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Dialogue 1

25.6 Кб

Dialogue 1

-Hello, Vlad! Glad to meet you! How are you?

-Hello, Zhenia. I'm fine. Glad to meet you too.

-Did you like our last lesson of physics? I mean that one when we spoke about electricity.

-Certainly, I did. I couldn't even imagine that it was time when there was no electricity. It's impossible to imagine our life without a TV set, a telephone, a fridge,an iron, a tape recorder, a personal computer, a washing machine etc.

-You see, Vlad, all these electric appliances came into our life due to electricity. I think that we should name first of all the great English inventor Michael Faraday. His key lay in electricity and magnetism. He was the first to invent the electric generator.

-I think it was great. I'd like to mention another inventor Benjamin Franklin. He was a physicist, a scientist and an inventor. He worked hard in electricity. He invented the lightning rod and this brought him fame.

-I think we should name one more inventor. I mean the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison. In his childhood he was very curious and always asked: "Why?" He tried to learn how things worked or how they were made. He invented the electric bulb.

-Owing to Faraday, Franklin, Edison it became possible to create telephone invented by the great British scientist Alexander Bell.

I can't but mention the great German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen. He discovered his penetrating rays in 1895.Soon x-rays were in common use in medical practice.

-Another important invention connected with electricity was the invention of a TV set by the Scottish inventor John Baird in 1920. It has become the main source of information for millions of people since that time.

-It was a pleasure to talk with you. It's time to go home. Bye!

-The pleasure is all mine. Bye!

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