- •Kazan – the capital of universiade 2013 What is the Universiade?
- •What will Universiade 2013 give to Kazan?
- •Where will Universiade 2013 be held? Republic of Tatarstan
- •Kazan, City of Universiade 2013
- •Universiade Sports Compulsory sports / Обязательные виды спорта
- •Optional sports / Дополнительные виды спорта
- •Sports in Kazan
- •Sights and historical places in kazan
- •Traditions and cultural life in tatarstan
- •Tatar and russian national cuisine
- •Souvenirs
- •Phrase-book for the universiade volunteers
- •Greetings / Приветствия
- •Acquaintance. Introducing people. Possible answers / Знакомство. Представление людей. Возможные ответы
- •Questions about origin, nationality, language / Вопросы о происхождении, национальности, языке
- •Asking the time / Вопросы о времени
- •Gratitude. Possible answers / Благодарность. Возможные ответы
- •Invitations. Making arrangements / Приглашение. Назначение встречи.
- •Congratulations. Good wishes / Поздравления. Добрые пожелания.
- •Sample dialogues / образцы диалогов Greetings / Приветствия
- •Acquaintance. Introducing people. Possible answers / Знакомство. Представление людей. Возможные ответы
- •Questions about origin, nationality, language / Вопросы о происхождении, национальности, языке
- •Asking the way / Как найти дорогу?
- •Asking the time / Вопросы о времени
- •Gratitude. Possible answers / Благодарность. Возможные ответы
- •Invitations. Making arrangements / Приглашение. Назначение встречи.
- •Consent (Refusal) / Выражение согласия (несогласия)
- •Congratulations. Good wishes / Поздравления. Добрые пожелания.
- •Farewell / Прощание
Учебное пособие для волонтеров и экскурсоводов
на английском языке
Беляева Е.Н., Тимирясова Л.Б.
Казань – столица Универсиады 2013г.
(Kazan – the capital of Universiade 2013) 3
Достопримечательности и исторические места Казани
(Sights and historical places of Kazan) 7
Традиции и культурная жизнь Татарстана
(Traditions and cultural life in Tatarstan) 10
Татарская и русская национальная кухня
(Tatar and Russian national cuisine) 12
(Souvenirs) 13
Разговорник волонтера Универсиады
(Phrase-book for the Universiade volunteers) 14
Образцы диалогов
(Sample dialogues) 31
Kazan – the capital of universiade 2013 What is the Universiade?
The Universiade or World Students Games is viewed by many as second only to the Olympics in terms of importance.
What will Universiade 2013 give to Kazan?
It’s a great honor for each city to host such a signifcant sport event. Kazan will receive the attention not only of the world sport community, but also media, trade and business, tourism and sport industry.
The Universiade will bring additional investment capital, stimulate city development, and increase job opportunities for the people of Kazan. Kazan is experiencing a construction boom, especially in new sport venues.
During the preparation period Kazan will develop a powerful sport infrastructure; it will make life of youth and students more healthy and vivid.
Where will Universiade 2013 be held? Republic of Tatarstan
Tatarstan is located in the central part of Russia on the junction point of the two largests rivers in Europe – the Volga and theKama. Territory of Tatarstan is 68 000 sq.km. Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Representatives of more than 70 nationalities live in Tatarstan; most numerous are Tatars and Russians. The Republic has two official languages: Tatar and Russian. Aproccimately 3.8 million people live in Tatarstan.
Tatarstan is one of the most highly developed regions of Russia. It’s main industries are: oil and petrochemicals, aircraft building and mechanical engineering, while it’s main natural esources are oil, water and land.
Kazan, City of Universiade 2013
Kazan is the capital of the Tatarstan Republic and one of the largest economic, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. The city is situated on the left bank of the Volga River and both banks of the Kazanka River. It occupies the territory of 425,3 square kilometers and has a population of 1,2 million people, represented by more than 100 nationalities. Thirty-five percent of Kazan’s population is younger than 30. Kazan celebrated its millenium on the 30th of August, 2005.
Today Kazan is a dynamic, rapidly developing industrial, scientific, and trading center. As a city with unique historical monuments, Kazan is listed in the UNESCO of World Heritage list. In 2004 Kazan was acknowledged as the best city of Russia and won the award «Russian National Olympus». Kazan was branded as «Russia’s third capital».
Kazan is situated on the north-west of the Republic of Tatarstan in the junction of Volga and Kazanka rivers. It’s 1.2 hour flight from Moscow to Kazan by airplane, 10 hours by train or 5 days by ship.
Kazan, with its marvelous Kremlin, mosques, churches and rich museums, is a unique place of interest, included among the Volga River tourist rout. Kazan is also a city of theatres, museums, music, international festivals, rich libraries, newest technologies, business partnerships and science.
Kazan is an attractive region for foreign investors. Today there are more than one hundred foreign invested enterprises and also 150 representatives of foreign firms. Large international conferences, among them EBRD (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development) and COWHC (Congress of Organizations of World Heritage Cities), were held in Kazan. There are two world-known giants of aircraft industry in the city: the “Kazan Aircraft Production Association” and the “Kazan Helicopter Plant” Joint Stock Company.
Kazan is one of the most important educational and cultural centers of Russia, including many museums, libraries, concerts halls, theatres, and featuring the “Hermitage-Kazan” centre – a branch of the well-known Saint Petersburg museum. There are also numerous cinemas, night clubs, restaurants, pictures galleries, two aqua-parks, the Circus, and the Zoo.
Kazan is one of Russia’s major scientific and educational centers and the second biggest city by the number of students. There are about forty institutions of higher education here; among them, Kazan State University, founded in 1804. One of the most important features of education is the possibility to study in Tatar language.