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Let's Speak English(Гарагуля).doc
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20. Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue.

Oleg: Hello, Yuri.

Yuri: Hello, Oleg. How are you?

Oleg: Not very well, I’m afraid.


Oleg: I’m giving up. I certainly can’t speak English.


Oleg: I try and try but still can’t speak it well.


Oleg: Thank you, Yuri. I’m sure your help will improve things.


Oleg: Thanks again, Yuri. Good-bye.


Discussing the timetable

(Alex, a first-year student, is talking to his tutor – Mr. Ivanov).

Alex: Mr. Ivanov, I would like to clear up a few questions. Will you, please, explain some abbreviations in the timetable?

Mr. I.: With pleasure.

Alex: What does LAB mean?

Mr. I.: It means LABORATORY CLASS. The students may work with machines, or they may carry out experiments and write reports about them there.

Alex: What about LEC?

Mr. I.: That stands for LECTURE CLASS. A professor gives lectures and the students take notes.

Alex: The last abbreviation is SEM.

Mr. I.: It stands for SEMINAR. The professor and the class discuss problems connected with a specific subject. The students frequently prepare reports and read them to the class.

Alex: Do all University courses have examinations?

Mr. I.: Yes, all of them do and students take them twice a year. They are called end-of-term exams.

Alex: Are there any other exams besides these?

Mr. I.: Well, some teachers also give short exams, but these are called end-of-term TESTS.

Alex: What does a student’s final mark depend on?

Mr. I.: It depends on everything: on the examinations, tests, written assignments and often on attendance.

21. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.

22. Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.

1. Your groupmate asks you about your timetable of the first term.

2. You explain the meaning of the following forms of teaching to your groupmate: a class, a lesson, a lecture, a seminar.


23. Listen to the Text “Student Life” about Oleg Petrov’s study at the Belgorod State Technological University.

a) Answer the questions that follow.

1. Oleg Petrov is in his second year, isn’t he?

2. What faculty does he study at?

3. Does he live with his parents?

4. Is he a part-time student or a correspondence student?

5. Why is Oleg a diligent student?

6. What subjects does he take?

7. Is he a book-lover?

8. Where does Petrov prefer doing his homework?

9. What has Oleg recently become interested in?

10. Why will he surely make a good researcher?

b) Retell the story about Oleg Petrov.

c) Read Tapescript 1A of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

d) Tell your groupmates about one of your friends studying at another higher educational institution.

24. Listen to the Text “The Student Rob Fellows” about Rob who is a student in England.

Study the following commentary:

Dundee [‘dΛndi] – Данди, город в Шотландии

Durham University [‘dΛrэm] – Даремский университет, расположенный в городе Дареме, в Англии, основан в 1832 г.

Castle [ka:sl] – замок, дворец.

a) Fill in the chart.

The place Rob comes from

University he goes to

The course he takes

The time he started his course

The languages he studies/ knows

The number of students living in Durham Castle

The year of study he is in

His plans for the future

b) Check your answers with your groupmates.

c) Read Tapescript 1B of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

d) Retell the story.


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