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Методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов по направлению подготовки 35.03.02 – Технология лесозаготовительных и

деревоперерабатывающих производств

Воронеж 2016


УДК 81.432.1

Литвинова, Ю. А. Иностранный язык. Английский язык. English for furniture designers [Текст] : методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов по направлению подготовки 35.03.02 – Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств / Ю. А. Литвинова, Л. А. Литвинова ; М-во образования и науки РФ, ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ». – Воронеж, 2016. – 36 с.

Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ» (протокол № 6 от 03 июня 2016 г.)

Рецензент д-р филол. наук, проф. кафедры общего языкознания и стилистики ФГБОУ ВО «ВГУ» И.А. Стернин

Методические указания состоят из 12 разделов, каждый из которых включает текст по специальности и упражнения после текста, которые тренируют навыки и умения: знание терминов, степень и объем понимания извлеченной из текста информации, умение применять термины в практических заданиях, навык работы со спец. текстом, способность кратко передать извлеченную информацию на языке обучения, перевод специального текста на язык обучения.

Юлия Алексеевна Литвинова Людмила Алексеевна Литвинова



Методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов по направлению подготовки 35.03.02 – Технология лесозаготовительных и

деревоперерабатывающих производств

Редактор А.С. Люлина

Подписано в печать 10.10.2016. Формат 60×90 /16. Усл. печ. л. 2,25. Уч.-изд. л. 2,1. Тираж 60 экз. Заказ

ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова»

РИО ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ». 394087, г. Воронеж, ул. Тимирязева, 8 Отпечатано в УОП ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ»

394087, г. Воронеж, ул. Докучаева, 10









Unit 1…………………………………………………………….............



Unit 2……………………………………………………….............


Unit 3…………………………………………………...............


Unit 4………………………………………………………….............



Unit 5………………………………………………………………….............



Unit 6………………………………………………….............


Unit 7………………………………………………………….............



Unit 8………………………………………………………………….............



Unit 9……………………………………………………………….............



Unit 10……………………………………………………………….............



Unit 11…………………………………………………………….............



Unit 12…………………………………………………………………


Библиографический список......................................................................................






Task 1. Read and translate the text

Furniture Design Types

There are a multitude of furniture design types, ranging from antiques (going back many centuries from various countries) to modern designs. There are dozens of types of furniture that have emerged over the millenniums. They can be divided into two primary camps: contemporary and traditional. The contemporary type features furniture that is modern, uses glass, various metals, synthetic fabrics, and is sleek, uncluttered and bold. The traditional type of furniture uses various types of wood, is solidly constructed and can be either stark or vastly ornamental in design. Colors were more muted, and the beauty was found in the workmanship of the wooden pieces. Despite former practices, there is no one way, or right way for how to decorate a space using furniture design types. Taste is subjective. One person may prefer traditional furniture, while another prefers art deco, a third might like to shake things up a bit and combine the two. It’s all good.

There are many designs that incorporate period pieces and strive to create a uniform look. While authentic to that period, these rooms tend to be uninspiring because everything coordinates and nothing really stands out in the space. Adding a blindingly bright color to the wall, or reupholstering the seats with a funky fabric can create contrast and add depth to a design. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different furniture design types. Use magazines to get a feel for which types will complement your space and look great together. Work with your designer/decorator to do mockups of the space with pieces that will enhance the dimensions you have to work with. When mixing and matching remember to balance items with intense details with minimalist pieces, dark and light woods and painted pieces with original wood to create contrast while keeping it interesting.


When mixing, matching, and coordinating furniture design types, try to incorporate a little personal style into the design. A single focal traditional piece in a room full of contemporary, a bold splash of color in a mission style setting, or a Japanese design with a few shabby chic pieces are sure to make a statement. Most importantly, little unexpected design elements within a room will make the space your own.

Task 2. Answer the questions

1.How many furniture design types are there in the world?

2.What two groups can furniture design types be divided?

3.What does the contemporary type of furniture feature?

4.What furniture does the traditional type use?

5.Is there any right way how to decorate a space?

6.What can create contrast and add depth to a design?

7.What should you use not to be afraid to experiment with different furniture design types?

8.What should you remember when mixing and matching different furniture design types?

Task 3. Fill in the gaps

1.……….. ranges from antiques to modern designs.

2.……… have emerged over millenniums.

3.Furniture design types can be divided into … and … camps.

4.Authentic design means that rooms tend to be … .

5.Bright color or reupholstering the seats can create … and add …. .

6.You may use … not to be afraid to experiment with different furniture

design types.



Task 1. Read and translate the text

Ready-to-assemble furniture

Ready-to-assemble furniture (RTA), also known as knock-down furniture (KD) or flat pack furniture, is a form of furniture that requires customer assembly. Several to many furniture components are packaged in a carton which also contains assembly instructions and necessary hardware needed for the buyer to follow in order to build the furniture item correctly.


Ready-to-assemble furniture was first invented by Erie J. Sauder in 1951. Gillis Lundgren, who was a Swedish draughtsman, later developed the idea when he needed to fit a table into his car. According to reports, Lundgren unscrewed the legs off his table so he could fit it in the car and then reassembled the table at home. He then discussed the idea with his employers at IKEA, which then built its entire business around the concept, launching its first piece in 1956.


Ready-to-assemble furniture is popular among consumers who wish to save money on their furniture purchases by assembling the product on their own and no need for delivery cost. In addition to saving the consumer money, flat pack furniture is generally simple to assemble and requires only the use of simple tools. As such, assembling it may be fun and provide the consumer with a sense of accomplishment.

Merchants benefit from selling ready-to-assemble furniture because furniture that is already assembled tends to be bulky and more expensive to store and to deliver. Since the furniture does not need to be assembled in the factory, ready-to- assemble furniture is also less expensive for the merchant to purchase. Due to these many factors, selling flat pack furniture is a more cost-effective method of conducting business.

Ready-to-assemble furniture is typically packaged in a kit form with the pieces packaged in one or multiple boxes. The kit may contain a number of flat parts, fasteners, fixings, and other parts that are needed to assemble the furniture.

A furniture assembly industry has grown up around ready-to-assemble furniture and consumers can engage a service provider to come to their home and assemble the furniture they have purchased.


Ready-to-assemble furniture can be purchased for a number of purposes:

Living room furniture

Office furniture





Outdoor furniture


Patio sets

Kitchen cabinets


CD/DVD storage racks


Task 2. Answer the questions

1.What is ready-to-assemble furniture?

2.What is packaged into a carton?

3.Who invented this furniture?

4.Who developed the idea of such furniture?

5.How did Lundgren develop his idea?

6.Who did he discuss his idea with?

7.Why is such furniture popular with customers?

8.Do merchants benefit from selling such furniture?

9.What is the most cost-effective method of conducting furniture business?

10.What kind of industry has grown up around ready-to-assemble furniture?

Task 3. Fill in the gaps

1.…..furniture requires customer assembly.

2.…………… are packaged in a carton.

3.The idea of flat pack furniture was … by Swedish draughtsman.

4.The first piece of such furniture was … in 1956.

5.Flat pack furniture is … to assemble.

6.… benefit from selling ready-to-assemble furniture.

7.The assembled furniture tends to be …….. to store and to deliver.

Task 4. Translate the sentences into English

1.Мебель готовая для сборки может быть собрана самим клиентом.

2.Все части мебели упакованы в картон.

3.Электронное устройство содержит инструкции по сборке.

4.Такая мебель была изобретена Э. Содером.

5.Лингрен был шведским чертежником.


6.Он разработал идею такой мебели.

7.Он открутил ножки стола, когда не мог его вместить в машину.

8.Готовая для сборки мебель была выпущена на рынок в 1956 г..

9.Уже собранная мебель является очень объемной.

10.Дороже хранить уже собранную мебель.

11.Продажа сборной мебели является прибыльной.


Task 1. Read and translate the text.


There are plenty of different styles of furniture on the market, but with so many terms getting thrown around it’s hard to know what is what! Here we have broken down the most commonly used trends to give you a hand with choosing your ideal furniture style.

Antique vs. Vintage

Antique furniture includes pieces from an earlier period. It is often crafted out of wood and its age, condition, unique features and rarity determine how collectible the piece is and therefore, how high its value. Genuine antiques are, by definition, at least 100 years old and often have to be purchased from experienced dealers to guarantee authenticity.

Vintage furniture on the other hand, is used when the furniture exhibits the best of a certain quality, or qualities, associated with a particular era. Therefore, a Vintage

1940’s wishbone chair may be quite different to a Vintage 1980’s wishbone chair as the vintage for when they were made is different.


The Orient Express Original Gujarat Storage Trunk

Traditional vs. Rustic

Traditional furniture is formal furniture from the Victorian period. It combines features from the Queen Anne period – graceful and elaborately decorated, Chippendale style – artistic embellishment and straightened out lines and Sheraton style – delicate pieces with tapered legs and contrasting inlays. Together this creates a comfortable and warm environment with hand crafted, dark timber pieces, over stuffed, plush sofas and elegant fabrics.

Rustic style furniture is influenced by many different styles coming together to create warm, natural and honest interiors. If furniture is rustic it will often be made of a warm timber or a natural material like animal hide, cotton or linen. It has a worn and homely appearance and is often more relaxed then formal. Scandinavian and industrial furniture design are usually synonymous with being rustic.

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