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  1. Find nouns related to the following adjectives:

monstrous, monotonous, jealous, grievous, scandalous, treacherous, rapturous, ridiculous, mischievous, humorous.

  1. Translate the following sentences. Write out adjectives ending in – ous; – eous; – ious; – uous:

    1. He was a great and very ambitious scientist.

    2. The microprocessor is another famous chip that resides in every computer.

    3. There was something incongruous in the words with which the narration ended.

    4. The voices were courteous, silky and just perceptibly tense.

    5. New systems make it possible to encode and compress tremendous flows of visual information.

    6. In the previous section you were given some facts to illustrate this phenomenon.

    7. A faintly contemptuous, faintly triumphant gleam showed in his eyes.

Grammar structure

Verbals in Scientific English

  1. Find in the text sentences containing verbals and translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. Define the functions of the Infinitive, the Gerund and the Participles; translate the sentences.

  1. Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used only for peaceful purposes.

  2. Carrying out the experiment he made use of some new instruments.

  3. Radio and television continue to develop and to find wider application in science and industry.

  4. There was no hope of their solving this complex engineering problem so soon.

  5. We expected the article to be published next year.

  6. The vibrations of a voice speaking into the microphone of a telephone cause vibrations in an electric current.

  7. Electronics enabled scientists to take pictures of the moon.

  8. The operating speeds of these systems will be measured in nano-seconds.

  9. Electronics is not so much a new subject as a new way of looking at electricity.

  1. Translate the following sentences. Note the words which help you to define whether the word with the suffix -ing is a Verbal Noun, a Gerund or a Participle:

1. The building of the house will be finished next month. 2. Using the new method it is possible to increase accuracy and speed of spectral analysis. 3. Our aim is solving this complex problem. 4. In testing the devices they found some serious faults. 5. The growing importance of automatic equipment in industry attracts world-wide attention. 6. Thousands of scientists, using the most modern equipment, are studying the atmosphere. 7. After Hertz had published his experiments proving the existence of electromagnetic waves, A.S.Popov thought of a possibility of using Hertz waves for transmitting signals over a distance. 8. They succeeded in obtaining good results working with this metal. 9. After graduating from Petersburg University A.S.Popov remained there as a post-graduate at the Physics Department.

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the sequence of tenses:

1. The engineer informed that all the equipment was functioning normally. 2. The reporter asked if the scientific group was working out the design of this new installation. 3. The engineer said they would carry out an experiment with the new transistor device. 4. The students asked how the strength of the radio wave had been measured. 5. The newspaper wrote that in the modern world people could not imagine their life without radio and television. 6. I told him that I should let him know the date of the conference. 7. They wished to know what these radio-electronic sys­tems would ensure. 8. The teacher said we might complete our drawings next week. 9. The lecturer said that television played an important role in our life. 10. He wanted to know what powerful radio stations were being built in Ukraine.