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Task 1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

  1. public health service

  2. provide free medical care

  3. first aid / specialized medical aid

  4. reception / doctor's office

  5. general practitioner

  6. nurse practitioner

  7. district nurse / midwife

  8. treat a minor illness

  9. control chronic diseases

  10. send patients who need the attention of specialists to the hospital

  11. have practical knowledge

  12. keep in touch with patients

  13. focus on the patient with the disease rather than the disease itself

  14. communication skills

  15. human empathy

Task 2. Fill in the chart:

1. Does private health care exist in the UK?


2. What service treats most British people and provides free health care?

National Health Service (NHS)

3. Whom is primary care provided by?

Provided by general practitioners (GPs)

4. How do they call the general doctors who work in hospitals?

General practitioners (GPs)

5. How many GPs are there in the UK?

over 40,000 GPs in the UK

6. What health professionals work in teams with other GPs?

Practice nurses, district nurses, and midwives

7. What do GPs do?

diagnose illness, treat minor illness within the community, promote better health, prevent disease, certify disease, monitor chronic disease, and refer patients who need specialist attention or tests to a hospital

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