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Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное

образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова»

Иностранный язык. Английский язык

Методические указания к практическим занятиям

для студентов по направлению подготовки


«Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств»

Воронеж 2017



Литвинова Л. А. Иностранный язык. Английский язык :

Методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов по направлению подготовки 35.03.02 «Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств»/ Л.А. Литвинова; М-во образования и науки РФ, ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ». – Воронеж, 2017. – 29 с.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ВГЛТУ

Рецензент: профессор, доктор филологических наук, директор Центра коммуникативных исследований ВГУ И.А. Стернин

Настоящие методические указания представляют собой современный подход к обучению бакалавров в системе высшего образования. Необходимость в появлении таких методических указаний диктуется современным подходом для работы студентов на практических занятиях: в них кратко и информативно представлен алгоритм освоения учебного материала по модулям, позволяющий повысить качество самообразования и стимулировать интерес пользователя к дисциплине «Английский язык». Данные методические указания могут служить руководством для студентов 1

курса по направлению обучения «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт двигателей, систем и агрегатов автомобилей».




Felling is one of the most difficult and dangerous parts of the logging jobs.

Before putting an axe or saw to the tree it is necessary to size up carefully and decide where the tree should be dropped. Frequently the choice is limited by the layout of the operation and the location of the tree. Inexperienced woodmen may make unnecessary work for themselves and take unnecessary chance of injury.

If the tree is leaning not more than 5%, has about the same size of limbs all around and is not pushed by the strong wind, the fellers can drop it in any direction they choose.

Big trees that lean noticeably or have heavy branches on one side can seldom be thrown in the opposite direction. It is always dangerous to fell the tree into another one, either of it has dead branches. It is also unwise to fell the tree up a steep slope.

Rotten trees present a difficult felling problem. It is very hard to anticipate the time or direction of their fall. More serious accidents in felling occur in attempting to bring down rotten trees. It is better to make the felling cut higher to avoid the worst of the root. This does not only result in safer felling but also saves the time required to saw the rotten wood off the butt log. One should be careful when felling a rotten tree, because it is likely to fall at almost any time and the direction in which it falls is very difficult to control.

Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.


Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2)

– adjective (group 3).

Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text. What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …



After the tree is on the ground, the next step is the removal of its limbs. This operation is known as limbing. Almost all of it is done with the axe.

The limb should be cut from its lower side, cutting from the base toward the top of the tree. The stub of the limb should be left even with the surface of the bark. Logs that have been carelessly limbed are hard to skid and hard to load. There is no excuse for such work.


Some limbs are large and some are small. This calls for a good judgment as to the right amount of force to be put behind each swing of the axe. The danger of accidents from the axe is much greater than that is with clear chopping. One good precaution is to clear away interfering branches before attempting to cut a large limb. Wherever possible the axeman should cut limbs on the opposite side of the log and swing away from him.

Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2)

– adjective (group 3).

Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text. What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …


The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …



As wood operations become more mechanized, the bucking operationscutting the tree into the log lengths has been shifted from the stump location to the landing by the roadside or even to the plant where the wood is utilized. This trend is expected to continue. There is an economy in handling long logs or tree-length timber when the quantity to be handled justifies the purchase of heavy equipment for skidding, loading and hauling. There is also economy in doing the bucking at the landing or at the mill yard. A bucking crew that does nothing else will be able to develop skill in cutting the maximum quality logs, especially out of hardwood trees. In the smaller operations, however, and in a great many other cases the bucking is still done in the woods. Even at the landing or the yard some of the bucking operations are done by hand. The subject of hand bucking still deserves attention.

Two things to avoid in bucking are getting the saw blade pinched, and sawing into the ground. The bucked-off logs should not fall or roll from the bucker. These things can be largely eliminated by seeing that the log is properly supported.

1.Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group

2)– adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

What is the text about?

What does passage 1 speak about?

How will you define the key idea of passage 2?


Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one


6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases:

The text is about/the text speaks about …

First, we can read/learn about …

The next part/passage describes …

The last part/passage informs us about …



Those operations in timber harvesting that involve the movement of products from the forest are the most costly, because green products are bulky and heavy and the application of animal or mechanical power is necessary. Moving the products from the forest include bunching, skidding, piling or decking, loading and primary transportation.

Bunching is the assembly of groups for skidding. It is done before skidding. Bunching is assembling logs for skidding to the loading point. Bunching is done by tractors or with small objects by hand; on rough ground it is done by cable methods, generally high lead.

Bunching of tree products or tree length before skidding is not as widely practiced as formerly when animals were common used.

Bunching is seldom done for cable skidding can be used only when there is a relatively large volume per acre over extensive areas. The abundance of logs on the ground makes it unnecessary to bunch in such cases.


1. Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to

translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

1)What is the text about?

2)What does passage 1 speak about?

3)How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

4)Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases: a) The text is about/the text speaks about …

b) First, we can read/learn about … c) The next part/passage describes …

d) The last part/passage informs us about …



Skidding is a term applied to the transportation of logs or trees by dragging them resting wholly or partially on the ground. The preparation of the logs or trees to be skidded may be done manually with axe or saw or mechanically with feller-bunchers, delimbers and feller-delimbers in the

stump area.


Depending on the timber and operating traditions skidding may be done with animals or with machines (crawler tractors or cable skidders).

Developing countries use animal skidding with unless but not with horses, which are little used nowadays in temperate countries and unable to function properly in tropical climates for physiological reasons.

Skidding comprises two main types: cable and grapple skidders. Both types of skidders may theoretically be used to skid tree lengths either buts forward or tops forward and complete trees buts forward.

Skidding is movement of tree products from the felling area over unimproved terrain to a skidway, deck rollway or banking ground for further movement to the point of use.

Skidding is also called yarding. Both terms, however, refer to the movement of single products or bunches of products for comparatively short distances from stump to point of loading on primary transportation facilities.

The distance seldom exceeds 1 mile and is more generally under 1/2 mile. Sometimes skidding is performed in two stages by two different methods, such as by cable from a swamp or steep or broken ground and then by tractor to loading points. In such cases the first stage is often called skidding and the second yarding. Before the use of tractor for logging, cable skidding was much more widely used than it is today. Even so, cable skidding, also called yarding, is still common on the Pacific Coast where heavy stands of big timber in rugged topography present problems in logging best met by this method.

Skidding is now done in many different ways with a wide variety of machines and equipment, ranging from one horse to cable skidders or mammoth tractors.


1. Mind the black words in the text, consult a dictionary to

translate/pronounce them correctly.

2.Now read the text and translate it. Translate passages 1, 3 in the written form.

3.Divide the black words into 3 groups – nouns (group 1) – verb (group 2) –

adjective (group 3).

4.Make 4 word combinations with the black words from the text.

5.What are the answers to these questions:

5)What is the text about?

6)What does passage 1 speak about?

7)How will you define the key idea of passage 2?

8)Does the last passage give the same information as the last but one passage?

6.Find the key idea of every passage, put them in order to make the plan of the text.

7.Make the summary of the text paying attention to these standard phrases: e) The text is about/the text speaks about …

f) First, we can read/learn about … g) The next part/passage describes …

h) The last part/passage informs us about …



Yarding or skidding with horses or oxen was at one time the only means of power to move a log from the forest to the mill site. Animal skidding is now limited. Animals are used for direct skidding with grabs or chains, as well as with devices to elevate the front end of the log.

Horses work both singly and as teams depending upon the size of logs,

distance and topography. It is desirable to have three horses, if only one is

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