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Alexander Fleming

15.35 Кб

Task 1.

  1. Do research work

  2. Bacteria around the mould

  3. By means of numerous experiments on animals

  4. Not toxic to the tissues

  5. Growth of pathogenic bacteria

  6. Appear on dry bread

  7. Method of extracting pure penicillin

  8. Decide the problem of its production

  9. Nobel Prize for his great discover

  10. After several injections of penicillin

Task 2.

  1. was born in 1881 and died in 1955

  2. in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs

  3. that the bacteria around the mould had disappeared

  4. stopped the growth of pathogenic bacteria

  5. in 1942 when his friend very ill and dying

  6. after several injections of penicillin

  7. many investigations

  8. biologists and mould experts in penicillin

  9. the Nobel Prize

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