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Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет

Кафедра иностранных языков

The architecture of the 20th century

Методическая разработка по английскому языку

для студентов 2-го курса, обучающихся по направлению 270300 «Архитектура»

Воронеж 2009

УДК 802.0/07 ББК 81.2 Англ. -923


О.О. Пантелеева


Т.А. Воронова, к.ф.н., старший преподаватель кафедры русского языка и межкультурной коммуникации

Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного


The architecture of the 20th century : метод. разработка по английскому языку для студ. 2 курса, обучающихся по направлению 270300 «Архитектура» / Воронеж. гос. арх.-строит. ун-т.; сост: О.О. Пантелеева. –

Воронеж, 2009. – 28 с.

Цель разработки – формирование у студентов навыков и умений адекватного восприятия и понимания содержания текстов архитектурной направленности, их корректного перевода, устного воспроизведения, а также успешного выполнения практических заданий, предлагаемых к каждому тексту.

Предназначена для студентов 2-го курса, обучающихся по направлению 270300 «Архитектура».

УДК 802.0/07 ББК 81.2 Англ. -923



Методическая разработка составлена в соответствии с требованиями действующей программы по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов. Основная цель – комплексное формирование у обучаемых практических умений в различных профессионально-ориентированных видах англоязычной речевой деятельности. В текстах рассматриваются творческие течения, тенденции и направления современной архитектуры. Система послетекстовых упражнений способствует активному усвоению лексики и грамматического материала.


New world, new architectures. Art Deco. Bauhaus.

Grammar: The Perfect Passive Tenses. The Continuous Passive Tenses.

Read the text and express your opinion on the subject.


The architects of the later 19th cent. found themselves in a world being reshaped by science, industry, and speed. A new eclecticism arose, such as the architecture based on the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and what is commonly called Victorian architecture in Britain and the United States. The needs of a new society pressed them, while steel, reinforced concrete, and electricity were among the many new technical means at their disposal.

After more than a half-century of assimilation and experimentation, modern architecture , often called the International style , produced an astonishing variety of daring and original buildings, often steel substructures sheathed in glass. The Bauhaus was a strong influence on modern architecture. As the line between architecture and engineering became a shadow, 20th-century architecture often approached engineering, and modern works of engineering—airplane hangars, for example—often aimed at and achieved an undeniable beauty. More recently, postmodern architecture, which exploits and expands the technical innovations of modernism while often incorporating stylistic elements from other architectural styles or periods, has become an international movement.


Read the texts and tell about the best world architectural schools of the late 1920the early 1930.


The style known as Art Deco combined the exuberance of expressionism with the clean, functional lines of rationalism. Named after an exposition of decorative art held in Paris in 1925, art deco rapidly spread through Europe and the United States. As had architects in the arts and crafts movement, art deco architects produced lamps, tableware, household appliances, and jewelry. Streamlined art deco architecture mimicked the sleek design of ocean liners, but it also drew on the decorative qualities of art nouveau and the flowing forms of expressionism. Bruno Taut and Peter Behrens in Germany and Rob Mallet-Stevens in France were among the most prominent art deco designers.

Art deco enjoyed the widest diffusion in the United States, where it was employed in the design of many post offices and government buildings of the 1930s. One of the premier art deco buildings is the Chrysler Building (1930) in New York City, a 77-story celebration of one of the nation's largest automobile manufacturers, by architect William Van Alen. With its striking pyramid of shiny metal arches rising to the pinnacle and its stainless steel gargoyles based on the 1929 Chrysler hood ornament, it quickly became a New York City landmark.


Perhaps the most influential wing of the modern movement developed at the Bauhaus, a school founded by Gropius in Weimar, Germany, in 1919. Gropius succeeded van de Velde as director of the ducal Arts and Crafts School at Weimar in 1919. Later called the Bauhaus, it became the most important centre of modern design until the Nazis closed it in 1933. While he was at Weimar, Gropius developed a firm philosophy about architecture and education, which he announced in 1923.

Following the goals of the Deutscher Werkbund, of which Gropius was a member, the Bauhaus sought to unite art, architecture, and design in one institution, where students learned in workshops dedicated to theater, sculpture, stained glass, ceramics, or other arts and crafts. Students worked collaboratively with teachers who were some of the outstanding innovators of the era: Swiss painter Paul Klee, Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, Austrian-American type designer Herbert Bayer, Hungarian-American architect and furniture designer Marcel Breuer, and German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

The school moved to Dessau in 1924, where the Bauhaus building (1926) designed by Gropius became a symbol of modern architecture. Above the ground floor, the studio and workshop wing was sheathed in an extensive glass curtain wall so that it appeared to hover like a transparent box. Elsewhere in his design,


Gropius set narrow ribbon windows flush with stucco walls, a feature that later appeared in much modern architecture.

Many Bauhaus faculty members fled to the United States after the National Socialist (Nazi) Party came to power in Germany in 1933. Gropius assembled a staff of modern teachers, including the artists Laszlo Moholy-Nag, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Marcel Breuer, and Adolf Meyer, whose projects, such as the 16 experimental standardized housing units of the Torten Estate at Dessau, Germany (1926-28), bore a highly machined, depersonalized appearance.


gargoyle - горгулья (в готике; желоб, водосточная труба в виде уродливой фантастической фигуры)

goal – задача, цель to hover – нависать

to mimic – пародировать, копировать

pinnacle - остроконечная башенка, бельведер, шпиц ribbon – лента, тесьма

sheathed – защищенный stainless - коррозионно-стойкий stucco – оштукатуренный wing – крыло

I. Answer the following questions:

1.From what styles did the Art Deco develop?

2.What is one of the premier art deco buildings?

3.What were the principal goals of the Bauhaus school?

4.Who was its founder?

II. Complete the following sentences:

1.Art Deco combined the exuberance of expressionism with the clean, functional lines of … .

a) Art Nouveau b) constructivism c) rationalism

2.One of the premier art deco buildings is … .

a)the Pavillon Suisse

b)the Chrysler Building

c)the S. Ryabushinsky’s Mansion


3.The Bauhaus became the most important centre of modern design until … . a) the Nazis closed it in 1933

b) the advent of Art Nouveau c) the World War I

4.At Weimar, Gropius developed a firm philosophy about architecture and … . a) education

b) policy c) ecology

5.A staff of modern teachers worked at … .

a)Oxford University

b)Harvard University

c)the Bauhaus

III. Choose the right form of the verb:

1. In Germany, Gropius … mechanistic direction.

a) was following b) follow c) followed

2. The effect of these buildings … by the use of steel frames, strong silhouette and

the logic of their plans.



a) was gained

b) has gained

c) gains

3. There … no historical influences, or expressions of logical landscape. a) was b) were c) is

4. The beauty of the buildings … from adapting form to a technological culture. a) derived b) has derived c) derive

5. 116 experimental standardized housing units at Dessau … a depersonalized




a) born

b) bears

c) bore

IV. Give the English equivalents:

выставка в Париже


школа искусств и ремесел

металлические арки

производитель мебели

стальные каркасы


V. a) Study the following active and passive forms:

Present perfect



have/has (done)

The builders have replaced intricate ceramic

passive: have/has been (done)

roof tiles.

The intricate ceramic roof tiles



have been replaced.

Past perfect


active: had (done)

The room looked nice.

passive: had been (done)

Somebody had painted it.

The room looked nice.



It had been painted.

Present continuous



am/is/are doing

The builders are replacing intricate ceramic

passive: am/is/are being done

roof tiles.

The intricate ceramic roof tiles



are being replaced.

Past continuous


active: was/were doing

Somebody was painting the room



when I arrived.

passive: was/were being done

The room was being painted



when I arrived.

b) Match the sentences and tenses:

1.Unique structures can accommodate a) past simple active human activity in its myriad forms.

2.RKT&B has maintained many long- b) present perfect passive term relationships.

3.Design of a new station required c) present perfect active improved passages, signage, staircases,

and elevator tower.

4.An abandoned furniture store was d) past simple passive transformed into a sparkling school in

an imaginative space.

5.A 1929 loft building has been e) present simple active converted into luxury apartments.

6.The talented architects are creating f) present continuous active revolutionary structures.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets in right form, using present perfect active or passive:

1. The National Trust … (to embark) on an ambitious program to restore the garden to its former glory.


2.The grounds … (to lay out) by art.

3.Remarkable work … (to carry out) to now including wood cleaning operations, tree felling, soil handling, pedestrian circulation, illumination system, irrigation system, drainage systems, pool refurbishing (structural, setting and filtering systems), double hoarding , simple hoarding and others.

4.Chinese culture … (to become) more and more popular in the West in this decade.

5.The Chicago Architecture Foundation … (to open) an exhibit this week highlighting the similarities between late 1800's Chicago and present day boomtowns in Asia and the Middle East.

6.One Museum Park of the Central Station development is not yet completed but … already (to anchor) itself in postcard pictures and panoramas for years to come.

7.As cities grow, it … (to become) important to set aside green space where urban dwellers can enjoy trees, flowers, lakes and rivers, and wildlife.

8.The first project, the Ecologic Lofts in Bucktown chooses the sleek, modern aesthetic that … (to accompany) other green projects such as Helmut Jahn's SRO project.

9.The Chicago Architecture Club … (to announce) the winners of their HighSpeed Rail Station Competition, Chicago Tribune's Blair Kamin reports.

10.In addition to the Grand Red Line station and several Brown Line stations, the Howard Street Station's new modern self … almost (to complete).

VII. Interview your partner as Art Deco/Bauhaus architect.



Grammar: Revision: Present Simple and Past Simple (active and passive forms).

Read the text and tell about the Russian artistic movement.


Constructivism is a style of architecture which uses concrete, steel and glass to organize planes and volumes in an extremely formal expression.

Constructivism originated in Moscow after 1917. It may be regarded as part of the Functionalism. The demonstration of the constructive solution was to be the basis for all building design, with emphasis on functional machine parts. The Constructivists equated efficient construction with beauty.

After the Revolution modern art at first was encouraged in Russia and several architects, notably the German Bruno Taut, looked to the new government for a sociological program. The Constructivist project for a monument to the Third International (1920) by Vladimir Tatlin was a machine in which the various sections would rotate within an exposed steel armature. This leaning skeletal


spiral-like monument (1300 ft high) of the iron wire and steel bones could be regarded as either sculpture or architecture.

Konstantin Melnikov’s Workers’ club in Moscow (1920) had a plan resembling a fragment of a gigantic conic gear, the symbol of industrialization of the country at that time.

The Ministry of Central Economic Planning (1928-1932) designed by Le Corbusier, was intended to be a glass-filled slab but, because of Stalin’s dislike of modern architecture was never completed.


either – один из двух emphasis – усиление gear – шестерня leaning – наклонный

to regard – рассматривать, считать wire - провод

I. Answer the following questions:

1.Why is this style called Constructivism?

2.What are its main features?

3.What famous Constructivists do you know?

II. Read the text again and find out if the following statements are true or false:

1.The Constructivists used marble in their works.

2.After the Revolution modern art at first was encouraged in Russia.

3.This movement originated in Germany.

4.Constructivism emphasized organic forms and ornaments.

5.The Constructivists equated efficient construction with beauty.

6.Vladimir Tatlin’s project for a monument to the Third International in Moscow is the most famous example of this style.

7.The building of the Ministry of Central Economic Planning was built in 1932.

III. Choose the right preposition:

1. Constructivism originated in Moscow … 1917.

a) in b) before c) after

2. The demonstration of the constructive solution was to be the basis … all building design.

a) for b) over c) in


3. After 1917, modern art was encouraged … Russia

a) near

b) at

c) in

4. It was a machine in which the various sections would rotate … an exposed steel armature.

a) within

b) without

c) with

5. The Ministry of Central Economic Planning was designed … Le Corbusier.

a) with

b) by

c) for

IV. Give the Russian equivalents:

planes and volumes

constructive solution

modern art

a monument to the Third International

to rotate within an exposed steel armature

the iron wire

a fragment of a gigantic conic gear

a glass-filled slab

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text:


1.Constructivists used concrete, steel and … .

2.This style may be regarded as … of the Functionalism.

3.A monument to the Third International was a machine in which the … sections would … within an exposed steel … .

4.This monument could be … as either … or architecture.


armature, part, sculpture, various, glass, rotate, regarded.

VI. Read the text and put the verb into the correct form. Translate the text:

Constructivism … (to be) a Russian artistic movement that … (to include) the sculptors Antone Pevsner, Naum Gabo and Vladimir Tatlin. In 1913 Tatlin … (to visit) in Paris and … (deeply/ to impress) with Picasso's innovations into