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Medical masks

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Medical Masks

A surgical mask, also known as a procedure mask, medical mask or simply as a face mask, face covering, is intended to be worn by health professionals during surgery and during nursing to catch the bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose.

Surgical masks are made of a nonwoven fabric created using a melt blowing process. They came into use in the 1960s and largely replaced cloth facemasks in developed countries. A shortage of surgical masks is a central issue of the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

Surgical masks are popularly worn by the general public all year round in East Asian countries like China, Japan and South Korea to reduce the chance of spreading airborne diseases to others, and to prevent the breathing in of airborne dust particles created by air pollution. Additionally, surgical masks have become a fashion statement, particularly in contemporary East Asian culture bolstered by its popularity in Japanese and Korean pop culture which have a big impact on East Asian youth culture.

A surgical mask is a loose-fitting, disposable device that creates a physical barrier between the mouth and nose of the wearer and potential contaminants in the immediate environment. If worn properly, a surgical mask is meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain viruses and bacteria, keeping it from reaching the wearer's mouth and nose. Surgical masks may also help reduce exposure of the wearer's saliva and respiratory secretions to others that could otherwise travel up to 26 feet.

The design of the surgical masks depends on the mode; usually, the masks are three-ply (three layers). This three-ply material is made up of a melt-blown polymer, most commonly polypropylene, placed between non-woven fabric. The masks are secured to the head with ear loops, head ties, or elastic straps.

Task 1. Read and translate the text. Translate into English (in written form):

  1. предназначена для ношения медицинскими работниками во время операции и медицинского ухода -

  2. бактерии, выделяющиеся в каплях жидкости и твёрдых частиц изо рта и носа -

  3. не предназначены для защиты от вдыхания находящихся в воздухе бактерий или вирусных частиц -

  4. изготовлены из нетканого материала -

  5. заменили тканевые маски -

  6. нехватка хирургических масок -

  7. продолжающаяся пандемия коронавируса в 2019-20 годах -

  8. уменьшить вероятность распространения болезней, передающихся воздушно-капельным путем -

  9. стали модным явлением -

  10. оказывать большое влияние на восточноазиатскую молодежную культуру -

  11. непрозрачное одноразовое устройство -

  12. с помощью ушных петель, завязок или эластичных ремешков -

Task 2. Complete the sentences:

  1. The other names for a medical mask are …

  2. Facial masks are usually worn by …

  3. Medical masks are made of …

  4. They came into use in …

  5. Surgical masks are popularly worn by … in …

  6. Nowadays there is a shortage of medical masks because of ..

  7. A surgical mask is a device that …

  8. A surgical mask is meant to help block …

  9. The masks are secured to the head with …

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