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Task 1. Suggest the English equivalent:.

  1. temples dedicated to gods-healers

  2. sew up wounds

  3. make visits to patients' homes

  4. specialized hospitals

  5. buddhist monasteries

  6. accommodation for the sick, the poor and the travelers

  7. medical institutions

  8. large open chambers

  9. small patient rooms with hallways

  10. architectural proof

  11. religious institutions

  12. Christianity

Task 2. Write down key-words to describe ancient hospitals and wards in:

  1. Greece (Athens) – Prayers, sacrifices, and dream interpretations, no hospitals

  2. Mesopotamia/India and Sri Lanka - Buddhist monasteries, patient rooms

  3. the Roman Empire – (military) hospitals

Task 3. Answer the questions:

  1. The original facilities for the sick were most likely temples dedicated to “healing gods”.

  2. Ancient physicians also stitched wounds, set broken bones, and used opium for pain.

  3. The Romans provided us with the root of the word “hospital” from the Latin word “hospes” for host or “hospitium” meaning a place to entertain.

  4. The physicians made calls and treated patients in their homes, a practice that continued for hundreds of years.

  5. As the Roman Empire turned to Christianity, the Church's role in providing for the sick became firmly established.

  6. After 400 AD, many monasteries were constructed generally including accommodations for travelers, the poor, and the sick.

  7. Religious institutions continued to provide most of the healthcare to the poor in large, open wards, while physicians continued the practice of making house calls to the upper class.

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