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Vocabulary comprehension and summary writing

  1. Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.

  1. Why is the usage of cellular network becoming popular and more diversified?

  2. Why is it so important to create a single global standard for cellular network?

  3. Are cellular mobile communication and the World Wide Web closely connected?

  4. What new multimedia services will be required in the future?

  5. What is UMTS?

  6. What is the role of Internet in wireless services?

  7. Why is it very important to meld together information, communications, commerce and entertainment into one large, consolidated industry?

  8. What will improve the consumer Internet access experience?

  9. What are the reasons of development wireless access to the Internet?

  10. Why is wireless a critical component of Internet business strategies?

  11. What will play a dominant role in future mobile communication?

  12. What can you say about the future of the mobile multimedia traffic in the year 2007 and in the year 2010?

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations and write them out:

злиття мобільного зв’язку та мультимедійних засобів в одну структуру; збільшувати; системи 3-го покоління; без провідний доступ; реклама; комерційні цілі; інструменти та засоби; ключовий компонент, великий розмір; можливість.

  1. Give definitions of the following words:

network, cell, multimedia, wireless communication, Internet.

  1. Agree or disagree with the statements given below:

  1. Cellular mobile telecommunication and the World Wide Web are growing slowly.

  2. Users will demand the combination of mobility and multimedia service in one timeframe.

  3. Consumers are accessing the Internet using various devices and various communications now.

  4. Wireless allows service providers and Internet business to shrink their mobile culture and total service consumption.

  5. Internet will become the base for the launch of its services on the mobile side.

  1. Open the brackets and translate the words into English:

  1. The Internet is transitioning from (недорогого) medium for advertising, marketing and customer support.

  2. Tools and facilities are available to (покращити) the consumer Internet access experience.

  3. (Мобільність та швидкість) offered by wireless allows Internet content delivery and commerce to be non-location-specific.

  4. Wireless is (можливість) for Internet business to provide more personalized services.

  5. Internet businesses and service providers develop their Web presence to better (обслуговувати) their customers.

  1. Match English terms with their definitions and learn them by heart:



1. A cellular mobile communications system

a) is the basic geographic unit of a cellular system.

2. Cell

b) is a group of cells.

3. Cluster

c) consists of a large number of low-power wireless transmitters to create cells.

  1. Complete the following sentences:

  1. The most important improvement of the existing cellular network is the creation of ….

  2. The consumers will demand the combination of mobility and … in a foreseeable timeframe.

  3. Now consumers are accessing the Internet using ….

  4. The person-specific nature of wireless allows companies to ….

  5. Location – based facilities allows business to ….

  1. From the following choose the words that are opposable in the meaning to the bold ones:

grow – swell, shrink, increase, decrease

provide – supply, take away, expend, equip

allow – lighten, darken, shadow, brighten

demand – forbid, permit, prohibit, let

  1. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold type:

  1. We must provide all necessary conditions for the experiment.

  2. Old people are provided for by the state in our country.

  3. The plan provides for all types of activities for students if they are full time students.

  4. Wireless allows service providers to increase their mobile culture and total service consumption.

  1. Read the text and grasp its main ideas: