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Экзаменационный билет №1.

IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Petroleum is a fundamental driver of modern society.

Yes, I agree with the statement. Energy is the basis of industrial civilization. The economy of many nations is influenced by petroleum industry. In developed countries it provides jobs for many people. In developing countries petroleum makes up nation income. Petroleum industry has helped raise the living standards of many people.

  1. Crude oil is being produced only offshore.

I can’t agree with this statement. Oil is produced both onshore and offshore. It is produced in 50 countries in every continent. The main oil producers are the countries of OPEC, as well as Russia, Norway, Mexico, Canada, and the USA.

Экзаменационный билет №2

IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Economies of all countries depend on petroleum business.

I fully agree with this statement. In developed countries it provides jobs for many people. In developing countries petroleum makes up nation income. Petroleum industry has helped raise the living standards of many people. It is also a source of political power for such countries.

  1. Petroleum is a source of political power.

The statement is correct for developing but oil-rich countries. In developing countries petroleum makes up nation income. Petroleum industry has helped raise the living standards of many people. It is also a source of political power for such countries.

Экзаменационный билет №3

IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Oil business consists of upstream and midstream operations.

You are not quite right, I’m afraid. Oil business consists of upstream, midstream and downstream. Upstream contains oil and gas exploration, drilling and production, Midstream involves transportation, storage and gas processing, Downstream consists of refining, distribution and marketing.

  1. Petroleum contains only hydrocarbons.

You are not quite right, I’m afraid. Petroleum principally consists of hydrocarbons. But Sulphur-, nitrogen-, and oxygen-containing compounds are usually present.

Экзаменационный билет№4.

IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Living standards are influenced by the oil sector of economy.

You are absolutely right. When the oil industry was born at Titusville in 1859, the way was opened for new living standards. Oil industry increased living standards in every country. In developed countries it provides jobs for many people. In developing countries petroleum makes up nation income. Petroleum industry has helped raise the living standards of many people. It is also a source of political power for such countries.

  1. Oil is inorganic origin.

I don’t think that you are right. Most geologists think that oil is of organic origin. It originated from decomposition of marine organisms many millions of years ago. They became source rocks for the generation of crude oil. Under high temperatures and pressures a waxy substance called kerogen was formed. Then kerogen was separated into a liquid(oil) and gas(natural gas).