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Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ» им. В. И. Ульянова (Ленина)


О. В. Рамантова Н. В. Степанова


Учебно-методическое пособие

Санкт-Петербург Издательство СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ»


УДК 811.111(07) ББК Ш 143.21-923


Рамантова О. В., Степанова Н. В.

Р21 English for Masters of the Faculty of Information Measurement and Biotechnical Systems: учеб.-метод. пособие. СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2020. 32 с.

ISBN 978-5-7629-2635-5

Содержит тексты и задания по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский язык)».

Предназначено для работы на практических занятиях, а также для самостоятельной подготовки студентов ФИБС к контрольным работам по курсу.

УДК 811.111(07) ББК Ш 143.21-923

Рецензент – канд. филол. наук, доцент Е. Е. Адушкина (УлГПУ им. И. Н. Ульянова).

Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебно-методического пособия

ISBN 978-5-7629-2635-5

© СПБГЭТУ «ЛЭТИ», 2020




UNIT 1. Drones Revolutionize Ecological Monitoring.........................................


UNIT 2. Using Ultrasound in Modern Dentistry and Medical Instruments





UNIT 3. Biomedical Sensors in Current Biotechnology and Medical Practice ..


UNIT 4. Detecting Nuclear Threats.....................................................................


UNIT 5. What Is Laser Surgery? .........................................................................



New Advance in Instrumentation for Optical Mammography .............



Will You Donate Your DNA to the Government's Genetic Database? 23


Creating an Accurate 3D Map of the Human Brain..............................


Answer Keys ........................................................................................................


Список рекомендуемых источников................................................................




Курс «Иностранный язык (английский язык)» для магистрантов ФИБС построен по принципу целенаправленного развития и совершенствования навыков чтения, перевода, обсуждения научно-технической литературы, включая научные и научно-популярные статьи.

Учебно-методическое пособие “English For Masters Of The Faculty Of Information Measurement And Biotechnical Systems” посвящено решению нескольких задач. Прежде всего, это формирование компетенций студентов технических специальностей, связанных с пониманием оригинального научно-технического текста и умением ориентироваться в нем, тщательно анализируя материал, прослеживая логические связи и максимально точно интерпретируя заложенный в тексте смысл. С этой целью в пособии приводятся тестовые задания multiple choice.

Другой важной задачей представляется обучение студентов навыкам перевода текстов. Формированию данной компетенции посвящены задания по подбору эквивалентов, способствующие запоминанию готовых лексических соответствий в паре языков английский-русский и правильному использованию их в профессиональной коммуникации.

Необходимым является умение участвовать в обсуждении прочитанной статьи, аргументировать свою точку зрения и поддерживать диалог на заданную тему. В этой связи после текстов представлены вопросы, затрагивающие не только содержание статьи, но и более широкий спектр тем сходной проблематики.

Материал в пособии сгруппирован по небольшим урокам, в каждом из которых содержатся выдержки из авторитетных научных статей и дополнительные задания, направленные на формирование вышеперечисленных навыков.



1. Read the following text.

Drones Revolutionize Ecological Monitoring

Scientists and engineers are seeing a range of opportunities to enhance their research with use of drones - i.e., unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The relatively low cost and increasing capabilities of drones have begun making them a popular data-gathering tool. Once used exclusively for military application, UAV's now offer many civilian uses. Their advances in flight control, robotics and miniaturized sensors are providing an unprecedented opportunity for high-resolution data collection. The biggest challenge for earth and environmental scientists has been obtaining high-resolution data for characterizations and predictions.

New research has paved the way for drones to revolutionize ecological monitoring. The research found that drones are much more precise at monitoring the size of seabird colonies in tropical and polar environments than more traditional ground counts. The ever-increasing precision provided by drones, along with the ability to survey hard-to-reach populations, may mean wildlife monitoring projects move from traditional methods to drone technology. Ecologists explain that drones have already been used to monitor everything but nobody had yet tested if this method was better than more traditional survey techniques. The latest research has demonstrated that a very high degree of precision can be achieved when using drone technology to monitor wildlife. The scientists found that counts using images captured by drones did not startle the birds and were consistently more similar than those taken from the ground. The researchers also suggest that the down-facing perspective of drone imagery reduces the likelihood of missing seabirds. In contrast, when counting from the ground, the terrain and other birds obscure the counters' line of sight. It's likely that in the future, drones will be used to monitor populations of birds and animals, especially in inaccessible areas where on the ground surveying is difficult or impossible. This opens up exciting new possibilities when it comes to more accurately monitoring the Earth's ecosystems.

Unmanned – беспилотный; precise – точный; precision – точность; accurately – точно; to monitor wildlife – следить за дикой природой; drone-imagery – снимки, сделанные с помощью дрона; inaccessible areas –

труднодоступные районы.


2.Answer the questions.

1.According to the passage, the drone technology

(A)gives a very high degree of accuracy

(B)is not effective when used for counting seabirds

(C)is harmful for the Earth’s ecosystems

(D)is a method of traditional survey techniques

2.Inaccessible areas include


(B)tropical and polar environments


(D)mountain areas

3.Who benefits most from the drone surveillance technique?





4.According to the passage, ecological monitoring is the synonym to

(A)ground surveying

(B)traditional surveillance methods

(C)environmental monitoring

(D)wildlife monitoring

5.This method in line 15 refers to


(B)drone imagery technique


(D)wildlife monitoring projects

6.The meaning of the word obscure in line 22 is similar to





7.It is probable that the paragraph after the passage discusses

(A)benefits provided by aerial monitoring vehicles for public safety and civil security

(B)types of drones and microdrones


(C)surveillance possibilities of unmanned vehicles developed for monitoring and predicting specific geographical phenomena and natural disasters

(D)the enhancement of surveillance tools functions

3.Answer the following questions and discuss the related issues.

What does the drone technique imply and what is its main advantage? Where can modern drones be used today?

What do you know about the drone invention? What does ecological monitoring include?

Give reasons why we need to monitor the environment.

What is an environment monitoring technician responsible for? What other monitoring and measuring tools can you remember?

4.Find the English equivalents of the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own.

Расширить исследования; военное применение; данные высокого разрешения; получать данные; прибор для сбора данных; отслеживать с точностью.


1. Read the following text.

Using Ultrasound in Modern Dentistry

and Medical Instruments Cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is a well-established technique for removing micron-size contaminants from hard surfaces. It is a technology unique in its ability to remove contaminants that other technologies cannot remove and in its ability to effectively clean areas that are not accessible using other technologies. Competing technologies include spray washing, turbulation, agitation, and brushing. Ultrasonic cleaning technology, unlike those described above, is able to penetrate and clean any surface


that can be reached by a sound-conducting liquid. This means that blind holes, parts with complex geometry, minute surface contours, and a number of otherwise impossible cleaning tasks can be easily accomplished using ultrasonic cleaning technology.

A pioneering ultrasonic device can significantly improve the cleaning of medical instruments and reduce contamination and risk of infection. The device supplies a gentle stream of water through a nozzle that generates ultrasound and bubbles, which dramatically improve the cleaning power of water reducing the need for additives and heating. Using just cold water, the new tool was able to remove biological contamination, including brain tissue from surgical steel. Cleaning instruments between patients is critical to avoid transmission of agents leading to conditions such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. It was also able to remove bacterial biofilms that typically cause dental disease and was effective at removing soft tissue from bones, which is required prior to transplants to prevent rejection of the transplanted material by the recipient's immune system. In the absence of sufficient cleaning of medical instruments, contamination and infection can result in serious consequences for the health sector and remains a significant challenge. The innovative highly-effective cleaning device, achieved with cold water and without the need for chemical additives or the high-power consumption, has the potential to meet this challenge and transform the sector.

Research into the science behind ultrasonic scalers, used by dental professionals for many purposes, but first of all to remove built up plaque, has identified that the formation of tiny bubbles around the head is key to the cleaning process. The bubble formation, or cavitation, of water around the head of the scaler was observed using high speed cameras. Scalers of differing power, and head shape, were used and compared to quantify the patterns of cavitation. Researchers believe that the methods developed in the study will help to test new instrument designs to maximize cavitation, with the aim of designing ultrasonic scalers that operate without touching the tooth surface. Other studies have shown that removal of plaque biofilm is increased when cavitation is increased. Therefore, altering the shape and power of these commonly used tools can make them more effective, and hopefully, pain-free.

Contaminants – загрязняющие вещества; sound-conducting liquid –

звукопроводящая жидкость; blind holes – глухое отверстие; impact –


воздействие; rejection – отторжение; high-power consumption – высокая потребляемая мощность.

2. Answer the questions.

1.According to the passage, ultrasound cleaning technique

(A)is well-established

(B)is a combination of agitation and brushing

(C)is used only for removing plaque

(D)is widely used both for cleaning instruments and treating teeth

2.The meaning of the word cavitation is similar to



(C)cavity formation

(D)blind holes formation

3.The word its in line 2 refers to



(C)ultrasonic cleaning


4.It can be inferred from the passage that scaling is used

(A)not only in dentistry

(B)in dentistry for hygienic purposes

(C)may have a wide range of applications

(D)in case of emergency

5.The word agents in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A)biological agents

(B)chemical agents

(C)medicinal agents


6.The cleaning process is determined mainly by

(A)the dentist’s rate

(B)the cavitation produced during the procedure

(C)the quality of dental instruments

(D)the material of the head

7.It is probable that the paragraph after the passage discusses

(A)perspectives of ultrasound diagnostic equipment


(B)other applications of scalers for in dentistry

(C)other ultrasound tools

(D)advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound devices

3.Answer the following questions and discuss the related issues.

Describe the general principle of ultrasonic cleaning technique.

What for was the ultrasound technique first used?

What is the main purpose of ultrasound cleaning tools used in medicine, according to the passage?

What do you know about competing cleaning techniques? Where are they still used? Give examples.

Can you say that more research is needed to check the possibilities of ultrasound cleaning technology? Give reasons.

What other applications of ultrasound cleaning technique can you name? Which fields benefit most from using ultrasound technology?

4. Find the English equivalents of the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own.

Удалять загрязнения; высокоскоростной поток; отторжение ткани; сложная задача; хирургическая сталь; биологическое загрязнение.


1. Read the following text.

Biomedical Sensors in Current Biotechnology

and Medical Practice

Sensors are small, tiny and intelligent devices that are used to measure physical variables like temperature, humidity, gas, velocity, flow rate, pressure. A sensor acquires a physical quantity and converts it into a signal suitable for processing, for example, optical, electrical and mechanical, whereas a transducer


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