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Translate from Russian into English.

  1. будущий работодатель – a prospective / potential employer

  2. обратный хронологический порядок - reverse chronological order

  3. перечислить обязанности – to list responsibilities

  4. получить положительный ответ – to receive a favourable response

  5. быть особо заинтересованным в предлагаемой должности – to be particularly interested in the offered position

  6. предыдущий опыт и теоретические знания - previous experience and academic background

  7. быть успешным на этой должности - to be successful in this post / position

  8. приобретать требуемый опыт и навыки – to gain the experience and skills that are required / to gain the required experience and skills

  9. Пожалуйста, примите это письмо как выражение интереса к должности регионального менеджера по продажам - Please accept this letter as an expression of interest in the position of Areas Sales Manager

  10. объявление о вакантной должности – an advertisement for a vacant position / post

  11. обратитесь к приложенному резюме для более подробной информации - refer to the enclosed curriculum vitae / resume for further particulars

  12. работать самостоятельно - to work on smb’s own

  13. иметь возможность работать проявляя инициативу и брать на себя определенную долю ответственности – to have the opportunity to work on own initiative and to take on a certain amount of responsibility

  14. Принимая во внимание мою квалификацию, я надеюсь на заработную плату приблизительно в $10,000. - In view of my qualification, I would expect a salary of about $10,000 / Taking into account my qualification, I would expect a salary of about $10,000.

  15. зарабатывать $30,000 в год - to earn $30,000 per annum

  16. предлагать достаточно возможностей для развития собственных идей – to offer enough scope to develop own ideas

  17. работать в расширяющейся организации - to be employed / to work in an expending organization

  18. быть знакомым с требованиями для успешной работы в торговле – to be familiar with the requirements for success in the Sales profession

  19. обладать необходимым сочетанием маркетинговых и управленческих навыков - to possess the right combination of marketing and management skills

  20. предоставлять возможность активной работы в условиях команды - to provide the opportunity to work in a high-pressure, team environment

  21. Необходимо уметь тесно взаимодействовать с коллегами - It is essential to be able to work closely with colleagues

  22. Спасибо за ваше время и внимание - Thank you for your time and consideration

  23. лично обсудить потенциальный вклад в компанию - to personally discuss potential contributions to a company

  24. мой опыт и квалификация соответствуют требованиям, предъявляемым к этой должности - my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements

  25. окончить с отличием ЮУрГУ (the SUSU) – to graduate Cum Laude from the SUSU

  26. Я был взят на работу сразу после окончания благодаря моей квалификации - I was hired directly upon graduation due to my expertise / qualification

  27. продолжать углублять знания - to further deepened knowledge

  28. высоко ценить способности, чтобы продвинуть на более высокую должность после первого года трудоустройства - to think highly enough of abilities to promote to a higher position after the first year of employment

  29. получить диплом по Бизнес Администрированию – to complete my Associate Degree in Business Administration

  30. внести значительный вклад в компанию - to make a significant contribution to a company

  31. Моя настоящая должность подлежит уведомлению об уходе за один месяц - My present position is subject to one month's notice

  32. привести наиболее яркие примеры из карьеры, которые могут быть интересны - to reference some highlights from the career that may be of interest

  33. предоставить дополнительную информацию относительно опыта и достижений – to provide additional information regarding background and accomplishments


Use proper prepositions to complete the phrases.

  1. In Britain a resume is often referred to as a curriculum vitae.

  2. This information is arranged in reverse chronological order.

  3. List your experience starting with your most recent place of employment and work backwards.

  4. Sometimes a letter of recommendation can add that little extra appeal when applying for a new job.

  5. The letter of recommendation provides a good review on the qualifications.

  6. One way is to state at the bottom of your resume that your letters of recommendation and references are available upon request.

  7. You attach an application letter to your resume.

  8. The letter matches the requirements of the job with your qualifications, emphasising how you are right for that job.

  9. In view of my qualification, I would expect a salary of about …

  10. I am at present earning … per annum.

  11. However I would like to change to industrial products since I believe they offer a greater potential.

  12. During the last three years Karen has worked her way from clerical worker to part of our management team.


Use a proper word(s) to complete the sentences.

  1. An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dream and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity.

  2. Headings can also contain a goals and objectives subsection and a highlights subsection.

  3. Resume specialists believe that the eye makes first contact with a page somewhere one–fourth to one–third of the way down the page.

  4. To keep the main part of the resume from becoming unbalanced and less readable, they shift all of this detail to an amplification page.

  5. At the bottom of the resume, people often put “references available on request“ and the date of preparation of the resume.

  6. The role of the application letter is to draw a clear connection between the job you are seeking and your qualifications listed in the resume.

  7. Your cover letter should communicate something personal about you along with information that is specific for the division or company to which the letter is being sent.

  8. Your resume and cover letter must be individually written and originally typed, single spaced on a good quality paper matching the paper used in your resume.

  9. State one eye–catching, attention–getting thing about yourself in relation to the job or to the employer that will cause the reader to want to continue.

  10. My present position is subject to one month’s notice.


Translate from Russian into English.

  1. иметь право на дополнительные льготы. to be eligible to fringe benefits

  2. Сверхурочная работа будет оплачиваться в полуторном размере. Overtime will be paid at time-and-a-half rates.

  3. иметь право на 3 недели отпуска в год, время по усмотрению супервайзера, с увеличением до максимума в 6 недель - to be allowed three weeks' annual leave, time at discretion Supervisor, rising to a maximum of six weeks

  4. ежегодная прибыль. annual profits

  5. ежегодные увеличения на 9% в первые три года annual increments of 9 per cent in the first three years

  6. иметь право на все банковские праздники, плюс 3-х недельный отпуск после одного года службы - to be entitled to all Bank Holidays, plus three weeks' vacation after one year's service

  7. одобрить назначение в качестве начальника отдела кадров, при условии стандартных рекомендаций - to approve of an appointment as Personnel Manager subject to the usual references

  8. предложить должность личного помощника директора по продажам - to offer the position of Personal Assistant to the Sales Director

  9. быть успешным на интервью на должность менеджера по маркетингу - to be successful in the interview for the position of Marketing Manager

  10. двухнедельное уведомление о прекращении трудоустройства - two weeks' notice of termination of employment

  11. Ваша стажировка начнется в понедельник и закончится в пятницу. Your traineeship will commence on Monday and terminate on Friday

  12. На вас будут распространяться все условия как на штатного сотрудника банка. You will be subject to all the terms and conditions of a full-time bank employee


Use proper prepositions to complete the phrases.

  1. The selection board have approved of your appointment as (title).

  2. The bank has agreed to accept you for the post of trainee subject to the usual references.

  3. Although this is a temporary position, you will be subject to all the terms and conditions of a full–time bank employee in the Securities Department.

  4. I look forward to seeing you in my office at 09.00 a.m. on Monday 10 January 20—.

  5. Your Contract of Employment is attached to this letter.

  6. I can introduce you to the other members of staff.

  7. I am writing on behalf of Ms Frances Newman.

  8. This is compensated for by an annual bonus paid to administrative staff, based on annual profits.

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