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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book. Ключи - 2011

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why? Young people must help the elders. 2. What shall I do? I lost a ticket to the concert. I may have dropped it in the bus. – How could you lose a ticket? You can’t be so absent-minded. The tickets to the theatre must be kept in the bag. Your ticket may be at home. You could leave it at home. You should call home. – Yes, my ticket may lie at home, on the table in the hall. I always ask my brother not to detain me when I am in a hurry and he still does it. Now I must call and may be I will have to go home. How unpleasant, I can be late for the concert.

Exercise X (p. 247)

1. You ought to have taken into consideration all the details when you discussed this question. 2. He can’t have thought it himself. 3. The children tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open. 4. You must have seen much in the life though you are much younger than I am. 5. The window won’t close. You might repair it after all. 6. A liar should have had a good memory. 7. Can I ask you to do it today? – Don’t even ask me. I have got a lot of work to do. I think I shan’t be able to do even what I must do first. 8. He might have done it himself, he shouldn’t have asked you, you are older than he is. 9. I can’t understand what could happen to him; he is always so punctual. 10. Why must we wait for one person so long? He should have come at 5 o’clock and now it is already 6 o’clock. 11. He can’t have forgotten about our meeting: he fixed the day and the time himself.

The Mood

The Subjunctive Mood after the Verb Wish

Exercise II (p. 250)

1. He wished he could join us. 2. I wished you hadn’t been absent yesterday. 3. I wish he were more polite. 4. They wished they had invited her. 5. He wished he had been able to see the film. 6. How I wish I had told her all the truth then. 7. I wish you could swim. 8. I wish I hadn’t kept you waiting so long. 9. I wish I could go to the theatre with you. 10. I wish I hadn’t disturbed you. 11. I wish you were not leaving so soon. 12. I wish I saw the film again. 14. I wished we could see the stage well. 15. They wished they had taken a taxi and hadn’t missed their train.


Exercise VI (p. 252)

I1. a) I wished you hadn’t come so late. b) I wished you had come earlier. 2. a) I wished we hadn’t left before his coming. b) We wished we had waited till his coming. 3. a) I wish they knew everything. b) I wish they didn’t know about it. 4. a) I wish he were not so light-minded. b) I wish he were more serious. 5. a) I wished I had followed his advice. b) I wished I hadn’t

followed his advice.

II1. I wished I saw the film once more. 2. I wish I could go to your lecture tomorrow. 3. I wish I could read this book in the original.

4.I wished you had read this book. 5. I wished you hadn’t asked him to fulfil this work. 6. My brother wished he had been present at this meeting. 7. I wished you had thought over my proposal once more. 8. I wished we had met before the departure. 9. We wished we had discussed the play immediately after it had been seen.

10.I wished you had taken such an opportunity.

Exercise VII (p. 252)

1. I wished you had been careful. 2. I wished it hadn’t happened in your absence. 3. I wish you were interested in art. 4. I wished I had taken some tablets for a headache. 5. I wished you had gone to the concert with me. 6. I wished you had kept a letter. 7. I wished she had been said by somebody that it was impolite. 8. I wished you always came in time. 9. I wished you could see this match. 10. I wish our teacher paid much attention to your pronunciation. 11. I wished you were more careful the next time. 12. I wish it were spring now! 13. I wish there were no illnesses on the earth. 14. I wished I had asked a doctor when to take a medicine. 15. I wish I knew French.

Exercise VIII (p. 252)

1. I wish we knew his address. We could go to him today. 2. I wished I had been taught a foreign language in my childhood. 3. I wished he had devoted his life to mathematics. It is his favourite subject since his childhood. 4. I wish we had a boat for a trip on the sea.

5.I wish I hadn’t given a promise to be at the party, I feel bad.

6.She wished she hadn’t come to the south. 7. I wished you had had time to read this interesting article. 8. I wish I got acquainted with the Petrovs. 9. I wish I could get this rare stamp for my collection. 10. He wished he had heard what was said downstairs. 11. She wished somebody noticed her and asked what she was doing there.

12.I wished I knew where we were going. 13. I wish I knew how you achieved such good results.


Exercise IX (p. 253)

1. I wished your daughter looked a bit like you. 2. I wished you came to this or that decision. 3. He wished this evening were over. 4. I sometimes wish I hadn’t decided to write this book. 5. I wished I had a real garden. 6. I wished I hadn’t done it. 7. I wished you began writing the poems again. 8. I wished he stopped writing to me. 9. I wished you were at home. 10. I wished I hadn’t told them about myself. 11. I wished I had told the truth. 12. I wish I had known that you needed this magazine. 13. I wished I had taken part in the excursion. 14. I wished you had followed the doctor’s advice.

Exercise X (p. 253)

1. I wish the students spoke English with each other. 2. I wish it didn’t rain. 3. I wished I were at home now. 4. I wish he were with us. 5. I wished you had gone to the lecture with us yesterday. 6. I wish you didn’t disturb me to work. 7. I wish you believed my story. 8. I wished you hadn’t refused this proposal. If I were you I would accept it. 9. I wish they didn’t meddle in other people’s business. 10. I wish you had helped me. 11. I wished you had informed me beforehand. I would surely meet you. 12. I wished we had registered the tickets over the telephone. 13. I wished I had told the truth. 14. I wished he were with us! 15. I wished we had found everybody at home. 16. I wished I knew that this dictionary had already come out. 17. I wished I had consulted the doctor. I would feel better now.

The Subjunctive Mood in Conditional


Exercise IV (p. 257)

1. If you hadn’t informed me of the state of things, I wouldn’t have known you needed help. 2. If you hadn’t left the knife in water, it wouldn’t have got rusty. 3. If they hadn’t spent a year in England, they wouldn’t have learned to speak English quite well. 4. If it hadn’t rained, we wouldn’t been obliged to stay indoors. 5. If you had watched the milk, it wouldn’t have boiled over. 6. If a huge rock hadn’t blocked the path, we wouldn’t have had to go all the way round. 7. If the explorers had had radio with them, they could have signalled for help when the storm broke out. 8. If there had been even the slightest wind, the sail boat wouldn’t have laid motionless on the smooth sea. 9. If I hadn’t forgotten to wind up my watch, it wouldn’t have stopped. 10. If Sedov’s expedition hadn’t been very


scarcely supplied, it wouldn’t have ended so tragically. 11. If Meresyev hadn’t been extremely strong-willed, he wouldn’t have crawled for eighteen days to reach the front line being seriously wounded. 12. If I had invited them, they would have come.

Exercise VII (p. 258)

1. If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we should have spent the whole day out in the country. 2. If he had much time to spare, he would show you around the exhibition himself. 3. If you had asked him about it, he wouldn’t have refused to advise you on the matter. 4. If you came and stayed with us for a week, we should be only too glad. 5. If there had been somebody to send, there would have sent us information.

6.If the cage hadn’t been safely locked from outside, the bird throwing itself against the cage would have opened the small door.

7.If Chapayev were not badly wounded, he could reach the other bank of the Urals. 8. If I were not very busy that day, I could go shopping with you. 9. If your brother described you to me, I would recognize you at once. 10. If you had followed the doctor’s advice, you hadn’t been down with quinsy again. 11. If the river were not frozen, we could go skating. 12. If Eliza hadn’t managed to escape, she wouldn’t have saved her child from slavery. 13. If the shoes pinched, I wouldn’t buy the pair though I liked it.

Exercise XII (p. 260)

1. But for the importance of this matter, I would stay at home. 2. But for a thunderstorm, we would already come up to the top. 3. I would join your company but for an unexpected arrival of my acquaintance. 4. But for this merry and interesting person, we would feel uncomfortable among unfamiliar people. 5. But for this incident we wouldn’t learn what kind of man he was. 6. But for this small delay we would work all the time exactly according to the plan.

Exercise XIII (p. 260)

1. I wish you were acquainted with him. If you were acquainted with him, you would know what a wonderful man he was. 2. I am sure that everybody were upset if the trip would be postponed. 3. He has changed so much! If you met him you would not recognize him. 4. If I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate. 5. If the driver stopped the car, we would go out. 6. If he had been really sorry that he had done that, he would have behaved differently. 7. If you could lend me your dictionary, I would be very thankful to you. 8. If he didn’t possess such a wonderful memory, he couldn’t remember such an unbelievable number


of facts. 9. If you had warned me earlier, I would have done everything long ago. 10. But for the professor’s help the results of the experiment wouldn’t have been far from being so satisfactory. 11. If you had visited sports school regularly, you wouldn’t have been expelled. 12. If our scientists hadn’t solved the most important problems connected with the flight, the flight of the first spaceship into space would have been impossible. 13. If I were you, I would come earlier to find him. 14. If I were a painter, I would paint the portrait of this man by all means. 15. What would you say if I turned to you for a piece of advice?

Exercise XIV (p. 260)

1. If you came to the meeting of the scientific club, you would listen to an interesting report of one of our students. 2. Would you be displeased if I didn’t come? 3. If he had entered university four years ago, he would have graduated from it next year. 4. If we had known that you needed this book, we would have taken it. 5. They had noticed this mistake if they would have been more attentive. 6. If he were not such an experienced surgeon, he couldn’t save so many lives. 7. Would you go somewhere in the evening if I invited you? 8. If you hadn’t been so absent-minded, you wouldn’t have made so many spelling mistakes. 9. If you had studied systematically, you wouldn’t have had such gaps. 10. If he didn’t have a sly smile, I would sincerely believe him. 11. If you had fulfilled all the pieces of advice of a doctor, you would have recovered long ago. 12. If the train had started in time, it would have arrived at the place of destination tomorrow early in the morning. 13. I would have postponed my work and gone on an excursion with you if I had known about it beforehand. 14. If there were no metro, I would spend on the way about an hour. 15. If I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate a minute and would accept this proposal. 16. I couldn’t have spoken to him on this subject, even if I had seen him yesterday.

Exercise XV (p. 261)

1. If I didn’t know him so well, I wouldn’t believe what he had just told me. 2. If you had put the book to the place, it would be here now. 3. If they had begun the work at once, they could have finished it in time. 4. I would have written her long ago if I had known her address. 5. If it were warmer now, I would put on a new summer dress. 6. If you had been more attentive at the last lesson, you would know the material better now. 7. Where would you wait for me if we settled to meet? 8. If he hadn’t been ill then, he could have found himself in a more


dangerous situation. 10. Who knows how he would have acted if he had heard about it before? 10. I would have answered the question long ago if I could. 11. Everybody would be glad if you called on us once more before your departure. 12. You would feel better if you walked more. 13. You wouldn’t have broken the vase if you had been more careful. 14. Oh, had I been grown-up enough then to understand the seriousness of the situation!

Exercise XVI (p. 261)

1. If you had walked yesterday in the evening, you would have fallen asleep at once. 2. If I were free tomorrow, I would walk with you by all means. 3. If I were free now, I would walk in the Summer Gardens. 4. You would meet my sister if you were walking in the Summer Gardens now. 5. You would feel very well today, if you had been walking with us the whole evening before going to bed. 6. If you liked walks, you would walk with us more often. 7. Had you known how beautiful white nights were here, you would have walked with us yesterday in the evening. 8. If you were not so busy, we would go to the country with you every Sunday. 9. If you had been at the football match yesterday, you would have seen the best football players. 10. I would be very glad if you came to the next football match. 11. If you liked mathematics, you would study it more. 12. If you were free tomorrow, I would go to the exhibition with you with pleasure. 13. You would have visited this exhibition of pictures long ago if you had interested in art.

The Subjunctive Mood after

the Conjunctions as if (as though)

Exercise IV (p. 263)

1. He spoke to me as if he had known me for many years. 2. She thanked me as if I had done something unusual. 3. He was running without looking back as if somebody were chasing him. 4. He spoke about the book with such an air of importance as if he had read it. 5. The beast roared suddenly as if he were wounded. 6. It seemed to me as if I had seen this man somewhere. 7. You got so sunburnt as if you had spent in the south not a month but the whole summer. 8. He looked tired as if he hadn’t rested for a long time. 9. A passerby didn’t stop as if he didn’t hear that he was called. 10. She knew these parts as if she had lived here. 11. It seemed as if nothing had happened. 12. He had such a feeling as if he had been deceived. 13. He looked as if he were waiting for a long time.


Exercise V (p. 264)

1. He looked as if not his pupil but he himself were the winner of the competition. 2. The sky was covered with dark clouds. It got dark as if the night came. 3. He looked at the girl with such surprise as if he saw her for the first time. 4. He was sitting at the table as if he were writing, but he was neither writing nor reading. 5. He looked at me as if he didn’t understand what I was telling him. 6. She felt very tired as if she had walked for a long time. 7. She continued looking at the room as if she were looking for somebody. 8. They were talking with each other in low voices as if they were in the church. 9. He buttoned the coat as if it were cold. 10. Usually she looked as if she had just cried. 11. I have such a feeling as if I knew you for years. 12. The dog greeted his master as if they hadn’t seen each other for a year. 13. They didn’t talk as if they were so happy to be together that they needn’t any talk.

Exercise VI (p. 264)

1. He loved this child as if she were his own daughter. 2. He was sitting without moving as if he didn’t hear the words of his friend. 3. You look as if you didn’t understand anything. 4. He looked at me as if I told a lie. 5. She looked as if she were just told the unpleasant news. 6. What’s the matter with you? You look as if you were unwell. 7. She treated him as if he were a child. 8. You got so sunburnt as if you just came from the south. 9. He looked tired as if he hadn’t slept the whole night. 10. She breathed so hard as if she had run the whole way.

11.I had such a feeling as if we spoke with him in different languages.

12.For a minute or more he was standing in the middle of the room as if he didn’t know what to do. 13. He speaks as if he repeated somebody’s words.

Exercise VII (p. 264)

1. You look as if you didn’t know where to go. 2. She spoke and laughed as if she played at the stage. 3. I remember everything so exactly as if it had taken place yesterday. 4. Why do you look as if you didn’t believe me? 5. I have such a feeling as if I had been deceived. 6. It seems as if everybody had already gone. 7. You made so many mistakes as if you had never heard these rules. 8. Why are you looking at me as if I were telling a lie? 9. He spoke about you as if he knew you well. 10. He spoke about you as if he were not 17 years old but 70. 11. Look, he behaves as if nothing extraordinary had happened. 12. I have such a feeling as if you hadn’t gone away anywhere. 13. He spoke as if he had already known this problem well for many years.


The Subjunctive Mood after the Verbs Expressing Orders, Commands, Suggestions

Exercise V (p. 266)

1. I suggest that we should go by an evening train. 2. She proposed that we should sleep with an open window, but I was afraid to catch cold. 3. I insist that you should go to the concert today. 4. Our teacher in literature suggested that we all should go to the Pushkin Museum. 5. He insisted that I should subscribe to this magazine. 6. He proposed that we should discuss this problem again. 7. The scientists demanded that the experiment should be continued.

8.The teacher insisted that we should work more in the laboratory.

9.They demanded that we should postpone the meeting. 10. The director ordered that an account should be ready for Monday.

11.The students suggested that the meeting should be held as quicker as possible. 12. The doctor insisted that she should not tire herself. 13. The officer ordered that the soldiers should open the fire. 14. The teacher demanded that we should pay special attention to the pronunciation.

Exercise VI (p. 267)

1. The commission demanded that this question should be discussed at the public meeting. 2. I suggest that the discussion of the question should be stopped and it should be returned to it after the report of the experts. 3. The leader of the laboratory recommended that the students should carry out tests. 4. The passengers demanded that the driver should stop a car. 5. I insist that you should frankly express your impression. 6. The members of the rescue party insisted that they should leave the camp in spite of the heavy fog. 7. The commission suggested that more facts should be included in the account. 8. The producer demanded that nobody should be let in into the hall during the rehearsal. 9. They proposed that the participants of amateur talent activities should get the right to take part in the final concert. 10. He suggested that the case should be postponed. 11. The doctor insists that he should go to the south. 12. The shop assistants demanded that the payment should be made within five days. 13. He recommended that the goods should be sent at once. 14. He insists that the plan should be discussed next week.


The Subjunctive Mood after

It is necessary; It is natural etc.

Exercise VI (p. 269)

1. It is very important that you should use every opportunity to speak English with one another. 2. It is strange that you shouldn’t understand the lecture; it was very simple. 3. It was unbelievable for him that such things should be possible nowadays. 4. It is recommended that you should look through the text before translating it 5. It is surprising that she should have forgotten about such an important matter. 6. Isn’t it astonishing that people should show such high results in such an age? 7. It is desirable that your report should be discussed at the chair before you make it at the conference. 8. It is necessary that students should apply their knowledge in practice. 9. It is very important that you should pay attention to your health. 10. It is improbable that you should have learnt a foreign language so quickly. 11. It is astonishing that he should pay attention to such unimportant questions. 12. It is doubtful that the whole dictionary should have been completed.

The Subjunctive Mood after It’s (about) time; It’s high time

Exercise IV (p. 270)

1. It’s about time we went. 2. It’s high time he explained what he had intended to do. 3. It’s high time he were given a good lesson. 4. When I woke up I felt it was about time I called a doctor. 5. It’s about time we had dinner. 6. He was told that it was time he learned to do as he was ordered. 7. It’s high time you threw away this old furniture. 8. What do you think if it is time we returned home? 9. It’s high time you decided what subject you would write a report. 10. It is about time you went to bed. 11. It’s high time you were more serious. 12. It’s about time you read this novel.

Exercise V (p. 271)

1. It’s high time you knew this rule. 2. It’s about time you stopped behaving in such a way. 3. It’s time you gave up smoking. 4. It’s about time you thought seriously about your behaviour. 5. It’s high time you switched on the light. Why will you ruin your eyesight? 6. It’s high time a child went to bed. 7. You drive a car not the first year. It’s high time you


knew traffic regulations. 8. Isn’t it time we paid serious attention to this question? 9. It’s high time you saw a dentist. 10. It’s winter soon. It’s high time we finished repairs. 11. What are we waiting? It’s about time we were on our way. 12. Isn’t it time they stopped these jokes?

The Subjunctive Mood in Adverbial

Clauses of Purpose

Exercise III (p. 272)

1. A car will be sent down to your place tonight so that it may take you straight to the station. 2. Copy out the examples and study them thoroughly lest you should make mistakes in the construction.

3.They wrote her a letter so that they might remind her of her promise.

4.You will have to close either the door or the window lest there should be a draught. 5. We shall start earlier lest we should miss the train. 6. I have repeated this so that you might understand. 7. The guide marked the path carefully lest the party should get lost on their way back. 8. They spoke in a whisper lest they should wake anyone in the room. 9. How is the picture to be packed lest it should be spoiled on the way?

Exercise IV (p. 273)

1.Write down the number of my telephone lest you should forget it.

2.Advise her to dress warmer lest she should catch cold. 3. Ring her up lest she should forget to take my book. 4. Explain to him how to go to our datcha so that he could visit us some day. 5. Take a tablet lest you should have a headache. 6. Ask her to speak in a lower voice lest she should wake up a child. 7. You must go very carefully here lest you should fall down. 8. Repair your pen so that you might use it.

9.You must get up tomorrow morning earlier lest you should miss the train. 10. He put his luggage under the bench so that the passengers might go to their places. 11. Put a ladder so that a passenger can climb an upper berth.

Exercise V (p. 273)

1. Hold your cap with your hand lest it should fall down. 2. Tell me your exact address once more lest I should make mistakes any more. 3. He stated his plan in details so that everything might be clear and lest there should be any doubt. 4. Switch on one more lamp so that it may be lighter in the room. 5. After the death of the poet nothing was moved in his room so that everything might look as it was when he