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Let's Speak English(Гарагуля).doc
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The student Rob Fellows

Hello! My name’s Rob Fellows. I come from Dundee, a town on the east coast of Scotland, but I’m a student at Durham University, in the north of England. I’m studying French and German, and I can speak the languages quite well. I also know a little Spanish, so I can speak four languages. I’m enjoying the course a lot, but it’s very hard work!

I live in Durham Castle, because the Castle is part of the University, with about thirty other students. The course started two years ago, and I’m in my third year. After the course, I’m going to work in France, but I don’t know where yet.



Foreign students at the Belgorod State Technological University

Many foreign students from many countries study at the Belgorod State Technological University. They can choose from all degree courses taught at the University. The students may become civil engineers, mechanical engineers, chemical engineers, computer engineers, architects, economists, accountants and others.

The course of study at the University lasts 6 years. The first year is mainly spent at the preparatory faculty where foreigners learn Russian and some other subjects necessary for their future profession.

The entrance requirements for the University are complete secondary education equivalent to a Russian eleven-year secondary education and maximum age of 35.

Foreign students enjoy all the privileges of the Russian system of education – highly qualified teaching, the use of reading rooms, libraries and sports and cultural facilities, etc. at the University.


Moscow University

Universities have long been sources of scientific knowledge and culture. Moscow University is the largest and one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Russia. M. Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist, founded it in 1755.

The university trains students with a high degree of culture and knowledge. It has a lot of fine traditions and possesses excellent training facilities. Those studying at the University are students and research workers at the same time.

Sixteen faculties, which embrace 276 departments, train people in 237 specialties.

Practically, all the nationalities of the Russian Federation are represented. Some 75 per cent of the students receive scholarships.

The University’s international ties are numerous and varied. Thousand of foreign students and postgraduates study there. Many university professors and lecturers go abroad to lecture and research. In recent years, they have delivered lectures in many countries including the USA, the UK, France, Canada and other countries.

Moscow University has long-term agreements on cooperation with universities in a number of countries.



Resources of Russia

Russia is among the world’s richest countries in mineral resources. It is the biggest producer of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, as well as iron, ore, copper, zinc, lead, nicked, aluminum, and tin. Russia’s chemical industry is well developed, and the country’s enormous forests are capable of supplying all its wood and paper products. Energy is generated mostly by thermal plants using the country’s vast fossil-fuel reserves. About three-fifths of Russian farmland is used to grow crops; the remainder is given to pasture and meadow. The main product has always been grain-chiefly wheat, rye, barley, and oats – along with such industrial crops as sunflower seeds, sugar, beets, and flax.


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