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Career in Physics


With a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics graduates can choose careers in science, engineering, automotive and aerospace industries, healthcare, energy, technology, computing and IT.

Technical physicists can work with many fields of physics, such as engineering, engineering, construction, metrology, and the oil and gas industry.

This job usually involves the solution of physical problems of oil and gas, construction and energy complexes, the design of various types of equipment, the preparation of descriptions of ongoing research, the preparation of various kinds of technical documentation.

Who is interested in this profession must complete their bachelor's degree and practice at your chosen enterprise.



Physicists study the basic laws of nature, information technology, experimental research methods, electronics etc.

They need some skills such as stress resistance, ability to work accurately using a step-by-step approach, an enquiring mind and clear and logical thinking. You will also need knowledge of foreign languages (English) that will help you communicate with colleagues from other countries.

To become a physicist, you need to enter a higher education institution in an appropriate specialty (qualification such as an MSc, MPhil or PhD). The student needs to be ready for serious loads and a rather complex training program, which will require good knowledge of physics, mathematics and other sciences.

A job of physicist involves skills, such as the ability to master and operate modern equipment for various purposes; ability to analyze process; design, creation and distribution of the latest equipment created based on newly defined physical laws, etc.

My dream job

This profession is hardly my dream job, but it is the most promising decision for people in my specialty. Now we will talk about the profession of structural engineer. Engineers work closely with their architectural colleagues. Depending on their specific tasks, they develop projects of entire construction facilities as well as individual communication parts (for example, water supply, air circulation systems, sewerage, etc.) Based on such schemes and properties of building materials, the design engineer is working on his drawings.

The necessary qualities that the designer must possess are clear and logical thinking, ability to think creatively, communication skills etc. It is also necessary highly oriented in the methods of design and performance of necessary calculations, but also knows the key principles of operation of equipment and technologies of its installation, operating standards in the industry, peculiarities of various materials. Another essential skill is the knowledge of special programs, which include AutoCAD and ArchiCAD.

Three factors that can be involved in this profession are the career advancement, the presence of interesting tasks and the job satisfaction that the engineer experiences in the implementation of his project. As for career advancement, in a few years of productive work the assistant will be able to apply for the position of leading specialist. For this reason, talented university graduates also have every chance of obtaining the desired position through productive activity.

In my opinion, ideal working conditions are flexible working hours and the ability to work both in the office and remotely. This specialty allows you to implement all these options. At the beginning of the career path, do not expect large amounts. In fact, I'd like the salary required to maintain a happy life, аnd what exactly includes a “happy life” is a separate story.

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