- •Weathering the storm
- •Helicopter rescue mission
- •'Just in case something happens'
- •Captain was trying to get around Sandy, says wife
- •Anxious hours for father
- •Hms Bounty captain search conditions improving cbc News Posted: Oct 31, 2012 12:38 pm at Robin Walbridge missing since tall ship sank in Hurricane Sandy
- •Body of deckhand recovered
UPDATED NEWS!!!!!!!! We received a distress call for Bounty at 1830 Sunday evening October 28th that the Ship lost power and the pumps were unable to keep up with the dewatering. At that time we immediately contacted the USCG for assistance. A C130 was sent to there position approximately 90 miles SE of Cape Hatteras. Sunday morning approximately 0400, the Captain ordered all hands to abandon ship. There were 16 Crew on board. The USCG dispatched helicopters to rescue the brave crew. At this time, 14 of the 16 crew members have been safely returned to land and are in good health. We are saddened to report that there is still one crew member missing and one crew member that did not make it. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family of the crew member that is no longer with us. The USCG is continuing their efforts to search for the missing crew member and we are praying for a safe return. Please keep them in your prayers! We will keep everyone informed as info becomes available.
Bounty-Forum http://www.tallshipbounty.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=587
Weathering the storm
Author: Forum Administrator [ Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:47 pm ]
Bounty spent this past weekend in New London, CT. and left yesterday to head south to St Petersburg, Fla. We had a great time during our stay and spent time with some of the U.S. Navy on the ship. While we were there this week we took out the crew of the USS Mississippi for a sailing lesson. They were part of our crew climbing the rigging and furling sails. It was great! Thank you for joining us. Bounty is 100 miles off shore and is running 8.6 knots on a course south by west. First heading due East to avoid the brunt of the storm. We have the best Captain to ever sail the 7 seas! We will keep you posted of her progress. God speed and may the winds be fairer than expected.
Author: ziora [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:59 am ]
Traci, It looks as though the Bounty has turned and is facing into the storm... could you kindly explain the rationale of this? Thanks. Ziora
Author: BarbaraH [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:49 pm ]
As long as Sandy doesn't turn toward shore sooner than expected, it looks like they're out of the worst of it. It must be an incredibly gnarly ride though.
Author: ziora [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:12 am ]
UPDATE: Coast Guard responds to vessel in distress 160 miles from hurricane's centerPORTSMOUTH, Va. — The Coast Guard has received word that the crew of the HMS Bounty has abandoned ship approximately 90 miles southeast of Hatteras N.C., Monday. The 17 person crew donned cold water survival suits and lifejackets before launching in two 25-man lifeboats with canopies. The Coast Guard continues to monitor the situation and assess the weather conditions to determine the soonest Coast Guard aircraft or surface assets can be on scene to conduct effective rescue operations. Coast Guard Sector North Carolina initially received a call from the owner of the 180-foot, three mast tall ship, HMS Bounty, saying she had lost communication with the vessel's crew late Sunday evening. The Coast Guard 5th District command center in Portsmouth subsequently received a signal from the emergency position indicating radio beacon registered to the Bounty, confirming the distress and position. An air crew from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City launched aboard an HC-130 Hercules aircraft, which later arrived on scene and reestablished communications with the Bounty's crew. The vessel was reportedly taking on water and was without propulsion. On scene weather is reported to be 40 mph winds and 18-foot seas. ************* our prayers are with you Captain and crew
Author: Kate [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:54 pm ]
This is truly terrible news and I Pray for the safety of the Captain and all the Crew..In my thoughts and prayers till I know you are all safe and well.....Kate
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BOUNTY CAUGHT IN THE STORM: CREW RESCUED http://www.tallshipbounty.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=588 Page 1 of 1
Author: Forum Administrator [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:31 am ]
This is a sad day. The storm hit the ship pretty bad. One of the generators failed and the ship was taking on more water than it wanted. Distress call was sent out and the coastguard rescued ALL 17 crew. We are very thankful for that. Bounty was left at sea to fend for herself with the prayers of many. May God protect the ship from sinking! DON'T GIVE UP! kEEP THE PRAYERS COMING. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. We will let you know how things are progressing with the ship. Thank you for your prayers. To our wonderful Captain Robin: You did a great job and the very best that you could. Thank you for your efforts and keeping the crew safe. God bless you sir.
Author: ziora [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:02 pm ]
http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/ID/2297933361/ Apparently 2 members missing...Captain Robin being one of them
Author: Kate [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:49 pm ]
To all visitors who view this thread....Post a message of Prayers for the safety of those who have been onboard the Bounty.....Kate
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Bounty crew member found dead, captain still missing
CBC News Posted: Oct 29, 2012 6:49 AM AT
3 crew members washed overboard in stormy seas
The U.S. Coast Guard has recovered the body of a woman from the HMS Bounty replica sinking.
Claudene Christian, 42, was located by an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter Monday evening. Her body was taken to Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City, N.C. The hospital confirmed the death of Christian to CBC News.
Christian was one of two crew members of the Nova Scotia-built replica vessel who went missing after abandoning ship off the coast of North Carolina in high seas brought on by Hurricane Sandy.
The search for Robin Walbridge, captain of the ship, will continue through the night.
Officials with the U.S. Coast Guard told CBC News the 16-member crew of the Bounty decided to abandon ship after getting caught in 5.5-metre seas off Cape Hatteras on Monday.
Three crew members were washed overboard as they tried to get to two covered life-rafts, said the U.S. Coast Guard. Only one of the three members made it to the life-raft and was among the 14 people hoisted onto helicopters.
Coast guard officials said the two missing crew members — a man and a woman — were believed to be in cold water survival suits and life-jackets. They said the air search is being plotted based on wind direction and speed, and will be expanded.
The Bounty sank several hours after the evacuation.
The U.S. Coast Guard was originally told 17 people were on the Bounty, but now say 16 people were on board. Officials have spoken to all 14 survivors and say they're all "in good shape."
A U.S. Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter arrived on scene at approximately 6:30 a.m. and hoisted five people from the life-rafts. A second helicopter arrived later and rescued nine more people.