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Healthy Lifestyle

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Task 1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following proverbs and sayings,

comment one of them (in written form):

  1. Лук от семи недуг

  2. Здоровье дороже денег. You can’t buy a health, so you have to keep it safe.

  3. В здоровом теле здоровый дух

  4. Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет

  5. Ты то, что ты ешь

  6. Богатство - ничто без здоровья

Task 2. Complete the sentences:

  1. A healthy lifestyle means no bad habits, a lot of fruit and vegetables in your fridge, enough sleep and at least some physical exercise.

  2. The worst bad habits are smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.

  3. Bad habits influence our lives dramatically as they can shorten our lives.

  4. Smoking is very dangerous because it leads to a number of heart and lungs diseases including cancer, makes your teeth yellow and your looks unhealthy.

  5. Fortunately, a lot of bad publicity was given lately to smoking, drinking and taking drugs.

  6. Some companies do not take on people who are smokers.

  7. Passive entertainment is very harmful to our hearts.

  8. Nowadays people spend most of the time sitting. They sit in cars on their way to work, they sit in front of the computers in their classrooms and offices, they sit again at home watching TV.

  9. To be fit people should spend more time in fitness centers, gyms, swimming pools or just walking in woods or parks.

Task 3. Look through the text again and explain.

  1. It is very harmful to our heart and organism at all

  2. Because of the smell from smokers. It distracts others from their work

  3. Because passive smoking is even more dangerous than an active

  4. Because nowadays big part of our lives is automated

  5. most things we do at home that once used to depend on physical labor have become largely automated. Nowadays we just press buttons or ask others to do work for us. All this is very harmful to our hearts

  6. Because nowadays money are the universal resource to exchange, but we can’t buy health..

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