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Учебная литература / Учебник по английскому языку Орлов 2 часть

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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДЛЯ БАКАЛАВРОВ Учебное пособие Часть II Издательство ТлГУ Тула 2006   УДК 802.0 Английский для бакалавров: Учебное пособие / Под редакцией доц. Г.Д. Орловой; Тул. Гос. ун-т. Тула, 2006 ISBN 5-7679-0828-1 Авторы-составители: Л.П. Зарубина, Г.Ф. Карасева, Л.В. Козловская, З.И. Коннова, М.В. Круглова, Г.Д. Орлова Учебное пособие имеет целью взаимосвязанное обучение видам речевой деятельности и содержит лексико-грамматический материал, тексты, серию упражнений для развития умений и навыков работы с иноязычными текстами, а также дидактический материал для развития навыков говорения. Пособие предназначено для студентов, изучающих английский язык в вузе на этапе бакалаврской подготовки, а также для широкого круга лиц, продолжающих изучение английского языка. Печатается по решению библиотечно-издательского совета Тульского государственного университета. Ответственный редактор: д. пед. наук, проф. З.И. Коннова  (зав. кафедрой иностр. языков ТулГУ) Рецензенты:  д. пед. наук, проф. О.Д. Вишнякова д. пед. наук, проф. В.А. Романов Английский для бакалавров Авторское редактирвание Изд. Лиц. ЛР № 020300 от 12.02.97. Подписано в печать 11.10.05. Формат бумаги 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 17,4. Уч.-изд. л. 10,1. Тираж 2000 экз. Заказ Тульский государственный университет 300600, г. Тула, просп. Ленина, 92 Отпечатано в Издательстве ТулГУ 300600, г. Тула, ул. Болдина, 151. ISBN 5-7679-0828-1 © Авторы-составители, редактор, 2006 © Тульский государственный университет, 2006   CONTENTS   Предисловие 5 Unit 1 7  Grammar: 1. Verbals. The Participle 2. Participle Constructions Texts: A. The Birth of Electrical Engineering B. Electronics in the Industrial Age C. The Information Age Conversation: Town 7 14 24 32 38 Unit 2 55  Grammar: 1. The Gerund 2. The Gerundial Construction 3. The Gerund and the Participle Texts: A. The Internet B. The   Language of Computers C. Socializing on the Internet Conversation: Moscow 55 60 61 65 70 72 75 Unit 3 84  Grammar: 1. The Infinitive, its forms and functions 2. The Objective Infinitive Construction 3. The Subjective Infinitive Construction Texts: A. What is a Star? B. Space Exploration C. The Last Man to Discover a Planet Conversation: Russia 84 87 89 99 102 106 109 Unit 4 122  Grammar: 1. Conditional Sentences 2. Wish Clauses 3. The Subjunctive Mood Texts: A. Realms of Engineering B. C. From the History of Architecture D. Concrete Facts Conversation: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 122 125 126 132 138 140 140 141 Unit 5 151  Grammar: 1. The Compound Sentences 2. The Complex Sentences 3. Types of Clauses Texts: A. A Healthy You Can Cope with Work Stress B. The Nutritional Aspects of Stress Management C. There Are Many Kinds of Food D. Sensational Discovery Conversation: London 151 152 152 164 169 172 175 179 Texts for Supplementary Reading 196  Text 1. Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radium 196  Text 2. Is It Possible to Make Prediction? 198  Text 3. Nano-technology and Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS) – Systems of Systems 199  Text 4. Wandering Continents 200  Text 5. Our Solar Family 202  Text 6. The “Old Lady” of the Universe 204  Text 7. What Size Collision Formed the Moon? 205  Text 8. The A to Z of Astronomy 206  Text 9. Views of Universe 207  Text 10. London Bridge 208  Text 11. Why Does Frozen Food Keep Well? 210  Text 12. You Can’t Live without It 211  Text 13. Canned Food 213  Text 14. The Beatles 214  Text 15. Rock’n’Roll & Beatlemania 216 Keys 218 Literature 220 Предисловие Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений неязыковых специальностей на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки и является логическим продолжением пособия «Английский для бакалавров, часть I, 2001г.». Цель пособия – подвести студентов к самостоятельному чтению и пониманию оригинальной научно-технической литературы на английском языке, подготовить обучаемых к участию в элементарном диалоге, научить студентов монологическому высказыванию в форме сообщения, резюме, краткого доклада. Предлагаемое пособие содержит 5 уроков-разделов (units 1-5), каждый из которых имеет следующую структуру: • краткий грамматический справочник, снабженный таблицами, памятками, инструкциями, примечаниями и др.; • тренировочные лексико-грамматические упражнения; • текстовой материал и упражнения, направленные на развитие умений и навыков работы с иноязычным текстом; • дидактический материал для развития умений и навыков говорения; • материал, способствующий релаксации и стимулированию интереса к изучаемому предмету. При отборе грамматического материала в основу положены данные лингвостатистических исследований и опыт преподавания, что позволило выявить структуры, наиболее типичные для стиля английской научной прозы, вызывающие затруднения у студентов. Прежде чем приступить к работе с текстом, студентам предоставляется возможность самостоятельно познакомиться с тем или иным грамматическим явлением, изучить его и закрепить формируемые навыки в серии упражнений. Научно-популярные и общетехнические тексты пособия носят познавательный характер и могут легко подвергаться активизации. При отборе текстового материала основными критериями служили информативная ценность и социо-культурная направленность текстов, их доступность для понимания и соответствие интересам студентов. Большинство текстов взято из оригинальной английской и американской литературы. В отдельных случаях тексты подвергались небольшим сокращениям. Авторы пытались сохранить орфографию оригинала. Тексты каждого раздела тематически связаны и направлены на овладение навыками разных видов чтения: изучающего, ознакомительного, поискового, просмотрового. Текст А может рассматриваться в качестве базового и снабжен наибольшим количеством заданий, поскольку в нем сконцентрирован основной материал. Главная задача работы с текстами B, C, D – развитие навыков «беглого» чтения, достижение понимания основной информации, содержащейся в тексте. Прилагаемый к текстам вокабуляр, сопровождаемый переводом, целесообразно также использовать для расширения потенциального словаря обучаемых. Разработанная к текстам серия упражнений обеспечивает многократную повторяемость лексики, необходимую для овладения активным и пассивным словарем. Предтекстовые упражнения направлены на узнавание и правильную интерпретацию интернациональных слов, на овладение словообразовательными элементами, на формирование навыков пользования словарем. Предтекстовые упражнения также имеют целью снять лексико-грамматические трудности. Послетекстовые упражнения, в силу своей коммуникативной направленности, помогают осуществлять контроль понимания прочитанного и подготавливают студентов к воспроизведению содержания текста в форме сообщения, резюме и др. Раздел «Conversation» предусматривает задания для развития умений монологической и диалогической речи. В заданиях, направленных на развитие монологической речи, определена тема сообщения и предусмотрен перечень вопросов, помогающих студенту определить смысловое содержание высказывания и одновременно использовать их в качестве языковой опоры. Материал для диалогической речи представлен образцами диалогов и разнообразными заданиями, из которых завершающим является задание на самостоятельное построение диалога. Раздел «Just for Fun» предполагается использовать не только для реализации и стимулирования интереса, но и для дополнительной практики с целью совершенствования знаний английского языка. Материал раздела «Texts for Supplementary Reading» рекомендуется для самостоятельной аудиторной работы со словарем, а также может быть предложен в качестве материала для внеаудиторного чтения. Данное учебное пособие рассчитано на 130 – 150 часов аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. За преподавателем остается право свободного оперирования материалом, включенным в пособие, творческого подхода при организации учебного процесса с учетом условий и контингента студентов. Авторы   UNIT 1 Grammar: 1. Verbals. The Participle 2. Participle Constructions Texts: A. The Birth of Electrical Engineering B. Electronics in the Industrial Age C. The Information Age Conversation: Town Грамматический материал VERBALS. THE PARTICIPLE НЕЛИЧНЫЕ ФОРМЫ ГЛАГОЛА. ПРИЧАСТИЕ К неличным формам глагола в английском языке относятся причастия (Participle I, Participle II), герундий (The Gerund), инфинитив (The Infinitive). Неличные формы глагола имеют следующие особенности: 1. Совмещают в себе признаки двух частей речи: причастие – прилагательного и глагола; герундий – существительного и глагола; инфинитив – глагола и существительного. 2. Выражают действие без указания лица, числа, времени и наклонения, поэтому в предложении не могут быть сказуемым, а лишь значимой частью сказуемого. 3. Имеют формы залога (Active, Passive) и относительного времени (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous). Простые (неперфектные) формы выражают действия, одновременные или будущие по отношению к глаголу-сказуемому. Перфектные формы выражают действия, предшествующие действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. 4. Могут иметь после себя прямое дополнение и определяться наречием. 5. Могут выступать в предложении в различных функциях: подлежащего, части сказуемого, дополнения, определения и обстоятельства. 6. Могут употребляться в сочетании с зависимыми словами, образуя обороты. The Participle. Причастие Причастие – неличная форма глагола, в которой сочетаются признаки прилагательного или наречия с признаками глагола. Различают два вида причастий: Participle I (the Present Participle) и Participle II (the Past Participle). Participles I и II, как и прилагательное, обозначают признак предмета. В отличие от прилагательного, признак, обозначаемый причастием, указывает на действие или состояние предмета (a revolving part – вращающаяся деталь; the invented engine – изобретённый двигатель), а не на его качество (a big part – крупная деталь). Формы причастий Participle I Participle II  Active Voice Passive Voice asked written Indefinite asking writing being asked being written Perfect having asked having written having been asked having been written Participle I выражает действие, являющееся • признаком предмета: people entering the room люди, входящие в комнату • сопутствующим действием: entering the room, he said… входя в комнату, он сказал … Participle II переходных глаголов выражает состояние или качество предмета, явившееся результатом воздействия на предмет извне: a broken window разбитое окно a frightened woman напуганная женщина Participle II переходных глаголов всегда имеет пассивное значение: written написанный stolen украденный   Обратите внимание! 1. Participle II имеет только одну форму, которая является третьей основной формой глагола. 2. Participle II непереходных глаголов самостоятельно не употребляется, а служит для образования глагольных форм группы Perfect: He has come. She has been working since morning. Глагольные свойства причастия 1. Причастие I имеет формы относительного времени, которые выражают одновременность или предшествование по отношению к другому действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. Простая (неперфектная) форма причастия I обозначает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого: Reading this English book he wrote out new words. Читая эту английскую книгу, он выписывал новые слова. Перфектная форма причастия I обозначает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого: Having read this book he returned it to me. Прочитав книгу, он вернул её мне. 2. Причастие I имеет формы залога. What’s the name of the police inspector questioning this woman? (Active Voice)  Как фамилия полицейского инспектора, допрашивающего эту женщину? What’s the name of the woman being questioned? (Passive Voice) Как зовут женщину, которую допрашивают? 3. Причастие I переходного глагола может иметь дополнение. Reading this book I used a dictionary. Читая эту книгу, я пользовался словарём. 4. Причастие I может определяться наречием. Speaking loudly they approached the square.  Громко разговаривая, они подошли к площади. Being well adjusted, the machine works well. Когда машина хорошо отрегулирована, она хорошо работает. Синтаксические функции причастий и способы их перевода В предложении причастия могут выполнять три функции: определения (левого и правого), обстоятельства и части сказуемого. 1. Определение В  функции  определения  причастия  отвечают  на  вопрос:  какой  (-ая, -ое, -ие)? и могут находиться как перед, так и после определяемого слова (левое и правое определение). Participle I в функции определения переводится: 1. Причастием действительного залога, оканчивающимся на -ющий, -вший. 2. Причастным оборотом или определительным придаточным предложением. a thinking machine  думающая машина The man delivering a lecture is our professor. Человек, читающий лекцию, наш профессор. Participle II в функции определения переводится: 1. Причастием страдательного залога совершенного или несовершенного вида, оканчивающимся на –ный, –мый, –тый. 2. Причастным оборотом или придаточным определительным предложением. The lecture delivered by our professor was very interesting. Лекция, прочитанная нашим профессором, была очень интересной.   Обратите внимание и запомните! Если в предложении две –ed формы стоят рядом, то первая из них – это Participle II в функции определения, а вторая – глагол в Past Indefinite. The equipment tested required further improvement. Оборудование, которое прошло испытание, потребовало дальнейшего усовершенствования.   Примечание. Перфектные формы причастия I не употребляются в функции определения. Русское действительное причастие прошедшего времени с суффиксом -вш переводится на английский язык формой Participle I Indefinite (делавший – doing, читавший – reading), если выражает действие, одновременное действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. Студенты, переводившие эту статью, пользовались словарями. The students translating this article used dictionaries. Если такое русское причастие выражает предшествующее действие, оно переводится на английский язык определительным придаточным предложением в требуемом времени. Студент, написавший эту статью, сейчас здесь. The student who has written (wrote) this article is here.   2. Обстоятельство (часто в сочетании с союзами when, while, if) В функции обстоятельства причастия отвечают на вопросы как? когда? и чаще всего находятся в начале предложения.   Запомните! В функции обстоятельства перед Participle I могут стоять союзы when, while; а перед Participle II – союзы when, if. Причастия в функции обстоятельства переводятся: 1. Деепричастием с суффиксами –я, –ав, –ив или деепричастным оборотом. 2. Придаточным обстоятельственным предложением или существительным с предлогом. While working in the laboratory we made experiments.  Работая в лаборатории, мы проводили эксперименты. When tested that device showed good results. Во время испытаний этот прибор показал хорошие результаты. (Когда этот прибор проходил испытания, он показал хорошие результаты)   Обратите внимание! Если Participle II переводится обстоятельственным придаточным предложением, его подлежащим становится подлежащее главного предложения, а в главном предложении оно заменяется личным местоимением соответствующего рода и числа. When asked the student answered well.  Когда студента спросили, он ответил хорошо. If used this method will help us to increase the output. Если этот способ будет применён, он поможет нам повысить выпуск продукции. 3. Часть сказуемого Причастия также могут быть частью сказуемого. Participle I образует времена группы Continuous. The system is not working.  Система не работает. He has been translating the article since 12 o’clock. Он переводит статью с 12-ти часов. Participle II образует: а) конструкции пассивного залога; б) времена группы Perfect. The problem is being solved.  Проблема решается. A group of engineers has designed a new device. Группа инженеров сконструировала новый прибор. Participle I и Participle II в функции части сказуемого переводятся глаголом в личной форме.   Запомните! Формальным признаком причастия в функции части сказуемого является наличие перед причастием глаголов to be и to have в личной форме. Сложные формы Participle I К сложным формам Participle I относятся формы типа: being used, having used, having been used (см. таблицу форм Participle I).   Помните! 1. Форма типа being used (Indefinite Passive) показывает, что действие, выраженное причастием, происходит одновременно с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме; формы типа having used, having been used (Perfect Active/Passive) показывают, что действие, выраженное причастием, предшествует действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. The devices being used in our work are up-to-date.  Приборы, применяемые в нашей работе, современны. Having finished his experiments he compared the results. Закончив свои эксперименты, он сравнил результаты. 2. Перевод сложных форм причастий зависит от выполняемой ими функции. В функции определения причастие переводится причастием настоящего времени страдательного залога или определительным придаточным предложением: The method being used by this engineer is very effective. Метод, используемый этим инженером, очень эффективен. В функции обстоятельства причастие обычно переводится обстоятельственным придаточным предложением или деепричастием совершенного вида: Having finished the series of experiments they published the results. Закончив серию экспериментов, они опубликовали результаты. Having been translated into many languages the book became very popular. После того, как книга была переведена на многие языки, она стала очень популярной. PARTICIPLE CONSTRUCTIONS. ПРИЧАСТНЫЕ ОБОРОТЫ 1. The Objective Participle Construction. Объектный причастный оборот Объектный причастный оборот представляет собой сочетание личного местоимения в объектном падеже (или существительного в общем падеже) с последующим причастием I в неперфектной форме или причастием II. Объектный причастный оборот в предложении является сложным дополнением и употребляется: 1) после глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие: to see видеть to hear слышать to feel чувствовать to notice замечать to find находить to watch наблюдать to observe наблюдать I saw her crossing the street.  Я видел, как она переходила улицу. We watched the rocket launched. Мы наблюдали, как запускают ракету. 2) после глаголов, выражающих желание: want, wish, would like. I want the letter posted at once. Я хочу, чтобы письмо было отправлено немедленно. 3) после глаголов в конструкции have smth. done. Данная конструкция означает, что действие производится не подлежащим, а каким-либо другим лицом. I had my suit cleaned. Я почистил костюм. (Мне почистили костюм).   Примечание. Русским предложениям типа «Она сшила платье» в английском языке соответствуют различные предложения в зависимости от лица, выполняющего действие. She made a dress. Она (сама) сшила платье. (действие совершено лицом-подлежащим). She had a dress made. Она сшила (ей сшили) платье. (действие совершено не подлежащим, а другим лицом). Объектный причастный оборот обычно переводится придаточным дополнительным предложением, которое вводится союзами как, что, чтобы. Местоимение в объектном падеже переводится соответствующим личным местоимением в именительном падеже. I saw him running along the street. Я видел, как он бежал по улице. The Absolute Participle Construction. Независимый (самостоятельный) причастный оборот В английском языке различают зависимые и независимые причастные обороты. Зависимый причастный оборот не имеет своего действующего лица (подлежащего) и эквивалентен русскому придаточному определительному или обстоятельственному предложению. The engineer testing the engine is a good specialist. Инженер, испытывающий двигатель, хороший специалист. Кроме того, существуют причастные обороты, в которых имеется собственное, не зависимое от главного предложения подлежащее, выраженное существительным в общем падеже или личным местоимением в именительном падеже. Такие обороты называются самостоятельными (независимыми) причастными оборотами. В русском языке аналогичной конструкции не существует. The engineer having tested the engine, we were sure that its performance would be perfect. После того, как инженер проверил двигатель, мы были уверены, что он будет хорошо работать.   Обратите внимание! Независимый причастный оборот, в отличие от зависимого, отделяется от главного предложения запятой. Перевод независимого причастного оборота определяется его местом по отношению к главному предложению. Чтобы найти в предложении независимый причастный оборот и правильно его перевести, используйте следующую инструкцию: 1. Если в предложении встретилась конструкция, состоящая из существительного в общем падеже (местоимения в именительном падеже) и Participle I (Participle II), проверьте, является ли это существительное (местоимение) самостоятельным подлежащим. 2. Если существительное (местоимение) является самостоятельным подлежащим, проверьте наличие запятой, отделяющей причастный оборот от главного предложения. 3. Наличие вышеуказанных признаков свидетельствует о том, что перед вами независимый причастный оборот. 4. Чтобы правильно перевести независимый причастный оборот, определите его место по отношению к главному предложению: а) если независимый причастный оборот предшествует главному предложению, переведите его придаточным обстоятельственным предложением с одним из подчинительных союзов: так как; поскольку; когда; после того, как; если; б) если независимый причастный оборот находится после главного предложения, используйте при переводе союзы: а, и, но, или слова причём, при этом.  Например: Steel being a very strong material, we find wide application of it in engineering. Так как сталь является очень прочным материалом, она находит широкое применение в технике. The plan was discussed in detail, many workers taking part in this discussion. План подробно обсудили, причем многие рабочие принимали участие в этом обсуждении.   Заметьте! 1. Независимый причастный оборот, выражающий сопутствующее обстоятельство, может начинаться с предлога with:   The operator was adjusting the machine, with other workers watching him. Оператор налаживал станок, а остальные рабочие наблюдали за ним. 2. Иногда в независимом причастном обороте опускается Participle I глагола to be: The lesson (being) over, everybody left the classroom. Так как урок окончился, все вышли из аудитории. Обратите внимание на перевод there being ( there is ) и it being (it is): There being little time at our disposal, we had to take a taxi. Так как в нашем распоряжении было мало времени, нам пришлось взять такси. It beeing very dark, I could see nothing. Так как было совсем темно, я ничего не мог увидеть. Причастные обороты являются принадлежностью письменной речи. В устной речи они обычно заменяются придаточными предложениями.   EXERCISES I. Define the forms of the following participles. Consult  the table “Forms of Participles”: a) using, being used, having used, having been used; developing, having developed, being developed, having been developed; building, being built, having built, having been built; making, having made, being made, having been made; b) conducting, having done, being employed, having been chosen, doing, having been employed, having chosen, being conducted, employing, having conducted, being done, having employed. II.  Read participles: a) having passive meaning; b) expressing priority of action: introducing, having developed, deciding, being moved, isolated, being equipped, having obtained, measuring, having been destroyed, having determined, regarded. III. Translate the following: a) the matter obtained, the substance applied, the test conducted, the example given, the results published, the tools used; b) the scientist studying, the student determining, the event occurring, the teacher explaining, the laboratory developing, the book including; с) the workers doing, the work done; the man identifying, the property identified; the delegation representing, the country represented; the program including,  the data included; the chemist applying, the law applied. IV. Match the two halves. 1. Our laboratory is now developing a new semiconduc¬tor device.  1. Лаборатория, разрабатываю¬щая новое полупроводнико¬вое устройство, должна ре¬шить многие проблемы. 2. Developing a new semicon¬ductor device our labora¬tory had to solve many problems.  2. Разрабатывая новое полу¬проводниковое устройство, наша лаборатория должна была решить многие пробле¬мы. 3. The laboratory developing a new semiconductor device has to solve many problems. 3. Наша лаборатория сейчас разрабатывает новое полу¬проводниковое устройство. V.  Give as many versions of the translation as possible.  Model:   developing a new design they… testing the equipment they… delivering the lecture the professor… having come to the University the student… having obtained the substance the engineer… having lifted the weight he… VI. Define the forms and functions of the participles. Translate the sentences. A. 1. The girl is finishing her work. 2. The work is being fi¬nished by the girl. 3. The girl finishing her work is my group-mate. 4. Finishing her work, the girl spoke to her friend. 5. Having finished her work, the girl went for a walk. 6. Having been finished in time, the work was given to the tea¬cher. 7. The student was translating an article on electricity. 8. The student has translated an article. 9. The article was translated by the student. 10. The article is being trans¬lated by the student. 11. The article translated by the stu¬dent is difficult. 12. The translated article is devoted to electrical devices. 13. Having been asked to translate the article, the student translated it with great interest. B. 1.Speaking of the electrically operated devices, one can men¬tion the refrigerator. 2. Having mentioned the name of Volta, the teacher spoke about his invention. 3. The first source of continuous current constructed by Volta appeared in 1800. 4. Studying the various phenomena of nature Newton discovered the law of gravitation. 5. A thermometer is a device measuring temperature. 6. Being widely used in industry electrical motors are used in every home. 7. Going along the streets, one can see running trams, trolley-buses, buses and cars. VII. Choose the correct form. 1. At our University there are several subjects (studied, studying) optionally. 2. Students (taking, taken) exams next week should come to the dean’s office. 3. The engineer (represented, representing) this factory is a good specialist. 4. Scientists (applied, applying) new methods will obtain interesting results. 5. (Having graduated, graduating) from the Institute, he began to work at an office. 6. The problems (discussing, discussed) at the conference are of great importance for future research. 7. Students (studying, studied) foreign languages should read special literature in the original. 8. Specialists (training, trained) at our University work in various fields of the national economy. 9. (Having written, writing) the letter, she posted it. 10. (Building, having built) a new house they used all modern methods of construction. VIII. Paraphrase the following sentences. A. Model: The girl who is speaking to you is my friend. The girl speaking to you is my friend. 1. Water is a substance which consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 2. The law which defines the properties of inertia was formulated by I. Newton. 3. The professor who is delivering this lecture works at our University. 4. All objects which surround us in nature are composed of different substances. 5. Sugar is a hard brittle substance which has color and taste.  B. Model: The equipment which was installed at the plant is quite new.  The equipment installed at the plant is quite new. 1. The experiment which was made in the laboratory is very important. 2. The students who were examined last week got good marks. 3. All elements consist of tiny particles which are called atoms. 4. Specialists who are trained at higher schools work in various fields of the national economy. 5. The equipment which was tested required some improvement. IX. Translate the following phrases. Mind the position of Participle II: the materials  tested possessed… the work performed showed… the results obtained showed… the equipment tested required… the problem solved proved… the equation obtained resulted in… the experiment discussed proved … . X.  Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to Participle II. 1. The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant. 2. The method applied improved the quality of production. 3. The tools used  showed good results. 4. The machine tool developed required some improvement. 5. The device tested showed the desired results. 6. The techniques applied increased the rate of production. 7. The progress achieved resulted in a remarkable technical improvement. 8. The theory formulated is of great importance for our research. 9. The results discussed supported the significance of the experiment. 10. The equipment tested required some improvement. XI. Translate the Russian words and word combinations given in brackets. Use Participle I or II. 1. The research work (производимая) at the laboratory is of great importance. 2. The engineer (который проводит) this research is a talented physicist. 3. The students (посещающие) these lectures are from various faculties. 4. The lecture (которую посетили) by these students was on mathematics. 5. The substance (называемое) ‘water’ consists of two gases: hydrogen and oxygen. 6. The students (обсуждающие) this problem will take part in the scientific conference. 7. The problems (обсуждаемые) at the conference are very complicated. XII. Read and translate the sentences with participles as adverbial modifiers. Model: When heated, the molecules move more intensely.            Когда молекулы нагреваются, они движутся более интенсивно. 1. While being a student Newton was greatly interested in the discoveries which had been made before. 2. Though conducted with care the test didn’t give the expected results. 3. While solving a problem one must take into consideration all the methods related to the problem in question. 4. One should be very attentive when comparing the results of two experiments conducted by different methods. 5. If properly conducted the experiment must bring the desired results. 6. When passed through a motor, electric current can do work. 7. Unless repaired, this part can’t be used in the radio set. 8. If cooled, the water becomes ice. 9. Unless treated properly, this material won’t be a good insulator. 10. When heated, solids expand little as compared with liquids. XIII.  Analyze the sentences with the Objective Participle Construction. Translate. 1. I heard him speaking at the conference. 2. They observed us making experiments. 3. I found him writing a report. 4. We saw the device tested. 5. We watched the car being examined. 6. We want our translations corrected. 7. She got her photo taken. 8. He had the engine of his car examined. XIV. Compare the couples of sentences with and without the Absolute Participle Construction. 1. a) Having brought the dictionaries from the library, the students began to translate the article. b) The dictionaries having been brought from the library, the students began to translate the article. 2. a) Having finished my translation, I gave it to the teacher. b) The translation having been finished, I gave it to the teacher. 3. a) Having finished the experiment, the students left the laboratory.  b) The experiment having been finished, the students left the laboratory. 4. a) The professor delivering the lecture is a famous scientist. b) The professor delivering the lecture, the students listened to him with great interest. XV. Translate the sentences with the Absolute Participle Construction. 1. My friend was reading an English article, his brother watching television. 2. Electrical devices find a wide application in every house, a refrigerator being one of them. 3. The energy sources of the world decreasing, the scientists have to look for new sources of energy. 4. There are different sources of energy, the sun being an unlimited source of all forms of energy. 5. Industrial applications of energy increasing, more and more energy is needed every year. 6. Molecules are constantly in rapid motion, the motion becoming more rapid with an increase of temperature. 7. The atoms of different substances have different weights, their properties being also different. 8. The atomic energy being developed in a reactor in the form of heat, we can get both heat and power. 9. Power is the basis of civilization, all industry and transport being dependent upon power. 10. An electric conductor being moved in a magnetic field, an electric current is generated. 11. There are many different types of transformers, the principles of action being the same in each case. 12. The proposal being unconstitutional, the committee rejected it. 13. England being a constitutional monarchy, the Queen of England is only a formal ruler. 14. The final round of the negotiations over, a joint communiqué was signed. 15. London is not only the center of commerce and finance but also a great port, with many of the imported and exported goods passing through it. 16. It being Sunday, the shops were closed. 17. There being a lot of things to discuss, the conference lasted long. XVI. Combine two sentences into one using the Absolute Participle Construction. Model: The article was written; they sent it to the journal.    The article being written, they sent it to the journal.    Когда статья была написана, они отправили ее в журнал. 1. The train has left; we went home. 2. The book was read; we decided to discuss it. 3. The first part of the work was completed; the results were published. 4. The journal contained a number of interesting articles; one of them was devoted to cybernetics. 5. Many specialists work on the problem of corrosion; special attention is paid to the problems of protection of steel surfaces from corrosion. 6. The articles on plasma chemistry were published; the students got interested in them. 7. Electrons move through a wire; electrical energy is generated. 8. The temperature of a wire is raised; the motion of the electrons increases. XVII. Complete the sentences using the Absolute Participle Construction. 1. There are a few ways of generating electric current, (причем все они основаны на одном и том же принципе). 2. The atoms and electrons are usually in a state of rapid motion, (причем скорость их движения является функцией температуры). 3. The name ‘electronics’ is derived from the word ‘electron’, (причем слово ‘электрон’ означает ‘янтарь’). 4. (Когда свободные электроны движутся в одном направлении), a direct current results. 5. (Когда число свободных электронов в веществе возрастает), the conductivity of that substance increases. 6. The article deals with optical electronics, (причем особое внимание уделяется лазерам). 7. (После того, как монитор починили), we could use it in our work. 8. The lecturer spoke on the problems of space research, (причем его лекция была проиллюстрирована диаграммами). XVIII. Revise the grammar material on participles and participle constructions. Translate the sentences. A. 1. There’s always something sad about two ships passing each other during the night. 2. The English spoken by most educated people in Britain is known as the Queen’s English or Standard English. It is the English taught in universities and schools and the kind heard on the BBC. 3. Money saved is money gained. 4. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 5. The project being realized was proposed by a team of scientists. 6. Entering or leaving a room with ladies, don’t rush before them. Remember the golden rule of every gentleman: “Ladies first”. 7. When asked if he realized the danger, he said he did. 8. You’ll see more of the country-side traveling by coach. 9. Being a poor speller, he didn’t like writing letters. 10. Having read the note, he folded it and put it away. 11. Arriving at the station, he consulted the time-table again. 12. When crossing the street in London, look first to the right, then to the left. 13. While playing tennis, be sure you hold the racket in the right way. 14. Based on a real life event, the story aroused everybody’s interest. 15. Looked at from a different angle, the problem didn’t seem very difficult. B. 1. Explained again, the rule became quite clear to everybody. 2. The rule explained, we started doing the exercises. 3. The rule being explained is not easy. 4. The rule explained is difficult. 5. We would like it explained again. 6. If explained, the rule will not seem difficult. C. 1. The man saved was a Norwegian sailor. 2. The man saved a Norwegian sailor. 3. All the children having been saved, everybody felt relieved. 4. Having saved the boy’s life, the doctor felt relieved. 5. I want him saved. 6. The passengers are being saved. XIX.  Write in English. Use participles where possible. 1. Готовясь к ответу, он просмотрел свои записи. 2. Мы сидели в аудитории, ожидая преподавателя. 3. Пример, приведенный Вами, не совсем правилен. 4. Электрический двигатель, преобразующий электрическую энергию в механическую, широко используется в повседневной жизни. 5. Говоря об электрическом токе, мы можем упомянуть имя Вольты. 6. Понижая температуру, мы замедляем химическую реакцию. 7. Электрические приборы, упомянутые в этой статье, были созданы русскими учеными. 8. Измерив температуру воды, мы приступили к эксперименту. 9. Проводя опыт, мы повысили температуру; повысив температуру, мы ускорили химическую реакцию. 10. Эксперименты, проводимые в нашей лаборатории, опасны. 11. Изучив свойства некоторых материалов, инженер выбрал те, которые требовались для его проекта. 12. Элементами, образующими сахар, являются кислород, водород и углерод.   РАБОТА С ТЕКСТОМ Text A. THE BIRTH OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Historians label the period in Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries as the ‘Renaissance’ – a period of rebirth. In the Renaissance Period the magnitude of scholarly and artistic activities was greatly enhanced in Europe. New knowledge was acquired which gave rise to new technologies, and the Industrial Age soon followed. The Industrial Age developed as mankind learned to harness the energy created from the burning of hydrocarbons, such as coal and petroleum. Mechanics emerged as a new science in universities. Except for the magnetic compass, electric and magnetic energy remained a curiosity, having little practical application, until the invention of the battery by Alessandro Volta in 1800. This invention gave scientists a new tool with which to experiment, and soon the laws of electricity and magnetism were discovered. In 1831 Faraday discovered that rotating a conductor in a magnetic field gave rise to an electric potential, and the electric generator and motor became a reality. However, the development of the electric power industry was really spurred by the invention of a practical incandescent electric light bulb in 1879 by Thomas Edison. The electrification of cities soon followed. Alternating current and the transformer allowed electric energy to be transported over large distances, and electrical engineering as a profession was born. The first professional society for electrical engineers was founded in 1884. The discovery of the laws of electricity and magnetism in the 1800s also gave birth to two new information industries, the telegraph and telephone industries. However, the electric power industry remained a dominant force in the first half of the 20th century. Two new non-electrical information industries were also created in the 1800s through advances in the chemical sciences. The photographic film process was perfected and the photographic industry was born soon to be followed by the motion picture industry. ======================VOCABULARY===================  label, v прикреплять ярлык; называть  rebirth, n возрождение  magnitude, n величина, размеры;   важность, значительность  scholarly and artistic activities деятельность ученых и   художников  enhance, v увеличивать, усиливать,   повышать  acquire, v приобретать  give rise to вызывать, иметь результатом  harness, v использовать (как источник   энергии)  emerge, v появляться, возникать  curiosity, n любопытство; диковина, редкость  law, n закон  spur, v побуждать, стимулировать  incandescent electric bulb лампа накаливания  alternating current переменный ток  direct current постоянный ток  advance, n успех, прогресс, улучшение I.  Transcribe the following words. Consult the dictionary:  Europe, renaissance, compass, motor, technology, mechanics, society. II.  Mark the stress in the following words: present – to present, increase – to increase, decrease – to decrease, progress – to progress, process – to process. III.  Read the following international words and guess their meaning. Consult the dictionary: historian, period, activity, technology, industry, energy, mechanics, compass, battery, experiment, electricity, magnetism, potential, generator, motor, reality, electrification, transformer, distance, profession, information, telegraph, telephone, film. IV.  Translate the nouns with the suffix –er (-or) derived from the verbs: invent –  изобретать inventor –  … use –  использовать user –  … transform –  преобразовывать transformer –  … generate –  генерировать generator –  … operate –  работать operator –  … develop –  разрабатывать developer –  … found –  основывать founder –  … process –  обрабатывать processor –  … receive –  получать receiver –  … conduct –  проводить conductor –  … V.  Form nouns from the following verbs and translate them:  to label, to know, to develop, to create, to emerge, to invent, to discover, to generate, to electrify, to transport, to found, to inform, to power, to advance. VI.   Form adjectives from the following words and translate them:  electricity, industry,  magnet, practice, chemistry, science, distance, reality, power, profession, photography. VII.   Match the adjectives and the nouns. Make up as many combinations as possible: adjectives nouns new industrial electric magnetic practical professional chemical society generator motor potential field tool compass application energy science age technologies VIII.   Make sure you know the terms below:  technology 1) техника   2) технология   3) техническое решение   4) технические средства; устройство   5) метод, способ; методика   technique(s) 1) техника, методика; метод, способ   2) технический прием; технология   3) оборудование; технические средства engineering 1) инженерное дело   2) техника   3) технология   4) разработка, проектирование,    конструирование   5) машиностроение   6) строительство *  *  *  chemical engineering – химическое машиностроение  civil engineering – гражданское строительство  communications engineering – техника средств связи  electrical engineering – электротехника  mechanical engineering – машиностроение  military engineering – военно-инженерное дело  nuclear engineering – ядерная техника  power engineering – энергeтика,    энергомашиностроение  railroad engineering – железнодорожное    строительство  space engineering – космическая техника  general engineering subjects – общетехнические    дисциплины IX.   Read and translate the following word combinations: a period of rebirth; to give rise to; to harness the energy; except for the magnetic compass; electric power industry; to be transported over large distances; electrical engineering; professional society; information industries. X.   Read the text ‘The Birth of Electrical Engineering’. Point out the most important discoveries mentioned in the text. XI.   Answer the questions below. Use the text. 1. What period do historians call the period of rebirth? 2. What age followed the Renaissance Period? 3. What is the development of the Industrial Age connected with? 4. Who invented the first source of continuous current? When? 5. What did Faraday discover in 1831? 6. When did the electric generator and motor become a reality? 7. Who invented an incandescent electric lamp? 8. What gave birth to the telegraph and telephone industries? 9. What new non-electrical information industries were created in the 19th century? XII.   Translate the words given in brackets. 1. The discovery of the Voltaic cell gave scientists the basis (для открытия свойств электрического тока). 2. Mankind learned to harness the energy created from the burning of (угля и нефти). 3. Electric and magnetic energy remained (диковиной). 4. In 1831 Faraday discovered that rotating a conductor in a magnetic field (создает электрический потенциал). 5. (Развитие энергетической промышленности) was spurred by the invention of a practical incandescent electric light bulb. 6. The first professional society for (инженеров-электриков было основано в 1884 году). 7. The discovery of (законов электричества и магнетизма) gave birth to two new information industries, the telegraph and telephone industries. XIII.   Translate the sentences with emphatic construction. 1. It was the battery that Alessandro Volta made in 1800. 2. It was the Renaissance Period which spurred the development of new technologies. 3. It was in 1831 when Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electro-magnetic induction. 4. It was Ampere who showed the difference between the current and the static charges. 5. It was in 1879 when Thomas Edison invented an incandescent electric lamp. 6. It was the 19th century which gave birth to electrical engineering. XIV.   Match the words and their definitions: a battery mechanics magnetism a transformer a conductor an electric light bulb an electric lamp the science of magnetic phenomena and properties a portable cell for supplying electricity the science of motion and force an apparatus that increases or decreases the voltage of an electric power supply a substance that conducts heat or electric current XV.   Make up the plan of the text ‘The Birth of Electrical Engineering’. Retell the text according to your plan. XVI.   Write in English. 1. Электротехника является важной отраслью техники. 2. Развитие электротехники было связано с достижениями в области электричества и магнетизма. 3. Работая в области электричества, ученые внесли большой вклад в науку. 4. Изобретение лампы накаливания позволило электрифицировать города. 5. Переменный ток и трансформатор дали возможность передавать электроэнергию на большие расстояния. 6. После открытия Фарадея электрогенератор и электромотор стали реальностью. 7. Возникла новая отрасль – электротехника. XVII.   Render in English. Величайшим изобретением в области освещения было создание в 1872 г. русским ученым А.Н. Лодыгиным электрической лампы накаливания. Лампа Лодыгина представляла собой стеклянный сосуд с помещенным внутрь его угольным стержнем; воздух из сосуда откачивался. При пропускании по стержню электрического тока стержень разогревался и начинал светиться. В 1873–1874 гг. А.Н. Лодыгин проводил опыты по электрическому освещению кораблей, предприятий, улиц, домов. В 1879 г. американский изобретатель  Т. Эдисон создал удобную для промышленного изготовления лампу накаливания с угольной нитью. С 1909 г. стали применять лампы накаливания с зигзагообразно расположенной вольфрамовой проволочкой (нить накаливания), а спустя 3-4 года вольфрамовую нить стали изготовлять в виде спирали. Тогда же появились первые лампы накаливания, наполненные инертным газом (аргоном, криптоном), что заметно повысило срок их службы. С начала XX в. электрические лампы накаливания благодаря экономичности и удобству в эксплуатации начинают быстро и повсеместно вытеснять другие источники света. В 1876 году русский инженер П.Н. Яблочков изобрел дуговую угольную лампу переменного тока. Система электрического освещения на переменном токе с применением дуговых ламп, созданная П.Н. Яблочковым – ‘русский свет’ – демонстрировалась на Всемирной выставке в Париже в 1878 г. и пользовалась исключительным успехом. Вскоре во Франции, Великобритании, США были основаны компании по ее использованию. lighting incandescent filament lamp glass bulb carbon rod to heat to become fluorescent carbon filament tungsten wire to fill in an inert gas carbon arc lamp XVIII.   Speak about P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin, the two Russian inventors. The text given below will help you. АЛЕКСАНДР НИКОЛАЕВИЧ ЛОДЫГИН (1847-1923) Александр Николаевич Лодыгин — замечательный русский изобретатель, сумевший преодолеть первую, самую трудную часть пути к созданию электрической лампочки, которая светит сегодня в каждом доме. Он попытался в качестве нити накаливания использовать железную прово-локу. Неудача. Заменил ее угольным стерженьком, но он на воздухе быстро перегорал. Наконец в 1872 г. Лодыгин поместил угольный стерженек в стеклянный баллон, из которого даже не выкачивал воздух. Кислород выгорал, как только уголек накалялся, и дальнейшее свечение происходило в инертной атмосфере. Еще долгий год труда — и получена новая, более совершенная конструкция. Теперь в лампе два стерженька. Один горел первые тридцать минут и выжигал в баллоне кислород, а второй ровно светил еще два с половиной часа. Именно такими лампами была освещена улица в Пе¬тербурге. В 1872 г. А. Н. Лодыгин подает заявку на изобретение лампы накаливания. Через 2 года, в 1874 г., он получает привилегию (патент) на это изобретение, и Петербургская академия наук присуждает ему Ломоносовскую премию. На волне ажиотажа вокруг изоб¬ретения возникло ‘Товарищество электрического освещения А. Н. Лодыгин и компания’. Однако дельцы разных мастей занялись спекуляция¬ми в расчете на будущие огромные прибыли. Они оставили изобретателя без гроша. Ему пришлось наняться слесарем-инструментальщиком на ме¬таллургический завод. Но Лодыгина, человека сильной воли, не сломила неудача. В нем про¬должал жить дух первооткрывателя. Работа на металлургическом заводе натолкнула его на мысль использо¬вать тепло электричества для плавки металла. Однако в России его идеи не имели успеха. Пришлось уехать в промышленно развитые страны — Францию, США. Там он построил ряд крупных электропечей. В США Лодыгин снова вернулся к проблеме ламп накаливания. Именно он предложил использовать вольфрам — единственный металл, из которого производятся нити электрических лампочек сегодня. ПАВЕЛ НИКОЛАЕВИЧ ЯБЛОЧКОВ (1847—1894) Замечательный русский изобретатель и конструктор Павел Николаевич Яблочков вошел в историю техники как автор ‘свечи Яблочкова’, ‘русского света’, ‘северного света’. П. Н. Яблочков с детства отличался пытливым умом, любил строить, конструировать. В 12 лет придумал угломерный аппарат для землемерных работ. Окончив военно-инженерное училище, стал сапером, но вскоре вышел в отставку. Отставной поручик увлекался электротехникой. Талантливый инженер понимал, какие возможности сулило применение электричества в военном деле и в гражданской жизни. В то время уже   существовали дуговые лампы, правда, несовершенные. Идея создать электрическое освещение увлекает  его  настолько,  что он бросает работу, на свои скромные средства открывает в Москве лабораторию и начинает опыты. Вскоре он понял: нужно найти простой способ регулирования расстояния между угольными стержнями, тогда вольтова дуга будет ярко, ровно светить. А решение действительно было близко. Оно было гениально по своей простоте. Оказалось, не нужно изобретать хитроумные устройства для равномерного сближения выгоравших угольных стержней. Достаточно было их поставить вертикально, параллельно, изолировав друг от друга каолиновой прокладкой определенной толщины. На вершинах стержней он закрепил своеобразный запал из металла, плохо проводящего ток. И запылала ровным, ярким светом ‘свеча Яблочкова’. 23 марта 1876 г. в Париже он получил патент на свое изобретение. Вскоре Яблочков пришел еще к одному гениальному решению: он стал питать ‘русский свет’ переменным током так, как это происходит сегодня. В последующие годы своей жизни П. Н. Яблочков посвящает свой талант созданию генераторов электрического тока — динамо-машин и гальванических элементов. Text B. ELECTRONICS IN THE INDUSTRIAL AGE In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell published his famous treatise on electricity and magnetism. Being a theoretician, he developed four equations which explained all the experimental results in electricity and magnetism observed up until that time, and his equations have withstood the test of time and continue to serve as a basis for all electromagnetic calculations. His equations inspired Hertz to experiment with electromagnetic radiation. In 1895 A. Popov and in 1899 Marconi demonstrated the first wireless communication systems. Wireless communication got the boost with the invention of the triode by De Forest in 1906 and the development of practical radio circuits by Armstrong. Engineers having developed radio circuits, research laboratories turned their attention to the transmission of video as well as audio, and practical television systems were developed in the 1930s. During World War II electronic systems were developed for radar, sonar, fire control, navigation, communications, computation, and data processing. Shortly after the war the computer industry was born. In 1947 Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley invented the transistor. This device could perform all the functions of a vacuum tube triode with much lower device power dissipation. Two more profound inventions occurred shortly thereafter. Kilby and Noyce invented the integrated circuit in 1959. Secondly, the ruby, gas, and semiconductor lasers were invented in 1959, 1960 and 1961, respectively. The integrated circuit allowed for a 106 or more increase in circuit density, decrease in device cost, decrease in device power, and increase in circuit reliability. With the invention of the laser a few communication experts recognized the bandwidth potential of light wave communication. Transmission of light waves in the atmosphere proved unreliable, and so attention was focused on light wave transmission over glass fibers. The development of low-loss optical fibers followed. Today most long distance calls are transmitted by optical fibers. ======================VOCABULARY===================  treatise, n трактат, научный труд  equation, n уравнение  withstand, v (withstood) противостоять, выдержать  inspire, v вдохновлять  wireless, n радио  wireless, a беспроволочный  get the boost получить поддержку;   получить известность  circuit, n цепь, контур; схема; сеть  vacuum tube электронная лампа  fire control управление огнем  power dissipation рассеяние мощности  occur, v случаться, происходить  integrated circuit интегральная схема  ruby, n рубин  semiconductor, n полупроводник  respectively, adv соответственно;   в указанном порядке  density, n плотность, компактность  reliability, n надежность, прочность  fiber (fibre), n волокно ======================================================    I.   Make sure you know the words given above. II.   Read the following words. Pay attention to the stress displacement: magnet – magnetic, atom – atomic, electron – electronic, dynamo ¬– dynamic, theory – theoretic, biology – biological, history – historical, mechanism – mechanics. III.   Read the text ‘Electronics in the Industrial Age’. Find out what inventions the following dates deal with: 1873, 1895, 1947, 1959, 1960, 1961. IV.   Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Consult the text ‘Electronics in the Industrial Age’. 1. In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell published his famous treatise on philosophy. 2. Maxwell developed equations which serve as a basis for all electromagnetic calculations. 3. The computer industry was born before World War I. 4. The integrated circuit was invented in 1969. 5. With the invention of the IC electronic devices have become cheaper and more reliable. 6. Today most long distance calls are transmitted by wire. V.   Find in the text ‘Electronics in the Industrial Age’ sentences with Participle I and Participle II. State their forms and functions. Translate the sentences. VI.   Match the names and the inventions 1) Maxwell a) the integrated circuit 2) Hertz b) the invention of the triode 3) A. Popov and Marconi c) four equations for electro-magnetic calculations 4) De Forest d) electromagnetic radiation 5) Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley e) wireless communication system 6) Kilby and Noyce f) the transistor VII.   Retell the text ‘Electronics in the Industrial Age’. VIII.  Read the following text without a dictionary. Try to understand it. The path to Popov’s great discovery was marked by the investiga¬tions of many scientists in different countries. Popov’s scientific accomplishment was the culmination of the efforts of several generations of scientists, whose works make up the early history of radio which began with the investigations of Faraday. Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic rotation and electromag¬netic induction laid the foundation of present-day electrical en¬gineering. His natural-scientific conceptions created a revolution in the understanding of electrical phenomena, and are extremely important because they directed all attention to the medium surrounding the electrified body. Faraday’s theory of magnetic and electric lines of force proved to be exceedingly fruitful, and served as a starting point for J. C. Maxwell to deduce mathematically (and Hertz to detect experimentally) the existence of free electric waves. Later it was found that as early as 1832 Faraday himself was close to what trium¬phed in science more than half a century later. Faraday’s scientific views were developed by his successor Max¬well, who worked in many fields of physics, mechanics, and even astronomy. However, his chief works are investigations in electromagnetism and in the kinetic theory of gases. Continuing Faraday’s work, Maxwell subjected his ideas to mathematical treatment and arrived at far-reaching conclusions when he advanced the electromagnetic theory of light, one of the greatest achievements of science of the 19th century. Maxwell considered light to be an electromagnetic phenomenon; he predicted mathematically that electric waves ought to propagate at a velocity equal to the ratio of electromagnetic and electrostatic units; as we know, this value coincides with the veloc¬ity of light (approximately 300,000 km. a second). Of extraordinary value to radio was Maxwell’s conception of free electromagnetic waves, whose real existence was proved to the scien¬tific world by the experimental investigations of Hertz. But this was a whole decade after the death of J. Clerk Maxwell who did not live to see his views accepted. Deeply convinced of the truth of the Faraday-Maxwell theory, Hertz set himself the task of proving experimentally the existence of free electromagnetic waves; he established the fact that they are governed by the same laws (reflection, refraction and polarization) as light waves. One of the most brilliant experimenters in the history of natural science (let us not forget that he had not yet reached the age of 37 when he died), Hertz made experiments that served as a basis for the invention of wireless telegraphy. These experiments had to do with the Hertz vibrator and resonator described in his first work entitled ‘Concerning Extremely Rapid Electric Oscilla¬tions’. The scientific value of Hertz’ discovery, however, is not the less though he did not find a practical application for it. Hertz’ disco¬very was immediately recognized throughout the world, and Popov was one of the first to begin elaborating further this extremely im¬portant scientific advancement. He read papers and delivered public lectures, always pointing out that this new achievement of science is not only of theoretical value, that it may find a practical application. May 7 (April 25, old style) 1895 is considered to be the date of the invention of radio. It was on this day that Popov read a paper in the Physics Department of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society entitled ‘On the Relation of Metal Powders to Electric Oscil¬lations’. However, Popov arrived at his discovery much earlier; not at once, of course, but as a result of extensive research which he had conducted over a period of several years studying electric waves and oscillations. The May 7th address was a legal confirmation of Popov’s right as the inventor of wireless telegraphy. Popov was undoubtedly an original and experienced experimenter. But in addition, Popov was the first radio specialist to construct radio instruments as well as radio stations in Russia. This side of his activities was above all closely connected with the Navy, the most prominent representatives of which valued Popov especially as a practical specialist in installing radio in the Navy. In March 1897, he delivered a lecture at the Kronstadt Naval Offi¬cers’ Club, dealing with the possibility of wireless telegraphy through the use of his method. Popov’s project was well received and was approved by the higher authorities. The year of 1897 was that of a considerable victory for the inven¬tor of radio, who began experimenting on a large scale. The first radiogram was received on the island of Gogland on January 24. It was an order of the Head of the Chief Naval Staff, Vice-Admiral Avelan, on the rendering of aid to Finnish fishermen who had been carried out to sea on an ice-floe. It ran as follows : ‘To the commander of the ice-breaker Yermak’. ‘An ice-floe with 50 fishermen on it broke away near Lavensari. Render immediate aid to save these people’. The accident was reported by telephone to St. Petersburg, and from there a telegram was sent to Kotka, whence the order was radioed to Gogland. The chief of the Gogland station, Zalevsky, wrote that the report was received clearly, and was immediately passed on to the ‘Yermak’. At four the next morning the Yermak set out on the search for the men and returned at 5 o’clock in the afternoon with all of them on board. News of the fishermen being saved from imminent death through the use of wireless telegraphy, which conveyed to the Yermak the message, spread throughout Russia. The very next day after the saving of the fishermen Popov was swamped with telegrams of congratulation expressing pride and admi¬ration for this achievement of Russian science. The victory of Gogland also belonged to Makarov who designed the Yermak and on whose initiative it was built. All the more dear to Popov were the lines of Makarov’s telegram of congratulation sent to him on January 26. ‘On behalf of all the Kronstadt sailors I heartily congratulate you on the brilliant success of your invention. The opening up of communications by wireless telegraphy between Kotka and Gogland over a distance of 43 versts is a victory of the greatest scientific importance’. IX.   Read the text again. Identify the key words and write them out. X.   Find the key sentence in each paragraph of the text given above. XI.   Use the key words and key sentences to make up a summary of the text. XII.   Suggest a headline to the text above. Text C. THE INFORMATION AGE In the past few centuries technological developments have created isolated information industries. The major inventions and industries which developed as a result of these inventions are listed in Table 1. Electrical and computer engineers play a major role in four of these six industries, and they will likely play a major role in all six industries. Table 1. Evolution of the Information Industry. Invention Industry Printing Press  Publishing The Electric Battery  Telegraph/Telephone Film  Photography/Cinema Electronics  Broadcasting/Cable Computer  Data Processing Laser/Fiber  Broadband Systems These inventions have greatly impacted our lives through the creation of new industries and the easy access to informa¬tion around the world. However, none of these discoveries has impacted our lives as greatly as the integrated circuit (IC). The IC has created the information age. Already the IC has had a profound impact on our society. The slide rule, mechanical calculator, and typewriter industries are dead and their products have been relegated to museums. Text, data, graphics, voice and video can be electronically processed, transmitted, and stored at a cost most citizens can afford. The boundaries between the traditional information industries are being blurred, and their survival is in doubt. Already numerous collaborative agreements and mergers are taking place among these industries. Will the photographic industry survive in the information age? Will the printing industry go the way of the dinosaur? Telephone, cable, and broadcasting networks are fighting for survival in the informa¬tion age. Most likely the traditional information industries will be realigned along the functional lines in Table 2. There is no doubt that we will witness profound changes in the traditional information industries over the next decade. Even more profound is the impact that the IC has had on global politics, e.g. the formation of the European Economic Community at the expense of national autonomy, the push toward open markets, the rise of global industries, and the decline of manufacturing jobs. Wars will be fought in the information age, both bloody and unbloody, but ultimately in the information age we will see more transparent national boundaries, less national autonomy, and a higher world order. This is so because with the powerful technologies at our disposal, this is the only path to survival as a people. It will not be an easy road. Change never is. Globally industry and governments are going through a period of rebirth, a period of a global renaissance. This renaissance is the result of the scientific discoveries and technological advances of the past two centuries, the IC having perhaps the most profound impact on society that the world has ever experienced.  Table 2. The New Information Industry Players 1) Generation and production of information 2) Transmission networks 3) Information processing systems 4) Information storage systems 5) Display system I.   Read the text ‘The Information Age’. Write out all the words you don’t know. Look them up in the dictionary. II.   Find in the text ‘The Information Age’ the sentence with the Absolute Participle Construction. Translate it. III.   Make a written translation of the text ‘The Information Age’. IV.   Speak about the evolution of the information industry. Use Table 1.    CONVERSATION TOWN =====================VOCABULARY==================== acquire, v приобретать, овладевать appearance, n внешний вид, наружность applied arts прикладное искусство blacksmith, n кузнец busy, a оживленный (об улице) circus, n цирк craftsman, n мастер, ремесленник defend, v оборонять, защищать dirty, a грязный district, n район, округ enterprise, n промышленное предприятие eternal, a вечный eternal flame вечный огонь issue, v выходить, выпускать, издавать to issue a decree издать указ goods, n товар, товары gunsmith, n оружейный мастер inhabitant, n житель, обитатель level, n уровень native, a родной palace, n дворец population, n население region, n край, область, район (страны) rifle, n винтовка, нарезное оружие sights, n достопримечательности sightseeing, n осмотр достопримечательностей to go sightseeing осматривать достопримечательности skill, n искусство, мастерство, умение society, n общество square, n площадь, сквер traffic, n движение, транспорт trade, n торговля; ремесло, профессия ======================================================   word combinations to be famous for to be full of to be of great interest to be proud of to be called after continuous steel casting iron and steel works coal mining industry metal processing places of interest славиться чем-либо быть наполненным чем-либо представлять большой интерес гордиться чем-либо, кем-либо называть, давать имя непрерывная разливка стали металлургический комбинат горнодобывающая промышленность металлообработка достопримечательности TULA Situated south of Moscow in the central part of the East European plain on the Middle Russian Hills, the Tula region covers an area of 25,700km  (1.5% of Russia’s territory). The region’s territory embraces 21 cities and towns and 50 urban settlements. Total population is 1,840,000, out of which urban population accounts for 81,4%. The center of the region is the city of Tula with the population over half a million. Tula, which is first mentioned in the chronicles in 1146, was founded on the banks of the Upa river. In the Middle Ages it was the central strategic point in the defense of Moscow. This had a decisive influence on the specifics of the region’s industrial development. Tula has long been famous for its blacksmiths and gunsmiths. The trade of the blacksmiths began to develop in Tula in the 16th century. Tula blacksmiths specialized in making rifles The whole families and even streets were engaged in making this or that part of the rifle. That is why many streets of Tula are still called after the parts of the rifle – Zamochnaya, Kurkovaya, Stvolnaya, etc. By the 16th –17th century, Tula had grown into a developed center of weapon-making crafts and metal treatment. In 1712 following a decree issued by Peter the Great a state gun-making plant was founded in Tula. Tula was the first place in Russia to develop ferrous metallurgy and metal-processing industry. In metal-processing Tula craftsmen acquired great skill. But most of the enterprises were handicraft artels and small plants producing samovars and different handmade goods. With the development of capitalism in Russia industrial enterprises in Tula increased in number. By the end of the 19th century Tula had about 200 enterprises with 13 thousand workers. At present there are many plants and factories in Tula. Being part of the Central Economic Region, the Tula region has close economic ties with other regions of the Russian Federation. The basic industries are machine-building, chemical, ferrous metallurgy, building materials industry, coal mining, light and food industries, power engineering and electronics. Machine-building and metal-working account for 21.9% of the total industrial output, chemistry and petrochemistry 20.8%, metallurgy 17.1%, electric power generation 11.9%, food industry 13%, and light industry 3.9%. The machine-building branch is represented by large enterprises manufacturing agricultural machinery, machine tools, equipment for the light and food industries, units and parts for gas pipelines, pumps, cranes, construction and transportation machinery, domestic gas fittings, scooters etc. Chemical industry enterprises produce fertilizers, synthetic rubber, plastics and plastic articles, detergents, synthetic vitamins and other products. The old gun-making plant produces hunting rifles and sport guns which help our sportsmen to win victories at international competitions. The Tulachermet Concern, a leading metallurgical enterprise in Russia, has made a great contribution to the development of world metallurgy. The enterprise has been the first in the world to master the method of continuous steel casting, the process of metal powder manufacture, plasma spraying, and production of alloys with specific properties. The old traditions of making famous Tula rifles, samovars, bayans (accordions) and spice cakes live on. Primary attention in agriculture is given to the production of grain, potatoes, sugar beet, milk and meat. Today’s Tula is not only an industrial but also a cultural, scientific and educational center of our country. Tula has many educational establishments such as Tula State University and Tula State Pedagogical University, many colleges and secondary schools. Dozens of research institutes and design bureaus concentrate a considerable scientific potential. These institutions are engaged in long-term research in technologies of machine-building, metallurgy, polymers, control systems, town planning etc. The city has four theatres, a regional philharmonic society, some clubs, palaces of culture, libraries, and publishing houses that issue about a hundred newspapers and magazines. Tula has many places of interest, the Museum of Arms is well known not only in our town. It was established in 1724. In the museum we can see the products of skillful Tula gunsmiths. It has models of Russian weapons beginning with the Kulikovo Battle in 1380 to the years of the Great Patriotic War. There are also tiny engravings which one can see only through a microscope. The museum of Regional Studies is of great interest too. It presents to its visitors the heroic past of our town. The Art Gallery has a collection of rare pictures, sculptures and items of applied arts. Not far from Tula is Yasnaya Polyana. Here the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy lived and worked for almost all his life. Now it is a museum. Many people not only from our country but also abroad visit Yasnaya Polyana every day. The Kremlin, the Victory Square with its eternal flame, the monument to the defenders of Tula, the vast central park belong to the sights of Tula. The picture will not be complete if we forget our central stadium with its sports play grounds, the indoor stadium and the famous cycle-drome. The appearance of our city has greatly changed. From a dirty provincial town with wooden houses and narrow streets it has turned into a modern city. The main street of our city and many other tree-lined streets are always full of people and the traffic is rather heavy (busy). In the streets we can see many cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams, taxis. Tula grows from day to day. Old houses and back-yards have almost completely disappeared giving way to new high buildings. New modern-style districts have appeared in the former suburbs of Tula. The citizens of Tula are proud of their city which is becoming more beautiful from day to day. I. Read the text 'Tula'. Find the sentences that might be the answers to the questions below: 1. When was Tula founded? 2. What river is Tula situated on? 3. What is the population of Tula at present? 4. What had a decisive influence on the industrial development of Tula? 5. Who founded a state gun-making plant in Tula? 6. What are the basic industries in Tula? 7. What is Tula famous for? 8. What sights are there in Tula? II.  Write the following words in transcription. Translate them: acquire, appearance, area, artel, avenue, blacksmith, circus, craftsman, cycle, enterprise, eternal, issue, model, museum, provincial, region, sculpture, sightseeing, society, specialize, square, suburb. III. Translate the following  a)word combinations; b)sentences: a) 1. the central part of Russia; 2. to cover an area; 3. on the banks of the Upa river; 4. the parts of the rifle; 5. a decree issued by Peter the Great; 6. a state gun-making plant; 7. ferrous metallurgy; 8. metal processing industry; 9. handmade goods; 10. to master the method of continuous steel casting; 11. machine tools; 12. metal powder manufacture. b) 1. Tula was founded in 1146. 2. Tula has long been famous for its blacksmiths and gunsmiths. 3. Tula blacksmiths specialized in making rifles. 4. The whole families were engaged in making this or that part of a rifle. 5. Many streets in Tula are called after the parts of a rifle. 6. Tula craftsmen acquired great skill. 7. At present there are many plants and factories in Tula. 8. The old gun-making plant produces hunting rifles and sport guns. 9. The machine-building plants produce various machine tools. 10. In the Tula region there are many coal mining enterprises. IV. Complete the sentences: 1. The streets of Tula are full of людей; автобусов; троллейбусов; автомобилей. 2. Many streets of my city are called after  писателей; выдающихся людей; ученых. 3. This city is famous for памятниками; площадями; музеями; театрами. 4. Moscovites are proud of своим городом; метро; новыми торговыми центрами. 5. Have you ever been to новом районе? Москве? Третьяковской галерее? 6. What places of interest Вы посетили в Санкт-Петербурге? Вы видели в Москве? в Вашем городе Вам нравятся больше всего? 7. Это предприятие Этот район      Это ружье is of great interest.   V.   Fill in the missing words. 1. Many streets of Tula /называются по/ the parts of a rifle. 2. The citizens of Tula /гордятся/ their city which becomes more /красивым/ from day to day. 3. Tula is a modern city with many industrial /предприятиями/ such as /машиностроительные, металлообрабатывающие, горнодобыва-ющие, химические/ and others. 4. /Памятник защитникам/ of Tula with its eternal flame stands in the Victory Square. 5. The Kremlin, the vast central park, /цирк/ and many monuments belong to the /достопримечательностям/ of our city. 6. The Arms Museum /известен/ not only in our city. 7. /Уличное движение/ in our city is rather /оживленное/. 8. There are many /высоких/ buildings in the new districts of our city. VI.   Say in English. Use the given word combinations: to be proud of 1. Я горжусь своим факультетом. 2. Мы гордимся своим университетом. 3. Мой друг гордится своим братом. 4. Рабочие гордятся своим ремеслом. to be famous for 1. Наш город славится своими ружьями. 2. Наш край (область) славится известными писателями. 3. Площадь Победы известна своим памятником и вечным огнем. 4. Тула известна своими самоварами и пряниками. to be of great interest (for) 1. Музей оружия представляет большой интерес. 2. Новые районы Тулы представляют большой интерес. 3. Ясная Поляна представляет большой интерес для посетителей. 4. Это новое ружье представляет большой интерес для специалистов. VII.   Make up questions. Let your fellow students answer them. Model 1.           –   Have you ever been to …? –  Yes, I have. – When were you there (last)? – Last summer. Model 2.           –   Have you ever been to …? –   No, I haven’t. – Would  you like to go there? – Rather. Have you ever been to  the Kremlin? the Art Gallery? the Victory Square? Yasnaya Polyana? the gun-making plant? the Central Park? our Philharmonic society? the stadium “Arsenal”? the Museum of Regional Studies? the Arms Museum? VIII.   Correct the statements. Begin with: I am afraid you are not right. Sorry, but you are mistaken (wrong). I can’t agree with you. 1. Many streets in Tula are called after the parts of the accordion. 2. The machine-building plants produce iron and steel. 3. Historically Tula was famous as an agricultural center. 4. There are no industrial enterprises in Tula. 5. Tula was founded on the banks of the Volga river. 6. The gun-making plant produces radio lamps. 7. The Museum of Arms is in Boldin Street. 8. Tula blacksmiths specialized in making samovars. 9. There are no higher educational establishments in Tula. 10. The great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev lived and worked in Yasnaya Polyana. IX.   Fill in the blanks with prepositions. 1. There are many places … interest in our city. 2. The main street of Tula is always full … people. 3. In Tula there is a monument … Peter the Great, the founder of a state gun-making plant. 4. Tula was founded … 1146 … the banks of the Upa river. 5. The citizens … Tula are proud … their guns and rifles. 6. This street is called … Gleb Uspensky, a well-known Russian writer born in Tula. 7. Moscow is famous … its numerous theatres. X.   Ask your fellow students: 1) what city he (she) lives in; 2) what city he (she) was born in; 3) what street he (she) lives in; 4) when Tula was founded; 5) what Tula is famous for; 6) what industries are developed in Tula; 7) if there are some places of interest in Tula;         8) what collection the Art Gallery has; 9) what he (she) knows about Yasnaya Polyana; 10) if he (she) can list the sights of Tula; 11) who founded the central park;   12) if there are some educational establishments in Tula; 13) what museums, theatres and concert halls he (she) knows. XI.   Translate into English. 1. Многие улицы Тулы называются по деталям ружья. 2. Тула – город со многими промышленными предприятиями, такими как машиностроительные, металлообрабатывающие, горнодобывающие, химические, пищевые и другие. 3. Жители Тулы гордятся историческим прошлым своего города. 4. Памятник защитникам Тулы с вечным огнем стоит на Площади Победы. 5. Музей оружия известен не только в нашем городе. 6. Уличное движение в Туле довольно оживленное. 7. В новых районах города много высоких зданий. XII.   Read the text ‘The Tula Kremlin’ and answer the questions: 1. What was the history of Tula linked with? 2. What happened in 1380? 3. What did the Kulikovo Battle lead to? 4. What happened in 1503? 5. What material was the first Tula fortress made of? 6. What outline has the Kremlin? How is this fact explained in the text? 7. How many towers has the Kremlin? 8. What battle did the Tula Kremlin withstand in 1552? 9. Who had the larger army? 10. Who helped the Tula defenders? 11. How long did the peasants under Ivan Bolotnikov defend themselves within the Kremlin walls? 12. What did the attackers do with the army of Bolotnikov and Bolotnikov himself? THE TULA KREMLIN For a number of centuries the history of Tula was closely linked with the formation of the Russian state. In 1380 the famous Kulikovo Battle which led to the expulsion of the Tartar-Mongolian hordes from the Russian territory was fought to the South-East of Tula. After joining the Moscow state in 1503, Tula’s importance increased greatly. It became a strong fortress in the defence line of the Moscow state. A wooden fortress was built and by 1521 the Tula Kremlin had been completed. The Tula Kremlin differs from others in that its outline is almost rectangular. The square lay-out of the Tula Kremlin walls is explained by the fact that when they were built the development of artillery made it more convenient to deliver direct fire from symmetrically disposed towers. The walls are up to three metres thick and almost 11 metres high. Four towers out of nine have gates. The walls and towers have about 300 loop-holes. Usually the Kremlin was not heavily garrisoned but due to its strength and reliability it could stand up to long sieges. Within the Kremlin stands the Cathedral of the Assumption*  built in 1762-64. Its five cupolas are typical of Russian cathedrals of the 17-th century. Its frescoes, painted by masters from Yaroslavl are the last copies of frescoes in ancient Russian churches. In 1552 the Tula Kremlin withstood a severe onslaught by the Crimean Khan Devlet Girei, whose troops several times outnumbered the fortress defenders. The town’s inhabitants and a garrison of 200 men beat off all attacks of 30-thousand-strong troops. Moscow troops, which approached the town two days later, drove off the enemy and defeated him near Tula. Fifty years later the Tula Kremlin became the stronghold of the troops of Ivan Bolotnikov, a peasant leader. For four months rebels against the princes and boyars defended themselves within the Kremlin walls against the tsar’s troops. When the long siege did not wear down the defenders, the attackers flooded the town by damming the river and forced them to surrender. Ivan Bolotnikov was kept prisoner and killed. In the Kremlin one can see the monument to the peasant leader. *Cathedral of the Assumption – Успенский Собор. XIII.   Make a written translation of the text. Use a dictionary. THE CITY RECEIVES HONOUR TO ITS RESISTANCE TO NAZIS The city of Tula with its population doubled to 500,000 since World War II was awarded the ‘Hero City’ honour, the eleventh city to get it. The award was given for Tula’s role, as a defense bastion against the Nazis as they neared Moscow from the south. It was under siege for 45 days, but the fascists were not able to step into city limits. The city takes pride that throughout its 800-year history, no enemy has ever penetrated it. Historically, the city was famed as the samovar manufacturing center and for its gun-making for the armies of Czar. But its metal-working history, whether on samovars or guns, has also made it a city famed for metal mechanics. Today Tula is one of the major machine manufacturing cities. In Tula, as in most old cities of Russia, the people cherish their history and tradition, and stress it to visitors. And it is not only good-natured talk about the superiority of tea from their charcoal-burning samovars, with the special Tula cakes. They take pride that Tolstoy lived and wrote in Yasnaya Polyana, his estate just outside Tula. ‘You must see it!’ they tell every visitor. XVI.   Read the following selections using a dictionary. DO YOU KNOW THAT … … the Tula guberniya was established in 1777, and in 1937, it was renamed Tula region. The region’s coat of arms, inherited from the former guberniya and officially approved in 1778, shows crossed silver blades, a rifle barrel and two hammers on a field of red, which symbolizes Tula as a weapons forge and Russia’s defender. … the region’s inhabitants revere their cultural heritage. Major historical and cultural relics and monuments include the Kulikovo Field (the site of the historical battle in 1380 between the troops of Moscow’s Prince Dmitry Donskoi and Tatar-Mongol hordes), the Kremlin (1514-1521) with an Assumption cathedral (1762-1764), an Annunciation church (1692), the museum estate of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana, and the national reserve and memorial museum of the outstanding Russian artist Vasily Polenov at Polenovo. There are many memorials associated with heroic deeds performed during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. … the bathing health resort at Krainka,  107 km west of Tula, offers a network of rest homes, boarding houses and tourist centres on the banks of rivers in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana. … many legends are associated with Tula skilful workers. Nikolai Leskov’s tale ‘Levsha’ is an example. … not a single enemy has ever been to Tula. Our city has always been a fortress in the defence of our Motherland. … Leo Tolstoy lived in Yasnaya Polyana for 60 of his 80 years. … the famous composer Dargomizhsky and the well-known pedagogue Ushinsky were born in the Tula region. … not far from Tula is the village of Mishenskoye – the native place of the great poet of the 19th century V.A. Zhukovsky. Many years of his life he spent in Tula. … to the South of Efremov there was an estate of M. Lermontov’s father. Near the railway station Chern there was an estate of I.S. Turgenev’s father. Many great Russian writers and poets visited our city. … the famous Russian artist Polenov lived and worked in the Tula province. Not far from Tula on the banks of the Oka river is the Museum of Polenov. … the history of Tula pryanic begins in the 17th century. At present as in the old days the traditions of Tula pryanic makers are still alive. Tula printed pryanic is not only tasty but a beautiful souvenir and a present. XV. Speak about: 1) the past of Tula; 2) the industries of Tula; 3) Tula of today; 4) the places of interest in Tula; 5) the educational establishments in Tula. XVI.  Imagine you are a guide. Make a tour around Tula. Invite your friends to follow you. The plan of the centre of Tula will help you.   XVII.   Ask your friend to give you as much information as possible about his (her) native town. XVIII.   Write the composition ‘The town (city) I was born in’. DIALOGUES I.   Read the dialogues in pairs and reproduce them. I A. What is the best way to see the sights in a strange city? B. It depends. You may either walk along the streets and look around or make a guided tour of the city. A. What should one do to know more about a strange city? B. If you want to know more about a strange city, you should buy a guide-book to the city and study the recommended sightseeing routes or you should ask a resident of the city to show you round. II A. What should you do if you don’t know how to get to some place? B. I usually look up a map of the city or ask someone to direct me to the place. A. If you are not sure whether you are going in the right direction, what should you ask a resident of the city? B. Not to lose my way in a strange city I usually ask someone ‘Am I right for…?’ or ‘Shall I reach … if I go straight ahead?’ III A. I wonder if you could tell me the way to the nearest hotel. I’m a stranger here. B. If you walk, it’ll take you about twenty minutes to get there. But you’d better take a bus. A. Where must I get off? B. The bus will take you straight to the hotel. IV A. I say, we are so pressed for time. What do you think we should see in your city first? B. The city is known for its numerous places of interest and memorials. Let’s make a guided tour of the city. A. Can we see most of them in one tour? B. I think we can. V A. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Museum of Arms? B. I’m terribly sorry. I really don’t know. I am a stranger here myself. You’d better ask the militiaman over there. VI A. I see your city is quite a new one. B. Oh, no. Its foundation dates back to the 12th century A.D. We are simply in a new district of the city. A. I see. It seems to me, the ancient part is the centre of the city, isn’t it? B. That’s right. There you’ll find old buildings, churches, small shops – all in narrow crooked streets. VII A. Do you happen to know the way to the nearest bookshop? B. Well, let me see… Go straight on and then take the second turning to the right. It’s just a five minutes’ walk from here. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. VIII A. I’d like to draw your attention to Yasnaya Polyana. The museum of L. Tolstoy is worth visiting. B. But I’ve already been there! A. Really? What were you impressed by while visiting the museum? B. Oh, there were so many interesting things to see – clothes, books, a lot of manuscripts. A. What impressed you most of all? B. I was deeply impressed by the attitude of the people towards this historical and cultural memorial. II.   Complete the dialogues I A. I wonder if you could tell me the nearest way to the centre of the city? B. ………. A. Is it far from here? B. ………. A. Thanks a lot. B. ………. II A. ……….? B. With pleasure. Go straight on and then turn to the left. A. ……….? B. No, it is not. It will take you only five minutes to get there. A. ………. B. Not at all. III A. Excuse me, could you tell me if this is the right way to the Art Gallery? B. ………. A. Is it far from here? Can I walk there? B. ………. A. How long will it take me to get there? B. ………. IV A. ……….? B. Oh, yes. It’s very far. You’d better take a bus. A. ……….? B. Turn round the corner, go two blocks down the street and there it is. V A. ……….? B. Go down this street, pass the traffic lights, then take the first turning on the right. Shall I accompany you? A. ………. III.  Render the dialogues in English. I A. В каком городе вы живете? B. Я живу в Туле. Это старинный русский город недалеко от Москвы. А. Вы там родились? B. Да, Тула – мой родной город. А где вы родились? A. Я родом из Курска. II A. Чем знаменит Ваш город? B. Исторически Тула – оружейный центр. Впервые казенный оружейный завод был основан в Туле по указу Петра I. A. А другие заводы есть в Туле? B. Разумеется. Тула – крупный промышленный центр. A. Что вы советуете посмотреть в вашем городе? B. Полагаю, что музей оружия представляет большой интерес. IV.   Make up your own dialogues asking the shortest way: - from the Tula Kremlin to the Monument to Peter the Great; - from the central park to the Museum of Arms; - from the Tula Kremlin to the Art Gallery; - from the Museum of Regional Studies to the Central Post Office. V.   Render the following in the form of a dialogue. Ваш знакомый приезжает на несколько дней в Тулу. Он никогда раньше не был в вашем городе, и просит вас посоветовать ему, с чего начать осмотр города. Вы охотно соглашаетесь. В Туле много мест, которые стоит посмотреть. Для начала вы предлагаете побывать в тульском Кремле, в музее оружия, в Тульском государственном университете. Ваш знакомый просит объяснить ему, как добраться до центра.   JUST FOR FUN Read the jokes and retell them to your friends. The bus was crowded. A passenger sitting next to the window suddenly closed his eyes and turned his head aside. The man next to him asked, “Are you feeling ill? Can I do anything for you?” – “I am quite well”, answered the man. “Only I hate to see old ladies standing”. * * * The traffic was very heavy in the street. Suddenly a man ran to the policeman who was standing in the middle of the street.  Man.  What is the shortest way to the hospital? Policeman. If you just stand where you are standing now, you’ll get there immediately. This is the shortest way there. * * * Little John, in a crowded bus, is sitting on his father’s lap. An elderly lady enters the bus, and Johnny at once jumps down, politely takes off his hat, and says: “May I offer you my seat?” * * * A traveller, on arriving at a railroad station, asked a local man: “Well, my friend, as this is my first visit to your town, could you tell me how many hotels you have here? Local man. We have two. Traveller. Now, which of the two would you recommend? Local man. Well, frankly speaking, it’s like this, sir: whichever one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other. * * * A woman hired a taxi. It began to race along, passing trams, cars, policemen, etc. The woman was frightened, and said to the taxi-driver: “Please, be careful. This is the first time I am riding in a taxi.” “It’s all right,” answered the taxi-driver. “It is the first time I am driving a taxi.” * * * When Conan Doyle arrived in Boston, he was at once recognized by the cabman whose cab he had engaged. When he was about to pay his fare, the cabman said: “If you please, sir, I should prefer a ticket to your lecture.” Conan Doyle laughed. “Tell me,” he said, how you knew who I was and I’ll give you tickets for your whole family.” “Thank you, sir,” was the answer. “On the side of your travelling-bag is your name – Conan Doyle.” Read the following proverbs and sayings. Pay attention to the participles used in them. Match the English and the Russian variants. 1. A barking dog does not bite. 2. A penny saved is a penny gained. 3. Don’t change horses when crossing a stream. 4. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 5. The least said, the soonest mended. 6. Forewarned is forearmed. 7. Let sleeping dogs lie. 1. Коней на переправе не меняют. 2. Собака, которая лает, редко кусает. 3. Катящийся камень мхом не обрастает. 4. Грош сбереженный – грош заработанный. 5. Меньше слов, больше дела. 6. Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо. 7. Предупрежден – значит вооружен.   UNIT 2 Grammar: 1. The Gerund 2. The Gerundial Construction 3. The Gerund and the Participle Texts: A. The Internet B. The   Language of Computers C. Socializing on the Internet Conversation: Moscow Грамматический материал THE GERUND. ГЕРУНДИЙ Герундий – неличная форма глагола, которая сочетает в себе одновременно свойства существительного и глагола. Герундий выражает действие, представляя его как название процесса.   Запомните!  Герундий образуется путем прибавления суффикса  -ing к основе глагола: ask – asking go – going read – reading   Примечание. Герундий не имеет соответствующей формы в русском языке. 1. Глагольные свойства герундия 1. Герундий имеет категорию относительного времени и залога, следовательно, существуют простые и сложные формы герундия. Формы герундия    Active Voice Passive Voice Indefinite Gerund asking reading being asked being read Perfect Gerund having asked having read having been asked having been read She likes reading detective stories.  Она любит читать детективы. He dislikes being interrupted. Он не любит, когда его прерывают. He thinks of going to the South. Он думает поехать на юг.   Perfect Gerund выражает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого:   I remember having seen this film some years ago.  Я помню, что видел этот фильм несколько лет назад. I remember having been told about this film. Я помню, что мне рассказывали об этом фильме. 2. Герундий может иметь прямое дополнение: Reading scientific literature is useful. Чтение научной литературы полезно.   3. Герундий может определяться наречием: Reading fluently is very important. Очень важно бегло читать.   Именные свойства герундия 1. Как любое существительное, герундий может определяться притяжательным местоимением или существительным в притяжательном падеже и иметь перед собой различные предлоги. 2. Герундий может выполнять в предложении те же синтаксические функции, что и существительное. Функции герундия   Помните! В предложении герундий может выступать как подлежащее, часть сказуемого, дополнение, определение, обстоятельство.   1. Подлежащее; переводится существительным или неопределенной формой глагола:     Studying is the way to knowledge.  Учеба – это путь к знанию. Reading books is useful. Читать книги полезно. 2. Часть сказуемого:   а) именная часть сказуемого; переводится существительным или неопределенной формой глагола.   The only way to know the distance is measuring it. Единственный способ определить расстояние – это измерить его.   б) часть глагольного сказуемого: They began building houses. Они начали строить дома.   3. Дополнение (прямое или предложное); переводится существительным, неопределенной формой глагола или дополнительным придаточным предложением: He likes reading.  Он любит читать. Thank you for your having come. Благодарю Вас за то, что Вы пришли. We insisted on the meeting being put off. Мы настаивали на том, чтобы собрание отложили.   4. Определение: а) левое определение; переводится прилагательным или существительным: smoking room комната для курения, курительная комната; boiling point точка кипения;   б) правое определение с предлогом “of” или “for”; переводится существительным: I don’t like his manner of reading. Мне не нравится его манера чтения. There are different ways of obtaining this substance. Существуют различные способы получения этого вещества.   5. Обстоятельство (всегда с предлогом – in, on, upon, before, after, by, without, etc.); переводится: а) деепричастием; б) существительным с предлогом; в) придаточным предложением.     After having obtained good results they stopped experiments. а) Получив хорошие результаты, они прекратили эксперименты. б) После получения хороших результатов они прекратили эксперименты. In copying the text he made a few mistakes. При списывании текста (Списывая текст), он сделал несколько ошибок. We enrich our knowledge by reading books. Мы обогащаем знания, читая книги.   Обратите внимание! Перед герундием в функции обстоятельства часто употребляются следующие предлоги:   by путем, при помощи, посредством for для through благодаря, из-за before до after после without без in при on (upon) после, при, по instead of вместо in spite of несмотря на in addition to кроме because of из-за with a view to с целью Например:   In making observations …  При проведении наблюдений … Upon returning to the Earth … После возвращения на Землю … Запомните некоторые наиболее часто употребляемые глаголы и глагольные сочетания, за которыми следует герундий без предлога: to avoid избегать to delay откладывать, медлить, задерживать to deny отрицать, отвергать to deserve заслуживать to dislike не любить to enjoy наслаждаться, получать удовольствие to excuse извинять, прощать to finish заканчивать, завершать to forgive прощать to mention упоминать, ссылаться на to miss упустить, пропустить to mind (в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях)  возражать, быть против to start начинать to stop прекращать, кончать to practice применять, осуществлять to postpone откладывать, отсрочивать to need нуждаться, иметь потребность to want хотеть, желать to require требовать to suggest предлагать to be busy быть занятым чем-либо to be worth быть стоящим, заслуживать чего-либо can’t help не мочь (не) it’s no use нет смысла     Обратите внимание! После глаголов to want, to need, to deserve, to require, а также после слова worth употребляется герундий в активном залоге (active gerund), хотя имеет пассивное значение: My watch needs repairing.   Запомните!  Следующие глаголы и выражения требуют после себя герундия с определенными предлогами: to be astonished at удивляться to be disappointed at разочароваться to be surprised at удивляться to assist in принимать участие to be interested in интересоваться to consist in заключаться в to result in привести к, иметь результатом to succeed in преуспевать, иметь успех to approve of одобрять to dream of мечтать о чем-либо, о ком-либо to hear of услышать, узнать to inform of сообщать, информировать to know of знать о чем-либо, о ком-либо to speak of говорить о чем-либо, о ком-либо to think of думать о чем-либо, о ком-либо to be afraid of бояться to be capable of быть способным, одаренным to be fond of любить to be proud of гордиться to be tired of уставать to count on (upon) рассчитывать на to depend on (upon) зависеть от to go on (upon) продолжать to keep on (upon) продолжать делать что-либо to insist on (upon) настаивать на чем-либо to rely on (upon) полагаться, доверять to get used to привыкать to look forward to ожидать, предвкушать to object to возражать, протестовать to give up бросать, оставлять привычку THE GERUNDIAL CONSTRUCTION. ГЕРУНДИАЛЬНЫЙ ОБОРОТ Притяжательное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном или общем падеже, стоящее перед герундием, образует вместе с герундием герундиальный оборот. Герундиальный оборот обычно переводится придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом «то, что» в любом падеже. Существительное или местоимение, стоящее перед герундием, становится в русском предложении подлежащим, а герундий – сказуемым.   Обратите внимание! При переводе на русский язык притяжательное местоимение переводится соответствующим личным местоимением, а существительное в притяжательном падеже – существительным в именительном падеже: We objected to his going there. Мы возражали против того, чтобы он поехал туда. Ann’s coming so early surprised us. То, что Анна пришла так рано, удивило нас. Everybody insisted on this experiment being made once more. Все настаивали на том, чтобы этот опыт был проделан еще раз.   Запомните!  Герундий может переводиться: а)  существительным; б)   неопределенной формой глагола; в)  деепричастием; г)  глаголом-сказуемым придаточного предложения.   THE GERUND AND THE PARTICIPLE. СРАВНЕНИЕ ГЕРУНДИЯ И ПРИЧАСТИЯ   Помните! Герундий отличается от причастия настоящего времени (Participle I): а) по функции в предложении; б) по наличию предлога; в) по наличию притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже. 1. Герундий может быть любым членом предложения; причастие – только определением, обстоятельством или частью сказуемого.   Обратите внимание! Если предложение начинается словом с окончанием – ing, то это слово является герундием в функции подлежащего, если за ним следует глагол-сказуемое; или оно является причастием в функции обстоятельства, если за ним следует подлежащее. Герундий Перед глаголом-сказуемым Причастие I Перед подлежащим Testing the motor is necessary. Испытать мотор необходимо.   Testing the motor he saw many defects. Испытывая мотор, он обнаружил много недостатков. 2. Перед герундием в функциях определения или обстоятельства, как правило, стоит предлог; перед причастием в функциях обстоятельства могут стоять союзы when или while. Герундий Причастие в функции обстоятельства After testing the motor they put down the results. После испытания двигателя они записали результаты.   While testing the motor they put down the results. Испытывая двигатель, они записывали результаты. в функции определения There are several ways of producing electricity. Имеется несколько способов выработки электричества.   The plant producing electricity is very powerful. Эта установка, вырабатывающая электричество, очень мощная. 3. Пред герундием может стоять притяжательное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном или общем падеже. The professor approved of my solving the problem.  Профессор одобрил мое решение задачи. We know of copper being the best conductor. Мы знаем, что медь – лучший проводник.     EXERCISES I. A. Form the Gerund Indefinite Passive from the following verbs: to write, to stop, to study, to make. B. Form the Gerund Perfect Active and Passive from the following verbs: to test, to send, to build, to leave. II.  Define the functions of the gerund in the following sentences. Translate. 1. Learning English is not an easy thing. 2. His friend began learning French.  3. Russian scientists played an important part in solving the problem of atmospheric electricity. 4. Studying nature without making observation is useless. 5. Any noise prevents me from working. 6. He doesn’t like being praised, he is too modest. 7. We didn’t mind her helping us. 8. Reading aloud can help you to improve your pronunciation. 9. In speaking about Moscow one has no choice but to quote long figures. 10. Muscovites have a special manner of walking, working, resting, communicating with each other. 11. You can’t become a good specialist without being trained for a long time. 12. We heard of the experiment having been started last week. 13. They couldn’t help using this information. 14. We succeeded in building a flexible system. 15. We are at the beginning of a new way of working, shopping, playing and communicating. 16. Lately some students have stopped writing and have begun pointing and clicking. 17. In fact, communicating with people is an obvious way to use the Web, and students are already doing it all the time from making dates to buying stocks and auctioning cars. III. Make up sentences according to the models Model 1: I don’t mind seeing the film again. (to take part in the conference, to stay in the country for another week) Model 2: I can’t (couldn’t) help smiling.     (to tell you about it, to laugh when I see him) Model 3: The book is (not) worth reading. (the question – to discuss, the proposal – to consider) Model 4: It’s no use doing it. (to talk to them, to help him) Model 5: Did you enjoy spending your holiday there? (to watch the match, to visit the museum) Model 6: I remember talking to him. (to attend the lecture, to invite them to the party) Model 7: We insisted on (his) going there.  (to make the report, to organize a conference) Model 8: You   can learn speaking English by speaking English.  (to read French, to swim) Model 9: What about going to the club?  (to have a bite, to visit a museum) Model 10: Instead of going home he went to the club.  (to answer my question – to ask me his question, to do one’s homework – to look through magazines) IV. Choose the right Russian equivalent. 1. Oleg’s refusing our help is regrettable. a) то, что Олег отказался…; b) то, что Олег отказывается …; c) то, что Олегу отказали … 2. She is upset of her son being accused of bad conduct at school. a) … ее сына обвинили …; b) … ее сын обвиняет …;  с) … ее сына обвиняют … 3. He apologized to the teacher for not having done his lessons. a) … за то, что не сделал …;  b) …за то, что не делает …; с) …за то, что не будет делать … 4. I don’t like being asked such questions. a) …задавать такие вопросы;  b) …когда мне задают …; с) …когда мне задавали … 5. The teacher was surprised at your having made so many mistakes. a) …что вы сделали …;  b) …было сделано …; с) …делаете … V.  Open the brackets using the proper form of the gerund. 1. I decided to do everything myself instead of (to ask) for help. 2. She succeeded in (to speak) English fluently. 3. It’s no use (to cry) over spilt milk. 4. Science requires (to experiment). 5. (To define) a problem precisely requires patience.  6. We know of the work (to carry out) in this laboratory. 7. They insisted on the sample (to test) repeatedly. 8. He has developed a method for (to evaluate) this problem. 9. She turned pale on (to tell) the news. 10. Do you mind him (to examine) by a heart specialist? 11. I was angry at (to interrupt) every other moment.  12. The device needs (to repair). VI. Explain the difference between the sentences in each pair. Translate them. 1. He insisted on going there. He insisted on our going there. 2. I don’t mind cleaning the dishes. I don’t mind her cleaning the dishes. 3. She is not interested in collecting stamps. She is not interested in his collecting stamps. 4. We are fond of singing. We are fond of their singing. VII. Find out the sentences with the gerundial construction. Translate. 1. The thunder is caused by heating the air by a spark. 2. A lightning conductor is a means of protecting buildings from the strokes of lightning. 3. We know of this house being destroyed by a stroke of lightning. 4. The professor knew about the students’ going to the power station. 5. Seeing is believing. 6. She cannot read English without consulting a dictionary. 7. His having asked such a question shows that he did not prepare the text. 8. I remember my having told her about the experiment. 9. Lomonosov’s having studied atmospheric electricity contributed to the development of science. 10. There are many methods of learning a foreign language. 11. On coming home he began watching TV. 12 A lot depends on your making the right choice. VIII.  Translate the sentences. Mind the construction with the gerund.   1. Their having overheated the gas changed the results of the experiment. 2. The investigator mentioned his testing this material for strength. 3. We heard of our engineer having left for the international symposium. 4. We insisted on the experiment being repeated. 5. In spite of the gases being compressed they return to their original volume as soon as the applied force stops acting. 6. Newton’s having stated the laws of motion is very important for modern science. 7. We knew of Newton’s having developed the principles of mechanics. 8. We knew nothing of their having been met at the station. 9. Franklin’s having worked in the field of electricity is known all over the world. 10.  They didn’t know of his having been given new materials. 11.  We know of Faraday’s having stated the law of electromagnetic induction. 12. We heard of the new computer having been put into operation. IX. Complete the following by translating what is given in brackets. Use the gerund. Insert prepositions or other words where necessary. 1. Why do you deny … (что встречалась с ним раньше)? 2. He will succeed … (поступить в университет). 3. He couldn’t get used … (чтобы над ним смеялись). 4. I don’t feel … (звонить ей). 5. She gave up … (играть в теннис) and started … (бегать по утрам). 6. Do you mind … (я открою окно)? 7. We couldn’t … (не смеяться) looking at her clumsy movements. 8. They were proud of themselves … (что впервые сконструировали этот прибор). 9. Don’t avoid … (навещать заболевших знакомых). 10. Excuse me … (что я пришел, не позвонив).     X.   Complete the following sentences using the gerund. 1. Do you prefer …? 2. Your clothes need … . 3. Thank you for … . 4. Do you mind … . 5. He looks forward to … . 6. We are tired of … . 7. I don’t object to … . 8. What is your idea of …? 9. She is fond of … . 10. They accused him of… . 11. Who is responsible for ….? 12. The teacher continued … . 13. The article is worth…. 14. Have you finished …? 15 The student is good at … . XI. Translate into English using the gerund. 1. Вы не возражаете, если я воспользуюсь вашим телефоном? 2. Стоит обдумать предложение еще раз, чтобы избежать ошибок. 3. Простите, что я снова беспокою вас. 4. Могу я положиться на то, что вы сделаете все возможное в этой ситуации? 5. Его раздражало, когда его прерывали на каждом слове. 6. Ваша машина нуждается в ремонте, и чем скорее вы его сделаете, тем лучше. 7. Прежде, чем что-либо сделать, тщательно обдумайте все последствия. 8. Я не одобряю того, что вы тратите много времени понапрасну. 9. Многие люди используют Интернет только для получения и отправления писем. 10. Миллионы людей пользуются Интернетом, и их число постоянно растет.   РАБОТА С ТЕКСТОМ Text A. THE INTERNET The Internet, a global computer network, embracing millions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will just route around them. One such packet-switching network already survived a war. It was the Iraqi computer network, which was not knocked out during the Gulf War. Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet; there are millions, their number growing by thousands each month worldwide. The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, having access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet: reading USENET News, using the World-Wide Web, telnet, FTP, and Gopher. In many developing countries the Internet may provide business people with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication systems of these countries. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world and do it very cheaply. When they send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world. But who actually pays for sending e-mail messages over the Internet long distances, around the world? The answer is very simple: a user pays his/her service provider a monthly or hourly fee. Part of this fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider. And part of the fee got by the larger provider goes to cover its cost of running a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations. But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can make money from the Internet, commercial use of this network will drastically increase. For example, some western architecture companies and garment centres already transmit their basic designs and concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and refined by skilled – but inexpensive – Chinese computer-aided-design specialists. However, some problems remain. The most important is security. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through many different networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers called routers. Because of this, it is possible to get into any of computers along the route, intercept and even change the data being sent over the Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many strong encoding programmes available, nearly all the information being sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of encoding, i.e. “in the clear”. But when it becomes necessary to send important information over the network, these encoding programmes may be useful. Some American banks and companies even conduct transactions over the Internet. However, there are still both commercial and technical problems, which will take time to be resolved. ======================VOCABULARY===================   access, n доступ communicate, v общаться embrace, v охватывать encode, v расшифровывать, декодировать fee, n оплата garment, n одежда global/ worldwide network всемирная сеть host, adj узловой knock out здесь: поражать message, n сообщение, послание packet switching пакетная коммутация provider, n здесь: поставщик электронных услуг reliable, adj надежный route, n путь, курс, маршрут route around, v обойти router, n распределитель send over, v отправлять survive, v выжить, пережить ====================================================== I.  Read the following international words. Guess their meaning. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Computer, experiment, design, information, technology, million, popular, service, alternative, telecommunication, system, commercial, local, distance, architecture, company, centre, concept, specialist, problem, special, programme, technical. II.   Read and translate the following word combinations: all over the world, to stay in touch, owing to, to survive a war, to pay a fee, to save money, computer-aided design, to send over. III. Match the English phrases with their Russian equivalents: 1) global network а) почасовая оплата 2) garment center b) развивающаяся страна 3) developing country c) благодаря этому 4) shortest path available d) глобальная сеть 5) growing number e) центр изготовления одежды 6) hourly fee f)  кратчайший свободный путь 7) owing to this g) возрастающее число 8) to resolve problems h) экономить деньги 9) to receive messages i) пережить атомную войну 10) to intercept a message j) направляться 11) to survive a nuclear war k) общаться по 12) to be in touch l) получать сообщения 13) to embrace millions of users m) поддерживать контакты 14) to count accurately n) катастрофически возрастать 15) to communicate over o) проводить сделки 16) to increase drastically p) решать проблемы 17) to save money q) точно подсчитать 18) to conduct transactions r) включать миллионы пользователей 19) to be directed to s) перехватить сообщение   IV. Read the text ‘The Internet’. a) Find the English equivalents to the following Russian phrases: значительно увеличиться, опытный специалист, иметь доступ, пережить войну, поддерживать связь, проходить через сеть, направлять данные, войти в компьютер, переданное сообщение, проводить сделки, узловые компьютеры, во всем мире. b) Find all the ing-forms in the text. State whether they are gerunds or participles. Define their functions. V.   Complete the following sentences. Consult the text ‘The Internet’. 1. Information sent over the Internet … . 2. Any two computers on the Internet … . 3. Nobody knows exactly … . 4. The Internet may provide … . 5. Commercial use of the network will greatly increase if … . 6. Routers are … . VI. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons. 1. The Internet began in the United Kingdom in 1969. 2. If some computers on the network are knocked out information will route around them. 3. Most of the Internet host computers are located in more than 100 countries. 4. There are thousands of people using the Internet, and the number is constantly growing. 5. The most popular Internet service is e-mail. 6. Communication over the Internet is very expensive and unreliable. 7. Business people can make money from the Internet. 8. There is a possibility to get into any computer and change the data being sent over the Internet. 9. There are no encoding programmes available. VII. Think and answer. 1. What is the Internet? 2. How did it start? 3. How many Internet users are there in the world? 4. What is the path of the information sent over the Internet? 5. What is the most popular Internet service? 6. Are the Internet services expensive? 7. Why is it possible to intercept or even change the data, while they are travelling to the point of their destination? 8. Is information sent over the Internet coded? 9. What can be done with the help of the Internet? VIII.  Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Интернет – глобальная компьютерная сеть, которая насчитывает миллионы пользователей во внешнем мире. 2. Сеть появилась в результате военного эксперимента, который начался в США в 1969 г. 3. Целью эксперимента было выживание в ходе ядерной войны. 4. Информация, посылаемая по Интернету, идет от одного компьютера к другому по возможному кратчайшему пути. 5. Никто не  может точно подсчитать, сколько людей в мире пользуются Интернетом, ибо их миллионы, и число это ежемесячно возрастает на несколько тысяч. 6. Большинство людей, которые имеют доступ к Интернету, используют сеть только для передачи и получения сообщений. 7. Но есть и другие услуги, предоставляемые Интернетом. 8. Во многих развивающихся странах Интернет может обеспечить бизнесменов надежной связью, в отличие от дорогих и ненадежных систем телекоммуникации. 9. Кто же на самом деле оплачивает отправку сообщений по Интернету на дальние расстояния? Ответ прост: пользователь платит ежемесячную плату фирме – поставщику электронных услуг (провайдеру). 10. Все остальные вопросы решает провайдер. 11. Экономия денег – не единственное преимущество Интернета. 12. В настоящее время многое можно осуществлять через Интернет, в том числе проведение сделок. IX. Think over the plan of the text ‘The Internet’. Write it down. Retell the text according to your plan. Text B. THE LANGUAGE OF COMPUTERS Fifty years ago, people hadn’t even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, a chip the size of a pinhead can do its job. And the revolution is still going on.   Very soon we’ll have computers that we’ll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings. Such wearable computers are being developed in the USA. Japan’s biggest mobile-phone company has just released its cleverest product so far, the I-mode, a mobile phone that allows you to surf the Internet as well as make calls. People are already using the phone to check the news headlines, follow the stock market and download the latest jokes. Soon they will be able to buy cinema tickets and manage their bank accounts. The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic “neural networks”. Of course, they’ll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, understand and control the world’s money markets, identify criminals and control space travel. Computer revolution is changing our life and our language, too. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meanings to old ones. Most of computer terms are born in Silicon Valley, the world’s top computer-science centre. I. Read the text ‘The Language of Computers’ without a dictionary. Try to understand it.       II.  ARE YOU PART OF COMPUTER REVOLUTION? Do the following tasks and find out. A. Choose an answer – a) or b). 1. A mouse is a) a small furry animal with a long tail; b) a small box used to operate a computer. 2. To surf is a) to ride on a board on the waves of the sea; b) to move around the Internet. 3. A bug is a) a small insect; b) an error in a computer programme. 4. A flame is a) a red or yellow burning gas seen when something is on fire; b) an unfriendly or rude e-mail. 5. To boot is a) to kick; b) to start a computer. 6. A geek [gi:k] is a) someone who bites off the heads of alive chickens as part of a show; b) a person who knows everything about computers. B. Choose an answer – a), b) or c). 1. What do you use a modem for? a) to print a document;     b) to play music on your computer; c) to send messages along a telephone line. 2. What do you use when you want to look for sites on the world wide web? a) a browser; b) a CD ROM; c) a printer. 3. What can you use the Internet for? a) to delete a file from your computer; b) to help you find information and communicate with people; c) to make your computer work faster. 4. What do you use a scanner for? a) to transfer photos and texts to your computer; b) to find certain files on the Internet; c) to clean your computer. 5. How much is a gigabyte? a) 1,000 megabytes; b) 100 megabytes; c) 1000 bytes. C. Match the words (or phrases) with the definitions. 1. chat room 2. e-commerce 3. joystick 4. cyberspace 5. desktop 6. multitasking a) the ability of a computer to run several programmes at once; b) the screen you see after you’ve switched your computer; c) an area on the Internet where people can communicate with each other in “real time”; d) the business of buying and selling goods and services on the Internet; e) a stick which helps you move in computer games; f) the imaginary place where electronic messages, information pictures, etc. exist when they are sent from one computer to another. D. True or False? 1. When you use the Internet, you need a computer, a radio and a phone line. 2. You can use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines. 3. You cannot use the Internet to play videogames. 4. The Internet can help you to do shopping. 5. You can use the Internet to “chat” with people and make new friends. 6. You need a CD to send e-mail. 7. Multimedia pages with pictures, music and video make downloading slow. E. Do this puzzle and you’ll read the name of one of the most successful computer companies.     1    2    3  4 5   6    7     8  9           1. This small box is used to operate a computer. 2. A document on your computer. 3. A device, which is used to transfer photos and texts to your computer. 4. To make a computer better or able to do more things. 5. This looks like a typewriter and has the keys you need to press. 6. It can be hard or floppy. 7. A device, which allows your computer to send messages along a telephone line. 8. An unfriendly or rude e-mail. 9. To start a computer. F. Complete the sentences by using the following words: web, information, interactive, e-mail, on-screen, chat, PC, generation, video. INTERNET TV Is it possible to have a TV set, a (1)_____ and the Internet all in one? With the advent of Internet TV it has become a reality. Imagine watching a film on TV and getting (2) _____ on the actors in the film at the same time! To enter (3) _____ addresses and write (4) _____ you use a remote control and an (5) _____ keyboard or an optional wireless keyboard. By clicking a button, you can also read adverts, (6) “_____” with a friend, plan your holiday and play your favourite (7) _____ games. In the future you’ll be able to change the plot of the film you’re watching and meddle in the private lives of the characters. The next (8) _____ of Internet TVs will also have a smart card for shopping, banking and other (9) _____ activities.   III. Retell the text ‘The language of computers’ in English.   Text C. SOCIALIZING ON THE INTERNET Over the past two decades, as the price of the computing has plunged, the personal computer enabled people to be more productive and gain better access to information. Now, as the price of communications falls, the PC makes it easier for people to reach each other, too. Electronic inboxes are flooded with e-mail. Electronic “chat” and community participation are on the rise. Chat is a fascinating phenomenon. It takes place in imaginary “rooms”, where like-minded people congregate. Typically, people type messages back and forth; usually to correspondents they’ve never met in person. Numerous people can communicate with each other simultaneously, and there are no long-distance charges the way there would be with a telephone. Compared to a telephone conversation, the technical quality of chat seems low. But it’s a raging success despite its limitations because the human drive to connect with other people is so strong. Actually, the fact that people must type their messages – and can edit what they say before firing back a reply – is an attraction of chat. A version that allowed voice communication was a flop. Perhaps, people were intimidated when they had to speak in a nice, intelligible fashion. Chat rooms are filled with all kinds of people who appreciate or need the convenience of socializing from home – easily, safely, and without getting dressed up. “We’ve had a breakdown of neighborhoods in many societies, with everything becoming generic,” one student of