Art Computer ist“ [8, p.135]. – Along with hyper-hyponymic relations there is a partitive relation, the relation “part-whole“, for example: root, branch, twig, leaf – tree; keyboard, display, hard drive – computer, etc. Unlike hyper-hyponymic relations, it is impossible to tell, for example, that the leaf of the tree is the tree species or the keyboard is the computer species. (Our translation – Sh. N.).

Thus, hyper-hyponymic relations belong to the fundamental types of paradigmatic relations, on the basis of which the integrity of sectoral terminological systems can be created. The aviation terminological system of German and Russian languages is characterized by the presence of closely intertwined hyper-hyponymic relations. Every sectoral term is the unit of integral hyper-hyponymic relations, i.e. hyperonym or hyponym term. The same term may be the hyponym term at one level and at the next level it may be hyperonym. Due to close hyper-hyponymic relations the aviation terminological system of German and Russian languages has a strict hierarchical, many-tier organization and systematic character. Hyperhyponymic relations clearly presented in terminological system allow to exactly determine the semantic relations of the term with other sectoral terms. Minor differences in the paradigm of hyper-hyponymic relations in the terminological system of Russian and German languages are explained by the national scientific picture of the world that is formed including the derivational possibilities of the language.

Bibliographic list

1.Blox M. Ya. Teoreticheskie osnovy grammatiki / M. Ya. Blox. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2004. – 239 s.

2.Tatarinov V. A. Obshchee terminovedenie. Entsiklopedicheskij slovar / Rossiyskoe terminologicheskoe obshchestvo RossTerm. – M.: Moskovskiy Litsey, 2006. – 528 s.

3.Konovalova E. A. Giper-giponomija v ekonomicheskoj terminologii / Ye. A. Konovalova // Filosofskie studii. – 2001. – № 2. – S. 79-85.

4.Lukashevich N. V. Problemy ustanovleniya rodovidovyh otnosheniy v lingvisticheskikh ontologiyakh [Elektronnyj resurs] // Pandia. URL: http://www.pandia.ru/text/77/367/20251.php (vremya obrashcheniya – 30.01.2016).

5.Nikitin M. V. Leksicheskoe znachenie slova (struktura i kombinatorika) / M. V. Nikitin. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1983. –192 s.

6.Dubkova Yu. S. Osobennosti abbreviaturnogo polya v russkom yazyke [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://www.rusnauka. com/22_PNR_2012/Philologia/7_115106.doc.html (vremya obrashcheniya – 11.01.2016).

7.Katsaounis N. „Funkelnde“ Wörter: Zum Entwurf eines Multimodalen Wortbedeutungsnetzes als gedächtnisstützende und kognitive Lernstrategie im kommunikativen und medial gestützten Unterricht des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. – München: IUDIIUM Verlag GmbH, 2006. – 190 S.

8.Schwarz M., Chur. Je. Semantik: Ein Arbeitsbuch. – Tübingen: Narr, 1993. – 223 S.

9.Tabanakova V. D. S chego nachinaetsya perevod termina v spetsialnom tekste? / V. D. Tabanakova // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 4 (24). – S.163-173.

10.Grinev S. V. Vvedenie v terminovedenie / S. V. Grinev. – M.: Moskovskiy Litsey, 1993. – 309 s.

11.Kharitonchik Z. A. Leksikologiya angliyskogo yazyka [Elektronnyy adres] // BugaBooks. URL: http://bugabooks.com/book/100-leksikologiya-anglijskogo-yazyka/25--2- gipero-giponimicheskie-ryady.html (vremya obrashcheniya – 29.01.2016).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 2 (13), 2016

12.Golovin B. N., Kobrin R. Yu. Lingvisticheskie osnovy ucheniya o terminah / B. N. Golovin, R. Yu. Kobrin. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1987. –104 s.

13.Sharafutdinova N. S. Istochniki vozniknovenija sinonimov v nemetskoj aviatsionnoj terminosisteme / N.S. Sharafutdinova // Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. – Tambov: Gramota. 2013. – №7(25): v 2- ch. Ch. 2. – C. 213-216.

14.Sharafutdinova N. S. Produktivnye sposoby obrazovaniya aviatsionnyh terminov v sovremennom nemetskom yazyke / N. S. Sharafutdinova // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – Vyp. 4(24). – S. 125-134.

15.Fomina Z.E. Bellaricheskie nominatsii kak semioticheskie markery nemetskoyazychnoj I russkoj kultury / Z. E. Fomina // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2012. – vyp. 1(17). – S.121-136.

16.Strukova O.V., Fomina Z.E. Jetnokul'turnaja specifika renominacij nemeckih toponimov v raznyh arealah Rossii (na materiale nemeckih toponimov Samarskoj, Leningradskoj i Permskoj oblastej) / O.V. Strukova, Z.E. Fomina // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 1 (21). – S. 116-129.

Analyzed sources

1*. Osnovnye chasti samoleta i ih naznachenie [Elektronnyj resurs] // Aviatsiya. Informatsionnyj portal. URL: http://aviaciaportal.ru/osnovnye-chasti-samoleta-i-ih- naznachenie/ (vremya obrashcheniya – 11.01.2016).

Dictionaries used

1**. Svischev G.P. Aviatsiya: Entsiklopediya. – M.: Bolshaya Rossiyskaya Entsiklopediya – TSAGI im. N. E. Jukovskogo, 1994. – 736 s.

2**. Kotik M. G. Technik-Wörterbuch. Luftund Raumfahrttechnik: Russisch – Englisch – Deutsch; mit etwa 35000 Wortstellen / zsgest. von M. G. Kotik. 1. Aufl. – Berlin: Verl. Technik, 1986. – 880 S.

3**. Näser W. Luftfahrttechnisches Glossar: Englisch-Deutsch. – Marburg (Lahn), 2004. URL: http://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~naeser/luftgloss.htm (vremya obrashcheniya

– 08.02.2016).

4**. Technisches Wörterbuch für die Luftfahrt: Deutsch-Englisch. 8. Auflage. – Konstanz: Lufthansa Technical Training GmbH, 2009. – 210 S.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering




(Smolensk 21-23 April, 2016, Smolensk University for Humanities)

A different language is a different vision of life.

Frederiko Fellini, a producer

This April was marked with an important professional event - XXII NATE-Russia

International Conference “The Evolving Roles of the Modern Language Teacher".

On 21-23 April 2016 Smolensk University for Humanities hospitably opened its doors to the participants of the XXII International Conference of the National Association of Teachers of English in Russia (NATE RUSSIA). The specialists in the sphere of English language gathered in one of the ancient cities of Russia, to discuss current pedagogical and methodological problems in the field of English language teaching, to discuss the changing role of the teacher and recent trends in the field of English language teaching - the most popular in the world.

The conference was held on the basis of the Smolensk University for Humanities. It was arranged thanks to the support of the National Association of Teachers of English (NATE), The Smolensk University for the Humanities, the Smolensk Association of Teachers of English (ATES) and the US Embassy in Moscow. Scientists, teachers, professors and English language specialists of prestigious Russian and foreign universities and schools took part at the conference. The conference included a wide range of academic and educational activities such as plenary sessions, lectures, section meetings, round-table discussions, master classes, workshops, electronic materials presentations as well as the exhibitions of publishing houses of educational materials for the study of foreign languages.

Specialists of different levels: English language teachers of universities and schools, representatives of science are members of the National Association of Teachers of English. The annual international conference of the National Association of Teachers of English in Russia (NATE) is an exchange of experience and new ideas in the field of English language teaching. Every year various Russian cities are given the honour to hold this major event. NATE is the largest association of specialists in the field of language education which is actively developing its activity in Russia for 23 years, bringing together scientists, researchers and teachers from all over the country. Today the Association has more than 60 branches in various regions of Russia.

Teachers of high schools, researchers, school teachers gathered in Smolensk, to discuss a wide range of language topics in such fields as assessment and testing, autonomous learning, best practices in teaching young learners, information technologies in foreign language teaching, cross-cultural communication, integrating basic and additional language programs, research in language theories and practices, translation and interpreting, teacher development as well as innovative approaches, methods and techniques in English language teaching.

The main purpose of the XXII International Conference was the role of the professor / teacher of English today, in the age of globalization and the world economic, political and cultural integration. An English teacher remains an active participant and organizer of the two-way learning process. A teacher of foreign language today is an expert in many social and cultural fields: sociology, politics, computer technology, intercultural communica-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 2 (13), 2016

tion, and others. A teacher through the study of a foreign language and culture helps students to understand the cultural and historical heritage of Russia and other countries.

The goal of the conference has been to make the language education of our country more efficient and competitive.

The Smolensk University for Humanities was founded in 1992. Today nearly 2000 students and postgraduates study at the University. The university realizes programs of higher professional education in the field of information technology, the humanities, social, economic and natural sciences. In 2012 the Smolensk University for Humanities became the Laureate of the contest “The best universities of the Central Federal Region”.

This year the conference in Smolensk brought together more than 350 representatives of language education from 40 regions of Russia - from Moscow to Vladivostok as well as their colleagues from the USA. St. Petersburg, Kazan, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, Samara, Cherepovets, Belgorod, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Izhevsk, Petrozavodsk, Kursk, Birobidzhan, Yekaterinburg, Vladimir, Tomsk, Yaroslavl, Saransk, Elista, Arkhangelsk, Ivanovo, Moscow, Tambov, Stary Oskol, Tula, Kaliningrad, IoshkarOla, Ulan-Ude, Nalchik, Tyumen, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Khanty-Mansyisk Autonomous Okrug

– Yugra, Vladivostok – a wide geography of teachers and experts in the field of English language was presented at the conference.

The international guests of the conference were Jerrold Frank, English Language Officer, (US Embassy in Moscow), Eve Smith, English Language Specialist, (the USA), Ana Maria Ferraro, Chris Hastings, Kathy Green, William Smith, English language fellows (the USA).

The center of Chernozem Region the city of Voronezh was represented at the conference by the regional branch of the National Association of Teachers of English – VATE (Voronezh Association of Teachers of English), consisting of eight people, headed by its president, Doctor of Philology, Professor Sternina Marina Abramovna.

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering was represented by Lyudmila Vladimirovna Lukina, Ph.D. (Linguistics), Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages, the Institute of Building Technology. At the section meeting she presented the report “Scaling method in contrastive research”. During the discussion this issue has found a keen response and support among the teachers, as well as determined the further research stage.

The official opening ceremony of the conference NATE-2016 (April 21) was held in the building of Gubernsky Culture and Entertainment Center. During the opening ceremony the participants of the conference were greeted by Okuneva Olga Vladimirovna (Deputy Governor of the Smolensk Region) and Rovbel Rostislav Leonidovich (Head of the Investment Development Department).

At the plenary meeting of the conference opening reports were made by the outstanding scientists, among them were NATE Founding President, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Svetlana Grigoryevna Ter-Minasova, Doctor of Education, Director of the Foreign Language Department at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Professor, a leading expert on English teaching methods, the author of over 140 publications and textbooks used in Russian centers of teachers retraining in pedagogical universities and secondary schools Elena Nikolaevna Solovova (Moscow) and also English Language Officer, US Embassy in Moscow Jerrold Frank.

A well-known linguist Svetlana G. Ter-Minasova (NATE President, Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow) believes that the system of English language teaching still keeps tracks of the Soviet system of education, where the language was studied rather theoretically than to communicate with native speakers. Today the teaching principles should be changed, not limited to the study of British culture. "We need to learn our own world and our native language as a component of studying any foreign language. They (foreigners) will


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

communicate with you in order not to know from you about their world, and they will communicate with you to know from you about Russia.” In her report “What is the modern language teacher nowadays?” S.G. Ter-Minasova devoted much attention to the role of the teacher of a foreign language and language teacher evolution at present. Should he/she be an expert in a great “bunch” of spheres of knowledge and life? Modern language teaching is both a most necessary and a most difficult profession nowadays. Today the role of both foreign and native language teacher extremely necessary and important – like never before.

One more important issue of foreign language teaching is the difference in the mentality of the teacher and the student, because majority of today teachers were born in the Soviet time. The authoritarian system of relations between the teacher and the student also prevents from effective language teaching.

Great interest was aroused the report “English Language Teachers’ Professional Competence: Standardized and Alternative Forms of Assessment” made by the professor E.N. Solovova (Higher School of Economics, Moscow). The structure of the of professional competence of a foreign language teacher E.N. Solovova defines as an inseparable unity of two components: content and structure, which are carried out through the following competences: communicative, philological, psychological, pedagogical, social, methodical, compensatory, overall cultural. «With permanent reforms in the system of general secondary and tertiary education in Russia, the problem of transparent and objectivized forms of assessing professional competence of teachers has become an acute and an urgent issue».

Jerrold Frank (English Language Officer, US Embassy in Moscow) in his report “Take Out Your Phones! Using Mobile Phone Technology to Support Learning in the Language Classroom” talked about some of modern technologies of mobile phones use that could help during process of foreign language teaching.

Students around the world attach to their mobile phones. Instead of asking students to put their phones away during class time, why not make this technology work for you? This presentation outlined several practical ideas for using mobile phone technology to support learning in the language classroom.

Within the frames of the XXII International conference a seminar on the formation of academic writing centers in Russia was held. Russian teachers and foreign experts exchanged experiences, the purpose of which to help students and the academic community more actively participate in international research projects and publish in leading scientific journals. The task of these centers is to make students familiar with the rules of writing texts of different genres: resume, business letters, essays, scientific abstracts and to help all those who need an advice in making a written text.

All the conference participants were awarded certificates of the XXII International Conference of the National Association of Teachers of English in Russia.

The conference team prepared an interesting and extensive cultural program which helped the guests and participants to get acquainted with the glorious history of the ancient city Smolensk. The city was the Russian outpost which had defended the western borders of Russia since its foundation.

Smolensk has a lot of old monasteries and churches, a number of different monuments: to Smolensk defenders of 1812, M. Kutuzov, M. Glinka, Alexander Tvardovsky and Vasily Tyorkin. The most famous attractions of Smolensk undoubtedly are the Smolensk fortress wall and the magnificent Assumption Cathedral.

At the closing ceremony many good words were said to the organizers of the conference for their efforts to make the meeting both useful and pleasant. These were three days of inspired and fruitful work, dialogue in the friendly atmosphere.

The annual International Conference of the National Association of Teachers of English in Russia provides an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences and the advanced practice in various areas of teaching English language. This is an exciting, challeng-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 2 (13), 2016

ing event for professionals in the field of English language teaching. We think that all participants managed to obtain the maximum benefit from the conference, and the experience will help to further professional development and growth of teachers!

The National Association of Teachers of English in Russia has created and successfully supports community of experts in various fields related to the teaching of English.

The honor to receive the XXIII International Conference of the National Association of Teachers of English in Russia (NATE - RUSSIA) in spring of 2017 had the town of Kolomna (Moscow region).

Candidate of Philology (Ph.D), Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Lyudmila Lukina


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


1. Lindorfer B. - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Berlin-and-Brandenburg Academy of Science, Edition project: the linguistic works of Wilhelm von Humboldt (Berlin, Germany).

2.Bykova E.V. - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations in Business, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg).

3.Guyduk I.V. - Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Building-and-Technology Institute, Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Voronezh).

4.Gurevich T.M. - PhD in Linguistic Sciences, PhD in History of Culture and Philology Sciences, Professor at Department of Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Indonesian Languages of Moscow State University of International Relations of the Ministry of FA of RF (Moscow).

5.Denisova I.V. - Associate Professor, the Department of Business Foreign Language, Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk).

6.Kapkova S.Y. - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of English Language, Voronezh State Pedagogical University (Voronezh).

7.Kogotkova S.S.- Assistant of Foreign Languages Department of Faculty of Economics of

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow).

8.Korobko L.V. - Post-graduate of the Department of Foreign Languages of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin” (Voronezh).

9.Lavrinenko I.Yu. - PhD of Philology, Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Voronezh).

10.Lukina L.V. - Ph.D. (Linguistics), Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages, Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Voronezh).

11.Malysheva A.I. - Post-graduate Student of Voronezh State University Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Literature of XX and XXI centuries, the theory of literature and folklore (Voronezh).

12.Nefedova L.A. - Professor, the Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation, Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk).

13.Fomina Z.Ye. – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages Department of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Honorable Person of the Higher Professional Education of the RF, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Voronezh).

14.Churilova Yu.V. - Assistant Lecturer of Voronezh State Pedagogical University (Voronezh).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 2 (13), 2016

15. Sharafutdinova N.S. - Ph.D., Associate Professor,Head of the Foreign Languages Department of UlSTU, Ulyanovsk State Technical University (Ulyanovsk).