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3)What reduces evaporating of water from the soil surface?

4)When is watering correct?

5.Translate into Russian: - watering equipment

- new planted trees

- to minimize evaporation

- to reduce water evaporation - early evening watering

6.Discuss the two situations (the students are divided into the groups of two):

Situation 1

A new gardener is ignorant about watering. You read the text. What piece of advice would you give to the gardener?

Situation 2

Two gardeners are arguing about watering. One of them is sure that all the plants must be watered in the morning daily.

Another one waters the plants that need it most. Which of them is right?

Test on vocabulary after texts 1 – 6

Variant 1

1. Translate into English:

1.Садовый дизайнер поможет создать садовый стиль.

2.Цветы бывают двулетними, однолетними, многолетними.

3.Вам лучше приобрести поливочное устройство и поливать свои растения по утрам или вечерам.

4.Контейнерное садоводство не занимает много времени.

5.Хорошая почва – это правильное соотношение воды, воздуха и питательных веществ.


6.Компост улучшает почву.

7.Мульча препятствует прогреванию почвы, и это ее недостаток.

2.What are the terms connected with: Nursery

Variant 2

1. Translate into English:

1.Существует много садовых стилей.

2.Многие люди сажают цветы с сильным ароматом, долгоцветущие и неприхотливые в уходе.

3.Мульчирование весной уменьшает испарение воды.

4.Люд выбирают садовый стиль по своему вкусу и образу жизни.

5.Вы можете использовать различные отходы для компоста.

6.Мульча экономит время на прополке.

7.Садовые инструменты помогают улучшить почву.

2.What are the terms connected with:



Pests and diseases

Prevention of a problem is always better than the cure. Good gardening practices, such as regular weeding, clearing away garden debris that may harbor pests and diseases, and keeping your plants watered and nourished, will do much to protect the health of your plants and to minimize the likelihood of problems arising. Encouraging natural predators, such as frogs, hedgehogs, birds, hoverflies, and ladybirds, into your garden will also help deal with many of the most common garden pests (aphids, slugs, and snails) in an ecologically friendly way. The other benefit of


using natural predators is that you can avoid the overuse of environmentally harmful chemical controls.

If pests and diseases do occur, always deal with the problem as quick as possible. Remove affected plant material as soon as you see the first signs of attack. Dispose of diseased material in the trash rather than on the compost heap to prevent the problem from spreading.

1.Read the text.

2.Translate the first passage of the text in the written form.

3. Answer the questions:

1)What helps to protect the health of the plants?

2)Find the examples of the natural predators that can fight pests.

3)Give the examples of pests.

4)What is environmentally harmful way to fight the pests?

5)What is ecologically friendly way to fight the pests?

4. Put the actions in the correct order:

Checking plants, chemical control, encouraging natural predators, good gardening practices, disposing of diseased material in the trash.



Many trees and shrubs do not need regular pruning, just an occasional cutting back to keep them under control. Plants trained into formal shapes, such as wall shrubs or hedges, also need regular pruning to maintain their shape.

Whatever shrubs you have, always remove dead or diseased branches that can spread to the rest of the plant. You can distinguish the dead wood from live wood by scratching the stem with your thumbnail. If green-colored wood is exposed, then the stem is still alive; if it is brown or white, then the stem is dead.

Knowing whether your shrubs flower best on old wood or on new wood is lighter and smoother. Once a stem has flowered, cut it back to allow room for


replacement flowering stems to develop the following year. Remember: always feed the plant after pruning to encourage new growth. Mulch in spring after the weather has warmed up.

1.Read the text.

2.What are the terms in passages 1, 2, 3?

3.Translate into Russian:

-to maintain the shape=to keep under control

-to prune=to cut back

-dead branches=diseased branches

-to train into formal shape

-to encourage new growth

4.Which adjectives/participles are used with: a) wood;

b) stem?

5.Answer the questions:

1)Do many trees and shrubs need regular pruning?

2)What plants need regular pruning?

3)What is occasional pruning?

4)How can you distinguish dead wood from live wood?

5)What is another reason to cut the stems back?

6)Why should you feed a plant after pruning?


1. Mind the terms:

Paved areas, lawn, to soften the line(s), to divide the garden into sections, garden ornament, arbor.


Paths and paving

Paved areas have an important part to play in your enjoyment of your garden. They are great for entertaining – particularly if the weather has been wet or the dew heavy and you can not walk on the lawn without getting your feet wet. They also provide a wonderful setting for plants – but you need to counteract this by using strong-charactered plants around them – ones with large leaves and dramatic shapes and colors. In fact, paved areas need plants to soften their harsh lines. Paths have obvious practical uses in enabling you to walk from one part of the garden to another. They can also provide a framework for your planting, dividing the garden into discrete sections.

From an aesthetic point of view, they can be used to lead the eye to other features such as a garden ornament or arbor.

2.Read the text.

3.Which of the word combinations and words are terms:

heavy dew, harsh lines, dramatic shape, discrete section, aesthetic point of view, garden ornament, a setting for plants, the wet weather, paved areas, a lawn.

4. Determine the roles of paths and paved areas in a garden

The roles of paved area


! ! ! !

4. Translate into English:

1)Садовые дорожки помогут вам не промочить ноги в мокрую погоду.

2)Растения с большими листьями смягчают четкие, строгие линии


3)Садовые дорожки могут быть выполнены так, чтобы привлечь внимание.

4)Они могут делить ваш сад на отдельные части.



Ideas for sunny beds and borders

Beds and borders in sunny situations allow you to grow flowers in abundance. Many of the perennials that form the mainstay of herbaceous borders are sun-loving species. If your garden gets the sun, you will be able to grow these wonderful flowers year after year for their stunning colors and intoxicating fragrance.

However, you must select plants that actually enjoy direct sun: moisture-loving species can survive in sunny spots – but only if you are willing to devote much of your time to watering them.

1.Read the text.

2.Translate into Russian: - beds and borders;

- intoxicating fragrance - perennials;

- to form the mainstay; - stunning color

3.What is the difference?

To enjoy direct sun; to be in sunny situation; to be in sunny spots; to get the sun


Find the two types of species from the text.


Answer the questions:


What beds can you grow if your garden gets the sun?


What is the difference between the sun-loving and moisture-loving species?


What shall you do if you have moisture-loving plants in a sunny spot?


Read the summary of the text and learn it:

The text is about ideas for sunny beds and borders. You can read about them in the first passage of the text. You have no restrictions in planting different species. Most of them enjoy direct sun.

The next part of the text describes moisture-loving species in sunny spots. They need much watering.



Ideas for shaded beds and borders

Flower beds and borders in a shaded situation will never be quite as colorful as those in full sun, but you can still enjoy a rich and varied range of flowers and greenery. Use cool colors – blues, purples, greens – to create a tranquil, relaxing feel.

There are also some simple ways of creating the illusion that more light reaches the area than is actually the case: plant pale-colored flowers to accentuate what little light there is, paint neighboring walls a light color, or position a mirror to reflect light outward. The plants you choose can help, too: small, feathery-leaved plants are better than large, solid-looking species as they give a lighter, less dense overall effect.

1.Read the text.

2.Translate the text in the written form.

3.Give the summary of the text, paying attention to the key ideas: 1) Special colors for shade to create a relaxing feel.

2) Ways to increase light in a shady place: - pale-colored and small plants or flowers; - light paint around;

- a mirror to reflect the light.


Water gardens

Water garden is one of the most peaceful and tranquil of all types of garden; the soothing sound of trickling water and the gentle buzz of insects make it wonderful place for a person to relax.

Once your water garden is in place, taking care of it is merely routine work. Although there is almost always some small task to do – fishing out excess pond weed, snipping off unwanted water lily leaves, tending any fish that you have in the pond – it is the sort of work that you can do out at your own pace.


The water gardens can be of formal and informal schemes or cover ponds, there is a great number of plants for a boggy area around a pond edge, and some ideas for an easy-to-install decorative pebble fountain. You may combine the colors of plants, for example, purple and yellow. Then you are to choose Caraway thyme, Heartsease, Kingcup, White water lily, or Japanese water iris. Different sorts of Hostas will do for moist soils. Your water feature will enjoy the fountain pump.

1.Read the text.

2.Find the terms in passages 1, 2, 3.

3.Translate the word combinations into Russian: - pond area

- decorative pebble fountain - water feature

- a boggy area - routine work

4.Write the types of water gardens:

Water gardens








5.Name the species found in the text.

6.Answer the questions:

1)Is a boggy area different from a water feature?

2)What is characteristic of a water garden?

3)What plants can represent the combination of purple and yellow?

4)What is/are a gardener’s task(s) to maintain a water garden?

7.Put the key idea of every passage in order:

-the types of water gardens and special plants for them;

-taking care of a water garden is not hard work. It is a routine;

-a water garden and its characteristics.

8. Make the summary of the text.


Библиографический список

Основная литература

1.The Future’s Green : An Introduction to Biomass Energy Crops [Text]. –

Kenilworth : ATB. – LandBase, 1995. – 52 pp.

2. Kabisch, K. Ponds and Pools – Oases in the Landscape [Text] / K. Kabich, J. Hemmerling. – Leipzig, 1982. – 272 pp.

Дополнительная литература

3.Urban parks: functions, funding and futures [Text] // Green places. – 2006. – № 28. – P. 22-27.

4.Our design philosophy [Text] // Green places. – 2006. – № 28. – P. 3637.

5.How to… create a garden [Text] // Green places. – 2006. – № 27. – P. 35.



Литвинова Людмила Алексеевна


Методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов 1 курса специальности

250203 – Садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство

Редактор Е.А. Попова

Подписано в печать 14.10.2010. Формат 60×90 /16. Объем 1,25 п. л. Усл. печ. л. 1,25. Уч.-изд. л. 1,3. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ

ГОУ ВПО «Воронежская государственная лесотехническая академия» РИО ГОУ ВПО «ВГЛТА». 394087, г. Воронеж, ул. Тимирязева, 8 Отпечатано в УОП ГОУ ВПО «ВГЛТА». 394087, г. Воронеж, ул. Докучаева, 10

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