- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:
- •Memorize the following words and word combinations:
- •Read and translate the text: Fiber Optics
- •Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing
- •Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
- •Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
- •Give definitions of the following words:
- •Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful:
- •Open the brackets and translate the words into English:
- •Word – building
- •Grammar structure
- •Gerund in Scientific English
- •Choose the correct forms:
- •Translate the following sentences paying attention to the ing-forms:
- •Scientific communication
- •Read the text without a dictionary and give a suitable title for it.
- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:
- •Memorize the following words and word combinations:
- •Read and translate the text: Optical Fibers
- •Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing
- •Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
- •Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
- •Give definitions of the following words:
- •Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful:
- •Read and translate the text: Applications of Optical Fibers
- •Word – building
- •Form words by means of:
- •Translate the following sentences into English using words in – ant, – ance wherever possible:
- •Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Then pick out words with the derivational suffixes – ant, - ance, copy them and try to find words related to them.
- •Grammar structure
- •Participle in Scientific English
- •Translate the following:
- •Choose the correct forms:
- •Translate from English into Ukraine paying attention to ing-forms and ed-forms:
- •Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:
- •Scientific communication
- •Read the text and give a suitable title for it. Make a short written summary.
- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:
- •Memorize the following words and word combinations:
- •Read and translate the text: Chips and Nanotechnology
- •Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing.
- •Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
- •Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
- •Give definitions of the following words:
- •Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful:
- •Open the brackets and translate the words into English:
- •Match English terms with their definitions and learn them by heart:
- •Complete the following sentences:
- •From the following choose the words that are most nearly the same in meaning to the bold ones:
- •Explain why:
- •Read and translate the text: Transistors of a few tens of nanometers
- •Word – building
- •Form words by means of:
- •Translate the following sentences into English using words given below:
- •Grammar structure
- •Infinitive in Scientific English
- •Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the infinitives:
- •Translate the following sentences paying attention to the word 'known':
- •Translate the following. Pay attention to the use of Complex Subject.
- •Choose the necessary form:
- •Scientific communication
- •Read the text and give a suitable title for it. Make a short written summary.
- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:
- •Memorize the following words and word combinations:
- •Read and translate the text: Chips and Nanotechnology
- •Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing
- •Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
- •Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
- •Give definitions of the following words:
- •Agree or disagree with the statements given below. The following phrases may be helpful:
- •Open the brackets and translate the words into English:
- •Read and translate the text: Making Chips to Probe Genes
- •Word – building
- •Form words by means of:
- •Find nouns related to the following adjectives:
- •Translate the following sentences. Write out adjectives ending in – ous; – eous; – ious; – uous:
- •Grammar structure
- •Verbals in Scientific English
- •Find in the text sentences containing verbals and translate them into Ukrainian.
- •Define the functions of the Infinitive, the Gerund and the Participles; translate the sentences.
- •Translate the following sentences. Note the words which help you to define whether the word with the suffix -ing is a Verbal Noun, a Gerund or a Participle:
- •Translate the sentences paying attention to the sequence of tenses:
- •Choose the correct form:
- •Scientific communication
- •Read the following text carefully and find the information about the advantages of single-wafer manufacturing: Chips Making’s singular future
- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:
- •Memorize the following words and word combinations:
- •Read and translate the text: Mobile Multimedia Service
- •Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing
- •Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
- •Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
- •Give definitions of the following words:
- •Agree or disagree with the statements given below:
- •Open the brackets and translate the words into English:
- •A New World of Mobile Communications
- •Word – building
- •Form words by means of:
- •Grammar structure Modal Verbs in Scientific English
- •Scientific communication
- •Read the text and give a suitable title for it. Make a short written summary.
- •Find the part of the text “Mobile Multimedia Service” in which the reasons for using wireless access to the Internet are described.
- •Explain why it is necessary to develop multimedia services.
- •Write a summary on the text “Mobile Multimedia Service”. Unit 6
- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:
- •Memorize the following words and word combinations:
- •Read and translate the text: The mobile phone meets the Internet
- •Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing
- •Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
- •Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
- •Give definitions of the following words:
- •Agree or disagree with the statements given below:
- •Open the brackets and translate the words into English:
- •Skim through the text and try to formulate the main idea: The first revolution in mobile phones
- •Word – building
- •Here is a list of adjectives for you to memorize. Explain what they mean:
- •Form adjectives from the given verbs and nouns, and explain their meaning. Pay attention to their spelling and pronunciation. Use a dictionary.
- •Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
- •Grammar structure Adverbial Clauses of Condition in Scientific English
- •Read sentences which should be translated into Ukrainian with 'би':
- •Translate the following sentences paying attention to the word 'were':
- •Choose the correct forms:
- •Translate the following sentences:
- •Translate from Ukrainian into English:
- •Scientific communication
- •Scan the text. While scanning look for answers to the following questions:
- •How mobile telephony got going
- •Express your comprehension of the text “The mobile phone meets the Internet”.
- •Find the part of the text “The mobile phone meets the Internet” devoted to the following points and speak on items:
- •Divide the text into logical parts and find the topical sentence of each part.
Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing
Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.
What is the difference between old and new mobile phones?
How are the early analog cell phones labeled?
Which phones are labeled the second generation?
What are the principal advantages of the second generation phones over their analog predecessors?
Do digital phones offer better sound quality than analog phones?
What were the second generation networks designed for?
How can the third generation help service providers?
What limitations are the third generation proposals going to overcome?
What are the main requirements for the radio transmission?
What does the migration to the third generation open up?
What generation of phones is being developed now?
How do you think the mobile phones will change in the future?
Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:
стільникові телефони; провідний засіб голосового спілкування; високошвидкісні дані; перевага; споживати менше енергії; ємність; продуктивність та зручність; якість звуку; цифрові мережі; підписання угоди; широка різноманітність терміналів; незвичайні послуги.
Give definitions of the following words:
digital system, analog system, frequency, mobile phone.
Agree or disagree with the statements given below:
Cellular phone is a mainstream voice communication medium.
Second generation cellular systems dealt successfully with shortfalls of analog systems: the lack of security and privacy, limited network features and high costs.
Analog phones offer better sound quality than digital phones.
The first generation network was designed to carry voice traffic, which has little tolerance for delay.
The third generation prevents the efficient deployment of wireless e-mail, Web browsing and corporate local network access.
Open the brackets and translate the words into English:
The second generation phone has greater (потужність) and (споживають) less power.
Third-generation proposals strive to (подолати) the technical limitation of the preceding technologies.
The main requirements include:
(якість звуку) comparable to that of PSTN;
(більш раціональне використання) of the available spectrum;
(гнучке) introduction of new services and technologies.
Choose words or word combinations from the text to fill in the blanks:
The first mobile telephones were … .
The early analog cell phones are labeled ….
The second generation consume … than their predecessors.
Data services in the second generation networks are more … of network latencies.
The third generation could … churn.
Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:
1. The technology needed to tackle the challenges is known as third generation cellular telephony. 2. Our needs in power will be mostly met by nuclear power in the future. 3. Must our group come to the consultation?-No, your group needn't. 4. Digital phones are less frequent need for battery charging. 5. Our country needs good specialists in all fields of our economy.
From the following choose the words that are most nearly the same in meaning to the bold ones:
support – sustain, refuse, hold up, maintain
overcome – submit, defeat, yield, subdue
encourage – help, depress, strengthen, comfort
efficient – clumsy, useful, awkward, effective
Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words ‘that’ and ‘one’:
1. That variable within the domain A denotes an arbitrary integer. 2. We say that the value of this expression is a function of the value X. 3. This region of Ukraine and that of France are alike in many respects. 4. There is only one solution to this problem. 5. To solve this problem one should know applied mechanics. 6. There is a fixed ratio between this value and that one. 7. One of them could do it.