ББК 81.432. 1
Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ» (протокол № 1 от 07.02.2017 г.).
Рецензент: д.филол.н., проф. Стернин И.А.
Маклакова Е.А.
Иностранный язык. Английский язык [Текст]: методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов по направлению подготовки 05.04.06 - Экология и природопользование/ E.А. Маклакова, А.А. Илунина; ФГБОУ ВО «ВГЛТУ». – Воронеж, 2017. – 20 с.
Настоящие методические указания представляют собой современный подход к обучению слушателей в системе высшего образования. Необходимость в появлении таких методических указаний диктуется современным подходом к преподаванию дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в магистратуре: в них кратко и информативно представлен алгоритм освоения учебного материала по модулям (разделам), позволяющий повысить качество их обучения магистрантов и стимулировать интерес пользователей к дисциплине «Иностранный язык», изучаемой в ракурсе научной деятельности. Данные методические указания могут служить руководством для магистрантов направления подготовки 05.04.06 «Экология и природопользование».
Табл.: 2. Библиогр.: 5 назв.
© Маклакова Е. А., 2017
© Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет им. Г.Ф. Морозова, 2017
Целью изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» является совершенствование уровня владения иностранным языком и языком специальности, наиболее полное использование его в научной работе, активизация и развитие навыков научной письменной и устной речи, реализующих подготовку магистров к сдаче экзамена кандидатского минимума по иностранному языку и ведению профессиональной деятельности в иноязычной среде.
Для достижения поставленной цели при изучении дисциплины ставятся и решаются следующие задачи:
-магистрант обязан уяснить и совершенствовать навыки чтения научной и научно-технической литературы с целью извлечения основной информации по определенному алгоритму и последующего ее обобщения в устной и реферативной форме;
-ознакомиться с приемами письменной научной коммуникации;
-изучить все виды чтения оригинальной литературы по специальности;
-освоить на конкретных, доступных для студента примерах, аннотирование, переводы, рефераты, резюме и другие виды работы с целью обобщения ключевой информации с ее последующим обсуждением в устной форме.
Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» относится к дисциплинам базовой части основной профессиональной образовательной программы, индекс по учебному плану Б 1. Б. 2.
Для эффективного освоения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» у обучающегося должны быть сформированы следующие предварительные компетенции или их части:
а) владение культурой мышления, способностью к обобщению, анализу, восприятию информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения;
б) умение логически верно, аргументировано и ясно строить устную и письменную речь;
в) знание иностранного языка на уровне не ниже разговорного.
Магистр по результатам освоения дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
должен обладать следующими компетенциями:
а) общепрофессиональными (ОПК):
- способностью свободно пользоваться государственным языком Российской Федерации и иностранным языком как средством делового общения (ОПК-4);
Врезультате освоения дисциплины магистр должен:
-уметь: использовать знание иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности, профессиональной коммуникации и межличностном общении.
В этих условиях обучение иностранному языку в неязыковом ВУЗе приобретает особое значение. В области обучения целью дисциплины «Иностранный язык» является формирование у выпускников способности и готовности к межкультурному общению, развитие профессионально профилированного владения иностранным языком, подразумевающее обладание универсальными и предметно-ориентированными компетенциями, способствующими расширению их кругозора, совершенствованию профессиональных умений и навыков и, в конечном итоге, повышению их конкурентноспособности на рынке труда.
1. Learn the words and word combinations:
natural resource-based |
основанный на естественных ресурсах |
wood products |
изделия из древесины |
wood processing |
обработка древесины |
local markets |
местные рынки |
limited |
ограниченный |
poor quality |
низкое качество |
manufacture of furniture |
производство мебели |
high demand |
высокий спрос |
non-timber forest products |
недревесная лесная продукция |
to provide employment opportunitу |
обеспечивать трудоустройство |
production capacity |
производственная мощность |
dimensional lumber |
пиломатериал стандартных размеров |
to require minimal investment |
требовать минимальных инвестиций |
development |
развитие |
relationships |
связи |
value-added |
добавленная стоимость |
rural areas |
сельские районы |
the Russian Far East |
Российский Дальний Восток |
2. Read and translate the text (раrt I):
The Natural Resource-Based Economic Development Project has six interrelated components.
The project is assisting in the development of the region's value-added wood processing capacity. When the project was first proposed, there was limited capacity for the manufacture of value-added wood products in the Russian Far East, and the existing one was of poor quality. Even items that were in high demand, such as building components and furniture, were either not produced or simply not able to compete with imports. Local markets exist for dimensional lumber, chairs, and tables, wooden crates for packaging perishables, doors, window frames, and products for light construction.
Russian and Canadian value-added processing and marketing experts are working to identify a small number of products that require minimal capital investment and training to become more productive. These products are expected to generate early revenues, build confidence, and strengthen the enterprise and its partnerships. Training has been provided in lumber drying techniques; in the manufacture of
furniture, thermal windows, and doors; and in the construction of Canadian-style wood frame and round log homes.
The goal is to increase local production capacity of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and to enhance their market acceptance by improving the quality and presentation of the final products. This will provide employment opportunities for aboriginal peoples and other forest dwellers in rural areas where few economic opportunities exist. The Nanaisky Consumer Cooperative is the largest partner organization in this component of the project, and it has received assistance in developing a promotion and advertising plan for its products.
The project is assisting in the development of NTFP businesses. A business plan has been developed for selected products and market opportunities are being explored for birch sap, fir oil, berries, honey, and mushrooms. Studies are being undertaken to determine the equipment needs of producers and eventually to assist them in purchasing the equipment. The Canadian project team is providing assistance with marketing, packaging, and production technologies. The NTFP component is taking constructive steps to ensure that economic development of the forest resource will be permanent and self-sustaining within the Nanaiski Raion region.
There is a great-undeveloped potential for tourism in the Russian Far East. Of greatest potential is the sport fishing, outdoor adventure, and cultural tourism activities primarily enjoyed by Western tourists and, to a lesser but growing extent, Russian tourists. The project team is working with the local tourism industry to increase the economic importance of this sector to the region. To do so, they are collaborating in developing a regional tourism strategy, improving infrastructure, and identifying opportunities for new businesses.
Studies are being undertaken to determine the potential to attract tourists from both North America and Russia. In addition, promotional materials are being prepared to target potential clients. Russian travel agents and tourism officials have participated in a study tour of British Columbia to become familiar with the operation of Canadian facilities offering similar attractions. Similarly, Canadian tour operators have visited the Russian Far East to become familiar with the opportunities there and to offer suggestions to Russian entrepreneurs on how they can make their operations more attractive to international travelers.
Because of the efforts of the project team, it is expected, that the Russian tourism operators will be able to offer a variety of experiences to meet the needs and tastes of Western travelers. There is now a nucleus for expanding tourism between British Columbia and Khabarovsk Krai / Nanaiski Raion. This will support the sustainable long-term economic development of the tourism industry and enhance the economic relationships between Canada and Russia.
3. Continue the sentences:
1.When the project was first proposed…
2.Studies are being undertaken to …
3.This will provide …
4.This will support…
5.The project is assisting in…
6.There is a great-undeveloped potential for…
7.A business plan has been developed for…
8.The goal is to increase…
9.These products are expected to…
10.To do so…
11.In addition…
12.Of greatest potential is…
14.Because of the efforts of…
15.There is now…
4.Put ten questions to the text.
5.Write the summary of the text in English.
6.Choose the right variants and fill in the gaps:
a) The marketing of _______________ is the final step in the cycle producing and utilizing tree growth.
а) woodland products |
c) wood harvesting systems |
b) illegal logging activities |
d) manual planted seedlings |
b) If the above circumstances ________ more than six months, each «Party» shall have the right to refuse the fulfillment of the contract.
а) will last |
c) shall last |
b) last |
d) lasted |
c) Is transportation (of all types including trucks, buses and cars) a major contributor to air pollution in most industrialized nations? – _____________________________.
а) I hope, it does. c) No, there is not.
b)It is usually a fruit of joint efforts. d) By all means, it is.
7.Write the words in the sentence in correct order:
biodiversity conservation / this fact / significant for / is particularly
8.Fill in the gaps in the Memo choosing the proper word combinations:
a)Appointment of a New General Manager
b)Brian Lockney, Personnel Director
c)Anthony Hiller will be retiring at the end of this year
d)All board members
Date: 25 - 09 - 2015
1.TO: ____________________
2.FROM: _____________________
3.SUBJECT: _________________________
4.I am sure you are all aware by now,______________________________ , which leaves us a little over two months in which to appoint a new General Manager.
The post is currently being advertised in both the national press and the leading trade magazines and I intend to begin the first round of interviews in mid October. The advertisements contain the following description of General Manager's duties:
•to have overall responsibility for the running of the plant;
•to coordinate the work of the management team so that the company's targets and objectives are met;
•to advise on new product development;
•to negotiate with trade union representatives;
•to accompany the Sales Manager on overseas sales trips, whenever possible;
•to represent the company when the Manager Director is unavailable.
1. Learn the words and word combinations:
to impact ecosystems to threaten the existence rare species
the movement of wildlife
environmental implementation medicinal plants
to safeguard the integrity project-related activities to train people satellite-based maps multiple values biodiversity of the area to share experiences
to form an important tool for public awareness
traditional handicrafts
2. Read and translate the text (раrt II):
оказывать влияние на экосистемы угрожать существованию редкие виды перемещение диких животных и растений (дикой природы)
относящийся к окружающей среде внедрение лечебные растения защитить единство
связанная с проектом деятельность обучать людей карты на основе данных со спутников
многочисленные ценности биоразнообразие территории делиться опытом создать действенный механизм для общественное сознание традиционные промыслы
The governor of Khabarovsk Krai has decreed that 400,000 hectares in the Nanaiski Raion are to become Amur National Park, the first of its kind in Khabarovsk Krai. As a national park, the area will be protected from future development that could adversely impact its ecosystems and threaten the continued existence of its rich endemic flora and fauna. The park is home to rare species such as the Siberian tiger and the Himalayan bear. It is part of protected areas that form ecological corridors for the movement of wildlife.
The park will also be the focal .point for the implementation of the regional tourism development strategy. As part of a balanced strategy for sustainable growth, the creation of protected areas will set an example for other areas in Russia of the possibility for local-level initiatives to pay environmental dividends to current and future generations.
The project is providing assistance in park planning, satellite photography, park rangers’ training, communications and infrastructure. The boundaries of the park have been established, and ongoing work includes the preparation of promotional materials, including a video and still photography. The project is also assisting in the preparation of satellite-based maps that will form an important tool for the preparation of a comprehensive management plan for the park. It is anticipated, that
the construction of a tourist camp on the Amur River and the development of an interpretative trail to display aboriginal people's traditional knowledge of medicinal plants will enhance the tourism value of the park.
The park component of the project will contribute to safeguarding the integrity of the ecosystems and the biodiversity of the area. It will help to protect its rare and endangered species, and it will assist the efforts of Russian stakeholders in raising public awareness of the park and the multiple values associated with it. The development of tourist destinations with appropriate infrastructure will create economic opportunities for the region.
This component facilitates the establishment of commercially viable projects by Canadian and Russian indigenous peoples. Since 1995, they have been working together to identify opportunities for joint economic and cultural projects that will strengthen each of their communities. Successful new businesses will create muchneeded employment and income.
Currently, the most promising businesses are based on traditional handicrafts. A business plan has been developed to promote embroidery and sewing crafts and an arts-and-crafts bazaar by local women. As a starting point, the project has been assisting the Nanai people to improve the marketing of their existing crafts in Russia, Western Canada, and the United States. A study tour was organized to give Nanai representatives exposure to the industry as it is practiced in British Columbia. It is hoped, that this will help foster greater capacity within Russian indigenous communities.
Numerous participants have been trained in basic business management skills. They are now better qualified to plan and manage their businesses in the future, basing them on sound market research and financial management. This will lead to more business opportunities and increased productivity. The project has also assisted stakeholders to attend seminars to develop further their skills in project-related activities. Strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of the Nanai people will allow them to increase sales and diversify their products, resulting in greater wealth and employment for both women and men.
From the beginning of the project, there has been a conscious strategy to share the results of the project with other groups in Russia. To do this, the project has strived to document clearly, what has been done and to share its experiences and lessons learned with others in the country.
Plans are underway to train people in small business development by contracting and Training a local entrepreneurial development officer who will provide continuity after the project is finished. Business connections are being established by building a network of contacts through Canadian business development missions to Russia and