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ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный технический университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков и технологии перевода



для аудиторных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов направления подготовки 11.03.04 «Электроника и наноэлектроника» (профиль «Микроэлектроника

и твердотельная электроника») очной формы обучения

Воронеж 2017

Составители: доц. А.А. Авдеев, ст. преп. М.Т. Жукова

УДК − 009 (075.8) ББК – 81.432.1я7 А 187

Практикум для аудиторных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов направления подготовки 11.03.04 «Электроника и наноэлектроника» (профиль «Микроэлектроника и твердотельная электроника») очной формы обучения / ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный технический университет»; сост. А.А. Авдеев, М.Т. Жукова. Воронеж, 2017. 20 с.

Практикум содержит учебные тексты и задания для аудиторной работы. Они предназначены для развития навыков чтения, реферирования и аннотирования литературы по специальности, а также расширения лексической базы. Задания содержат упражнения на усвоение терминологии по специальности и развитие навыков говорения.

Предназначен для студентов второго курса.

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доц. О.Г. Артемова

Ответственный за выпуск зав. кафедрой д-р филол. наук, доц. В.А. Федоров

Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета Воронежского государственного технического университета

©ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный технический университет», 2017


1. Read the text and single out its main ideas:


A semiconductor is a substance, usually a solid chemical element or compound, that can conduct electricity under some conditions but not others, making it a good medium for the control of electrical current. Its conductance varies depending on the current or voltage applied to a control electrode, or on the intensity of irradiation by infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), or X rays.

The specific properties of a semiconductor depend on the impurities, or dopants, added to it. An N-type semiconductor carries current mainly in the form of negatively-charged electrons, in a manner similar to the conduction of current in a wire. A P-type semiconductor carries current predominantly as electron deficiencies called holes. A hole has a positive electric charge, equal and opposite to the charge on an electron. In a semiconductor material, the flow of holes occurs in a direction opposite to the flow of electrons.

Elemental semiconductors include antimony, arsenic, boron, carbon, germanium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, and tellurium. Silicon is the bestknown of these, forming the basis of most integrated circuits (ICs). Common semiconductor compounds include gallium arsenide, indium antimonide, and the oxides of most metals. Of these, gallium arsenide (GaAs) is widely used in low-noise, high-gain, weak-signal amplifying devices.

A semiconductor device can perform the function of a vacuum tube having hundreds of times its volume. A single integrated circuit (IC), such as a microprocessor chip, can do the work of a set of vacuum tubes that would fill a large building and require its own electric generating plant.

2. Answer the following questions:

1.What kind of substance is defined by the term "semiconductor"?

2.What do the specific properties of a semiconductor depend upon?

3.In what direction does the flow of holes occur in a semiconductor material?

4.Which substances do common semiconductor compounds include?

5.Which function can a semiconductor device perform?

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct variants:

1. A semiconductor is a substance, usually a solid chemical element or compound, that can … electricity under some conditions.

a) emit b) conduct c) produce d) release

2. An N-type semiconductor carries current mainly in the form of negatively-charged electrons, in a … similar to the conduction of current in a wire.

a) style b) pattern c) manner d) degree

3. In a semiconductor material, the flow of holes occurs in a direction …to the flow of electrons.

a) opposite

b) similar c) different d) normal

4. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) is widely used in low-noise, high-gain, weak-signal …devices.

a) intensifying b) magnifying c) modifying d) amplifying


5. A single integrated circuit (IC), such as a microprocessor chip, can do the work of a set of vacuum tubes that would fill a large building and require its own electric …plant.

a) producing b) generating c) creating d) supplying

4. Match the words with their English definitions:



to make a sound louder using electronic






very small part of a computer that stores






to need something






hard or firm



a piece of thin metal thread



a chemical that combines two or more elements



the position towards which someone or something



moves or faces



the strength of something that can be measured



a number, group, or combination of things of



similar nature, design, or function









5. Sum up the text using the following plan:

1.A semiconductor and its conductance

2.The specific properties of a semiconductor

3.The basic substances of elemental semiconductors


1. Read the following text carefully and try to understand the subject-matter of the text:


A field-effect transistor (FET) is a type of transistor commonly used for weak-signal amplification (for example, for amplifying wireless signals). The device can amplify analog or digital signals. It can also switch DC or function as an oscillator.

In the FET, current flows along a semiconductor path called the channel. At one end of the channel, there is an electrode called the source. At the other end of the channel, there is an electrode called the drain. The physical diameter of the channel is fixed, but its effective electrical diameter can be varied by the application of a voltage to a control electrode called the gate. The conductivity of the FET depends, at any given instant in time, on the electrical diameter of the channel. A small change in gate voltage can cause a large variation in the current from the source to the drain. This is how the FET amplifies signals.

Field-effect transistors exist in two major classifications. These are known as the junction FET (JFET) and the metal-oxide- semiconductor FET (MOSFET).

The junction FET has a channel consisting of N-type semiconductor (N-channel) or P-type semiconductor (P-channel) material; the gate is made of the opposite semiconductor type. In P-type material, electric charges are carried mainly in the form of electron deficiencies called holes. In N-type material, the charge carriers are primarily electrons. In a JFET, the junction is the boundary between the channel and the gate. Normally, this P-N junction is reverse-biased (a DC voltage is applied to it) so that no current flows between the channel and the gate. However, under some conditions there is a small current through the junction during part of the input signal cycle.



In the MOSFET, the channel can be either N-type or P-type semiconductor. The gate electrode is a piece of metal whose surface is oxidized. The oxide layer electrically insulates the gate from the channel. For this reason, the MOSFET was originally called the insulated-gate FET (IGFET), but this term is now rarely used. Because the oxide layer acts as a dielectric, there is essentially never any current between the gate and the channel during any part of the signal cycle. This gives the MOSFET an extremely large input impedance. Because the oxide layer is extremely thin, the MOSFET is susceptible to destruction by electrostatic charges. Special precautions are necessary when handling or transporting MOS devices.

The FET has some advantages and some disadvantages relative to the bipolar transistor. Field-effect transistors are preferred for weak-signal work, for example in wireless communications and broadcast receivers. They are also preferred in circuits and systems requiring high impedance. The FET is not, in general, used for high-power amplification, such as is required in large wireless communications and broadcast transmitters.

Field-effect transistors are fabricated onto silicon integrated circuit (IC) chips. A single IC can contain many thousands of FETs, along with other components such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes.

2.Make five questions based on the information from the text.

3.Fill in the gaps with the correct variants:

1. In the FET, current flows along a semiconductor … called the


a) way b) path c) pattern d) circuit

2. The physical diameter of the channel is fixed, but its effective electrical diameter can be … by the application of a voltage to a control electrode called the gate.

a) varied b) altered c) reduced d) enhanced

3. In P-type material, electric … are carried mainly in the form of electron deficiencies called holes.

a) pulses b) sparks c) signals d) charges

4. The gate electrode is a piece of metal whose surface is… a) doped b) galvanized c) oxidized d) processed

5. Field-effect transistors are … onto silicon integrated circuit (IC)



a) applied b) manufactured c) deposited

d) fabricated

3. Answer the following questions:

1.What kind of signals can a field-effect transistor amplify?

2.How does current flow in the FET?

3.What does the conductivity of the FET depend upon?

4.What is the structure of the junction FET?

5.Why are field-effect transistors preferred to bipolar transistors?

4. Match the words with their Russian translations:


полное сопротивление



































5. Sum up the text using the following plan:

1.A field-effect transistor and its functions

2.The structure of the FET

3.The principle of the junction FET work

4.The advantages and disadvantages of the FET


1. Read and translate the text:


A transistor radio is a small transistor-based radio receiver. Historically, the term "transistor radio" refers to a radio that typically receives only the 540–1600 kilocycle AM broadcast band.

The use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes as the amplifier elements meant that the device was much smaller and required far less power to operate than a tubed radio. It also ensured that the audio reception was available instantly, since there were no filaments concerned which could have taken considerable time to heat up. The early typical

portable radio was about the size and weight of a lunchbox, and contained several heavy (and non-rechargeable) batteries: one or more so-called "A" batteries just to heat the tube filaments and a large 45to 90-volt "B" battery to power the cathode and rest of the circuitry. By comparison, the "transistor" could fit in a pocket and weighed half a pound or less and was powered by standard flashlight batteries or a single compact 9-volt battery.

Listeners sometimes held an entire transistor radio directly against the side of the head, with the speaker against the ear, to minimize the "tinny" sound caused by the high resonance frequency of its small speaker enclosure. Most radios included earphone jacks and came with single earphones that provided only middling-quality sound reproduction due to the bandwidth limitation of AM (up to 4500Hz).

The transistor radio remains the single most popular communications device in existence. Some estimates suggest that there are at least seven billion of them in existence, almost all tunable to the common AM band, and an increasingly high percentage of those also tunable to the FM band. Some receive shortwave broadcasts as well. Most operate on battery power. They have become small and cheap due to improved electronics which has the ability to pack millions of transistors on one integrated circuit or chip. The prefix "transistor" basically now means an old pocket radio; it can be used to refer to any small radio, but the term itself is today somewhat obsolescent, since virtually all commercial broadcast receivers, pocket-sized or not, are now transistor-based.

Transistor radios have declined in popularity with the rise of portable digital audio players, which allow people to listen to the exact music of their choosing and may include a digital radio tuner. This is a popular choice with listeners who are dissatisfied with terrestrial music radio because of limited selection of music or other drawbacks. However, transistor radios are still popular for news, weather, soccer games, horse races and emergency alert applications. In addition, they enjoy widespread popularity in third world nations, where electricity is erratic, extended battery life is paramount and AM is still used as the primaryradio band.



2. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1.Historically, the term "transistor radio" (to refer) to a radio that typically receives only the 540–1600 kilocycle AM broadcast band.

2.The use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes as the amplifier elements (to mean) that the device was much smaller and required far less power to operate than a tubed radio.

3.Listeners sometimes (to hold) an entire transistor radio directly against the side of the head.

4.The transistor radio (to remain) the single most popular communications device in existence.

5.Transistor radios (to decline) in popularity with the rise of portable digital audio players,

6.Transistor radios are a popular choice with listeners who are (to dissatisfy) with terrestrial music radio because of limited selection of music or other drawbacks

7.Transistor radio (to enjoy) widespread popularity in third world


3. Fill in the gaps with the correct variants:

1. Historically, the term "transistor radio" …….. to a radio that typically receives only the 540–1600 kilocycle AM broadcast band.

a) implies

b) suggests

c) refers

d) adapts

2. The use of transistors ensured that the audio…… was available instantly, since there were no filaments concerned which could have taken considerable time to heat up.

a) conversion b) reception c) modulation d) interference

3. Transistor radios have………… in popularity with the rise of portable digital audio players.

a) developed

b) risen

c) spread

d) declined

4. A digital radio tuner is a popular choice with listeners who are…………. with terrestrial music radio because of limited selection of music or other drawbacks.

a) insulted b) dissatisfied c) pleased d) acceptable

5. Transistor radios enjoy widespread popularity in third world nations, where electricity is…………., extended battery life is paramount and AM is still used as the primary radio band.

a) erratic b) stable c) continuous d) extreme

4. Answer the following questions:

1.What is a transistor radio?

2.What did the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes mean?

3.How large was the early typical portable radio?

4.Why did listeners hold an entire transistor radio directly against the side of the head?

5.How many transistor radios are in existence now?

6.Why have transistor radios declined in popularity?

7.Where do transistor radios enjoywidespread popularity?



5. Sum up the text using the following plan:

1.The advantages of transistors over vacuum tubes

2.The basic components of early transistor radios

3.The contemporarytransistor radio units

4.The decline in popularity and use of transistor radios


1. Read and translate the text. Formulate its main idea


A diode is the simplest possible semiconductor device, and is therefore an excellent beginning point if you want to understand how semiconductors work. In this article, you'll learn what a semiconductor is, how doping works and how a diode can be created using semiconductors. But first, let's take a close look at silicon.

Silicon is a very common element -- for example, it is the main element in sand and quartz. If you look "silicon" up in the periodic table, you will find that it sits next to aluminum, below carbon and above germanium.

Carbon, silicon and germanium (germanium, like silicon, is also a semiconductor) have a unique property in their electron structure - each has four electrons in its outer orbital. This allows them to form nice crystals. The four electrons form perfect covalent bonds with four neighboring atoms, creating a lattice. In carbon, we know the crystalline form as diamond. In silicon, the crystalline form is a silvery, metalliclooking substance.

In a silicon lattice, all silicon atoms bond perfectly to four neighbors, leaving no free electrons to conduct electric current. This makes a silicon crystal an insulator rather than a conductor.

Metals tend to be good conductors of electricity because they usually have "free electrons" that can move easily between atoms, and electricity involves the flow of electrons. While silicon crystals look metallic, they are not, in fact, metals. All of the outer electrons in a silicon crystal are involved in perfect covalent bonds, so they can't move around. A pure silicon crystal is nearly an insulator -- very little electricity will flow through it.

But you can change all this through a process called doping.

2. Answer the following questions:

1.Which substances contain silicon?

2.Which property do carbon, silicon and germanium have?

3.How many electrons form perfect covalent bonds with four neighboring atoms?

4.How does the crystalline form in silicon look like?

5.Why do metals tend to be good conductors?

6.Why can’t the outer electrons in a silicon crystal move around?

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct variants:

1. Silicon is a very common element - for example, it is the main

element in … and quartz.

a) coal b) sand c) gravel d) mud

2. The four electrons form … covalent bonds with four neighboring




a) complicated b) direct c) perfect d) separate

3. In silicon, the crystalline form is a … , metallic-looking substance.

a) silvery b) sulphuric c) copper d) bronze

4. Metals tend to be good conductors of electricity because they usually have "free electrons" that can move … between atoms.

a) directly b) easily c) simply d) suddenly

5. A pure silicon crystal is nearly an insulator -- very little electricity will … through it.

a) penetrate b) run c) split d) flow

4. Match the words with their English definitions:



a regular spacing or arrangement of geometric






anyting in an adjacent or nearbyposition



at a greater distance from the centre



an attractive force that holds together the atoms,



ions, or groups of atoms in a molecule or crystal



a piece of a substance that has become solid



a device that controls an electric current so that it



can only flow in one direction



a substance that does not transmit heat, sound or






a substance that consists of very small grains of



rock, found on beaches and in deserts



complete and correct in every way



the addition of small quantities of an element to a



semiconductor to change its characteristics









5. Sum up the text using the following plan:

1.The basic properties of silicon

2.The electron structure of semiconductors

3.The peculiarities of a silicon lattice

4.The conducting properties of metals


1. Using the dictionary give the translation of the following words and word combinations:

junction; diffusion; solar cell; recombination; bias; voltage;

depletion; direction; potential; charge; interface; layer

2. Read the following text carefully and try to understand the subject-matter of the text:


A PN junction is formed by joining p-type and n-type semiconductors together in a single crystal lattice. The term junction refers to the boundary interface where the two regions of the semiconductor meet. If the junction was constructed of two separate pieces this would introduce a discontinuity in the crystal lattice, so PN junctions are created in a single crystal of semiconductor by introducing certain impurities called dopants, for example by ion implantation, diffusion, or by epitaxy (growing a layer of crystal doped with n-type impurities on top of a layer of crystal doped with p-type impurities for example).



PN junctions are the elementary building blocks of almost all semiconductor electronic devices such as diodes, transistors, solar cells, LEDs, and integrated circuits; they are the active sites where the electronic action of the device takes place. For example, a common type of transistor, the bipolar junction transistor, consists of two PN junctions in series, in the form NPN or PNP.

The PN junction exhibits some interesting properties which have useful applications in solid state electronics. A p-doped semiconductor is relatively conductive. The same is true of an n-doped semiconductor, but the junction between p and n type regions is a nonconductor. This nonconducting layer, called the depletion layer, occurs because the electrically charged carriers, electrons in n-type and holes p-type silicon, diffuse into the other type of material (i.e. electrons in p-type and holes in n-type) and eliminate each other in a process called recombination. This diffusion of charge causes a built in potential difference across the depletion region. By manipulating this non-conductive layer, PN junctions are commonly used as diodes: circuit elements that allow a flow of electricity in one direction but not in the other (opposite) direction. This property is explained in terms of forward bias and reverse bias, where the term bias refers to the application of an electric voltage across the PN junction. A PN junction will conduct current when the applied external voltage exceeds the built in potential of the junction.

In a PN junction, without an external applied voltage, an equilibrium condition is reached in which a potential difference is formed across the junction. This potential difference is called the built-in potential, VBI.

At the junction of p-type and n-type semiconductors, higher concentration of electrons in the n-type region near the PN interface tend to diffuse into the p-type region. As electrons diffuse, they leave positively charged ions (donors) in the n region. Similarly, the higher concentration of holes on the p-type side near the PN interface begin to diffuse into the n-type region leaving fixed ions (acceptors) with negative charge. The

regions just adjacent on either side of the PN interface lose their neutrality and become charged, forming the space charge region or depletion layer.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct variants:

1.The term junction refers to the …interface where the two regions of the semiconductor meet.

a) linear; b) boundary; c) open; d) closed

2. PN junctions are the elementary building … of almost all semiconductor electronic devices

a) bricks; b) blocks; c) units; d) components

3. The PN junction exhibits some interesting ... have useful applications in solid state electronics.

a) functions; b) properties; c) aspects; d) peculiarities

4. By … this non-conductive layer, PN junctions are commonly used as diodes

a) shifting; b) modifying; c) moving; d) manipulating

5. The higher … of holes on the p-type side near the PN interface begin to diffuse into the n-type region leaving fixed ions.

a) concentration; b) degree; c) amount; d) number

3. Answer the following questions:

1.How is a P-N junction formed?

2.What are the elementary building blocks of almost all semiconductor devices?



3.What does the bipolar junction transistor consist of?

4.Why does the depletion layer occurs?

5.In which case is an equilibrium condition reached in a P-N junction?

4. Match the words with their Russian translations:


P-N junction




























P-N переход









5. Sum up the text using the following plan:

1.A P-N junction and the peculiarities of its formation

2.The electronic devices containing P-N junctions

3.The interesting properties of P-N junctions

4.The behaviour of electrons in P-N junctions


1. Read the following text carefully and try to understand the subject-matter of the text:


The crystal radio receiver (also known as a crystal set) is a very simple kind of radio receiver. It needs no battery or power source except the power received from radio waves bya long outdoor wire antenna.

Simple crystal radios are often made with a few hand-made parts, like an antenna wire, tuning coil of copper wire, crystal detector and earphones. Because crystal radios are passive radio receivers, they are technically distinct from ordinary radios containing active powered amplifiers in many respects. This is because they must receive and preserve as much electrical power as possible from the antenna and convert it to sound power whereas ordinary radios amplify the weak electrical energy "signal" from the radio wave. Today making and operating crystal radios is a popular hobby for manyreasons, including:

Historical and nostalgic significance

The astonishing results one can get from its utter simplicity

The challenge of receiving weak distant signals without amplification

Crystal radios can be designed to receive almost any radio frequency since there is no fundamental limit on the frequencies they will receive. The most common crystal radios are designed for the AM Broadcast Band and the 49-meter international short wave band, partly because the radio waves are stronger in those bands. Early radios commonly received spark signals as low as 20 kHz and below. Although crystal radios are designed