- •Preface
- •1. Principles of Surgical Physiology
- •2. Essential Topics in General Surgery
- •3. Medical Risk Factors in Surgical Patients
- •4. Principles of Thoracic Surgery
- •5. Chest Wall, Lung, and Mediastinum
- •6. Heart
- •7. Peripheral Arterial Disease
- •8. Venous Disease, Pulmonary Embolism, and Lymphatic System
- •9. Common Life-threatening Disorders
- •10. Esophagus
- •11. Stomach and Duodenum
- •12. Small Intestine
- •13. Colon, Rectum, and Anus
- •14. Liver, Portal Hypertension, and Biliary Tract
- •15. Pancreas
- •16. Thyroid, Adrenal, Parathyroid, and Thymus Glands
- •18. Benign Lesions
- •19. Malignant Lesions of the Head and Neck
- •20. Parotid Gland
- •21. Trauma and Burns
- •22. Spleen
- •23. Breast
- •24. Organ Transplantation
- •25. Urologic Surgery
- •26. Plastic Surgery and Skin and Soft Tissue Surgery
- •27. Neurosurgery
- •28. Orthopedics
- •29. Pediatric Surgery
- •30. Laparoscopic Surgery

Chapter 24
Organ Transplantation
Michael J. Moritz
Vincent T. Armenti
Benjamin Philosophe
I Overview
A Candidate evaluation
Potential recipients are carefully evaluated. The diseased organ and associated problems are carefully reviewed. For example, the physician should ensure that a patient with renal failure due to posterior urethral valves has had the valves corrected so that the bladder's reservoir and voiding functions are intact.
Other related organ systems are evaluated. For example, an evaluation of a liver transplant candidate with alcoholic cirrhosis looks for cardiomyopathy or cerebral atrophy. Another example is an evaluation of whether a patient with renal failure from diabetic nephropathy has significant coronary artery disease.
General health issues are evaluated. The following typical studies may be needed for each organ system
Pulmonary: chest radiograph, pulmonary function tests
Cardiac: electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, stress test, cardiac catheterization
Gastrointestinal: upper gastrointestinal series, barium enema, endoscopy, liver function tests, ultrasound
Renal/urologic: creatinine clearance, cystourethrogram
Immunologic: purified protein derivative (PPD); rapid plasmin reagin (RPR) test; serology for hepatitis B and C, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein -Barr virus (EBV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); vaccination status
Cancer screening: mammography, prostate -specific antigen, Papanicolaou test
Specific issues are also typically addressed for the following transplant recipients:
Renal transplant. Renin levels should be checked if the patient has refractory hypertension. Parathyroid metabolism should be evaluated. Calcium and phosphate should be controlled. The lower urinary tract must be sterile; a urine culture and urinalysis should be performed.
Liver transplant. Liver biopsy should be performed. Patency of the portal system should be checked.
The α-fetoprotein level should be measured.
Pancreas transplant. The C peptide level must be checked (must be low to prove that the patient has type I diabetes).
Heart transplant. Pulmonary vascular resistance must be measured.
Lung transplant. Right and left heart function should be evaluated.
B Terms

Genetic relationship between the donor and the recipient. Physicians should remember that allografts and xenografts require immunosuppression; otherwise, they will fail because of rejection.
Autograft describes tissue transfer within the same individual (e.g., skin graft).
Isograft describes tissue transfer between genetically identical individuals (e.g., identical twins).
Allograft describes tissue transfer between genetically nonidentical members of the same species (includes living related donor and cadaver donor human transplants). Immunosuppression is required.
Xenograft describes tissue transfer between different species. Immunosuppression is required.
Surgical position
Orthotopic. The old organ is removed, and the new one is placed in the same position.
Heterotopic. The new organ is placed in a different position.
C Donors
Cadaver donors are individuals with severe brain injury resulting in brain death, which is defined as complete irreversible cessation of all brain function, including the brain stem.
Diagnosis. The mainstay of diagnosis is the neurologic examination, which must demonstrate unresponsiveness, absence of spontaneous movement, and absence of reflexes from the brain stem and higher. Also:
The patient must be normothermic.
Depressant drugs (especially barbiturates) must not be present.
An apnea test result must be negative (i.e., no respiratory effort despite a high arterial carbon dioxide level).
Electroencephalogram (EEG) and cerebral blood flow studies are optional.
Causes. Cerebrovascular disease is most common, followed by trauma.
Exclusions. Disseminated or uncured extracranial cancers, sepsis, or poor organ function.
Living donors are individuals motivated by altruism.
Types of living donors
Living unrelated donors on average share no more genes with a recipient than a cadaver donor. An example is the patient's spouse.
Living related donors share a substantial portion of their genomes with the recipient.
Requirements. Living donors must be in almost perfect health, have normal function of the organ under consideration, and be good candidates for anesthesia and the operative procedure. The workup

ABO typing, tissue typing, and cross matching (see I F)
Complete history and physical examination; chest radiography; ECG; complete blood count; sequential multiple analysis (SMA) for 6 and 12 serum tests (SMA-6, SMA -12); 24 -hour creatinine clearance and protein; RPR test; serology for hepatitis B and C, CMV, and HIV; urinalysis; PPD
For renal donors, arteriography and intravenous pyelogram (now combined as a helical computed tomography [CT] scan).
Risks. Perioperative mortality for living kidney donors is 0.03% (3 per 10,000). A living donor provides one kidney, and the remaining kidney hypertrophies and achieves 80% of creatinine clearance before donation. Newer procedures include donation of the left lateral segment or a lobe of the liver and segment(s) or lobe(s) of the lung. In these procedures, the safety of the donor is not assured. Although, traditionally, most living kidney donations are performed as an open surgical procedure, there is increasing experience with laparoscopically performed nephrectomy. This method potentially offers the advantage of minimally invasive surgery while still producing an excellent kidney.
D Removal of the donor organ
The donor organ is removed in a formal surgical procedure, wherein the blood supply of the organ is controlled and then the organ is rapidly flushed with a cold (4 °C) solution to render it cold and ischemic. All organs are more tolerant of cold ischemia than warm (normothermic) ischemia.
The practical limit of cold ischemia with current preservation methods is 4 hours for the heart, 6 hours for a lung, 12 hours for the liver, 36 hours for the pancreas, and 40–48 hours for a kidney. As the limit is approached or passed, the risk increases for delayed function, damage, or nonfunction of the organ.
The immunologic compatibility of the donor and recipient influences the outcome for any type of organ transplant (Table 24 -1).
TABLE 24-1 Effects of Immunologic Compatibility on Transplant Outcome
Organ |
HLA Matching Cross Match |
Effect of High PRA |
Heart |
Not |
Only done for high-PRA |
Increased risk of early graft failure |
important |
patients |
Liver |
Not |
Not done pretransplant, but |
Increased intraoperative blood |
important |
positive cross-match |
loss; increased platelet transfusion |
recipients have the same |
requirements; and increased risk of |
risks as high-PRA patients |
early graft failure. |
Kidney |
Important |
Mandatory pretransplant and |
Increased risk of delayed graft |
for both |
must be negative |
function, early graft failure |
living and |
cadaver |
donors |
Pancreas |
Very |
Mandatory as for kidney |

important |
recipients |
for pancreas |
transplant |
done alone |
HLA, human leukocyte antigen; PRA, panel-reactive antibody.
ABO blood group compatibility. The same rules apply as for red blood cell transfusions.
Cross -match compatibility must be present for kidney, pancreas, and some heart transplants. The recipient's serum is tested for the presence of cytotoxic antibodies directed against surface antigens (usually antihuman leukocyte antigen [HLA]) on the T lymphocytes of the donor. If antidonor cytotoxic antibodies are present, the donor is unacceptable because the recipient's antibodies will immediately attack the new kidney and rapidly destroy it (hyperacute rejection; see I G 1).
A positive cross match is positive for the presence of preformed antidonor antibodies in the serum of the prospective recipient and precludes transplantation between that donor and the recipient.
A negative cross match (i.e., absence of antidonor antibodies) is mandatory before the transplant.
A few patients have antibodies against most other humans (so-called high panel -reactive antibody [PRA] patients). High-PRA patients have formed antibodies against a high proportion of a panel of human cells, which is used to screen for reactivity; therefore, acceptable donors are difficult to find. Also, high-PRA patients are at higher risk for early graft failure.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA). These are the histocompatibility antigens and are defined by tissue typing.
Six human HLA genes (HLA -A, -B, -C, -DR, -DP, and -DQ) are located on chromosome 6.
HLA -C, -DP, and -DQ are not believed to be important in clinical transplantation.
The contents of each chromosome 6 is a haplotype, and all humans have two of these chromosomes —one from the mother and one from the father. Therefore, six HLA antigens are defined by tissue typing (i.e., two each for HLA -A, -B, and -DR).
HLA -A and -B have more than 40 defined types, which are designated numerically. HLA -DR has more than 10 defined types. An example of an HLA type is HLA -A2, 27; B1, 44; DR 3, 7. An example of a haplotype is HLA -A2; B1; DR7.
G Rejection
The three types of rejection are hyperacute, acute, and chronic.
Hyperacute rejection occurs when the serum of the recipient has preformed antidonor antibodies. These antibodies adhere to and kill endothelium, which results in rapid graft infarction (within 24 hours). Because hyperacute rejection can be predicted by a positive cross match (see I F 2 a), it is avoidable. However, once hyperacute rejection begins, it cannot be treated.
Acute rejection is a cell -mediated immune response initiated by helper T cells. The pace of proliferation of alloreactive T cell clones dictates that acute rejection usually occurs after the sixth

post-transplant day. In some cases, a memory immune response can trigger cellular rejection sooner.
The diagnosis is usually made via the detection and workup of graft dysfunction, culminating in a biopsy.
Acute rejection is treatable and reversible by a short course of high-dose immunosuppressive drugs.
When acute rejection is refractory to treatment or recurs, graft failure can result.
Acute rejection usually takes place within 3 months of transplant and rarely occurs after 1 year, unless triggered by an event such as infection or lack of adequate immunosuppression.
Chronic rejection usually occurs late. It has an insidious onset and is multifactorial, with both the cell - mediated and humoral arms of the immune system involved. Chronic rejection is poorly understood and therefore not treatable or reversible.
H Immunosuppression (Table 24-2)
Almost all allografts require indefinite suppression of the recipient's immune system to prevent rejection. This is in contrast to tolerance, in which the recipient's immune system responds normally to all antigens except those of the donor (i.e., the donor antigens are “tolerated”).
Immunosuppression attempts to disable or destroy components of the immune response (typically lymphocytes).
Conventional immunosuppression is created by drug therapy; administration of biologic reagents (sera); and, rarely, radiation therapy.
Multiple drug therapy is standard and aims for synergistic immunosuppression while minimizing the side effects.
Immunosuppression can be loosely classified into three types: induction regimens, antirejection regimens, and maintenance therapy.
Induction regimens aim to avoid rejection and establish good graft function within the first two posttransplant weeks. Induction regimens use an antilymphocyte serum plus part of the maintenance regimen (see I H 2 c), withholding one drug to avoid unwanted side effects.
The nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine and tacrolimus is of particular concern after any transplant.
Impaired healing of the bronchial anastomosis from high-dose steroids is disadvantageous after lung transplantation.
Antirejection regimens are high-dose, short-term (<3 weeks) treatments aimed at reversing acute rejection episodes. These regimens include high-dose (pulse) corticosteroids, typically methylprednisolone, antilymphocyte sera, or monoclonal antibodies.
Maintenance therapy provides long-term immunosuppression to prevent rejection. These regimens usually include two or three drugs. The principal drugs are cyclosporine or tacrolimus. One of these is combined with a corticosteroid (e.g., prednisone), and a third drug may be added. More recently, coritcosteroids have been eliminated from maintenance regimens.
Corticosteroids have broad anti -inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Generally, they inhibit all types of leukocytes, in contrast to the other immunosuppressive drugs, which are more lymphocyte selective.

Methylprednisolone is used intravenously for induction or antirejection therapy.
Prednisone or prednisolone is given orally as maintenance therapy. With good bioavailability, drug levels are not needed.
Side effects are common and include obesity, cushingoid facies, poor wound healing, atrophic skin, striae, and acne.
In contrast to the prevalent side effects, complications include diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis (usually of the hips), cataracts, peptic ulcer disease, and psychiatric disturbances. These broad complications have led many centers to successfully eliminate steroids from maintenance protocols.
Calcineurin inhibitors have become the mainstays of most immunosuppressive regimens owing to their superior effectiveness. These drugs block the calcineurin -dependent pathway
of helper T -cell activation, thus blocking transcription of cytokine genes that initiate and amplify the immune response. This mechanism is more specific for the alloimmune response to an organ allograft than the older drugs (e.g., corticosteroids, azathioprine). Therefore, lower doses of other immunosuppressive drugs can be used, the incidence and severity of rejection are decreased, and outcomes are improved. They are typically used for maintenance therapy.
TABLE 24-2 Immunosuppressive Drugs
Drugs |
Uses |
Effects |
Side Effects |
Comments |
Cyclosporine |
Maintenance |
Profound |
Nephrotoxicity, |
Relatively selective |
inhibitor of |
hypertension, |
for alloimmune |
helper T-cell |
tremor, hirsutism |
responses |
function |
Cannot be used |
with tacrolimus |
(FK-506) due to |
synergistic |
nephrotoxicity |
Tacrolimus |
Maintenance, |
Profound |
Nephrotoxicity, |
(FK-506) |
antirejection |
inhibitor of T- |
neurotoxicity, |
cell function |
diabetes |
Corticosteroids |
Maintenance |
Inhibits all |
Cushingoid |
Innumerable |
(Prednisone |
antirejection |
leukocytes; |
fascies, diabetes, |
troublesome side |
po, |
high-dose |
excessive weight |
effects; nonspecific |
Methylpredni- |
causes |
gain, aseptic |
immuno- |
solonel IV) |
lymphocytolysis |
necrosis of the |
suppressant |
hip |
Azathioprine |
Maintenance |
Inhibits clonal |
Leukopenia |
Nonspecific |
proliferation of |
T cells |
OKT3 |
Antirejection, |
Disables or |
First-dose |
Low frequency of |

induction |
depletes all T |
reaction due to |
development of |
cells |
cytokine release |
anti-OKT3 |
can cause fever, |
antibodies, |
chills, |
maximum duration |
bronchospasm |
of therapy 2–3 |
weeks |
Antithymocyte |
Antirejection, |
Depletes T cells |
Fevers, chills |
Maximum duration |
globulin |
induction |
of therapy 2–3 |
weeks |
Mycophenolate |
Maintenance |
Akin to |
Diarrhea; |
More lymphocyte |
mofetil |
azathioprine |
leukopenia |
selective than |
azathioprine |
Rapamycin |
Maintenance |
Inhibits helper |
Potential |
Some similarities |
(Sirolimus) |
T cells |
thrombocytopenia |
to cyclosporine, |
and |
FK-506 class of |
hyperlipidemia |
drugs; synergistic |
only with |
cyclosporine |
Basiliximab |
Antirejection |
Inhibits |
Possible |
Immunosuppressive |
(Simulet) |
prophylaxis |
interleukin-2– |
anaphylactoid |
chimeric |
mediated |
reaction |
monoclonal |
(activation of |
antibody |
lymphocytes) |
Daclizumab |
Antirejection |
Inhibits |
Possible |
Immunosuppressive |
(Zenapax) |
prophylaxis |
interleukin-2– |
anaphylactoid |
humanized |
medicated |
reaction |
monoclonal |
(activation of |
antibody |
lymphocytes) |
Cyclosporine dosing is adjusted to achieve a desired trough blood level because bioavailability is low and varies greatly.
Toxicity includes nephrotoxicity, hypertension, neurotoxicity, hirsutism, gingival hyperplasia, and hyperlipidemia.
At appropriate levels, cyclosporine does not cause progressive deterioration in renal function.
Tacrolimus (FK-506) is more potent than cyclosporine. Dosing is done by trough levels. Toxicity is similar to cyclosporine without hirsutism, hyperlipidemia, and gingival hyperplasia but with headache, diarrhea, and an increased risk of diabetes.
Antimetabolites are drugs that inhibit purine or pyrimidine metabolism, thereby inhibiting rapidly dividing cells, including clonally proliferating alloreactive T cells. They are usually used as third maintenance immunosuppressants with corticosteroids and a calcineurin inhibitor.

Azathioprine is a purine metabolism inhibitor. Toxicity causes leukopenia.
Mycophenolate mofetil is a purine metabolism inhibitor that appears to be more lymphocyte specific than azathioprine. When used as a third drug, the incidence of acute rejection is significantly decreased. Toxicity includes reversible bone marrow suppression and gastrointestinal side effects.
Antilymphocyte sera are biologic agents derived from animals immunized against human determinants. Two agents that are used for either induction or antirejection therapy are muromonab CD3 (OKT3) and antithymocyte globulin (ATG). Muromonab CD3 is a murine monoclonal immunoglobulin (IgG) to an antibody that binds to the CD3 antigen on human T cells. Antithymocyte globulin is a polyclonal antilymphocyte serum harvested from horses or rabbits, which depletes T cells.
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor blockers. Two IL -2 receptor blockers have been developed. Studies have suggested that when used as part of an immunosuppressive regimen including steroids and cyclosporine, these agents can reduce the frequency of acute rejection in kidney transplant recipients. IL -2 receptor blockers bind to the IL -2 receptor alpha chain on the surface of activated T lymphocytes. One agent is a humanized monoclonal antibody, dacliximab (Zenapax) and the other a mouse -human chimeric monoclonal antibody, basiliximab (Simulect). Simulect is given at transplant and is repeated 4 days later, whereas Zenapax is given within 24 hours of transplant and then at 14 -day intervals for four doses. No significant adverse reactions or drug interactions have been reported with these agents. The long-term effects of these agents are not yet known.
Sirolimus (Rapamycin) is the newest drug. It binds to the same intracellular carrier site as does tacrolimus and may partially antagonize its effects. It is synergistic with cyclosporine. It acts at a separate, later site of T -cell activation than the calcineurin inhibitors. Side effects include hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and mild bone marrow suppression.
I General complications of immunosuppression
Infections. The nonspecificity of current immunosuppression also impairs host defenses against a diverse group of pathogens (e.g., opportunistic infections).
A broad range of bacterial, fungal, and protozoal organisms are an uncommon cause of infections, but they require prompt diagnosis and treatment, as they can be lethal.
CMV is a frequent infectious problem in the early months after a transplant. The risk is related to prior exposure (serostatus), and seronegative recipients of organs from seropositive donors are at highest risk. The agent for prophylaxis and treatment of CMV infection is ganciclovir.
Neoplasia. The three major areas of increased risk are skin cancer, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLDs), and oral squamous cell cancers or female genital tract cancers.
Skin cancer. Squamous cell cancers of sun -exposed skin are very common in post-transplant patients.
PTLD is a form of lymphoma, commonly arising from B cells and usually associated with EBV. Early stages may respond to acyclovir and profound reduction in immunosuppression. Later stages are treatable with chemotherapy, but the prognosis is poor.
Oral squamous cell cancers and female genital tract cancers (e.g., cervical, vaginal, labial) occur with greater frequency in post-transplant patients.
Parenthood after transplantation

Organ failure is generally associated with endocrine abnormalities that result in difficulties in fertility or the ability to conceive. The endocrine abnormalities are reversed after successful transplantation. With successful transplantation, recipients regain the capacity to become pregnant or to father a child.
No obvious problems have been present in the offspring of male organ recipients.
Female recipients often have premature deliveries or low birth weight infants. The severity of these outcomes seems to be related to the degree of graft problems and other comorbid conditions. Therefore, female recipients who are doing well with good graft function and who have good control of their medical problems can be expected to have reasonably good outcomes, although they must be treated as high-risk pregnancies.
II Heart Transplantation
Candidates have end -stage heart disease (New York Heart Association class III or IV) and are likely to die within 1–2 years without transplantation.
Two diagnoses, cardiomyopathy (40%) and coronary artery disease (40%), are most common. Congenital heart disease, valvular disease, and retransplantation comprise the remaining 20%.
The age of recipients ranges from newborns to adults in their mid -60s.
Increasingly, very ill heart transplant candidates are receiving a ventricular assist device (partial mechanical heart), with the diseased heart remaining in situ. This procedure is considered a “bridge to transplant.”
Contraindications include severe pulmonary hypertension (although an absolute cutoff is difficult to define), tobacco use within 6 months, and poor renal or pulmonary function.
The orthotopic procedure requires institution of cardiopulmonary bypass (heart -lung machine; see Chapter 6) followed by partial excision of the heart, preserving the posterior half of the atria and the interatrial septum. The donor heart is then implanted with two atrial suture lines, the pulmonary artery anastomosis, and the aortic anastomosis.
Postoperatively the heart provides normal cardiac output. As the heart is denervated, bradycardia is treated with pacing via temporary pacing wires implanted at surgery or via chronotropic drugs (e.g., isoproteronol). Atropine, which is a vagolytic drug, will not work.
Initial immunosuppression is usually with corticosteroids, a calcineurin inhibitor, and an antimetabolite, which are continued as maintenance therapy.
Acute rejection is difficult to diagnose clinically. Standard surveillance for rejection involves periodic endomyocardial biopsy. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a biopsy device is passed via the internal jugular vein into the right ventricle, where a biopsy is taken.
E Donors
An enormous gap exists between the number of cadaver donor hearts available and the number of candidates in need. Therefore, almost every cadaver donor is investigated as a possible heart donor. Coronary arteriography may be required as part of the workup of the potential cadaver donor. Donors are matched with recipients by blood type and size (i.e., weight, height).
F Complications and results

Acute rejection is common. Severity is determined histologically.
Chronic rejection is manifest as graft coronary artery disease. This process has a different distribution from atherosclerotic coronary disease because it favors smaller arteries. Accordingly, it is difficult to treat with angioplasty or bypass surgery and may require retransplantation.
Hypertension and renal insufficiency from cyclosporine or tacrolimus can be difficult to manage.
Mortality. Almost 10% of recipients die in the first month after transplantation. These deaths are often related to multiple organ failure or initial graft failure. Another 5% die during the next 11 months. Patient survival at 1 year is 85%.
Long -term patient survival is 70% at 5 years. Patient survival for heart and liver recipients is very similar.
III Lung Transplantation
Lung transplantation can involve one or two lungs.
Candidates have end -stage pulmonary parenchymal or vascular disease. They are New York Heart Association class III or IV, and they have an anticipated survival of less than 2 years without transplantation. Abstinence from tobacco for a minimum of 6 months is mandatory. Three common indications account for 70% of candidates: emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including α 1 -antitrypsin deficiency (45%), primary
pulmonary hypertension (12%), and cystic fibrosis (10%).
Specific assessment of the following is critical.
Cardiac function. If left ventricular function is too poor, or if surgically uncorrectable congenital heart defects are present (usually Eisenmenger's syndrome), the patient is not a candidate for lung transplantation but may be considered for a heart -lung transplant.
If patients have bilateral pulmonary infections (e.g., from cystic fibrosis), they require double -lung transplants, because retention of an infected lung allows spread to the transplanted lung. Otherwise, single - lung transplants are used.
Renal and hepatic function must be adequate. Contraindications include current or recent tobacco or alcohol use and advanced pulmonary disease (e.g., ventilator-dependent conditions, intractable pulmonary infections, or excessive steroid requirements [for bronchospasm]).
C Operative strategy
Lung transplants are orthotopic, with excision of the diseased lung(s).
Lung transplantation has gained acceptance only recently. Many obstacles have appeared en route to success.
The question of whether a single transplanted lung is adequate to treat patients has been resolved affirmatively, at least for restrictive lung diseases.
Substantial difficulties with healing of the bronchial anastomosis have been improved.
The lung represents a large immunologic target, requiring more immunosuppression than most other transplants.
Single -lung transplants are performed via lateral thoracotomy. Cardiopulmonary bypass is not usually required, unless pulmonary artery pressures rise excessively or blood gases deteriorate excessively when the pulmonary artery is clamped.

Bronchial, pulmonary artery, and donor left atrial anastomoses (left atrial patch includes the pulmonary vein orifices) are performed.
The bronchial anastomosis is performed by using a telescoping interrupted suture technique. Wrapping the bronchial anastomosis with a vascularized pedicle of omentum has also been used.
Induction therapy with antilymphocyte sera and avoidance of high-dose steroids (which inhibit bronchial anastomotic healing) is often chosen.
Double-lung transplants are usually performed through a transverse anterior thoracotomy with or without cardiopulmonary bypass, and the procedure resembles two single -lung transplants. The two bronchial anastomoses are performed like single -lung transplants.
D Postoperatively
the new lung(s) rapidly accommodate, and prompt extubation is the rule. Both rejection and infection are monitored with serial chest radiographs, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage or transbronchial biopsy, and measurements of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1 , only for rejection surveillance).
Donors are scarce because prolonged intubation, chest contusions, aspiration injury, and pneumonia—any of which may contraindicate lung donation—are all common in brain-dead individuals. Bronchoscopy is required before donation and is often performed in the operating room just before the donor surgery.
F Complications and results
Acute rejection is characterized by fever, infiltrates on a chest radiograph, worsened blood gas exchange, and exclusion of infection by bronchoalveolar lavage. The incidence of acute rejection is 60%.
Bronchial anastomotic complications occur in approximately 15% of recipients and are treated with various methods from observation through surgical repair or stent placement. Complete breakdown or dehiscence of the bronchial anastomosis requires surgical repair or retransplantation.
Pneumonia is a common source of morbidity and potential mortality. The prevalence of bacterial pneumonia is 50%. The prevalence of CMV pneumonia varies with the serostatus (prior infection) of the donor and the recipient, but it can be fatal and prophylaxis is required. Fungal infection is uncommon (<10%) but is usually lethal.
Survival is similar for single -lung, double -lung, and heart -lung transplantation, with a 70% 1-year survival rate. Chronic rejection is a significant long-term problem. It is diagnosed histologically as bronchiolitis obliterans or clinically as bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. Mortality with this diagnosis is high (40% within 2 years).
Survival by diagnosis , from best to worst, is as follows:
Obstructive lung disease
Cystic fibrosis
Restrictive lung disease
Pulmonary hypertension
IV Hepatic Transplantation

Hepatic transplantation is technically difficult because portal hypertension, portosystemic venous collaterals, and coagulopathy are usually present. The postoperative course depends on the initial condition of the patient, the function of the new liver, and technical problems in the perioperative period.
Candidates have end -stage liver disease and are likely to die within 1–2 years without transplantation. Most candidates are between 6 months and 70 years of age. Careful evaluation of cardiopulmonary and renal function is essential. Once listed, priority is based on their MELD (Model for End -stage Liver Disease) score. The score is based on bilirubin, creatinine, and international normalized ratio (INR) and ranges from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 40. The sicker the patient, the higher the values, and the higher the MELD score. Since priority is based on MELD, severity of disease is emphasized rather than waiting time.
B Indications for liver transplantation
Approximately 95% of candidates have chronic disease; the remaining 5% have fulminant hepatic failure , which is a disorder that progresses rapidly.
Adults. In adults, the common chronic diseases that require liver transplantation include cirrhosis from chronic hepatitis C (40%), alcoholic cirrhosis (15%), chronic hepatitis B (<10%), primary biliary cirrhosis (<10%), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (<10%).
Children. In children who require liver transplantation, more than 50% have biliary atresia as the cause of liver failure.
Three major complications herald end -stage liver disease and indicate the need to consider liver transplantation.
Difficult-to -manage ascites (refractory to treatment, associated with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, or hydrothorax from peritoneal–pleural leaks)
Esophageal variceal hemorrhage (recurrent or associated with hepatic decompensation)
C Four areas of controversy
Alcoholic patients with cirrhosis have the same chance for successful transplantation as do patients with other diagnoses. However, they require screening to identify and exclude those who are likely to return to drinking. Most programs require a minimum of 6 months of abstinence. Alcoholic patients with cardiomyopathy and cerebral atrophy must be excluded.
Patients with fulminant hepatic failure can develop cerebral edema, herniation, and brain death. When fulminant hepatic failure results from a suicide attempt (classically from acetaminophen overdose), the patient can be excluded if the psychiatric history has documented multiple suicide attempts.
Patients with primary hepatic malignancies treated with transplantation have high recurrence rates and a poorer outcome. Therefore, their suitability as candidates is controversial. However, candidates with cirrhosis and a single, small (<5 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma that is not amenable to resection do not have a substantial risk of recurrence and are good candidates.
Patients with cirrhosis from chronic viral hepatitis face risks of recurrent hepatitis and the potential for recurrent cirrhosis. Treatment varies with the causative virus.
Donors must match the recipient for size. For small children, the number of size -appropriate donors is insufficient. This problem has alternatives, including:

An adult cadaver liver is split, and the left lobe or lateral segment is transplanted to the child.
Adult living donors donate their left lateral segment to the child.
E Operative strategy
The procedure generally requires 6–10 hours to perform.
Removal of the diseased liver requires dissection of the porta hepatitis, the inferior vena cava, and the diaphragmatic and retroperitoneal attachments of the liver. The blood flow to the diseased liver is interrupted, and the liver is removed. The patient is then anhepatic and requires intensive monitoring to maintain homeostasis. A segment of the retrohepatic vena cava may be removed with the liver, interrupting venous return.
Implantation of the new liver
External venovenous bypass from the femoral and portal veins to the axillary vein may be used to bypass the inferior vena cava.
Venous anastomoses are created for the suprahepatic vena cava, infrahepatic vena cava, and portal vein. These veins can then be opened, supplying the liver with warm, oxygenated blood and reestablishing caval flow. Alternatively, a piggyback method is used. The donor suprahepatic cava is anastomosed to the preserved recipient vena cava, and the donor infrahepatic cava is closed.
Hemostasis is obtained, the hepatic artery is reconstructed, and the biliary tract is reconstituted to complete the procedure. The donor bile duct is anastomosed either to the recipient's bile duct or a Roux -en -Y segment of jejunum (see Chapter 11).
Postoperatively the function of the new liver can be ascertained by production of bile, uptake of potassium by hepatocytes (hypokalemia), correction of coagulopathy, and metabolism of the citrate anticoagulant of blood products (alkalosis).
Nonfunction of the liver graft is manifest by the absence of bile, persistent coagulopathy, and the inability to fully awaken. This uncommon complication (<10%) requires urgent retransplantation.
Immunosuppression is achieved by either cyclosporine or tacrolimus with steroids and often an antimetabolite.
G Complications and results
Surgical complications requiring reoperation are common, and they relate to any of the five anastomoses between the donor and the recipient. Hepatic artery thrombosis is especially common in children (5%– 10%) and often requires retransplantation. Biliary complications are also fairly common. Anastomotic strictures are more common than leaks, and these usually happen early. Late strictures can be related to rejection.
Acute rejection usually manifests as increased liver function tests and occurs in about 40% of recipients. Fever or jaundice can occur with rejection. Diagnosis is made by liver biopsy. Rejection is almost always reversible.
Chronic rejection , also called vanishing bile duct syndrome, represents immunologic attack on the bile ducts and the small arteries that nourish them. This is uncommon but may require retransplantation because it is generally untreatable.

Post -transplant death is usually related to multiple organ failure. It is usually brought on by a combination of infection or rejection plus nephrotoxicity from cyclosporine or tacrolimus.
Recurrence of hepatitis. Hepatitis B recurrence can be treated with lamivudine. Recurrence of hepatitis C is universal and usually takes an insidious course. The long-term outcome of recurrent hepatitis C is mild or no hepatitis in 40%, moderate hepatitis in 45%, and recurrent cirrhosis in 15% (at 5 years).
Survival of pediatric patients after liver transplantation is slightly better than that of adults.
Survival of adult patients is more variable than survival of children (Table 24 -3). Again, two factors have strong statistical influence.
Diagnosis. The diagnoses of cancer and fulminant hepatic failure are associated with poorer outcomes.
Patients who are more ill at the time of transplantation do not fare as well as those who are less ill.
TABLE 24-3 Patient Survival after Liver Transplantation
Pre-operative Status |
Patient Survival (%) (1 year)Patient Survival (%) (5 years) |
Pediatric recipients (all) |
80 |
74 |
Age <1 Year |
74 |
67 |
Age <10 years |
84 |
77 |
Patient status |
Life support |
61 |
58 |
80 |
71 |
Hospitalized |
77 |
71 |
At home |
86 |
80 |
Adult recipients (all) |
81 |
67 |
Patient status |
Life support |
64 |
55 |
74 |
60 |
Hospitalized |
79 |
62 |

At home |
86 |
72 |
Diagnosis |
Hepatitis C |
82 |
65 |
Hepatitis B |
78 |
59 |
Cancer |
67 |
32 |
Fulminant hepatic failure |
71 |
63 |
ICU, intensive care unit. |
V Renal Transplantation
When renal transplantation is successful, patients return to normal lives unencumbered by dialysis.
A Candidates
Patients from newborn to 70 years of age with end -stage renal disease and on maintenance dialysis are typical candidates. Patients with declining renal function who are almost at the stage of requiring dialysis are also candidates.
Renal transplantation is elective in the sense that dialysis is always an option. Therefore, candidates should be stable before transplantation.
Common indications for renal transplant in adults include glomerulonephritis (41%), diabetes mellitus (16%), polycystic disease (13%), hypertension (12%), and pyelonephritis or interstitial nephritis (6%). In children, approximately 50% of candidates have congenital or hereditary renal disease, and the remaining 50% have acquired renal disease.
B Donors
Living related donors represent 30% of kidney transplants. A related donor and recipient share more genes than do unrelated pairs. Three types of histocompatibility match occur between related individuals.
A perfect match (two haplotypes). Two siblings share the same HLA haplotype from both their mother and father. Siblings have a 25% chance of being a perfect match.
A half match (one haplotype). The donor and recipient share one of two HLA haplotypes. Siblings have a 50% chance of being a half match; all parent–child pairs are a half match.
A zero match (no haplotypes). Two siblings share neither haplotype. This situation occurs in 25% of sibling pairs.
Cadaver donors represent 70% of kidney transplant donors. The donor and the recipient can match from zero to six of their HLA antigens (see I F 3 c).
Living unrelated donors represent 3%–4% of kidney transplants and have the same types of matches as

cadaver donors.
C Graft survival
Graft survival rates vary from one center to another. Regardless, all four types of living donor kidneys have better results than do cadaver donor kidneys (Table 24 -4).
Factors that adversely affect graft survival
High-PRA patients
Poor -quality donors
Delayed graft function
TABLE 24-4 Results of Kidney Transplantation Related to Donor Source
1-Year Graft Survival |
Half-life |
(%) |
(years) |
Living related donor |
Perfect match |
95 |
27 |
Half match |
92 |
13 |
Zero match |
92 |
13 |
Living unrelated donor |
92 |
13 |
Cadaver donor |
6-antigen match |
90 |
13 |
All other matches |
85 |
9 |
Second cadaver transplants |
80 |
8 |
(retransplants) |

FIGURE 24-1 Placement of the renal transplant.
Outcome of renal transplantation is best expressed as the annual rate of graft loss (%/year) or as the half - life (i.e., the period of time by which half of the kidneys transplanted have failed).
Patient survival and graft survival are separate outcomes. If the graft fails, the patient returns to dialysis.
The 1-year graft survival reflects avoidance of acute rejection and related graft loss. After the first year, the rate of graft loss is much slower and is caused by chronic rejection. The rate of late graft loss is relatively constant over time.
Patient survival rates are relatively high. Living related recipients have a 5-year patient survival rate of 90%–95%. Patients who received donor kidneys from a cadaver have a 5-year patient survival rate of 75%–85%.
D Operative strategy
The urinary tract must be free of obstructions, stones, and infection. Nephrectomy is indicated for chronic persistent pyelonephritis, persistent upper tract stones, vesicoureteral reflux, severe unmanageable highrenin hypertension, and severe cyst complications with polycystic disease.
The surgical procedure involves placing the kidney in the retroperitoneum, a heterotropic location. The renal vessels are anastomosed to the iliac artery and vein in adults and occasionally to the aorta and inferior vena cava in small children. The ureter is directly implanted into the bladder (Fig. 24 -1). The native kidneys are usually not removed.
Postoperatively 70%–90% of cadaver donor kidneys and all living donor kidneys function immediately, with a brisk diuresis and rapid drop in serum creatinine. Between 10% and 30% of cadaver donor kidneys do not function immediately (i.e., delayed graft function, acute tubular necrosis). This condition is usually temporary (7–14 days); then, the kidney gradually attains normal function.
F Complications

Acute rejection occurs in approximately 40% of recipients who receive prednisone, cyclosporine, ± azathioprine. The incidence of acute rejection is lowered with the addition of either an anti–IL -2 receptor antibody (see I H 7) or replacing azathioprine with mycophenolate mofetil. Only 20% of perfect-match living related recipients will experience acute rejection.
Treatment is pulse corticosteroids or antilymphocyte sera. Approximately 80% of episodes of acute rejection are reversible. If the episode is irreversible, the graft fails and the patient returns to dialysis.
Chronic rejection is reflected in the half -life (Table 24 -4). A prior episode of acute rejection is the strongest predictor of increased risk of chronic rejection. Chronic rejection results in graft failure and return to dialysis.
Surgical complications are not uncommon, and they can usually be treated if they are recognized at an early stage.
Vascular complications include renal artery stenosis or thrombosis and renal vein thrombosis and occur in 3%–5% of recipients. Patients may present with sudden anuria or hypertension.
Lymphatic complications occur in less than 5% of recipients and appear as a perinephric lymph collection (lymphocele). The diagnosis is made by decreased urine output or an elevated creatinine level, which prompts a diagnostic ultrasound. The lymphocele is drained by percutaneous aspiration or, optimally, by (laparoscopic) drainage into the peritoneal cavity.
Urologic complications occur in less than 10% of renal transplant patients and include urine leakage at the ureter -bladder anastomosis and ureter obstruction or infarction caused by compromise of the ureteral blood supply, which may occur during donor nephrectomy. Arteries leading to the lower pole of the kidney usually vascularize the upper ureter and must be preserved. The diagnosis of urologic complications can be confirmed by means of radioisotope scanning, ultrasound examination, or cystography.
VI Pancreas Transplantation
Pancreas transplantation provides an entire cadaver donor pancreas as an endogenous source of insulin to replace exogenous insulin for patients with type I insulin -dependent diabetes mellitus. With long-term euglycemia, improvement or stabilization of diabetic complications of the eyes, kidneys, and diabetic neuropathy can be demonstrated. Transplantation of the islets of Langerhans without the exocrine pancreatic tissue (islet transplants) is now performed under experimental protocols with excellent short-term results. As of yet, the longevity of islet transplants has not equalled that of whole pancreas transplants.
Candidates are usually 25–55 years of age, as it takes 10–20 years of diabetes to develop diabetic complications, particularly nephropathy.
Candidates can be considered in three groups.
Diabetic patients with end -stage renal disease are candidates for a simultaneous pancreas -kidney (SPK) transplant.
Diabetic patients with renal failure may opt for a kidney transplant first (particularly if they have a good living donor) and later undergo pancreas after kidney (PAK) transplantation.
Recipients without nephropathy but with other severe complications (e.g., retinopathy, severe neuropathy, hypoglycemic unawareness) are candidates for pancreas transplantation alone (PTA).
The high prevalence of coexistent coronary artery disease mandates cardiac evaluation , including stress testing.

Contraindications to pancreas transplantation include age higher than 60 years, severe peripheral vascular or coronary artery disease, obesity, and type II diabetes.
Donors are younger than 60 years. Contraindications to donation include current or prior pancreatitis, pancreatic damage from trauma, diabetes (any type), and alcoholism.
Operatively, the blood supply of the liver and pancreas of the donor must be identified and shared when both organs will be used.
Pancreas donors also donate the iliac artery bifurcation for arterial reconstruction.
The spleen is removed with the pancreas and is separated after revascularization.
C Types of operations
SPK transplantation. Rejection is the most common cause of pancreas graft loss. Unfortunately, it is difficult to diagnose and often is irreversible. An important advantage to SPK transplantation is that the kidney serves as a marker for rejection of the pancreas.
Advantages. Other advantages to SPK transplantation include the following:
Only one surgery is needed.
High doses of induction immunosuppression drugs are needed only once.
Disadvantages to SPK transplantation are the extended procedure for some patients and, until recently, the inability to use potential living kidney donors. A newer procedure, the simultaneous cadaver pancreas and living donor kidney transplantation (the SPLK), is currently used in select centers. This procedure avoids the necessity of two separate operations.
PAK transplantation
Advantage. The advantage to the PAK approach is that this group is selected by their good response to a kidney transplant. It is hoped that these patients have a relatively low risk of rejection.
Disadvantages include two separate procedures: a repeat course of induction immunosuppression drugs, and the kidney not serving as a marker for rejection because the pancreas is from a different donor.
D Operative strategy
Anatomy. Embryologically, the pancreas is derived at the foregut -midgut junction and therefore receives blood supply from the celiac axis and the superior mesenteric artery. The splenic artery from the celiac axis supplies the tail, whereas the inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries from the superior mesenteric artery supply the head.
Recipients receive the whole pancreas along with a segment of duodenum.
The exocrine secretions pass via the ampulla of Vater into the duodenum, which is anastomosed either to the bladder or to the small bowel.

The two arterial blood supplies to the pancreas are joined by an arterial Y graft (the bifurcation of the donor common iliac artery is anastomosed to the splenic artery and the superior mesenteric artery).
Procedure. Through a lower midline incision, the pancreas is placed in the right iliac fossa. Anastomoses (donor to recipient) include portal vein to iliac vein, common iliac artery Y graft to iliac artery, and duodenum to bladder or small intestine. For SPK transplantation, the kidney is placed in the left iliac fossa through the same incision. An alternative for venous drainage of the pancreas is to the recipient superior mesenteric vein (portal drainage) in conjuction with enteric exocrine drainage. Portal drainage may have immunological advantages.
E Complications and results
Postoperatively , the patients quickly become insulin independent. Induction immunosuppression drugs generally include an antilymphocyte serum. Maintenance immunosuppression usually consists of corticosteroids, a calcineurin inhibitor, and mycophenolate mofetil.
Surveillance for rejection
SPK transplant patients are monitored indirectly via the kidney (i.e., creatinine).
Pancreas transplants with bladder drainage are followed by urinary amylase, although this marker is not very reliable.
In the absence of a clinical marker, enteric -drained pancreas transplants and PAK and PTA transplants are monitored by plasma amylase and/or lipase and periodic (protocol) pancreas biopsies to search for rejection.
Elevated blood glucose levels usually indicate substantial and often irreversible loss of islet function.
Patient survival. The 1-year patient survival rate for all three pancreas procedures (SPK, PAK, and PTA) is 94%, which is similar to the 1-year patient survival rate after kidney transplant for diabetic recipients.
Graft survival. The graft survival rate most strongly reflects the type of procedure that was performed. The 1-year pancreas graft survival rates are 80% for SPK transplantation, 75% for PAK, and 80% for PTA transplantation.
Rejection is common. Up to 40% of SPK patients have at least one episode of acute rejection.
Complications include graft pancreatitis, pancreatic leaks and fistulas, graft thrombosis, and bladder complications related to pancreatic enzymes (e.g., cystitis, hemorrhagic cystitis, urethritis).
VII Small Bowel Transplantation
Experience with small bowel transplantation is more limited than with the previous organs discussed.
Candidates for small bowel transplantation have irreversible intestinal failure and are permanently dependent on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). With long-term TPN, patients may develop TPN-induced hepatic failure, which may necessitate a combined liver and small bowel transplant
B Causes
Short bowel is the primary reason for small bowel transplantation. Patients with adequate length of bowel but poor bowel function (e.g., Crohn's disease, visceral myopathies) may be candidates.

In children, causes include congenital atresias, volvulus, necrotizing enterocolitis, and gastroschisis.
In adults , causes include Crohn's disease, volvulus, trauma, and vascular accidents, such as superior mesenteric artery occlusion.
C Operative strategy
Venous outflow can be to the portal or systemic veins. Options for gastrointestinal continuity include no bowel anastomoses and two stomas, two bowel anastomoses and no stomas, or one bowel anastomosis and one stoma. The last option is preferred because it provides proximal bowel continuity plus a distal stoma for easy biopsy access.
Postoperative immunosuppression is usually with tacrolimus plus other drugs.
Complications include sepsis, stomal complications (including retraction and ischemia), and graft failure resulting from vascular thrombosis or hemorrhage. Lymphatic drainage problems are usually short term but may affect longchain fatty acid absorption.
Because the small bowel is rich in lymphoid tissue, graft-versus-host disease has been a problem more prevalent in small bowel transplantation than in other organ transplants. This cascade of events is caused by the proliferation of donor-derived immunocompetent cells manifested as skin rash, diarrhea, altered liver functions, and anemia and can appear in the intestine as sloughing, shortening, and blunting of the villi.
Graft function is monitored by looking at various absorption studies (including ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [EDTA] and maltose) and direct biopsy techniques.
The histologic appearance of the gut during rejection includes blunting of microvilli, mononuclear infiltration of the intestinal wall, and epithelial cell attenuation.
Graft survival rates have been reported to be approximately 70% at 1 year for small bowel only and approximately 60% for liver and small bowel. Experience is still limited, and surgical and immunologic challenges lie ahead.