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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

(1) primary taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, e.g.:

W poszukiwanie dla nas pracy angażujemy jak najszerszy krąg rodziny, znajomych i znajomych znajomych, na tym jednak nie poprzestajemy [1*]; Animatorzy z grupy «Trzecia droga» zostali już pozbawieni sprzętu komputerowego podczas przeszukania, które agenci KGB przeprowadzili w ich domach w czwartek [1*]; Kilka dni temu kontroler MPK został dotkliwie pobity podczas sprawdzania biletów [1*]; Płaczę nad nekrologami i w czasie słuchania kolęd, i przy jasełkach, i nad każdą bajką, którą czytam Klarze [1*]; Nawet w czasie jedzenia ani na chwilę nie przestawała mówić … [1*];

Himler podobno zemdlał w czasie obserwowania egzekucji, ci z einsatzagruppen szybko wykańczali się psychicznie i moralnie ... [1*] Robiąc to, przypominamy sobie w szczegółach elementy, które kiedyś przykuły naszą uwagę podczas obserwowania tego obiektu [1*];

(2) primary taxis categorial situations of the precedence, e.g.:

Zresztą w trakcie seansu nowego «Rambo» rzeczywiście odnosiłem wrażenie, że przed przystąpieniem do zdjęć Stallone musiał usłyszeć od producentów coś w stylu: «Ale kumasz, Sly, że John Rambo w epoce po «Pile» nie może być już tym samym Johnem Rambo?» [1*]; Tyle wiedziałam, wracając latem do domu z Warszawy, przed rozpoczęciem ostatniego roku studiów [1*]; To było dawno stwierdził po namyśle Willman na rok przed ogłoszeniem wojny [1*];

(3) primary taxis categorial situations of the following, e.g.:

Skrzynie otwierane były zaraz po przewiezieniu na brzeg [1*]; Okaże się po zbadaniu zawartości [1*]; Zaraz po zakończeniu tej smoczej awantury poprosi ją, żeby napili się z Pucharu [1*]; Kilka dni po przesłuchaniu w domu zjawiło się kilku ubeków [1*]; Druga, po zmianie konfiguracji kabelków, również do niczego nie doprowadziła [1*].

Polish prepositional deverbatives of actional and procedural semantics in the case of their combination with monotaxis and polytaxis prepositions of temporal semantics w, podczas, w czasie act as actualizers of primary taxis categorial situations of simultaneity (see the following prepositional deverbatives in the above statements in p.1): w poszukiwanie, podczas przeszukania, podczas sprawdzania, podczas obserwowania, w czasie słuchania, w czasie jedzenia, w czasie obserwowania).

When combined with the monotaxis preposition of the temporal semantics przed (see the prepositional deverbatives przed przystąpieniem, przed rozpoczęciem, przed ogłoszeniem)

Polish deverbatives act as actualizers of primary taxis categorial situations of precedence (see the above statements in p. 2).

When combined with the monotaxis preposition of temporal semantics po, Polish deverbatives actualize primary taxis categorical situations of following (see the prepositional deverbatives po przewiezieniu, po zbadaniu, po przesłuchaniu, po zmianie in the above statements in p.3).

Secondary-taxis meanings of simultaneity (full/partial) are actualized in statements of the secondary type, containing Polish deverbatives with various monotaxis prepositions of the final, causal, consecutive, concessive, conditional semantics and the polytaxis preposition of the final semantics do.

In statements of the secondary type with the above taxis prepositions of adverbial semantics, the following secondary-taxis categorial situations of simultaneity are actualized:

(1) final taxis categorial situations, e.g.:


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

W Polsce jest wiele grup zawodowych, które uzyskały swego czasu ze względu na trudne warunki pracy uprawnienia do przejścia na emeryturę ... [1*]; Uroczystości były także okazją do podziękowania i wyróżnienia najbardziej zasłużonych dla szkoły pracowników

[1*]; Masz uszy do sluchania, to sluchaj, rozum, zrozum wreszcie, jezyk do mowienia, powiedz w koncu-co mowil Chrystus [1*]; Prezydent powołał zespół celem wyjaśnienia tej sprawy [1*]; Jubileusz jest okazją do podziękowania wszystkim, którzy pracowali dla naszej organizacji [1*]; Wystarczyło na cement do zalania bramek na boisku [1*];

(2) concessive-taxis categorial situations, e.g.:

Marszałek Janusz Moszyński, wbrew oczekiwaniom kolegów partyjnych z Platformy Obywatelskiej, nie zgłosił wczoraj wniosku o odwołanie jednego ze swoich zastępców – Jarosława Kołodziejczyka [1*]; PZU wbrew zapewnieniom, że chce promować kierowców ostrożnych i dbających o swoje auto, korzystniejsze warunki przedstawia nowym klientom [1*]; Miasto, mimo zapewnień i obietnic prezydent Małgorzaty MańkiSzulik, wciąż nie rozwiązało ich problemu [1*];

(3) causal-taxis categorial situations, e.g.:

Instalacja popsuła się w ubiegłym roku z powodu zalania i zdaniem szefów POSiR, konieczna była naprawa [1*]; Za wyprawę w związku z badaniem sprawy przemytu skór nie podjął ani złotowki diety [1*]; Pierwotnie opracowany plan zakładał położenie 2500 metrów rurociągu, ale z uwagi na zainteresowanie dużej liczby mieszkańców, założenia projektowe inwestycji zostały zmienione [1*];

(4) consecutive-taxis categorial situations, e.g.:

Otóż jezioro to o zmiennej powierzchni ma średnio ok. 900 km 2 , a powstało w 1905 r. w efekcie przerwania wałów przez wezbrane wody rzeki Kolorado i wpłynięcie ich na solnisko leżące w depresji [1*]; Pacjentką była 50-letnia mieszkanka Ciechocinka, która w wyniku zwyrodnienia siatkówki przestała widzieć na jedno oko, a wskutek zniszczenia rogówki w drugim groziła jej całkowita utrata wzroku [1*]; W Tarnowie Podgórnym na skutek zderzenia auta osobowego z TIRem ranna została jedna osoba – młody mężczyzna kierujący autem osobowym [1*];

(5) conditional-taxis categorial situations, e.g.:

W razie zerwania umowy oprocentowanie wkładu wynosi 1 proc [1*]; Podjęto też uchwałę skierowaną do PZPS z wnioskiem o pełną przejrzystość uzupełniania rozgrywek szczebla centralnego w przypadku wycofania się niektórych drużyn [1*]; Poduszka powietrzna ma na celu zamortyzowanie uderzenia o elementy pojazdu ciała (w szczególności głowy) pasażerów i kierowcy w wypadku zderzenia (czołowego lub bocznego) [1*]; Podnosi też wartość pracownika w przypadku poszukiwania przez niego nowej pracy [1*]; Obliczenia w miligramach stosowane są w przypadku badania stanu trzeźwości za pomocą alkomatu [1*].

When combined with the monotaxis preposition celem and polytaxis preposition do in the final meaning, Polish deverbatives act as actualizers of the final taxis categorial situations of simultaneity (see prepositional deverbatives do przejścia, do podziękowania, celem wyjaśnienia in the above statements in p. 1).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

When combined with the monotaxis preposition of the concessive semantics wbrew and mimo, Polish actional and procedural deverbatives actualize the concessive-taxis categorial situations of simultaneity (see prepositional deverbatives wbrew oczekiwaniom, wbrew zapewnieniom, mimo zapewnień in the above statements in p. 2).

When used with the monotaxis prepositions of the causal semantics z powodu, w związku, z uwagi, Polish deverbatives actualize the causal-taxis categorical meaning of simultaneity (see prepositional deverbatives z powodu zalania, w związku z badaniem, z uwagi na zainteresowanie in statements in p.3).

As actualizers of consecutive-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, Polish deverbatives of actional/procedural semantics act when combined with monotaxis prepositions of consecutive semantics wskutek, na skutek, w efekcie (see prepositional deverbatives wskutek odbicia się, wskutek zniszczenia, na skutek zderzenia, w efekcie wzmocnienia, w efekcie przerwania in the above statements in p. 4).

When used with monotaxis prepositions of conditional semantics w razie and w przypadku, Polish deverbatives act as actualizers of conditional-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity (see prepositional deverbatives of Polish in the above statements in p. 5: w razie zerwania, w przypadku niepowodzenia są, w przypadku wycofania się, w przypadku poszukiwania, w wypadku zderzenia, w przypadku badania).


So, Polish actional and procedural Polish deverbatives on nie/-сie actualize various taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, precedence and following in statements with monotaxis and polytaxis prepositions of temporal and adverbial semantics.

The prepositions of temporal semantics are monotaxis and mark the primary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, precedence and following.

Prepositions of adverbial semantics (with the exception of the preposition do) are monotaxis and explicate various secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity (final-taxis, causal-taxis, consecutive-taxis, concessive-taxis, causal-taxis). The polytaxis preposition do, due to its temporal and final meaning, marks primary taxis categorical situations of precedence and final taxis categorical situations of simultaneity.

In statements of the primary type, Polish deverbatives in combination with monotaxis prepositions of temporal semantics w, w czasie, podczas, w toku, przed, po and the polytaxis preposition of temporal meaning do actualize primary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, precedence and following. In statements of the secondary type, Polish deverbatives, when combined with various monotaxis prepositions of adverbial semantics and the polytaxis preposition of the final semantics do, actualize the secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity: final-taxis, causal-taxis, conditional-taxis, consecutive situations, concessional-taxis, and concessional-taxis.


[1]Arkhipova I.V. Kategoriya taksisa v raznostrukturnykh yazykakh. Monografiya. Novosibirsk. 2020. 173 s. (In Russ).

[2]Mochalova T.S. Sintaksicheskiye svoystva polskikh protsessualnykh deverbativov na -nie. -cie: avtoreferat dis. ... kand. filol. Moskva. 1985. 24 s. (In Russ).

[3]Pchelintseva E.E. Polskoye otglagolnoye imya deystviya: slovar i korpusnyye dannyye// Vestik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. 2016. №1. S. 160-163. (In Russ).

[4]Pchelintseva E.E. Polskoye otglagolnoye imya deystviya i semantika nachinatelnosti// Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal. 2016. № 3. S. 253-262. (In Russ).

[5]Fedorova Yu.N. Semantika glagolnogo imeni v polskom i russkom yazykakh: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Perm. 2006. 18 s. (In Russ).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

[6] Grzegorczykowa R. Czasowniki odmienne we współczesnym języku polskim/ R. Grzegorczykowa. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków: wydawnictwo PWW 1969. 19 s.

Analyzed sources

[1*]. NKPYa – Natsionalnyy korpus polskogo yazyka. URL: http://nkjp.pl/poliqarp. (data obrashcheniya – 25.06.2021).

DOI 10.36622/MLMDR.2021.35.30.002

UDC 81.373



V.N. Lysenkova

Bryansk State Academician I.G. Petrovski University Postgraguate, Assistant,

Violetta Nikolaevna Lysenkova e-mail: viole.lysenkova@yandex.ru

Statement of the problem. The article provides an analysis of the views of researchers on determining the phraseological potential of individual lexical units from the standpoint of verbal and non-verbal approaches. The purpose of the study is to consider the semantics of components of phraseological units (PU) at surface and deep levels. The article discloses the content of the following concepts: the PU component, the intraand extra-word nature of the component.

Results. To become a component of PU, lexeme must go through certain changes: deactualization, metaphorization, lexico-grammatical transformation. These transformations appear not only in the weakening of the connectivity and permeability of the values of the PU component, but also serve as the basis for the emergence of new meanings. The component composition determines the degree of idiomaticity of the entire phraseological unit. The opposite theoretical positions considered in the article regarding the nature of the PU component (intraand extraword nature approaches) determine: the leading or stealthy role in constructing the value of the phraseologism depends on the intraand extra-word nature of the PU components.

Conclusion. Understanding the nature of the PU component has a dual essence. On the one hand, the extra-word nature of the PU component separates it from the usual word, depriving it of some independent features. On the other hand, the intra-word character of the PU component can be revealed even with a high degree of semantic integrity of the phraseologism. However, the analysis of the intraand extra-word nature of the components of PU in most cases does not reveal the direct, but indirect effect of the semantics of the free meaning of the lexeme on the semantics of phraseologism as a whole.

Key words: phraseological unit, PU component, semantics of phraseologism, intraand extra-word nature, desemanization of PU component, classification of PU components, degree of idiomaticity of PU.

For citation: Lysenkova V.N. Intraand extra-word nature of the component of the phraseological unit / V.N. Lysenkova // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2021. - № 4 (35).

– P. 17-25.


The modern phraseological composition of any language undergoes constant changes associated with the diversity of cultures and the linguistic picture of the world. The peculiarity of such changes is to demonstrate figurative representations of object reality.


© Lysenkova V.N., 2021


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

The base of numerous images is specific lexical units, which acquire a new status in the process of a phraseologization (formation of phraseological units) and become part of a fixed expression, that is, its components.

The study of the component composition of phraseological units (PU) is given a special place in modern phraseology, since the status of the component is one of the main debating issues of this branch of linguistics [1, p.3].

Semantic and grammatical changes of the words which became the PU components, their role in formation of complete phraseological value were investigated in the works by A.M. Chepasova, E.A. Grigorieva, L.D. Ignatyeva, N.A. Pavlova, A.V. Sviridova, N.B. Usacheva, V.N. Hmeleva, G.A. Shiganova, G.G. Shumilova's works and others [2, p.123]. Also, scientists identified the phraseological potential of individual lexemes, highlighted the features of their semantic organization to create the appearance of the same lexemes that form the component composition of PU [3; 4].

The relevance of this work lies in an increased interest in research in the field of phraseology, in particular, an attempt to reveal the phraseological potential of reinterpreted lexemes, which form the figurative basis of phraseologisms of Russian and English.

The main features of any phraseological unit: the integrity of the value (the components lose their lexical meaning, expressing one general concept), the static nature of the elements (the composition of the components of the PU rarely undergoes changes), reproducibility (PUs are used in accordance with the situation in the finished form), allow us to characterize the component of the PU as a semantically transformed component of a fixed expression [5, p.25].

There are two opposing approaches in understanding what a component of a phraseological unit is. For representatives of the first approach, the PU component is of an extrinsic nature, that is, it loses its lexical significance (V.P. Zhukov, E.Kh. Roth, V.N. Telia) [6; 7]. Proponents of the second, verbal, approach (E. G. Belyavskaya, A. I. Smirnitsky) believe that the specifics of the use of the word do not depend on its nature [8; 9]. The existence of two approaches in phraseology is possible thanks to the classification of V.V. Vinogradov, which subsequently acquired the status of the most common in linguistics (contraction, unity, combination) [10, p.63]. This classification is based on the semantic principle of the components of the PU: the closer the value of the entire fixed expression to the actual values of its components, the lower the degree of semantic fusion.

Thus, in order to determine the nature of the component of a phraseological unit, linguists are faced with the task of studying the structures of different types of word meanings in order to distinguish such categories of verbal meanings that underlie various processes of phrasing [10, p. 119].

Research methodology.

The works of linguists such as V. N. Telia [7], E. G. Belyavskaya [8], A. V. Kunin [11], A. I. Smirnitiy [9], A. M. Chepasova [3], A. M. Emirov [12] served as the theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

In this article, the object of the study is an integral part of any phraseological unit – a component. The subject of the study is the intraand extra-word nature of the PU component.

Study material. Research on the intraand extra-word nature of PU components is carried out on the basis of dictionaries of Russian and English.

The analysis uses methods of interpretive and semantic analysis of the components of the PU of Russian and English.

Results of the study. The identification of the intraand extra-word nature of the PU component depends on the following parameters: 1) the relationship between the value of the components within the boundaries of a phraseologism and their values within the framework of the free (motivating image of PU) combination of PU, 2) the role of the semantics of the components included in the PU on the semantics of a fixed expression as a whole.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

These studies can be applied in studying the character and worldview of the people through the prism of the component composition of PU.

Let us consider separately the opposing views of linguists on the nature of the PU component in more detail and give examples.

The extra-word nature of the image of phraseological unit

According to the supporters of the intra-word interpretation of the PU component, the image of a phraseologism is based on any prototype, that is, a life situation or a well-known historical fact (for example, vo vsyu ivanovskuyu – a historical fact from the life of ancient Moscow). In this case, linguists claim that the components of PU lose their features of the word (whole formality, nominativity, semantic valence) and retain only the sound composition [13, p. 15]. The proper name (Ivanovskaya Square), which laid the foundation for the figurative meaning of the phraseological unit given, cannot be called a word in the PU. In the process of becoming the meaning of this phraseologism, Ivanovskaya (square) ceased to cause association among people with a certain geographical place. So today's Ivanovskaya in the composition of a phraseologism is a semantically transformed part of the PU, which does not have a denotative value, but displays only the connotative (additional) parameters of the element (Ivanovslaya Square is an open space, therefore, to be heard, you need to speak very loudly) [1*, p. 263].

The extrinsic nature of the component is characterized by the infertility of the original value of the component (a value that was assigned to an independent word before becoming part of the phraseological unit). This is due to the fact that PU elements form intra-component connections that are devoid of free use in speech. The frequency of using a figurative value in speech situations becomes higher than the subject (actually nominative, which appeared as a result of a combination of free lexemes), therefore, a brighter representation of an object or characteristic of an object of reality remains in the minds of people.

The phraseologism vo vsyu ivanovskuyu is a confirmation of this position. Russian speakers often use this fixed expression in speech. However, they cannot explain the component composition of this figurative unit: as a component, ivanovskaya is associated with the value of the PU. The establishment of such a relationship is carried out by historical phraseology, which elucidates the original meaning that forms the basis of the phraseological image.

The similar situation can be tracked in a set phrase of English of water under the bridge

“problems that someone has had in the past that they don't worry about because they happened a long time ago and cannot now be changed” [2*]. This phraseologism corresponds to the Russian mnogo vody uteklo – “a lot of time has passed”. The component composition of the PU is not easy to interpret literally in order to distinguish the real meaning of a sustainable chunk of language. The meaning itself is built on the transfer of meanings. English speakers associate a bridge with a permanent present (static), while water (in the river) represents life and time that inexorably go forward (dynamics).

It can be noted that the components of PU are completely desemanized (lose their original meaning) and acquire the general meaning characteristic of all components in the aggregate, by rethinking, the appearance of associative links between the component of PU and the objects of reality [4, p.15].

The phraseologism zvonit’ v kolokola (ring the bells) – “in public, everywhere, tell everyone, talk about something” [1*, p. 254] has historical roots. In Russia, kolokol (the bell) was the main means of notifying the population. For example, during a church holiday, informing believers about the beginning of the service or during any disaster (fire, flood, enemy attack).

Now, the component composition of the phraseologism zvonit’ v kolokola has lost its verbal character, and the image of PU is perceived figuratively and used in speech with a tint of disapproval, when a person tells everything to everybody without exception.

The extra-word nature of the PU image is to identify the status of the word and the components of the PU. The image of both units of the word and PU is formed according to the same principle in the recipient's consciousness – the unity of the phonematic (sound), semantic (se-


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

mantic), grammatical nature of the word and the components that make up the PU. Therefore, inside the PU, the semantic role of the components is reduced to zero. This means that the components of PU are no longer associated with their direct values, since the entire lexicogrammatical set of a phraseologism has undergone a certain kind of reinterpretation in the mind of a native speaker [14, p. 318]. Therefore the semantics of phraseologism is predetermined by the deactualization of the direct value of the component. In turn, the position of an implicit approach to the nature of the component may explain the reason for the loss of substantive meaning that the PU component previously possessed. Restoration of the literal (dopraseological) meaning of phraseologism is possible only when studying the lifestyle of society for certain periods of time, since many social changes led to a revision of the meanings of language units and the appearance of new images.

The phraseologism sarafannoe radio – “gossip, rumors transmitted from mouth to mouth” [1*, p. 553] can also be interpreted from the point of view of the extra-word approach. When using this phraseologism, participants of communication develop an image that is quite transparent. This image causes an association with fast transmission of information. However, the semantics of the components of PU is completely unrelated to the nature of the image of the phraseological unit itself. The extra-literal nature of the image of this phraseologism is based on the life of people of the last century. The function of transmitting news (reliable and false facts) is performed mainly by women, who, by their nature, are particularly sociable. The garment – sarafan is only the prototype of a woman in this PU. While the component radio reflects transfer rate. Thus, the name of one of the types of communication was formed – sarafannoe radio, which later went into the category of set expressions. So, the ancient type of clothing and one of the first media ceased to exist as separate (independent) words, but turned into components of PU, devoid of their own semantic isolation.

V.N. Telia, being a supporter of the extra-word approach, considers the PU component as a potential word. It is understood that the components of a phraseological unit indicate elements of environmental reality only when implemented together with a semantically keyword. Components of phraseological units are considered as a special type of indirect nomination: they correlate with reality not separately, but together with other words in the composition of the PU. The nominative function is characteristic not of components of a phraseological unit, but of PU as an integral unit [15, p. 85].

For example, in the phraseologism, zatait’sya kak mysh’ [1*, p. 384], the lexeme component mysh’ does not denote a specific representative of the rodent family, but is identified with the characteristics of this resident – invisibility, noiselessness, stealth. Another striking example is the phraseologism of pushechnoe myaso [Ibid, p. 385]. The component myaso initially has a physiological meaning – “the everyday name of the muscles; parts of slaughtered animals bought for cooking” [3*, p. 193]. At the same time, it metaphorically defines weak participants who are not sorry to lose in a battle.

The analysis of various positions of proponents of an implicit interpretation allows us to form the following position: a phraseological unit begins where the lexical implementation of its components ends [6, p.48]. This is a semantic change in the components of PU. While each component of a phraseologism has its own, separate meaning, this combination of words cannot be called a phraseologism, since it does not have a fundamental feature – semantic unity. As soon as the boundaries of the values of the PU components are erased, a completely new concept of a figurative nature appears. However, this theoretical position is contradictory and needs more convincing reasoning.

The intra-word nature of the image of a phraseologism

Most linguists dealing with the nature of the PU component take a different position. The put forward typologies of the components of PU (typology of Yu. A. Gvozdaryov, A.V. Kunin V.P. Zhukov), semantic analysis of PU (A.M. Melerovich) serve as evidence of the intra-word nature of the components of phraseological units.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

First of all, a phraseologism is a unit of speech that is formed due to the speech situation, context, lexical value of the elements that make up a set expression. A special combination of words within the PU can update the lexical meaning of one of the original components of a given speech unit. Moreover, the basis of the imagery of a phraseologism are both the direct meaning of the component and its secondary meanings using associative connections. In other words, it can be said that the use of set expressions in oral or written speech involves understanding not only the meaning of PU, but also the meaning of the original words that make up it (knowledge of grammatical properties, about the word-forming and semantic combination of the units that make up a phraseologism). Examples of such units are phraseologisms, oderzhat’ pobedy (achieve a victory) [1*, p. 475], sgorat’ ot lyubvi (to burn out of love) [Ibid., p. 604], a zakady’chny’j drug (a bosom friend) [2*, p. 148], a pitched battle [Ibid, p. 301], show one's teeth [Ibid., p. 385]. The presented phraseological turns are characterized by a weak degree of idiomaticity, which makes the image of a phraseologism quite transparent for understanding. The component interpretation of a phraseologism speaks of the intra-word nature of its components.

In addition, phraseological units are exposed to modification of the component composition. This phenomenon is called the PU variability (replacement of components that in free use entered into synonymic relations with each other) [6, p. 7]. Constant and variable components create the possibility of variation within the PU structure, thereby proving their verbal nature.

The Russian phraseologism sgorat’ ot lyubvi (to burn out of love) is an illustrative example. In this phraseologism, the component sgorat’ (to burn) is a constant component, while the component ot lyubvi (out of love) is a variable. This ratio of components is due to the presence of other elements in the component sgorat’, such as sgorat’ ot styda (shame), zavisti (envy), pozora (disgrace), neterpeniya (impatience). The basis of the meanings of these phraseologisms are the literal meanings of the words given above. These lexemes express the emotional state of a person, and phraseologisms having the same components in their composition are also associated with the indicated feelings of a person. This metaphorical series of phraseologisms indicates that the nature of the PU component directly depends on the original meaning of the word, which acts as the basis for the phraseological meaning.

In English, you can also find similar PUs. One of the examples is the phraseological unit to show one's teeth – “to display an angry, violent, or threatening reaction to or against something or someone, as does a dog or wolf when threatened” [4*, p. 237]. In Russian, there is an equivalent PU – skalit’ zuby’ “to bite, to be angry, expressing in a sharp or rude form your indignation" [1*, p. 620]. The component one's depending on the speech situation, can characterize different participants in the communication. Therefore, you can find options such as: show my/his/her/their teeth. The described components his/her/their have the main features of the word (whole formality, nominativity, semantic valence) within the phraseological unit, which makes it possible to assert the intra-word nature of the component.

The component composition of a phraseological unit can be diverse due to the presence in the phraseological composition, as well as in the lexical composition of the language, phenomena of synonymy and anthonymy.

Phraseological synonymy is a certain type of semantic relationship that is characterized by proximity and the same type of values. Variance in the selection of the component in a phraseologism inevitably lead to differentiation of the image and the formation of additional meaning, in particular the stylistic one [14, p. 319]. So, phraseologisms nasupat’ na gorlo and nastupat’ na glotku (to step on the throat) [1*, p. 398] have different stylistic function. The component glotka (pharynx) refers to the colloquial vocabulary, and the component gorlo (throat) is stylistically neutral.

Along with phraseological synonymy, there is the concept of phraseological anthonymy (a certain type of semantic relationship, which is characterized by the opposite of meanings). The divergence of one of the components of the PU with the commonality of all the others is at


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

the heart of phraseological anthonymy: zavarivat’/ rasxleby`vat` kashu (brew/loom porridge) –

“start a difficult thing/cope with a difficult thing” [1*, p. 291], s legkim/tyazhely`m serdcem (with a light/heavy heart) – “without fear, at ease/with anxiety” [Ibid., p. 613], come to the right/wrong shop – “come tp the right/wrong place” [2*, p. 347], the curtain rises/drops

“events begin/end”. [Ibid, p. 86].

Synonyms or antonyms are words similar or opposite in meaning. The synonymy and anthonymy of phraseologisms is supported by synonymic or antonymic relations of their components that have an intra-word nature within the phraseological unit. The verbal character of the components of PU is manifested, first of all, in their preservation of the emotional-expressive coloring that is present in the initial interpretation of the word.

Thus, the possibility of varying the component composition of phraseologisms due to synonymy or anthonymy strengthens the position of supporters of an intra-word approach regarding the nature of the PU component.

To determine the nature of the PU component, it is advisable to consider not only the component composition as a whole, but phraseologisms should be analyzed component by component. The basis is the classification of the components of the PUs by A.V. Kunin (real words, potential words, "former words," pseudolexems) [11, p. 121]. The principle of this classification is the degree of the verbal character of the component.

Stroit’ glazki (to build eyes) – “coquette, flirt with someone” [5*, p. 260]. The formation of this phraseological unit is not associated with extralinguistic factors, but is a successful version of lexical combinatorics. The described PU has an eye somatism component (somatisms are words denoted by parts of the human body). Despite partial rethinking, which is that the eyes are not just an organ of vision, but a way of behavior or communication with a person whose attention needs to be attracted, the verbal nature of the original component cannot be completely excluded.

The presence of somatic components in the PU determines the intra-word nature of the phraseological components in any language. Stroit’ glazki has equivalents in other languages. For example, in English, these are the following phraseologisms: to make eyes at smb or to make sheep's eyes at smb [2*, p. 122], in French, the language it came from, it is faire des yeux doux (lit.: make sweet eyes) [Ibid.]

Another example is the following pair of phraseologisms: the English PU keep your fingers on the pulse and the Russian derzhat` ruku na pul`se. Both phraseological turns make sense to “keep up-to-date” [1*, p. 195]. The combination of direct values of all lexemes included in a phraseologism which belongs to the field of anthropometry (pulse control requires attention and concentration), has become a source for the image of phraseologism and the transfer of this image to other areas where the same qualities are needed.

As can be seen from the examples given, the related nature of the meaning of words in the composition of phraseological units does not give researchers any reason to deny their verbal character – they qualify as words with a special type of lexical meaning [12, p. 31].

So, the nature of the components of PU can be considered from the point of view of the intra-word approach. It is recognized that the PU component is a deactualized word, that is, it is simultaneously able to realize its lexical values and enter into associative relations, like any lexical unit.

Using the example of phraseologism, belaya kost’ (white bone) can be traced the transformation of words into components of PU. The meaning of the PU studied is interpreted as follows: “a person of noble origin or belonging to a privileged class in pre-revolutionary Russia” [1*, p. 317]. To find out the nature of the image of this PU and its components, it is necessary to analyze all the denotative and connotative values of belaya (white) and kost’ (bone) lexemes. So, one of the main meanings of the word belaya (white) is “light”, and the additional meaning is “light-skinned” [5*, p. 31, p. 34]. In the interpretation of the word kost’ (bone), there is the meaning of “breed, origin” [6*, p. 248]. The combination of these values over time


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches”

Issue 4 (35), 2021 ISSN 2587-8093

creates an independent image of sustainable set expression. However, this idiomatic image is still built taking into account the lexical values of a single lexeme.

The above examples explain the semantic autonomy of the PU components. This independence manifests itself in the ability of a word to fulfill a nominative function. At the same time, being an integral part of the PU image, the PU component partially loses its lexical independence and is able to carry out this function only in the “erased form” [12, p. 25]. Hence, the nature of the components of PU can be considered depending on their verbal nature.

Some phraseologisms are built on the principle of comparison (kak ryba v vode (like fish in the water) [1*, p. 587], kak slon v posudnoj lavke (like an elephant in a dishware shop)

[Ibid., p. 629], as slippery as an eel [2*, p. 357], as hard as nails [Ibid., p. 177]. In most cases, the first component of such PUs carries a literal meaning. In phraseologisms with the fish component, there is a direct connection with a living creature that lives in the water and is not capable of sound reproduction. Thus, phraseologisms as kak ryba v vode and nem kak ryba (as dumb as a fish) took as the basis of the image the object itself (a living being) and its characteristics: habitat (water), morphological signs (inability to reproduce sounds). These properties have become figurative due to the transfer of meaning to the daily life of a person. Aquatic habitat for fish is a comfortable place of staying, also when a person feels confident in a particular situation, we can compare it with fish on this basis. The lack of ability of fish to make sounds created the image of a silent, incoherent person. Therefore, these examples are the proof of the intra-word nature of the components and the partially reinterpreted image that they create, so they can be called semantically transparent components in the composition of PU (or real words according to the classification of A. V. Kunin).

However, often the image of phraseologism is not always associated with the direct meaning of the component that is part of the PU. The use of set expressions in speech predetermines the transformation of the original meaning of separately existing words (potential words are in the classification of A. V. Kunin). Analysis of the phraseologisms below proves this.

Zakryvat’ glaza na chto-libo (to close your eyes to something) is “consciously not to notice anything” [1*, p.242]. The component composition of this phraseologism is not devoid of the verbal character, since words only partially lose their lexical meaning. The verb component zakryvat’ (to close) has the meaning “make invisible, obscure, close, move” [6*, p.154]. The image of phraseologism partly conveys the original meaning of the constituent part of the PU: the speech situation suggests that the object does not notice the surrounding reality, although it does not perform a direct action – the fact of closing the eyes. In addition, watching what is happening, he consciously pretends that he does not notice anything. In this case, the closure is a component with a weakened lexical value.

In phraseologism, zolotye ruki (golden hands) – “a skilled master in his business” [1*, p. 584] you can also find partially reinterpreted components of PU, which are potential words. Let us give interpretations of the values of the components of this set expression taken from the explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language: zolotoj (gold) – “made of gold, valuable” [6*, p. 178], ruka (a hand) – “a symbol of labor, work, action, as well as an employee, figure” [6*, p. 605]. The combination of lexical meanings of zolotoj (gold) and ruka (a hand) caused the appearance of the image of a talented person in any type of work, however, the lexical combinatorics of these words is wider than the holistic meaning of PU, that is, it is not limited to this context: zolotaya lixoradka (gold rush), zoloty’e gory’ (golden mountains), tyazhelaya ruka,( a heavy hand) goly’mi rukami (bare hands).

PU has a weakened degree of the verbal character, in the composition of which "former" words can be distinguished (according to the classification of A.V. Kunin). The peculiarity of these lexemes is that their lexical significance is completely lost and rethought. Examples include phraseologisms of sobaku c’est’ (to be an old hand at) [1*, p. 674] and strelyanyj’ vorobej’ (a cunning fellow) [Ibid., p. 665].