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Ч1_2_В2 / TEST 1

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Test 1


Match the words or word-combination with their Russian equivalents.

1) television commercials – b) ТВ реклама

2) new vitas – i) новые перспективы

3) consumer surveys – h) опросы потребителей

4) promising products – g) перспективная продукция

5) advertising – j) реклама

6) target – f) цель

7) telephone solicitation – e) настойчивое предложение товаров по телефону

8) entrepreneurs – c) предприниматели

9) product promotion – d) продвижение продукции

10) search engine techniques – a) технологии поисковой системы


Read the text below and decide which word-form from the line fits each space.

E-commerce involves conduction business activities using electronic data

transmission involving computers, telecommunications networks. There are two

forms of e-commerce. The first form is business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce in which clients deal directly with the organization. Business and individuals use e-commerce to lower transaction costs, spread the flow of goods and information, improve the level of customer service. E-commerce enables consumers and companies to gain access to worldwide markets. A successful e-commerce system must address many stages customer experience in the deal life cycle. A multi-stage model for obtain

over the Internet includes search and identification, selection and negotiation,

purchasing. The nature of the Web allows firms to collect much more information

about customer behavior and preferences than they could using other marketing approaches.

1-d; 2-c; 3-c; 4-a; 5-b; 6-c; 7-a; 8-d; 9-b; 10-b;


Choose the right translation of the word-combinations given.

  1. mass mail campaigns – a) кампания массовой рассылки

  2. marketing industry – d) маркетинговая индустрия

  3. development efforts – d) усилия по развитию

  4. marketing research data – d) данные маркетингового исследования

  5. potential buyers – b) потенциальные покупатели

  6. new e-commerce opportunities – b) новые возможности в электронной коммерции


Match the terms with their definitions.

1) challenge – c) a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skills

2) handbills – h) a small printed advertisement that is given to people by hand

3) research – i) a careful study of a subject of a subject to discover new facts

4) convince – d) to make somebody believe that something is true

5) attempts – j) to make an effort to accomplish something

6) transmissions – g) a process of passing something from one place, person to another

7) access – f) a means of making use of something

8) to provide – e) to supply what or needed

9) e-commerce – a) buying and selling of goods / services by computer

10) promotion – b) activities done in order to increase the sales of a product


Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate one of the four options.

1. The current growth in international business would not be possible without computer communications.

2. Our entire economy is based on the availability of data.

3. Recently computers have transformed retail marketing

4. Internet advertisers use data to identify specific portions of their markets.

5. Markets analysts are interested in computers opinions about companies and products.

6. Consumers can locate e-commerce sites using a search engines.

7. Another way to drive traffic to e-commerce site is banner advertising.

8. Marketing professionals have learned that opt-in mailing lists have much higher

success rates.

9. In preparing for a marketing career, knowledge of computers, the Web and the Internet are important.

10. Electronic commerce is all about performing business functions electronically or with the aid of technology.

1-b; 2-b; 3-b; 4-b; 5-c; 6-b; 7-c; 8-c; 9-c; 10-b;


Match the words that are similar in meaning

1) to gain – j) to obtain

2) competition – i) contest

3) to enable – h) allow

4) to deal with – f) regulation

5) management – g) to manage

6) processing – a) handling

7) needs – d) necessity

8) to perform – c) execute

9) opportunities – b) chances

10) issues – e) problems


Match the words that are opposite in meaning

1) numerous – j) few

2) vast – h) tiny

3) secure network – g) insecure

4) efficiently – f) inefficiently

5) possible – c) impossible

6) include – d) exclude

7) major – e) minor

8) understand – b) misunderstand

9) to come into – i) disadvantage

10) existence – a) to disappear

№ 8

Complete the sentence using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capital

  1. E-commerce is a modern methodology that addresses the use of IT as an essential enabler of business. (ENABLE)

  2. If you are using technology to do business, you are performing electronic commerce. (PERFORM)

  3. Information technology has revolutionized the phase of business around the world. (REVOLUTION)

  4. Business requires a lot of plans due to technological organization systems on computers. (PLAN)

  5. Marketing is a set of processes for creating communicating and delivering value to customers. (CREATE)

  6. At presence the Internet opened up new horizons for direct marketing. (PRESENCE)

  7. Our entire economy is based on the availability of data. (AVAILABLE)

  8. Markets analysts are interested in consumer opinions about companies and products. (INTEREST)

  9. Most consumers would agree that the marketing industry needs professions who are sociably responsible. (PROFESSION)

  10. Computer skills are vital because marketing product promotion and advertising on the Internet are increasingly common. (INCREASE)


Circle the suitable preposition

  1. Using Electronic data interchange organizations eliminate the flow of standard business paper documents between them. (a) among b) between c) for d) in)

  2. EDI can transfer information directly from one computer to another without human intervention. (a) to b) with c) in d) at)

  3. Electronic commerce is performing business functions electronically or with the aid of technology. (a) in b) about c) of d) for)

  4. In an e-commerce system there is a need for the user to search for information about new items. (a) at b) on c) for d) in)

  5. The nature of the Web allows firms to gather more information about customer behavior and preferences. (a) in b) for c) about d) of)

  6. The current growth in international business would be impossible without computer communication. (a) of b) in c) without d) for)

  7. A vast amount of information flows on the Internet nowadays. (a) in b) on c) over d) from)

  8. In 2005-2008 the software export of the HTP resident companies doubled every year. (a) at b) on c) of d) within)

  9. The main activity of the HTP in Belarus is aimed at developing innovative technologies. (a) for b) to c) in d) at)

  10. Companies focus development efforts on the most promising products. (a) to b) at c) in d) on)

  11. To be able to compete successfully organizations must have access to modern technology. (a) in b) at c) for d) to)

  12. At the corporate level, the most common types of information systems used in business are e-commerce systems. (a) to b) on c) at d) on)


Translate the Russian fragments into English.

  1. Electronic retailing is the direct sale from business to consumer (потребитель) through electronic store fronts.

  2. Exists (Существует) a lot of electronic retail Web sites.

  3. Cyber malls are another means (средство) to support retail shopping.

  4. A cyber mall is a single Web site that offers (предлагает) many products and services at the Internet location.

  5. The supply chain management process offers tremendous business opportunities (возможности) if converted to e-commerce.

  6. The Internet can be used to deliver products and services (услуги).

  7. Currently (В настоящее время) electronic distribution can eliminate inventory problems for manufactures.

  8. Electronic distribution of products and services could be a major revenue sources (источники) for software and publishing companies.

  9. E-commerce is a new way (способ) of conducting business, it presents both opportunities for improvement and potential problems.

  10. Some companies conduct (проводят) e-commerce through the use of electronic data interchange.

  11. The major volume of e-commerce is business to business transactions that facilitates (облегчает) purchasing for corporations.

  12. The resulting growth of e-commerce is creating (создает) many new business opportunities

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