Chapter 18 limitations of stabilization policy
Key terms – matching and translation.
Read aloud the key term and its definition so that they make up a single sentence. (Remember about the agreement between the subject and the predicate!). Translate the sentences you have arrived at from English into Russian.
Text translation.
Translate the text from English into Russian in writing paying particular attention to the translation of the economic terms in bold as well as words and phrases relevant to the subject of the text. Read out your translation in class and introduce the necessary corrections.
Limitations of stabilization policy
Chapter Objectives
After you have read and studied this chapter you should be able to explain the difficulties for macroeconomic policymaking posed by such factors as missed timing, improper dosages of stimulation or contraction, and how private adjustments may frustrate even well intended discretionary policymaking; discuss the ways that policymaking may be misused to introduce "political" business cycles and a long-term trend for growth in government relative to the private sector; discuss incomes policies and their possible effects on the economy; and discuss national economic planning and national industrial policy, and how they apply to the United States.
Chapter Review: Key Points
Macroeconomic policymaking is at least as much art as it is a science. A multitude of problems preclude perfect analysis and policy.
A recognition lag occurs because it takes time to get even a modestly accurate picture of changes in the state of the economy. An administrative (implementation) lag exists because it takes a while to get the tax and monetary machinery in gear even when policymakers’ plans are made. An impact lag confounds the proper timing of policy; the economy budges only stubbornly to the prods of the policymakers' tools. These lags, which may be long and variable, may cause discretionary policy to be more destabilizing than stabilizing.
Lack of precise knowledge about recessionary gaps, inflationary gaps, and GNP gaps, as well as uncertainty about multipliers and velocity, mean that estimating the correct doses of monetary and fiscal medicine is extremely difficult.
Some modern Keynesians challenge the long-term effectiveness of monetary policy, arguing that adjustments in financial technologies will ultimately insulate financial institutions and make monetary tools inoperative.
Incumbents’ re-election prospects improve as per capita disposable income grows immediately prior to elections. There is some evidence that policymakers try to manipulate Aggregate Demand to enhance their positions in the eyes of voters, which induces political business cycles.
Critics of Keynesian fiscal policies also suggest that the government grows relative to the private sector because policymakers increase spending and cut taxes during downturns, but neither cut spending nor restore taxes, however, during periods of prosperity or inflation.
Intentional recessions can decompress accumulated inflationary pressures and inflationary expectations. However, recessions tend to be very hard on political incumbents, so many politicians favor incomes policies of various sorts.
Incomes policies (mandatory wage-price freezes or controls, voluntary guidelines, or “jawboning”) muzzle the effectiveness of the price system, creating shortages and widespread misallocations of resources.
The more involved a country is in international trade and finance, the less will be the impact of any given monetary or fiscal policy because the effects are diffused by foreign markets.
Vocabulary practice: switching.
Get ready for an oral (written) translation exercise based on the economic terms in bold, as well as other relevant words and phrases from the text.
Cost-plus pricing; противодействовать кредитно-денежной политике; contraction; сокращать расходы;
frustrate discretionary policymaking; get sth in gear; разрыв ВНП; national industrial policy; непосредственно перед выборами; impact lag; в глазах избирателей; improper dosages; политика регулирования доходов; накопившееся инфляционное давление; administration lag; принять изменение в политике; alter the course of policy; быть затруднительным для политика, занимающего должность и баллотирующегося вновь; get the tax and monetary machinery in gear заниматься международной финансовой деятельностью; budge stubbornly; by a fixed percentage to prices; challenge (verb); confound; вызывать, инициировать наступление политического цикла деловой активности; correct dose; ожидания роста цен, инфляционные ожидания; wage-price controls; инфляционный разрыв; inoperative monetary tool; insulate financial institutions; умышленно вызванный экономический спад; international finance; внешняя торговля, международная торговля; нажим сверху на деловые, банковские круги или на потребителей; period of prosperity; инструменты, применяемые лицами, определяющими политику; political business cycle; pose difficulties; распылить, размыть результаты (воздействия), последствия деятельности; preclude perfect analysis; корректировка, производимая негосударственными органами; decompress inflationary pressures; political incumbents; enhance one’s positions; свидетельство, доказательство; favor(verb); кредитно-финансовое учреждение; financial insulation; налогово-бюджетная политика; inflationary pressures; зарубежные рынки сбыта; prod; выбор подходящего времени; recessionary gap; лаг обнаружения; relative to; восстанавливать (прежний уровень) налогов; set price; состояние экономики; стимулирование; stringent incomes policy; потребовать некоторого времени на выполнение чего-то; финансовые механизмы и механизмы налогообложения; недостаточное стимулирование экономики; underestimate multipliers; непостоянные, изменчивые лаги (задержки); lack of precise knowledge about sth; long-term effectiveness; missed timing; картина, представленная с недостаточно высокой точностью; денежно-кредитные и налогово-бюджетные средства терапии; monetary tool; мультипликатор; multitude of problems; muzzle the effectiveness; национальное планирование экономики; избыточное применение мер воздействия на экономику; overestimate economy’s capacity; располагаемый доход на душу населения (доход, остающийся после уплаты налогов); velocity; долгосрочная тенденция к росту; mandatory wage-price freezes; воздействовать на совокупный спрос; формирование (ведение) политики недолжным образом; mark up costs; misallocations of resources; волюнтаристские руководящие указания; замораживание заработной платы рабочих и служащих; well intended policymaking=политика, преследующая благие цели; годы, кратные 4.