- •Topic for independent study
- •Assignments:
- •Seminar 2 Topics for discussion in class
- •Assignments:
- •Seminar 3 Topics for discussion in class
- •Topic for independent study
- •Assignments:
- •Seminar 4 Topics for discussion in class
- •Topic for independent study
- •Assignments:
- •Seminar 5 Topics for discussion in class
- •Topics for independent study
- •Assignments:
- •Seminar 6 Topics for discussion in class
- •Topic for independent study
- •Assignments:
- •Seminar 7 Topics for discussion in class
- •Assignments:
- •Ps. The topics for independent studies will be included in the examination questions. Texts for analysis beowulf
- •Comments
- •The story of isaac's deceit
- •Comments
- •The canterbury tales Prologue
- •Comments
History of english
School of English and Interpreting
3rd year
Seminar 1
Topics for discussion in class
Old English (OE) alphabets (their origin and structure).
The OE sound system.
OE vowels (pronunciation, changes of the OE vowels: i-mutation, breaking, lengthening).
OE consonants (pronunciation, Grimm's and Verner's Laws, the allophones of OE fricatives).
Rastorguyeva T.A. A History of English. Ch. III § 57–61, Ch. VI § 102–103, Ch. VII § 111–113, Ch. VIII § 114–147. P. 37–42, 63–65, 71–90.
Topic for independent study
The historical background of English.
Rastorguyeva T.A. A History of English. Ch. V § 89–101, Ch. XI § 279–301, Ch. XII § 309–344. P. 55–63, 65–71, 149–179.
Compare the alphabets used by the Anglo-Saxons by compiling the table:
Features |
The Runic alphabet |
The Latin alphabet |
Origin/Introduction |
Structure* |
The principle of writing |
* Speak on the number of characters, their peculiar features or the peculiar characters.
Read The Story of Isaac's Deceit by ælfric (A Reader in the History of English. P. 21–22).
Copy the words with the fricative letters s, f, þ or ð and the letters h and h from The Story of Isaac's Deceit (sentences 1–2) and transcribe them. Comment on the sound values represented by these letters.
Do assignments 1, 2 on the given text (A Reader in the History of English. P. 22).
Seminar 2 Topics for discussion in class
The Old English nominal system. Form-building means used in the OE nominal system.
Grammatical categories of OE nouns, adjectives and pronouns in comparison.
The main features of the declensions:
in nouns (the basis of morphological classification, characteristics of a-, n-, r- and root-stems);
in demonstrative pronouns;
in personal pronouns;
in adjectives (the basis of morphological classification).
Rastorguyeva T.A. A History of English. Ch. IX § 148–188. P. 92–108.
Provide examples of different synthetic form-building means used in the OE nominal parts of speech from The Story of Isaac's Deceit (sentences 5–9).
Make a list of grammatical categories for OE nouns, adjectives and pronouns and state the differences between them by compiling the following table:
Grammatical categories |
Noun |
Adjective/ Participle |
Pronoun |
Commentary |
Personal |
Demonstrative |
Gender |
Number |
Case |
Person |
Degree of comparison |
Determinateness |
Do assignments 4, 7, 12 on The Story of Isaac's Deceit by ælfric (A Reader in the History of English. P. 23).
Study the model of grammar and etymological analysis of an OE text (A Reader in the History of English. P. 50–51) and analyse the grammar of the nominal parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals) from The Story of Isaac's Deceit according to the model.