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Sample Marketing Student Resume 2

Andrew Jonathan, 12, South 65 Street, Abingdon, Virginia, 32056, (655)-623 1006.


Seeking for a challenging role in Marketing where my skills and knowledge can be contribute and utilize.


  • Proficient ability of management, customer service, public relationship management

  • Very creative, innovative and self-motivated

  • Strong analysis power, problem resolving ability and full of energy

  • Expertise in designing attractive presentation and demonstrations

  • Good knowledge of computer skills such as MS word, MS excel, MS access, power point, spreadsheet

  • Exceptionally good communication skills both verbally and written


University of Florida, Florida

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and international Business

University of Florida, Florida

MBA in Marketing


Denver Inc., Abingdon, Virginia

Public Relation Intern

  • Responsible for the research on the Spain and American metal trade

  • Prepared status report and presented in press release for the company

  • Responsible for meeting clients

Advine Co., Bluefield, Virginia Account Leader

  • Responsible for the creation and preparation of the copy of brochure for youth guidance camp

  • Prepared attractive slide show and video for marketing campaigns

  • Responsible for the compilation of the status report for the team and clients

  • Also attended the schedule meeting with client and team

Salnica Inc., Hampton, Virginia Salesperson

  • Responsible for the arrangement of the meetings with buyer from reputable companies

  • Done arrangements and attended seminars on salesmanship and self presentation

  • Responsible for the management of the transaction between the client and the company


Mr. Joseph Macman

College Dean

University of Florida, Florida

Human Resource Recruiters Resume

A human resource recruiter is a human resource person specifically meant for the recruitment process. This professional has to show his mettle in the trade by selecting the right kind of people for the job. He has to carry out the responsibilities right from the advertisement to the final induction of the candidates. There are many intermediate steps involved which need a close scrutiny by the HR recruiter. The main attribute required of this person is that he needs a thorough understanding of people and their mindset, which enable him to judge the candidates and choose the best amongst them.

Sample Human Resource Recruiter's Resume

Treyton Nash 562, Keighley ST, Essex, VT, 78212 (462) 683-5922 cody.bailey@email.com Career Goal

To become a human resource recruiter in an organization where I can get a chance to nurture my innate skills for its betterment.

Educational Background

  • Accomplish Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Dallas University, Dallas at the Recruitment Management as the major in the year of 1990

  • Accomplish associate Degree in Recruitment Management from the Institute of Human Resource Management of San Francisco, San Francisco in the year of 1992

Computer Programming Skills

  • Operating Systems: Windows 9X, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, MS DOS

  • Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook Express

Professional Affiliation

Accomplish indispensable professional affiliation from the Recruiter Managers Association of New Jersey, New Jersey in the year of 1993 after the succeeding Mock Test approved by the association.

Professional Skills

  • Have outstanding practice about developmental Human Resource Management. Took on, educated and counseled range of recruiters as well as support staffs and equipped needed evaluation reports

  • Have capacitated with magnificent public association features

  • Initiated and executed various complete outreach curriculums

Professional Background

2001- Present date: Work as the Recruitment Manager for the ABC Corporation, Las Vegas with the following responsibilities as the post holder

  • Provide necessary recruitment strategies for marketing and sales support control

  • Formulate and execute several college recruitment curriculums

  • Provide essential establishment and maintenance with selective employment organizations

  • Formulate and implement various outreach recruitment tours to major cities and career centers with numbers of universities

  • Provide vital assistance in the staffs communication enhancement curriculums

1995- 2000: Acted as the Personnel Manager for the Santana Boot Company, Syracuse with the following responsibilities

  • Provided development towards newly appointed employee directing curriculums such as visual supports and assessment preparation

  • Provided in house child care service development

  • Formulated various personnel curriculums such as development towards records, programs and sources etc.

  • Provided human relationships troubleshoots measures

This sample resume will help you to write a successful and a confident resume in the best possible way. The post in itself is managerial and human resource is a branch of management, which deals with the organization of the workforce. Your duty hence is to specify your objective and skills in an exquisite way to make an impression on the recruiter. Your attitude and communication skills must be sound to exhibit your affirmative approach. Though, the human resource manager has many roles here we are concerned of human resource as a recruiter.