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Тема 2. Modals (can, should, have to, don`t have to, may, might, will).

All MODAL VERBS are auxiliary verbs, which means they can only be used with a main verb. Modal verbs have the following characteristics:

1) They do not have participle or infinitive forms.

2) They do not take the ending -(e)s in the third-person singular.

3) They do not have a past form: He can/he caned. She must/she musted.

4) The negative is formed by the addition of not/n’t: He cannot/ He can’t. NOT He don’t can.

5) Questions are formed by inversion with the subject: Can you? NOT Do you can?



Future (will+…)


was/were able to


am/is/are able to

be able to


was/were allowed to

was/were permitted to


am/is/are allowed to

am/is/are permitted to

be allowed to

be permitted to

had to


I/we have to

He/she/it has to

have to

They are used to express ideas such as possibility, prediction, speculation, deduction and necessity.





They can control their own budgets.

Ability / Possibility

It can rain sometimes.

General possibility

I can drive a motorbike. I can do several things at the same time.


We can’t fix it.


You can go now.

Informal permission

Can you help me?

Formal request

Can you come for a minute?

Informal requests

Can I smoke here? Please can we have an ice cream?

Asking for permission


She said she could pay for us as well.

Past form of "can"

Could I borrow your dictionary? Could we go to the post box on the way?

Asking for permission.

Could you say it again more slowly?

Could you move your bag, please?

Polite request

We could try to fix it ourselves.

We could go to the park.


He gave up his old job so he could work for us.

My grandfather could draw very well.

Ability in the past

It could be that he missed the train.

Possibility in the past

I think we could have another Gulf War.

It could rain, but it is not very common in this part of the country.

Future possibility

possibility (weaker than "may" and "might")


China may become a major economic power.

It may rain tomorrow.

It starts getting cloudy – it may rain soon.

Future possibility (stronger than might)

May I have another cup of coffee?

May I leave a few minutes early?

Asking for permission, request (formal)

You may come if you want.

Give permission (formal)


He said he might change his mind.

Past form of "may"

We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.

Present possibility

They might give us a 10% discount.

Mum might take us swimming.

This might fail.

It's not very cloudy yet, but it might rain.

Future possibility (weaker than "may")


We must say good-bye now.

Necessity / Obligation

Pupils must wear a uniform.

You must obey the law.

You must tell the police the truth.

Obligation (full)

They left so early, they must be home by now.

He left an hour ago, so he must be there already.

Suggestion, it's very logical or very likely to happen (logical conclusion)

(stronger than "should")

Must not

You mustn't smoke in here.

They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary.


You are not allowed to do it

Ought to

You ought to apologize.

We ought to employ a professional writer.

Say what’s right or correct thing to do

You ought to do this work for tomorrow.

You ought to tell your friends the truth.

Partial obligation

(less common)

Shall (More common in the UK than the US)

I shall see him tomorrow.

Future for "I" and "we"

Let's continue, shall we?

Questions and suggestions for "I" and "we"

Shall I help you with your luggage?


Shall we say 2.30 then?


Shall I do that or will you?

Polite suggestion

Shall we go for a walk?

Asking what to do

We shall always enjoy a walk in the park.



We should sort out this problem at once.

She should call the police.

You should tell your friends the truth.

Partial obligation / say what’s right or correct thing to do

I think we should check everything again.

Recommending action

Profits should increase next year.

We should be back by midnight.

Uncertain prediction, what is likely or expected to happen

He left half an hour ago, I believe he should be there already.

logical conclusion (weaker than "must")

- What should I do?

- You should stop thinking about it.

You should not smoke.



I can’t see any taxi so I’ll walk.

Instant decisions

Prices will go up next summer.

Profits will increase next year.

We will have pizza for free.

Look at the sky! It will rain soon.

Certain prediction, future action or states (not plans)

It's alright, I'll pick it up.

I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday.

Promises and intentions

I'll do that for you if you like.


I will often have cereals for my breakfast.

John will always be late!

Habits, things we usually do


He told me he would come.

Past form of "will"

When I lived in Italy, we would often eat in the restaurant next to my flat.

Habits in the past

What would you do if you were him?

Imagined situations

- Would you please sit down?

- Would you like some tea?

- We are meeting with Sarah next Saturday, would you like to come along?

For polite requests, offers and invitations

I would like a piece of cake.

To say what you want to do or have

Need to

I need to drop by his room to pick up a book.

I needed to drink a few cups of coffee in order to stay awake.

Necessity or Requirement

Note: have to and need to are often used in the same context, but many times, need to is used to express something that is less urgent, something in which you have a choice.

Need not


I need not buy tomatoes. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge.

I needn’t do it now. I’ll do it later.

Lack of necessity/absence of obligation

Don’t need to

I don’t need to do it now. I’ll do it later.

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