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Even if whales are frightened by tourist boats and turtles can not eat in peace, the living creatures are now better than when people hunted them to kill. Of two evils choose the least.

Mind the vocabulary:

well-off and rich – богатый и процветающий

to breed – вы(раз)водить

(dis)advantage – недостаток/преимущество


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) – adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …


Text 12

Gardening in Space

In a small advance toward self-sufficiency in space, researchers have nurtured a soybean crop through an entire cycle, from seed to seed, aboard the International Space Station.

Before the space station, experiments growing plants in zero gravity lasted a few days and induced only a small number of plants.The new space greenhouse, created by a team led by Wisconsin Centre for Space Automation and Robotics in Madison, can run for months at a time. Light levels, temperature, humidity, nutrients, and atmospheric gases can be set automatically to match the needs of different plants. “Soybeans are difficult to grow in space. They demonstrate that this technology can be used to develop any tall, edible plant”, the specialists say.

The results will help guide future NASA projects aimed at growing plants to absorb carbon dioxide and to provide food on long space missions. The plants may also provide a mood lift. “There’s an overwhelming demand by austronauts for fresh produce. The moment cosmonaut Sergei Treschev saw the soybeans, he wanted to eat them,” the specialist of the Wisconsin centre says.

Mind the vocabulary:

zero gravity – в отсутствие гравитации (земного притяжения)

soybean – соя, соевый боб

nurture – выращивать

edible plant – съедобное растение


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) – adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.


5.What are the answers to these questions: What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 13

Wyoming state

Wyoming today is a recreational paradise. Its high mountains, beautiful rocks, clear lakes and streams attract many people who come here to relax and enjoy the wilderness. There are still cowboys in Wyoming, and they ride millions of acres of grassland used for cattle and sheep grazing (so one of the nicknames of

Wyoming is “The Cowboy State”). Not so long ago Wyoming was nicknamed “The Wonderland of America” because of its scenic beauty.

Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park are the main attractions in Wyoming. Yellowstone is known for its geysers, the most famous of them being Old Faithful. It erupts thousand of gallons of water into the air many times each day, and gathers crowds of tourists. Yellowstone is also known for its brown bears, which like to come down to the roadside and beg for handouts from the visitors. But the Park authorities warn the tourists that the bears can injure them, and advise them to stay in their cars.

Just south of Yellowstone is another of Wyoming attractions – Grand Teton National Park. Its peaks resemble those of Switzerland and draw mounatain


climbers and sightseers from all over America. The highest peak, called Grand Teton, is the most impressive.

Mind the vocabulary:

Recreational – созданный для отдыха

Acre – акр, английская мера площади

Nickname - прозвище

erupts thousand of gallons of water – выталкивает, выбрасывает огромное количество воды

mounatain climbers – скалолазы, альпинисты


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) – adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases: The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …


The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 14


One of the symbols of the environmental movements in the early 1970s was Lake Erie. Concern about water quality and health led to closed beaches. Commercial fishing and angling in the lake virtually stopped. Drinking water from the lake often had a bad taste and odor. Cleveland and Detroit, two of the largest cities on the lake, were ordered to reduce pollution dramatically.

International cooperation between The United States of America and Canada led to an ambotious plan to reduce phosphorus, one of the culprits in the lake’s pollution. The plan worked. Between 1975 and 1981, industrial loading from major American plants was reduced from 6,719 to 2,654 metric tons. Canadian efforts were similar.

Today the beaches of Lake Erie are open, commercial fishing is making a comeback, and anglers are catching a record number of trophies.

Mind the vocabulary:

Phosphorus - фосфор

Culprit - виновник

Odor –неприятный запах

metric – метрический (десятичный)


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) – adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.


5.What are the answers to these questions: What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

Text 15


The Director of the Kolomna forest farm Alexei Popov has grown on the Moscow Region soil over 90 species from all corners of the globe.

If trees could speak the capricious in forest growing Weymouth pine would be the first to say “thanks” to Alexei Popov. It would probably be followed by Amur cork tree, cembra pine, English oak, horse chestnut – all those were cherished by the Director of the Kolomna Forest farm.

Four hectares of former pasture land have accomodated about 90 hardy-shrub species from all over the world. They started with common pine but it proved to be the most unlucky species in the park. All because of moose. For decades these animals were number one danger for coniferous plants, eating green pine outgrowth to the root. But forest farmers managed to vindicate pine from moose.

Much greater menace for this unique natural corner was posed by “black lumbermen”, reckless hikers, mushroom collecters or just ... thieves.

The arboretum was once inhabited by a native Canadian fir, or dwarf spruce. A grace itself, it had an extremely tight, strictly pyramidal shape. But the green beauty ... was stolen on a New Year Eve.


Today the arboretum is the home of a few species of larch, spruce, maple, and oak, hornbeam, thuja, ever-green cypress. Weymouth pine, the pride of the arboretum, was very hard to naturalize in the Moscoe area.

The initial plan was to plant about 100 species from all continents. Today this plan is accomplished by 90 percent – some plants failed to naturalize.

Mind the vocabulary:

Amur cork tree – Амурское пробковое дерево

cembra pine -

English oak – дуб черешчатый

horse chestnut – каштан конский обыкновенный

mooseамериканский лось

hornbeam - граб

to naturalize – акклиматизироваться


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group

2)– adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?


6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

Text 16

State of the Planet

Pollution can be local or widespread. Substances dumped into a river will often end up in the sea. The biggest pollution problem is global warming. This happens when greenhouse gases, such as CO2 are released into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the planet to warm up. Since species are adapted to particular climates, when the Earth warms up they have to move to keep comfortable. This can be difficult if natural habitats are isolated by human settlements and agriculture.

Chemical pollutants have been responsible for affecting the reproductive organs of fish, alligators and polar bear, preventing them from producing babies. Chemical pollution in the environment also affects humans – 46 US states have issued warnings against eating local fish because of dioxin contamination, and in Europe, human breast milk passes on more dioxin to our babies than is legally allowed for cow’s milk. Despite this, the amount of pesticide sprayed on our crops around the world has increased 26 times in the last 50 years.

Species living in water are often most strongly affected because water spreads pollution easier than land, and because we often dump our pollution into water. Global warming will affect every species on Earth to some extent, and although some species will thrive in warmer climates, many will not. Coral reefs have already been very hard hit by climate change, and polar bears have received the double-whammy of climate and chemical pollution.


Most human activities produce some waste products, but it is important to make sure that we have as little pollution as possible. Many people are switching to

“clean technology”. That means having the same benefits from our modern lifestyle without the pollution. Electric cars, environmentally sensitive washing powders and solar-powered energy are examples. Less pollution is not only good for wildlife and nature – human health benefits from less pollution as well. That means lower medical bills, and a better quality of life.

Mind the vocabulary:

Warnings – запрет на употребление в пищу

breast milk – грудное молоко

has increased 26 times – увеличилось в 26 раз

Wham - удар, ударять

washing powder – стиральный порошок


1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group

2)– adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?


6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …

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