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Let's Speak English(Гарагуля).doc
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12. Read Text 10c and answer the following questions.

1. What do people call New York?

2. What is the historical background of New York?

3. What are the advantages of New York?

4. What makes people call New York the “Modern Babylon”?

5. Where does the Statue of Liberty stand?

6. Is New York a multinational city?

7. What is Manhattan like?

8. What are Greenwich Village and the East Village famous for?

9. Why is New York so important for Americans?

10. Why is New York a city of contrasts?

13. Consider the following statements and say if you agree or disagree with them. Use the introductory phrases mentioned in the previous Units.

1. The Indians named the island “Manhatta” meaning “They deceived us”.

2. Immigrants entered America through California.

3. Liberty island is situated near the southern part of Manhattan Island.

4. New York includes six boroughs.

5. The United States complex is located on the west side.

6. Broadway plays are performed in Radio Music City Hall.

7. The Security Council is situated for away from New York.

8. The streets of New York are not meaningful.

9. Buses and subways of New York run during the day time.

10. New York has not only exclusive and expensive hotels, apartment houses, restaurants, and shops but also the homeless and the addicted.

14. Speak on the following subjects.

1. The history of New York.

2. New York is the “Gateway of America”.

3. Present-day New York.

4. The places of interest of New York.

15. Read Text 10c again. Give a brief outline of the information each paragraph contains.

16. Make a story about the United States of America based on the information given in the above Texts. Speaking


American cities

Teacher: Can you name the most important cities in the USA?

Student: I think I can, but you’ll have to help me a bit.

T.: Oh, I’m sure you are able to do so without my help. Well, go ahead!

S.: The capital of the USA, Washington, D.C., should be mentioned first.

T.: Right! It’s good that you started with the capital.

S.: Then comes New York, which is the largest city and seaport in the USA.

T.: What about Chicago?

S.: Chicago is the second largest city in the US. It’s an important center of heavy industry.

T.: Do you happen to know what Chicago produces?

S.: It produces different electrical and agricultural machines.

T.: It’s also famous for its tinned meat industry, isn’t it?

S.: It is, yes. And after Chicago comes Detroit, a large city in Michigan. Detroit is one of the biggest producers in the motor-car industry.

T.: You are right! Detroit produces millions of car. Now say a few words about Baltimore, will you?

S.: Baltimore is a large port city in northern Maryland and a shipbuilding center.

T.: And it is also a big center of the aircraft, electronics, chemical, electrical and food industries.

S.: I think we should also mention Boston, which is a large seaport and shipbuilding center.

T.: Boston also produces aeroplanes, chemical, electronic and other machines.

S.: Another shipbuilding and machine building center of the USA is Philadelphia.

T.: Philadelphia is also famous for its agricultural and food industries.

S.: San Francisco is a large port and shipbuilding center, the second largest city in California. Los Angeles is a port in southern California, the third largest city in the United States.

T.: What is Los Angeles famous for?

S.: It’s famous for Hollywood, the center of the motion-picture industry in the US.

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