Владимир В. » 17.07.2017 в 15:35
Кстати, а вам не нужны случайно материалы по английскому на историческую тему, а то у меня тут есть один, написанный мной (чтобы было все честно, я писал только по памяти)?
Siberia is (in essence) the huge valley in the form of a cup, situated between the Urals and the East Siberia, filled up not only with forests and swamps, but also and rivers and rocks (they stayed after the last ice age).
Itself Siberia's mastering was beginning still from the Moscovia's times, and maybe by Ivan Terrible's order. Main purpose: furs, afterwards minerals (first of all gold, necessary to the Russian treasure), also and wood, including also and constant battles against the insolent Siberian khan Kuchum.
Exactly Ermak as the first man was begining the Siberia's mastering, and this was not at all merry stroll: swamps, boundless forests, heat and cold, mud in spring, native tribes with bows and spears, borring insects and constant illness in his detachment (in one word, very hard trial).
A lot of animals inhabits in the Siberia: not only wolves, foxes, brown bears, including and dangerous vipper, but also and deer, elks, wild boars, badgers, various moles and zealous beavers, building their dams, and if to speak about fishes, then these are whitefishes, white salmons, omuls, salmons and other.
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