Приклади активного словника з лексичного матеріалу:
1 |
l ife expectancy |
середня тривалість життя |
2 |
to increase |
збільшуватися |
3 |
average figures |
середні цифри |
4 |
medical research |
медичне дослідження |
5 |
to be eliminated |
бути знищеним |
6 |
to be endangered by smth |
бути під загрозою, наражатися на небезпеку |
7 |
pollution of the environment |
забруднення навколишнього середовища |
8 |
sedentary lifestyle |
сидячий спосіб життя |
9 |
the majority of the population |
більшість населення |
10 |
to lead to epidemics |
призводити до епідемії |
11 |
to be overweight |
мати надлишкову вагу, бути тучним |
12 |
to preserve one's health |
зберігати здоров’я |
13 |
healthy way of life |
здоровий спосіб життя |
14 |
to keep fit |
підтримувати хорошу фізичну форму |
15 |
balanced meals |
збалансоване харчування |
16 |
to give up unhealthy habits |
відмовитися від згубних звичок |
17 |
drugs |
наркотики |
18 |
physical fitness |
фізична підготовка, хороша фізична форма |
19 |
to become an integral part of one'slife |
стати невід’ємною частиною життя |
20 |
fitnessboom |
фітнес-бум |
21 |
to participate in sports and sports activities |
займатися спортом та фізкультурою |
22 |
moderate physical activity |
помірні фізичні навантаження |
23 |
to protect from heart diseases and strokes |
захищати від серцевих захворювань та інсультів |
24 |
obesity and influenza |
ожиріння та грип |
25 |
health and fitness club |
оздоровчий клуб |
26 |
public leisure centre |
громадський оздоровчий центр |
27 |
indoor water park |
закритий аквапарк |
28 |
to design exercises |
розробляти вправи |
29 |
to do aerobics or yoga |
займатися аеробікою або йогою |
30 |
weight training |
силові тренування |
31 |
gym |
спортивна зала |
32 |
Jogging |
пробіжки, біг підтюбцем |
33 |
accessible sport |
доступний сорт |
34 |
to do a sport on a regular basis |
регулярно займатися спортом |
35 |
to be popular among the old and the young |
бути популярним серед старших та молоді |
36 |
mass running competition |
масові змагання з бігу |
37 |
to gain popularity with |
завоювати популярність |
38 |
city marathon |
міський марафон |
39 |
to become sportiang events reported on the radio, television and in the press |
стати спортивними подіями, про які повідомляють на радіо, телебаченні та у пресі |
40 |
healthy diet |
здорове харчування |
41 |
to contain reduced amounts of cholesterol |
містити невелику кількість холестерину |
42 |
fat |
жир |
43 |
to protect (one's) body from |
захищати тіло від |
44 |
heart disease |
серцеве захворювання |
45 |
liver disease |
захворювання печінки |
46 |
cancer |
рак |
47 |
to abstain from smoking |
утримуватися від паління |
48 |
to be hazardous for (smb's) health |
бути шкідливим для здоров’я |
49 |
to lead to fatal diseases |
призводити до смертельного захворювання |
50 |
to be banned in all public places |
бути забороненим у всіх громадських місцях |
Приклади лексичних вправ:
1. A) Name bad habits given in the chart. Give your own examples.
B) Which arguments against bad habits seem most convincing to you? Place them in order of importance. Consult the chart.
C) Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends or parents not to smoke or drink to much? Use the table.
2. Answer the questions:
1.Why do people care about healthy way of life nowadays?
2. How does our health depend on our lifestyle?
3. What can people do to stay healthy? What do you personally do?
4. Is sport a hobby or a part of your everyday life?
5. Is sport popular in your family? Do your parents do sports regularly?
6. Why is it important to exercise every day?
7. What bad habits do you know? Why are they dangerous?
3. Complete the sentences with verbs in appropriate tense forms.
1 I … a bit poorly today.
2 After the race my legs … for days.
3 You should … an appointment to see a doctor.
4 They will … out an operation on his heart.
5 He … his sight in a terrible accident.
6 Overweight people often … from heartrelated illnesses.
7 Put out your cigarette, please. I don’t want to … your smoke.
8 It took him weeks to … from the treatment, but now he’s fine.
9 The doctor told me to … things easy, to … stress and to … on fatty food.
10 I try hard to … fit – I … regular exercise and … a healthy diet.
4. A) Make these proverbs complete.
1. A sound mind … in a … .
2. … but eat to live.
3. An apple day … away.
4. Happiness is nothing more than … .
5. Good health … .
6. … is the best medicine.
7. After dinner … ; after supper walk a mile.
8. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man … .
9. He …; and he who has hope has everything.
a) keeps the doctor |
b) healthy, wealthy and wise |
c) is above wealth |
d) good health and a bad memory |
e) rest a while |
f) Live not to eat |
g) Laughter |
h) who has health has hope |
i) sound body |
B) Choose one proverb and explain why you like it most of all (250 words).
5. Choose the correct form of the pronouns.
1. She often sees (he/him) in the gym.
2. They live near (she/her) in this district.
3. He teaches (we/us) to swim in the pool.
4. You’ll sit near (I/me) at the lecture on the healthy way of life.
5. I’ve known (they/them) for five years.
6. She wants to talk to (he him) about his bad habits.
7. You always help (I/me) with my health trouble.
8. He explained (we/us) the importance of drinking water.
9. They bought a new house in the country. It is (their/theirs) now.
10. Ann gave me the book about a well-balanced diet. It is (her/hers).
6. Prepare some pieces of information about possible ways of improving people’s life style.