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Disposable gloves

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The History of Disposable Gloves

Disposable (medical) gloves had bright beginnings and were developed to address a longstanding need for cleaner practices and barrier protection.

Latex Neoprene

In May 1889, Johns Hopkins Hospital first opened its doors. Dr. William Stewart Halstead, who had a number of medical and surgical achievements, was the first surgeon in chief and one of four founding physicians, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. These achievements included new operations for hernia repair and gallstone removal, among others. Also, Halstead was known for precision and cleanliness, which is why it is no surprise history credits him with developing the first surgical glove.

After his nurse, and later wife, Caroline Hampton said the chemicals she handled for surgery gave her a rash, Halstead reached out to the Goodyear Rubber Co. to create rubber gloves for her hands. Hampton loved the gloves, and more pairs arrived. Not long after, Halstead’s entire surgical staff wore them during operations. At the time, they assumed the primary benefit was increased dexterity and gave little thought to hygiene.

Joseph Lister, the first surgeon to sterilize his surgical tools and dressings, was responsible for making surgical gloves sterile. In 1894, about 50 percent of all surgical patients died. Many of these fatalities were due to the fact that surgeons did not wash their hands between surgeries and examinations, thereby passing pathogens between patients.

Lister used carbolic acid to sterilize his instruments. This action would be the founding of antiseptic surgery and the inspiration for the development of Listerine by Joseph Lawrence.

Dentist wearing nitrile gloves

The Importance of Wearing Medical Gloves in The Hospital

Routine Exam: doctors use disposable gloves typically made of latex, nitrile rubber, or polyvinyl chloride during medical examinations to prevent the transmission of germs and diseases from one patient to another, and to themselves and staff. Patient Care: caregivers often use non sterile gloves to perform routine patient care such as drawing blood, IV insertion or removal, bathing, and the handling of infectious materials. Surgery: doctors use sterile gloves, typically unpowdered, that are manufactured precisely to offer tighter fits and more sensitivity than standard gloves. These are ideal for performing surgical procedures. The gloves act as a barrier to cross-contamination between the surgeon and patient.

Did you know?

*In 1758, first gloves made from the cecum of a sheep, covering only the fingers, were used by German gynecologist Johann Julius Walbaum. The doctor wore these to protect himself from infection, and some say to protect the patient from developing necrotic tissue.

*Double gloving is the practice of wearing two layers of medical gloves to reduce the danger of infection from glove failure or penetration of the gloves by sharp objects during medical procedures (for people with HIV and Hepatitis, surgeons use antivirus glove). This should better protect the patient against infections transmitted by the surgeon.

* In 1900, though rubber medical gloves had already been invented, their use was not commonplace. Surgeons would wash up, then perform procedures using their bare hands. As shocking as this seems, most doctors wore their street clothes and shoes in the operating room. They often wore an apron similar to what a butcher would wear, but that was for the protection of their clothing, not the patient. They wore no masks. Instruments were not sterilized. The operating rooms of that time were far removed of those today. Nothing in them strived for germ protection for the patient or physician. They were overlarge rooms, usually multi-tiered amphitheaters. The operations were open to medical students as well as other spectators. The patient was placed on a raised table, or an elevated chair so that the observers could witness the procedures.

Task 1. Read and translate the texts above. Find English equivalents for the following:

  1. операции по удалению грыжи и удалению желчных камней –

  2. весь хирургический персонал –

  3. хирургические инструменты и перевязочные материалы –

  4. одноразовые (медицинские) перчатки –

  5. передавая патогены между пациентами –

  6. использовал карболовую кислоту для стерилизации инструментов –

  7. сделанные из латекса, нитрильного каучука или поливинилхлорида –

  8. предотвратить передачу микробов и болезней от одного пациента другому –

  9. для выполнения повседневного ухода за пациентом –

  10. взятие крови, внутривенное вливание –

  11. обращение с инфекционными материалами –

  12. обеспечить более плотную посадку и большую чувствительность –

  13. барьер для перекрестного загрязнения между хирургом и пациентом -

  14. перчатки из слепой кишки овцы, покрывающие только пальцы –

  15. практика ношения двухслойных медицинских перчаток –

  16. носили уличную одежду и обувь в операционной –

  17. многоуровневые амфитеатры –

  18. наблюдать за процедурами –

  19. помещен на поднятый стол или на поднятый стул –

  20. были открыты для студентов-медиков, а также других зрителей –

Task 2. Complete the sentences:

  1. Dr. William S. Halstead had a number of medical and surgical achievements such as …

  2. He came up with the idea of creating rubber gloves after …

  3. At the end of the 19th century there were lots of deaths after surgical operations because …

  4. The first surgeon who began to sterilize surgical instruments was …

  5. The era of antiseptic surgery began with…

  6. First gloves made from the cecum of a sheep were used by … to protect …

  7. These gloves covered only …

Task 3. Answer the questions:

  1. What materials are disposable gloves made of nowadays?

  2. What kind of gloves do doctors use during medical examinations? During surgery? During patient care?

  3. Why are sterile gloves typically unpowdered?

  4. What clothing did surgeons wear while performing procedures in 1900s?

  5. Did they wear medical masks during operations?

  6. Did they sterilize instruments?

  7. How did the operating rooms look like?

  8. In what cases do doctors practise wearing double gloving nowadays?

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